Making small talk with strippers....

avatar for duo33470
When you are at a club, often a girl will come up and want to sit down with me for a drink, but I am not sure exactly what to talk about with them, so I generally let them start and just join in. What kinds of topics do you discuss with strippers? What kind of things put them at ease that you are not a jerk or weirdo? Do you talk about sports? Weather seems a little trite. What about their personal lives, like what they do outside the club? Is that too personal? Any advice is appreciated!


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avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
In all seriousness, I have discussed all of the following with various strippers over the years:

My family
Her family
My job
Quantum physics
Role playing games
Cricket physiology (no joke)
Politics (intelligently)
Science fiction
The weather
American idol
Marine biology
Why she took up stripping
The taste of cum
How widely pussy textures differ
Dick size versus technique
Alternative energy

To be sure, subjects were more common than others, but just pick something you both like to talk about.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
Whatever is on your mind that she is interested in talking about. It could be prices of certain items in the club. She can talk about that. It could be something else your interested in but you might want to find out if she's interested in it too. You'll probably bore a lot of people if you ramble on about a subject without finding out what someone else is interested in.

While surfing youtube the other day, I stumbled on some videos that were actually useful in teaching me a few things. This guy is good.…
or search for this guy arkady39 to find all kinds of useful dating, talk advise.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
He has useful advise for guys and girls.
avatar for troop
15 years ago
when a dancer approaches me i usually play it cool and make her do the work and get a conversation going. if she at least acts like she has an interest in me and if i have an interest in her then i'll talk to her and she has a chance to earn some money. if she just comes over and sits like a bump on a log she has no chance. there have been times where a dancer that appealed to me comes over sits down and basically says nothing. i don't care how good she looks if she can't at least fake an interst she will not get my money.
we can talk about anything but seeing that she's working i expect her to get the ball rolling.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
Sometimes a dancer will come over and I'll stay silent along with her because we are both watching a dancer or dancers on stage. I've had more than one occasion where a dancer told me I had a good spot and they wanted to watch the same thing I was. In some cases, I think they were only sitting with me to watch the view and she wasn't interested in getting dances. Most of the time a dancer wants to get a dance though. If I don't want a dance but she sits down anyway. I won't hardly say anything unless I have a burning question to ask her.
avatar for sharkhunter
15 years ago
Out of curiosity I searched on youtube some common questions strippers ask. I have yet to search for the question "what do you do for fun?" However I did a search on "why are you still single?" The funniest comment I read on youtube was "every girl I've dated has died."
Hopefully that was a joke. You never know. Sounds like a good way to get rid of a dancer and act like a creep.
avatar for jester214
15 years ago
I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I like my stripper conversation light. Nothing personal, nothing overly complex.

I DO NOT want to hear about her family
I DO NOT want to hear about her boy friend
I DO NOT want to hear about her sex life (in most cases)
I DO NOT want to talk about my family
I DO NOT want to talk about my job

Those in my opinion are subjects that I don't want to discuss with a complete stranger who is trying to get money from me.

Topics I like...

sports (if they know what they're talking about, music, movies, talking about the club. I've talked about traveling with a few, and I've also dicussed some more intelligent topics but that has been rare.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
15 years ago
I usually start off with something like, "What's a smart pretty girl like you doing stripping?" Then I try to save them but only after a high mileage lapper.
avatar for harrydave
15 years ago
My approach is based on my consulting experience. I ask questions and listen a lot. I offer compliments for positive things. I commiserate over their troubles. I do not problem solve or offer much advice on the first meeting. At the very least, I try to offer the respect I would expect from others. Why would strippers be any different from anyone else?
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Useful advice? when did it become the goal to have a good conversation with a stripper?
avatar for harrydave
15 years ago
GF. LOL ! Well, my Dad was a psychologist. The desire to give advice must run in the family. Honestly, how many strippers have you met that had their act together?
avatar for jls911
15 years ago
I don't frequent the clubs as often as I used to. But this past weekend I made a trip. I met two girls and struck up conversations with both. I treat them just like meeting any other stranger. Start with some simple pleasantries and see where it goes.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
It ain't rocket science. I talk about the same things that I talk to my barber about.
avatar for LeeH
15 years ago
I agree with troop. Topic doesn't matter, but she's gotta get the ball rolling, at least the first time. If she can't be bothered with starting a conversation, she probably can't be bothered with giving any good mileage either.

And on the plus side, sometimes you meet someone that you like to talk to, even if the conversation does vary a lot. I'm still trying to figure out how the conversation between C and I the other night went from British comedy to rimming without missing a beat.
avatar for nomadic1
15 years ago
Nice pussy ring, did that hurt?
How many tatoos do you have?
I wish my tongue was a magnet.
If you are cold my hands are warm.
I liked your dance.

Today I found a girl that during the day is a medical assistant with a 14 yr old boy, natural redhead. She likes guys and girls but thinks that gay men are weird. We had a lot in common.
avatar for vincemichaels
15 years ago
Ask her if she wants to fuck.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
vince, I tried that once with 4 dancers sitting with me. I got 2 yes's, a no, and a maybe. Shock value doesn't work. lol...
avatar for steve229
15 years ago
"when did it become the goal to have a good conversation with a stripper?"

Is gatorfan filling in for Dougster in his absence?
avatar for txtittyfan
15 years ago
I have never been concerned with carrying a conversation with a stripper. That is not why I visit clubs. But if you need topics,
try the following:

My wife doesn't like sex.
How is you loser boyfriend?
What drugs are you addicted to?

After this, if you are still concerned about carrying a conversation, you really need to get a clue.
avatar for Drippy
15 years ago
"How long have you been working here?". Answer is probably a lie.
"What do you do when you're not working here?". Answer is probably a lie.

I travel on business so sometimes I ask, "What's going on in [insert city]?".

If she is fit and good looking, "You look great, do you work-out?" Compliments can be useful to get a stripper comfortable with you.
avatar for helloooooooo
14 years ago
Yesterday i went to a strip club, I liked one girl. she came to me and we had a very decent conversation. I buy her 2-3 drinks. Then after 20 minutes I went with her for lap dance. It goes around 6 songs. Girl was good in looks and told me that Enjoy whatevet make you happy. I had a smooch with her, sucked her boobs. Done everything apart from fuck. After that she asked me if i want to have smoke. Then we both smoke and spent half an hour more talking with each other. I asked her that we can go for a drive someday. she asked me where we will go. I didnt had any plan in mind, so i asked her wherever you wanna go. she told me that she has a boyfriend but if i will come next weekend to see her then she will think and we can go for a date.
Do i have any chance here or just she is playing with money?
avatar for helloooooooo
14 years ago
Can someone reply.........
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"Do i have any chance here?"

Lloyd: What do you think the chances of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?
Mary: Well Lloyd... that's difficult to say... you really don't...
Lloyd: Hit me! Just give it to me straight! What are my chances?
Mary: Not good.
Lloyd: [Gulps] You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?
Mary: I'd say more like... one out of a million.
Lloyd: So you're telling me there's a chance. Yeah!
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