To those who just bitch to death about the poor getting something for nothing, congrats Obama's taking care of it. Its a start but we're getting somewhere.
Most people who get food stamps are the working poor with children.
Every revolution in history was caused by starvation (except America's which is interesting in itself). It's in all our interests to prevent starvation, and seriously, is it so bad to lend a small hand to those who truly need it? One night at a club is more than a year's worth of our contributions to food stamps. I for one can afford it.
okay, I'll ask: WTF does this have to do with strip clubs? or has this place suddenly become yet-another place for people to throw out the political 'opinions'?
Unfortunately a lot of people here and around the country are too high nosed to understand that. You can't just get food stamps for free anymore. You actually have to be working to get it, its not just a take system. These days none of your thugs or gangsters have food stamps, just your working adults with kids, or those college students who live on their own for survival not luxury. Those kids usually always have come from terrible life situations more than likely out of their control. Same with other non college work people.
I know a kid who's in college and has his own place only because he aged out of foster care after 16 years of bouncing from home to home. Wasn't his fault, he just got shitty caretakers and now had to find a place to stay. He is now on welfare. But he's working (kind of have to to get food stamps) anf schooling...and black just to break a stereotype or two. There's plenty of people like that but a lot of Americans lump the poor on welfare as lazy nogetters looking for an easy out.
I'll be the first to admit that I can be hard and sometimes not very emphatic to people on welfare. Most of this has to deal with my upbringing and also my experiences working as a bill collector for a utility company many years ago. If more stories circulated about the college kid that bounced around from foster home to foster home, my eyes would be a little more open. With food stamps out and cards in, it also makes corruption less rampant. If we are the Christian nation that the religious right claims that we are, then we need to be more understanding and compassionate.
We need to talk about because war drums are beating. In many comments to articles, there is talk of civil war. Not cuz Obama is black, but because people are getting screwed out of jobs, their homes, their bank accounts, etc.
Add to that the muslim uprising happening across africa and now reaching into asia minor. It is happening here too though I certainly HOPE there is more tolerance here.
It will start off as crime, and then some one will say fuck the police. The media and government will portray it as "workplace violence" (ala Ft Hood) - but many people know the problem is bigger that that.
There is all kinds of US money going out of the country in terms of war funding (outside the budget), foreign aid, manufacturing, services, etc. There is a lot of stuff happening that has never happened before and that is not counting the economy in the dumps.
I personally know people who are stocking up food, protected living areas, buying gold and yes, guns. I don't think I am in the crazy element - these are people with master's degrees in technical fields!
If the educated (especially in the "leftist" schools we have these days) are doing it - one has to give some credibility to the threat, whatever it may be.
"WTF does this have to do with strip clubs? or has this place suddenly become yet-another place for people to throw out the political 'opinions'?"
Well bring in a Moderator who will FORCE the membership to stick to STRICTLY Club related threads posted. Otherwise as long as the Founder doesn't enforce any rules about threads posted, you will get all kinds of threads - Good - Bad - Indifferent - and plain STUPID!
@rockSstar666 - regarding your comment "I for one can afford it."
The problem is we can't afford to have 17% of the population on SNAP. It seems like we can because we aren't really paying as we go. No, we are accumulating massive amounts of debt to pay for it. Debt, which will have a negative impact on all of us in the long run.
If our tax rates actually equaled what the nation was spending, we would work to find real solutions to problems, instead it is all a facade.
Actually we could afford 17% of the pop on SNAP. What we can't do is that plus maintaining the world's most powerful military, an empire (well...we don't call it that but it is) that stretches worldwide and many other things.
Here is an option. The government subsidizes strip clubs. Any hot chicks can enroll in a program when they turn 18 and they get support for life. 5 years of groovy BBBJs and anything else to make America a happy happy place and you get a permanent stipend.
Wouldn't you like that more than a stupid guided missile cruiser and bunch of F-35s?
Debt is not just from 17% of people being fed in America. You forget prison upkeep, corrupt politics, evasive wealthy taxpayers, excessive use of police force just to name a few. Cannot just blame the poor. Now what if we took away welfare completely? I mean all of welfare, supportive housing/section 8, food stamps, shelter homes (its free aid for the dirt poor) and whatever else is there. How do you expect those in lower class to keep up with the nation. Inflation rises faster than yeast but the minimum wage does not. At a certain point not even joint housing families (for the few who even have families these days), will be able to afford the basics. That is food clothing and shelter. And that means a lot more homeless people, much harder education achievements for new generation and probably much less workers in minimum wage jobs since no free healthcare means less healthy people.
What are you gonna do, ship the poor to another country or something? You just lost a huge percentage of americans and somebody STILL has to do the minimum wage jobs eventually recreating a cycle. I mean that is if those highly educated are willing. You need your poor people or we can just turn America from a democracy to a Absolute monarchy. ..or dictatorship. Whichever fits the bill. Working great for Cuba and North Korea thus far.
last had to be done.
Every revolution in history was caused by starvation (except America's which is interesting in itself). It's in all our interests to prevent starvation, and seriously, is it so bad to lend a small hand to those who truly need it? One night at a club is more than a year's worth of our contributions to food stamps. I for one can afford it.
I know a kid who's in college and has his own place only because he aged out of foster care after 16 years of bouncing from home to home. Wasn't his fault, he just got shitty caretakers and now had to find a place to stay. He is now on welfare. But he's working (kind of have to to get food stamps) anf schooling...and black just to break a stereotype or two. There's plenty of people like that but a lot of Americans lump the poor on welfare as lazy nogetters looking for an easy out.
Add to that the muslim uprising happening across africa and now reaching into asia minor. It is happening here too though I certainly HOPE there is more tolerance here.
It will start off as crime, and then some one will say fuck the police. The media and government will portray it as "workplace violence" (ala Ft Hood) - but many people know the problem is bigger that that.
There is all kinds of US money going out of the country in terms of war funding (outside the budget), foreign aid, manufacturing, services, etc. There is a lot of stuff happening that has never happened before and that is not counting the economy in the dumps.
I personally know people who are stocking up food, protected living areas, buying gold and yes, guns. I don't think I am in the crazy element - these are people with master's degrees in technical fields!
If the educated (especially in the "leftist" schools we have these days) are doing it - one has to give some credibility to the threat, whatever it may be.
Well bring in a Moderator who will FORCE the membership to stick to STRICTLY Club related threads posted. Otherwise as long as the Founder doesn't enforce any rules about threads posted, you will get all kinds of threads - Good - Bad - Indifferent - and plain STUPID!
The problem is we can't afford to have 17% of the population on SNAP. It seems like we can because we aren't really paying as we go. No, we are accumulating massive amounts of debt to pay for it. Debt, which will have a negative impact on all of us in the long run.
If our tax rates actually equaled what the nation was spending, we would work to find real solutions to problems, instead it is all a facade.
Here is an option. The government subsidizes strip clubs. Any hot chicks can enroll in a program when they turn 18 and they get support for life. 5 years of groovy BBBJs and anything else to make America a happy happy place and you get a permanent stipend.
Wouldn't you like that more than a stupid guided missile cruiser and bunch of F-35s?
Did that bring it back to the strippers?
Well, that's an easy one to answer. Just about every stripper I've known gets food stamps. And I'm even talking about the ones making 6 figures.
What are you gonna do, ship the poor to another country or something? You just lost a huge percentage of americans and somebody STILL has to do the minimum wage jobs eventually recreating a cycle. I mean that is if those highly educated are willing. You need your poor people or we can just turn America from a democracy to a Absolute monarchy. ..or dictatorship. Whichever fits the bill. Working great for Cuba and North Korea thus far.