
Why couldn't we have teachers like this when we were in school

Wednesday, January 16, 2013 6:19 AM
Stacie Halas, California Teacher Fired For Porn Star Past, Loses Appeal

OXNARD, Calif. -- A middle-school science teacher fired after students learned she had appeared in pornographic movies had hoped not just to get her job back, but to set a precedent for people looking to escape an embarrassing personal history.
A three-judge commission put a decisive stop to both, saying firmly and unanimously that Stacie Halas should not be in the classroom.
"We were hoping we could show you could overcome your past," Halas lawyer Richard Schwab said Tuesday. "I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody."
Judge Julie Cabos-Owen said such a past matters in an age when technology makes porn easy to access and hard to bury.
"Although her pornography career has concluded, the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede her from being an effective teacher and respected colleague," Cabos-Owen said in the 46-page decision issued Friday by the Commission on Professional Competence.
Halas, 32, was continually deceitful about her nine-month career in porn before she went to work at the school, the judges said.
Schwab said Halas "was being honest and forthright, but was embarrassed and humiliated by her past experience in the adult industry."
Halas was fired in April from her job as a science teacher at Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard after online videos of her in porn were discovered by students and teachers.
Student claims that the teacher was moonlighting as a porn star were initially dismissed after school officials said they couldn't find any images of her on the Internet – but they were using the school's computers, which don't allow access to porn.

Teachers then showed administrators downloads of Halas' sex videos from their smartphones.

In hearings, former assistant principal Wayne Saddler testified that at the start of a sex video, Halas talked about being a teacher and he felt her effectiveness in the classroom had been compromised.

After rumors of her performance surfaced, profanity was etched on Halas' classroom window, a teacher testified.

Schwab has said Halas did not star in pornographic movies while teaching in any district. He said she took parts only during an eight-month period from 2005 to 2006 because of financial problems after her boyfriend abandoned her.

District superintendent Jeff Chancer applauded the commission's ruling.

Halas' decision to "engage in pornography was incompatible with her responsibilities as a role model for students," Chancer said in a statement.

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Stacie Halas, California Teacher Fired For Porn Star Past, Loses Appeal

01/16/13 04:33 AM ET EST







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Porn Star Teacher Fired, Porn Star Teacher Trial, Stacie Halas, Stacie Halas Fired, Stacie Halas Porn, Stacie Halas Teacher, Stacie Halas Trial, Education News

OXNARD, Calif. -- A middle-school science teacher fired after students learned she had appeared in pornographic movies had hoped not just to get her job back, but to set a precedent for people looking to escape an embarrassing personal history.

A three-judge commission put a decisive stop to both, saying firmly and unanimously that Stacie Halas should not be in the classroom.

"We were hoping we could show you could overcome your past," Halas lawyer Richard Schwab said Tuesday. "I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody."

Judge Julie Cabos-Owen said such a past matters in an age when technology makes porn easy to access and hard to bury.

"Although her pornography career has concluded, the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede her from being an effective teacher and respected colleague," Cabos-Owen said in the 46-page decision issued Friday by the Commission on Professional Competence.

Halas, 32, was continually deceitful about her nine-month career in porn before she went to work at the school, the judges said.

Schwab said Halas "was being honest and forthright, but was embarrassed and humiliated by her past experience in the adult industry."

Halas was fired in April from her job as a science teacher at Haydock Intermediate School in Oxnard after online videos of her in porn were discovered by students and teachers.

Student claims that the teacher was moonlighting as a porn star were initially dismissed after school officials said they couldn't find any images of her on the Internet – but they were using the school's computers, which don't allow access to porn.

Teachers then showed administrators downloads of Halas' sex videos from their smartphones.

In hearings, former assistant principal Wayne Saddler testified that at the start of a sex video, Halas talked about being a teacher and he felt her effectiveness in the classroom had been compromised.

After rumors of her performance surfaced, profanity was etched on Halas' classroom window, a teacher testified.

Schwab has said Halas did not star in pornographic movies while teaching in any district. He said she took parts only during an eight-month period from 2005 to 2006 because of financial problems after her boyfriend abandoned her.

District superintendent Jeff Chancer applauded the commission's ruling.

Halas' decision to "engage in pornography was incompatible with her responsibilities as a role model for students," Chancer said in a statement.

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Porn star teacher loses appeal

Posted on: 8:04 am, January 16, 2013, by Web Staff, updated on: 08:41am, January 16, 2013










OXNARD, Calif. — A porn star turned middle-school science teacher who was fired after students learned she had appeared in adult movies had hoped to get her job back and to hopefully set a precedent for people looking to escape an embarrassing personal history.

On Tuesday, a three-judge commission put a decisive stop to both, saying firmly and unanimously that Stacie Halas should not be in the classroom, the Associated Press reported.

“We were hoping we could show you could overcome your past,” Halas lawyer Richard Schwab said Tuesday. “I think she's representative of a lot of people who may have a past that may not involve anything illegal or anything that hurts anybody.”

Judge Julie Cabos-Owen said such a past matters in an age when technology makes porn easy to access and hard to bury.

“Although her pornography career has concluded, the ongoing availability of her pornographic materials on the Internet will continue to impede her from being an effective teacher and respected colleague,” Cabos-Owen said in the 46-page decision issued Friday by the Commission on Professional Competence.

Halas, 32, was continually deceitful about her nine-month career in porn before she went to work at the school, the judges said.

Credit: Associated Press


  • shadowcat
    12 years ago
    That was a bit long vince. :)
  • crsm27
    12 years ago
    I am surprise she lost the case. I mean a teacher can have a DUI, Assault charges (not sexual), Minor Consumptions, etc. And still be hired. Yet someone who did nothing illegal gets fired. The only way is if she was on a probation period while she was first hired. But if that period was up. I see this case going further and her winning some money.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Sorry about the length of my post, folks. :)
  • deogol
    12 years ago
    "I mean a teacher can have a DUI, Assault charges (not sexual), Minor Consumptions, etc. And still be hired. Yet someone who did nothing illegal gets fired."

    Government schools are turning into a joke these days.
  • looneylarry
    12 years ago
    What is the world coming to when a guy has to apologize for the length of his post. . .or his rod. . .or his Johnson?
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    I won't ever apologize for my Johnson. Women like it. :)
  • sanitago
    12 years ago
    it sounds like those three judges are 'playing to the crowd' of moral monitors who still seem to be the loudest voices in politics. I hope she appeals the ruling and wins. total crap!
  • TortillaChip
    12 years ago
    I feel sorry for her but she chose a poor vocation to try and get past her history.

    Its almost as bad as someone who is afraid of kids becoming a teacher, and then later suing to keep the job.
  • canny
    12 years ago
    In Pennsylvania any conviction of anything, even underage drinking, will prevent someone from being hired as a teacher. They're really strict.
  • georgmicrodong
    12 years ago
    @canny, I'd find that a more compelling argument if acting in movies was a fucking crime.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    Assault charges will certainly get you fired and/or keep you from getting hired in NC.

    I really don't disagree with the decision.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    I'm surprised by all the folks who are OK with this decision. She did something perfectly legal for a career in the past and gets fired. No indication she was doing her job poorly. Just because some prudes don't like porn she can't keep a job? Where are all the folks who say stuff like "gummint kin take my GUNS when they pry 'em from my cold dead hands..." (which isn't going to happen except in paranoid fantasies, by the way).

    Well here the gummint plum took away somebody's JOB. With no indication she was doing ANYTHING wrong! Where is the outrage?

    And no, it is NOT like she is afraid of kids and is suing to keep her job. If you went with that imperfect analogy it would be more like she USED to be afraid of kids, worked to overcome it, and is now fired because somebody heard she was once afraid of kids. IF she did her job poorly then she should be fired. If not this is BS.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    A. Teachers should be held to a hire standard, often they are not. In this case she was, probably cause it was flagrant and undeniable.

    B. She would be a distraction in an educational setting. I have serious doubts she would be able to maintain decorum. The majority of people would say she is not a role model.

    C. Apparently she was not totally honest.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    Ah...teachers should be held to a hire standard. Now I see. Perhaps you should have paid more attention when your teachers talked about homophones. Alas, you were probably staring at her thinking about how your teacher would have looked with a big cock up her ass in a porno instead of learning. You know...the distraction factor.

    Seriously, I thought you were a libertarian. I'll clue you in. Americans lie about sex because we're a bunch of hypocritical prudes. I bet ol' Jestie boy here here would raise hell if he were fired because he was caught in a strip club getting his knob polished. I can hear the excuse now. "Honest ossifer...she slipped and fell on my dick. Drinking? No...I'm not drunk and disorderly. I was just here to get a hand job. Fuck...i wasn't going to say that. Now I'm gonna lose my job why my mug shot is published."

    Oh wait, that wouldn't happen. Hot dog on a stick doesn't have a hire standard.
  • zipman68
    12 years ago
    @george. Good to see somebody with sense on this thread. If any group of people should understand the importance of freedom it should be us PLs.
  • farmerart
    12 years ago
    I'll stand with georg and zipman.

    Over my years in the oil patch I have had scores of employees; many of them ex-cons, sociopaths, freaks, drunks, liars, cheats, psychos, etc. All that I ever cared about was if they did the job and didn't steal from me.

    If I could make profits from their labour and/or skills I was way cool about anything else about them that had no impact on said profits.
  • carolynne
    12 years ago
    i was once fired from a job as an actress in a porn movie when the director found out i had been a public school teacher...
  • Tiredtraveler
    12 years ago
    She must not have blown her union rep. There are teachers in Cali that have child porn and molestation charges against them and they are still on the payroll if not in the class room. Her problem was she was not "tenured" if she was she could do live action demonstrations on career day and the union would force the school to keep her.
  • Clubber
    12 years ago
    vm sets the "most wasted space award of all time" record! vm is da man! Well for a "SHORT" time.
  • vincemichaels
    12 years ago
    Thanks, Clubber. I think. :)

    Seriously, my computer was having some technical problems when I started this discussion and I failed to check out the post properly. It's a pity she lost, bu that's life.
  • jester214
    12 years ago
    My points still stand.
  • cnyknight
    12 years ago
    I couldnt help but look her up online ... she did some pretty hardcore shit lol !!!
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