
How to get rid of a dancer or how to tick off a dancer

I decided to make a different topic here. They can be related though.
I'll run off some examples. Others can add.
Dancer asks to sit at your table.
You say "No thanks, I'm ok."

A rude example: dancer asks if she can join the group and sit down at their table.
Dancer told me they said "We don't want any fucking dances!"
She left.

Dancer sits down at your table with your consent but less than a minute later, she asks if you could buy her a drink. You decide you don't want to and you're not interested in her. You say "not right now" I guess it would be better to add you're looking to see if someone you know is working.

Any more?


  • txtittyfan
    14 years ago
    I tell them my name is Dougster from TUSCL.
  • pabloantonio
    14 years ago
    When a dancer approaches me in a club, I quickly check her vitals; (hair, eyes, face, body size, breasts, butt, legs, etc.) If she is my body type I invite her to sit, if not, I always say: "I am waiting for someone".

    It has always worked for me. I try not to be rude to any dancer. Gentlemen always have a better chance of return favors later on.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    I have had to be rude only a few times. A polite No, or an excuse, usually works.

    Samsung knows about the shot Mom at a Columbus club. I had to tell her No multiple times.

    Recently at a dive club, I had a short, stout woman actually follow me around the bar as I worked my may through various groups and looked for a place to sit. She was a persistent one, and I had to tell her, rudely, that I did not want a dance. She then reached past me, and grubbed 75 cents off the bar in front of me (some other guy's tip). A girl next to me saw her do it, and we both laughed. Talk about a bottom feeder!
  • farmerart
    14 years ago
    To get rid of an annoying dancer I pretend not to speak English. I will babble away in French. Works just fine in U.S. Not such a good idea here in Canada - too many bilingual strippers. Is Spanish hard to learn?
  • gatorfan
    14 years ago
    Read her your last few reviews.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    tell them you are there to drink and not buy dances. Tell them you don't have any credit cards or enough cash to buy dances.
  • brewerfan
    14 years ago
    I don't remember being encounter by an "annoying" dancer. I have been asked many times, "May I join you, or are you waiting for someone? I usually respond no Im not waiting for anyone and yes you can join me. This way I at least give her a chance, even though she isn't exactly what I was looking for. And, usually if she doesn't have a drink or bottled water in her hand, I'll by her a drink cuz she was polite enough to join me for company, at least to talk. If I don't feel the convo isn't doing much for me and wasn't really looking for a dance anyway with her, I just tell her, thanks for chatting with me, but I think Im gonna go up to the stage and tip the other dancers. She at least got a drink outta me. I am never really rude to anyone anyway, but I expecially ain't rude in the club, cuz you know how girls can gossip with other girls in the club.
  • LeeH
    14 years ago
    I always try not to be rude, even to the ROBs. I also try not to lie. And I've only had to resort to being sorta rude twice, even with those restrictions.

    If I got to the club within the last 15 minutes and a dancer approaches (that I'm not interested in), I'll tell her that I just got there and want to chill for a bit.

    If you really are waiting on someone, simply saying that will work 99% of the time.

    "Not right now, thank you, though" works most of the time. If I have *any* interest, I might add a "Maybe later"

    I always ask their name, though. It (1) shows that I'm not a Dougster and (2) gives them hope that maybe later I will be interested. And even if that's not the case, 90% of them will have forgotten me in a half hour anyway, so they don't come back. But at the same time, we've parted amicably.
  • nomadic1
    14 years ago
    How bout,
    I was just about to get up.
    I need to stretch my legs.
    I am waiting on someone.
    I am down to just ones for tipping, give them a one and send them off.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    I tell them I am waiting for someone
  • roccoballs
    14 years ago
    To avoid getting a dance from a girl I didn't care for, I told her "Sorry, I can't, you remind me of my sister." I guess daughter, wife or mother would work as well.
  • magicrat
    14 years ago
    A dancer told me once that I had been rude to her previously because when she asked if she could sit with me, I told her I was waiting on someone. I've never used that as an excuse so I'm sure I was actually waiting on another dancer. I will typically let them sit and when they as for a dance, if uninterested I tell them not right now, maybe later. That usually works although one never knows how it's perceived on the other end. But do we really care?
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    I usually stick with "No thanks." I tend to be polite until someone is rude to me or pushier than I can tolerate that evening.
  • bigdude012
    14 years ago
    Only came close once to having to be rude to dancer. I had gotten a LD. It was ok but I decided I wanted to see if I could find better. She pestered me the rest of the night; which got on my nerves I almost told her off except another dancer saved me.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I once had a dancer literally argue with me for 15 minutes through several songs after telling her no thanks and not right now several times. The club was pretty dead and she didn't see too many other guys I believe. Still she should have gotten up and left my table instead of arguing with me. Instead of her leaving she got me upset and I left the table with her still sitting there and went to tip some girls on the stage. This is rare but I still remember it. I wouldn't be surprised if some new dancers did get set on one particular guy but if that guy is not interested in them, they don't seem to handle it well. This might only be one dancer out of 500 but if you meet a few thousand dancers every few years, you'll meet a few.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    I've had a few dancers seem to get attached to me. It was only two that I didn't really care for at all that I had trouble with. Well the others eventually caused me trouble and SS at one time or another but I had fun more often than not with them.

    Getting rid of dancers is easy about 99 percent of the time. I just posted this topic to put something different up.
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