
Comments by JacksonEsskay (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie No.1
    Che: I agree that the info would be a downshifter for me as well if I included personality in my rating system. However, I tend to rate a dancer long before I ever (if I ever) talk to her. So, she'd probably get a drink and maybe a dancer out of me, depending on what the other dancers were like.
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    13 years ago
    Rate the Hottie No.1
    Well, let's start with the obvious that these are professional photographs (Kudos to The Furnace for this . . . but I actually would like to see some shots from the dancers in the club as well). OK. Long brown hair, check; nice round ass, check; rack . . . hmmm, probably enhanced but if so, it was well done; good figure, nice smile. My rating: 7
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey
    Yes the order is random when the survey is taken, but the results are reported for the linked picture regardless of where it fell in the order for a particular response. I don't think there is a problem with the survey in this regard. I think it shows that while lots of respondents though that the blonde in football jersey was hot, others probably thought she looked fake or stuck-up and down graded on that account. I think a few wags probably scored hotties low as a joke too.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    "Top Earners" in the Club
    Some top earners may just work more than others. I know of a dancer who works as a Realtor (she actually would give her business card out at the club to regulars -- a little dangerous perhaps) and during the boom, she only danced one night a week -- she claimed that she just wanted to party and figured she should make money while she was doing so. Since the housing bubble burst she's been "partying" a lot more often.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey
    MH: "Conversely, the survey would indicate the least ideal would be a large black girl, with short hair, fake tits, a big butt, unshaved pussy, and lots of tats and piercings." You left out "and purple hair who does not smile at all and has soulless eyes." Truly for me race does not matter in a detracting sense, but I will concede that a cute Asian or Latina is going to get a higher rating from me than a garden variety Caucasian or Black dancer . . . probably because the clubs I visit tend not to offer much beyond salt and pepper and variety is the spice of life.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: What is a "10"
    Results have been posted in a new thread: https://www.tuscl.net/postread.php?PID=18342
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey
    "Cute ass", not "cut ass" . . . Sorry about that.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: What is a "10"
    "There a 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary numbers, and those who don't." Post 'em here!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: What is a "10"
    Che: The photos were randomly selected, but I did reject a few that appeared to be glamour shots (probably not real dancers at that club0. Your explanation of how you reach your conclusion is very helpful. I would assert that a 10 is, for all intents and purposes, an impossible ideal, thus you conclusion that a "9" is a "possible 10" makes perfect sense to me. Results will be posted when we reach critical mass . . . which should be very soon given the rate of responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Weird Club Names
    I had forgotten about Fuzzy Holes! I've actually been there.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Women of a Certain Age
    Tried to post a picture, but it did not work . . . so check it out here http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Julianne-Moore-julianne-moore-253295_1280_1024.jpg
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    No Lap Dances, No Extras
    I have had similar and dissimilar experiences, that is, I've been to a club and only watched the stage show and been perfectly happy to leave with cash in my wallet. Other times, I've been frustrated that I cannot get the attention of a single dancer (usually because the crowd is large and/or they immediately head to the table of a regular or whale). I think partly it depends on your mood, but also partly on the vibe of the club. If everyone seems to be having a good time in the stage room, I think that helps elevate your mood.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York
    Boyfriends and husbands in the club
    A club I went to a while back was managed by one of the dancer's husbands. He told me that he only got bothered if a customer was being rude to her, but that he was bothered by that regardless of who the dancer was. He also said that watching his wife strip and dance for other guys was a turn-on for him.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Topless vs Nude
    All the comments above are fair, but let me see if I cannot respond directly to the issue of why go to a topless club vs. a nude club based solely on that difference (i.e. assume that the quality of the club, the cost, the availability of dances, etc. are the same for each club): The dancers: There is a often a presumption that dancers at nude clubs are some how of a lesser quality physically. This arises from the further presumption that the dancer would not chose to dance nude of she could make just as much money dancing topless. On the whole, I do not think this is true. I have seen some real knockouts at nude clubs and some very unattractive women at topless clubs. The LD/VIP Experience: Again, I think there is a presumption that nude clubs will offer better LD/VIP dances. In my experience again, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, depending on the dancer, you may find that she will be less inhibited if she has some "protection" between her "nether yea" and your lap. Availability of extras: Although I don't go in for extras, I think there again is a perception that these will be more likely to be available at a nude club. Based on reviews I've read, this may be true if the club is really nothing more than a front for what's being offered in the cubicles in the VIP. Whether it is true at legitimate clubs that happen to offer nude dancers I will leave to someone more versed in the topic of extras. Clientele: It would be my guess that nude clubs may attract a less diverse clientele than topless clubs. There are likely to be some guys that just don't want to see the female equivalent of the Full Monty, as it somehow spoils the fantasy.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: Before you Head To a Strip Club
    <<Bring lots of singles if the club doesn't offer them.>> I recently was at a club that did not give change from large bills in all singles, but I've never been to a club where they wouldn't make change if asked. There was a club in North Carolina (don't know if it's still around or not -- this was back in the days of my misspent youth) that priced everything in even dollar amounts and gave change in 2 dollar bills -- clever for two reasons -- doubled the dancers tips and you generally tipped all the change you got, so as to avoid going home with a wallet full of telltale 2 dollar bills . . . perhaps that's why some guys have a special wallet for the SCs . . . so has not to have a wallet stuffed with ones when they get home.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Wanna dance?
    I have never understood why the development of excessive muscularity of either sex is considered attractive by anyone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: Before you Head To a Strip Club
    Results for Getting Ready to Visit a Strip Club Survey: WOW! This survey has received 100 responses (the maximum allowed) are ready. How soon in advance do you decide to visit a Strip Club? When I happen to be passing by 2.0% Less than an hour 4.0% Sometime the same day 38.4% Two to three days in advance 32.3% Four to seven days in advance 13.1% More than a week in advance 10.1% No real surprises here. I would guess that few strip club visits are truly “impulse purchases,” but any more advance planning than a day or two implies a special visit, rather than a regular one. Which of the follow do you do to get ready for your visit to a Strip Club? Shower/Bathe 80.6% Shampoo 60.2% Shave/Trim Beard 65.3% Shave/Trim Body Hair 20.4% Brush Teeth 78.6% Use Mouthwash 50.0% Use Deodorant 79.6% Put on Cologne/Aftershave 43.9% Change Clothes 50.0% Wear Specific Clothing (any) 43.9% 43 Wear Specific Clothing (upscale) 16.3% Go "Commando" 21.4% Two “other” responses noted that they clipped their nails. Interesting . . . 1 in 5 guys in a strip club have no underwear on! What other preparations do you make before leaving for the Strip Club? Remove Wedding Ring 12.9% Bring Gum/Mints/Breath Spray 79.0% Bring Condoms 30.6% Other: Hide extra set of clothes in trunk Pop a Levitra Remove excess items from pockets Get my tobacco pipe and smoking kit Check for any dress codes or byob at clubs, get some singles for tips Before going to the Strip Club, do you Call Club to Check Dancers' Schedule 9.4% Visit Club's Website 34.4% Check TUSCL 87.5% Check Other Review Websites 14.1% That’s gotta make Founder happy! Among the “Other” responses were several instances of “texting my favorite dancer” or similar. My favorite was “Make sure Walking Dead or Justified isn't on that night.” When planning to visit a Strip Club do you plan in advance how much cash you will spend? Yes 81.8% No 18.2% Dancers gotta love the 18.2%! When you head out to the Strip Club, do you Go with whatever cash you have on you 11.0% Go to the Bank/ATM beforehand 60.0% Get SC cash from your "secret stash" 27.0% Stop at the Bank/ATM on they way there 33.0% Use a Credit Card/ATM at the Strip Club 6.0% I’ll admit to having used the ATM at the SC a few times . . . And felt like a PL afterwards. How much do you typically budget for (averages of those who had a budget): Total Budget 285.22 Parking 1.18 Cover 9.50 Tips to House Staff 6.48 Drinks (including tips) 29.34 Food (including tips) 20.00 (only 2 responses) Stage Tips 21.83 LD/VIP (including tips) 153.14 "Extras" 177.50 On average, we spend more on drinks than on stage tips. Of course, that probably includes at least one “drink for the lady.” I present the final “open text box” comments without editing (much), the most interesting item, mentioned several times, was the practice of switching to a special wallet that is used just for SC visits. Make sure I have a good alibi for where I am when the wife calls! Don't want any surprises. Get babysitter, book hotel room, talk with mrs about expectations for trip, make sure to compliment wife on way to club. (aint no dummy man) Budget pendant on how long since last visit and club attending. I never take my credit cards or atm cards into the club. I take my drivers license and the cash, but I leave my wallet in the glove compartment. It helps me stay on budget, I don't have the wallet digging into me during a lap dance, and I can't drop my wallet in the club without noticing. Check tuscl for location of club. I am usually traveling. Change wallets to one with ID, 1 (specific) credit card, 1 (specific) atm card. Program SC(s) and my hotel into my GPS Make sure I return any pending calls and leave a message with a "reason" why I might have missed a call drool Check parking lot on way there, no cops or thugs. Switch cars, take my plain car instead of very recognizable mustang. Plan on how long I can stay and stick to that plan Make sure that I can blow dry my hair (put my head out the window to get the smokiness out). Find an easy place to change clothes (Seven11 type place). Sometimes a change of clothes so I don't smell like smoke afterward. eat healthy meal clean out or bring 2nd wallet Sometimes I arrange a room somewhere Most always just stop by a club when I am out working, if time allows, so I prepare very little. Take a few "male enhancement" or "herbal stimulant" pills, or drink a vial of the same stuff. Over the counter brands with idiot names like Stimulex, Energate, Erectopill, Mascudrink, Kingdongerizer, Hancermale, Viagrow, etc.. I try to get one that has Horny Goat Weed, L-Argnine, Zinc, and a few of the other standard herbal additives. Text dancer to see what time she is likely to arrive at club. I usually want to see my faves early in their shift. Bring lots of singles if the club doesn't offer them. I do day visits, so keeping track of traffic is important. Breakdancing/moonwalk Charge cell phone. Refresh / Memorize song lyrics on the drive there. Sometimes work out to get muscles pumped. Check traffic sites to see road closures due to accidents, local events, construction, etc. Separate ones from 10's and 20's in different pockets. I only bring my ID - no wallet Have a change of clothes in case things get "messy" Fill gas tank Text ATF Take an old shirt. Strippers love to leave lipstick, perfume and other leavings on shirts.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New Survey: Before you Head To a Strip Club
    Note that the survey states it should be for a "typical" visit. Obviously most of use will make different plans depending on the type of club, etc. But I assume that it is unlikely that every visit is different and that most must have some general idea of what they do regularly. And this time I did include an open-ended text box at the end . . .
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stripers and Eyeglasses
    "Every club should have one dancer wearing glasses, just as they should have one wearing a slutty Catholic girl uniform, and another in a chearleader uniform" I realize (based on responses to a prior post) that many do not appreciate my preference for costumes. I certainly wouldn't want every dancer to be in costume every night, but would not mind a club where once a week was costume night . . . in addition to sexy librarian/secretary (glasses), I'd also vote for schoolgirl, cheerleader, police officer, nurse, fairy tale princess, Dorothy, Geisha, Boxer, Catwoman, Goth Vampire, French Maid . . . .
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Share a joke...
    A man is sitting next to an attractive woman at a bar and says to her, "Would you sleep with me for a million dollars?" She gives him the once over, decides she's been with worse and says, "Sure, why not?" "How about for fifty dollars?" he replies. "Just what kind of woman do you think I am!" she says indigently. "We've already established what kind of woman you are," he says, "now we're just dickering."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Losing respect for a stripper
    I don't lose respect for a dancer who offers extras . . . but I agree that from a strictly legal standpoint, if she does so, she is guilty of the crime of prostitution in most cases (not all states statutes are the same -- some states limit prostitution to acts of coitus and sodomy, for example). However, here's something you may not know . . . the customer is ALSO also guilty of prostitution. As defined by statute, prostitution refers to the transaction and both parties (the seller and the buyer) are guilty of the offense. Thus, in a legal sense, both are "prostitutes."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Aspiring Global Hound
    Dancers that don't go on stage
    I know one club where dancers are allowed to work the floor full time (i.e. they are not required to be in the stage rotation at all) if they've finished a quota of shifts in the week. Mostly, they are there for their regulars who don't want/need to see them on stage. Most other clubs I am familiar with allow a dancer to skip her turn if she is selling LDs/VIPs, but some of them require an additional house fee for this. I don't know about "paying off the DJ," I would think that management would not allow this (unless the DJ is giving management a share, probably a bigger share, of the bribe).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    A new concept in cock blocking
    Careful . . . in some common law states a "joke" like that can lead to alimony!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Club employee writing a club review for a customer. WTF!
    IMHO keeping a club legal, rather than facing criminal charges himself, loss of the ABC license, shutting down of the club as a "disorderly house" is the manager's job -- he is there to protect the owner's interests -- that means making money today AND tomorrow. You may not like the law, he may not like the law, I may not like the law, but it is the law. And from what I know of the law in Texas, you DO NOT want to be on the wrong side of the iron bars in that state. My guess is that this manager wants customers who will not jeopardize his freedom or livelihood, and I can respect that. If I can have a good time at his club, I will go there, and I suspect that I can, given my well stated views on the subject of what it takes to make me happy. If your idea of a good time means that there MUST be extras available ITC, then his club is not for you. Different strokes. Let us simpleminded goofs have our clubs too :-)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    I Rise to Gatorfan's Challenge
    I didn't say I had that much to throw :)