At some of the clubs I've been to recently, the clubs aparently allow girls to only work the floor. So, in these clubs you never get to see some of the girl on stage becasue they just doesn't dance on stage.
Now, I guess I can see how this could work in a big enough club where there are plenty of dancers to keep the stage(s) full. But in a club where there's only 3 girls on shift and only one is willing to go on stage, it just doesn't work. Maybe it just me, but I also like to see the on stage 'preview' before commiting $ to LDs etc.
Now, I get that not dancing on stage can free the girl up to make more money selling LDs, but I would think a dancer would get more guy to commit to LDs etc. by 'advertizing' on stage.
mjx01, I agree with you on the benefits of a dancer advertising. I've always advocated that to any dancer I've known that was shy about going on stage. Some dancers think they're good enough at getting dances just circulating on the floor, and that going on stage is a waste of time for them. I have two long time faves right now that avoid going on stage whenever they can. One just doesn't like to be the center of attention. I can understand that, but I think she'd benefit from the exposure (my puns are always intended). The other is self-conscious about her appearance. She hasn't told me that, but it's easy to figure out. She's gained a lot of weight in the past couple of years, and she knows it. In some clubs, dancers can avoid going on stage by paying an extra fee ($40. at one club that I knew of). Some dancers will avoid it by tipping the d.j., with the understanding that the tip for for keeping them OFF stage.
I prefer to do my auditions in person at my table. But I would expect the girl who goes on stage when it's her turn would do better than the one who doesn't. Here in Detroit it's usually a $10 fine for not going on stage, more at the fancy clubs. Waived if they're doing LD of course.
mjx and Club_G -- this is my experience on the matter....
I've seen girls with the uncanny ability of getting busy just before they'd otherwise come up in the rotation. Other times, I've seen girls be/get with their high roller's for the bulk of the night to avoid. Many times I've been asked to (and did) pay off the DJ to skip the particular girl that I'm with in the rotation. I've occasionally seen the dancer themselves pay off the DJ or beg the DJ to keep them off the stage....
Personally, if my ATF, Fav or girl I happen to be with DOES do the stage while I'm on the meter - I dig it....I'll make my way up to perv row and lay a 20 or two on the rail and enjoy the show....
If I'm getting dances frm her, I might be happy she doesn't need to go on stage. If she's one of the fat or not so pretty dancers than that might apply as well. It does work well with lots of dancers. I can see where it could be a problem in small clubs.
I know one club where dancers are allowed to work the floor full time (i.e. they are not required to be in the stage rotation at all) if they've finished a quota of shifts in the week. Mostly, they are there for their regulars who don't want/need to see them on stage. Most other clubs I am familiar with allow a dancer to skip her turn if she is selling LDs/VIPs, but some of them require an additional house fee for this. I don't know about "paying off the DJ," I would think that management would not allow this (unless the DJ is giving management a share, probably a bigger share, of the bribe).
I have seen variations of all the things already mentioned. Frankly I don't give a damn. I don't pay much attention to the stage action any more. I am more interested in the girls coming around to talk and convince me to get a dance.
I am with shadowcat. I enjoy a stage show as much as the next guy. But stage dances are a waste of dancers time. It's a lot of work for very little money.
Most dancers know they could get one or two LD's if they weren't on stage, a much better payout.
Besides, if I am with a great dancer, I WANT to keep her off the stage. Yes, I'm greedy.
If there are a large number of girls working I will not go on stage. I will pay to stay off. If there are a small number of girls, depending on the manager, they are reluctant to let you stay off stage because there needs to be a rotation to keep customers happy and entertained. Plus managers have someone to answer to also and the higher uppers love to keep that stage moving. If there is a small number of girls, managers need to cover their ass in case there is someone in the office watching the video or an unexpected visit from an owner.
Stage isn't always where the money is. If its a really busy day or I'm in the middle of a dance when my turn comes up in the rotation, it breaks the flow. So I just try to stay off.
I ran into a stripper that appears to never get on the stage. I think that she has worked out a deal with the club that she can just sit around and then circulate for fresh meat. She is thicker than the rest of the girls and her routine almost makes her seem like the resident whore. I can't figure out what the club gets out of it, since her persistent hanging-on could drive away some customers. Maybe she gives the manager a hummer so she can work the floor each night?
MJX: several of the Ontario clubs I've been to have very short rotations in terms of the number of gals taking the stage. The acclaimed Sundowner comes to mind as one club who's rotation was only about 6 or 7 gals, with like 40+ gals never on stage. Seeing the same gals over again so soon, when only 2 were stellar, was a letdown.
One of the clubs has a fine of 20 if not on stage...exempt if in vip. Another has a fine of 60 so alot of girls cannot afford it and has to go on stage. Girls hate to go on stage and I give them props for doing it. Heck...I get stage fright everytime I make speeches and these girls are going on stage naked.
This seems to be happening in Baltimore too. Sitters is what the dancers call them and the dancers are usually not too appreciative of them since they can make more money than dancing. I personally won't buy a drink unless they go up on stage, but I've turned down many attractive offers that way.
It happens. I am with shadow in that I don't really pay a lot of attention to stage activity anymore anyway. For me it is all about interpersonal interactions.
At one of the clubs I go to, for every shift they work Sunday through Thursday, they get a token they can use to get out of working the stage whenever they want. This assumes they are there from beginning to end those days. My favorite dancer there would basically work every day during that time except Wednesday (that's the night of the week they have amateur night, and she despises it), so she'd get 4 tokens to avoid stage dancing when it got real crowded on Friday or Saturday. She actually likes stage dancing, but they got too many stages all lined up in a row there and sometimes, she just likes to avoid it.
So, you state, "So I just try to stay off." Sweet thing, if you need ANY help at all, I would be more than happy to help you get off and stay that way! :)
In some clubs new dancers don't go on stage till they have been there for a serten amount ot of time. When i was working at Folies & Cheatas in Atlanta. Some of the girls did wht Stilletto does pay to stay of stage. Some clubs its manitory for all dancers to go on stage.
Baby Dolls in Dallas has "buy off" girls during the day that pay to never go on stage. Some see that as an indication that they give higher mileage dances, since their focus is on giving lap dances. My experience with them is mixed (usually higher mileage with a trade off on looks).
Baby Dolls in Dallas has "buy off" girls during the day that pay to never go on stage. Some see that as an indication that they give higher mileage dances, since their focus is on giving lap dances. My experience with them is mixed (usually higher mileage with a trade off on looks).
My experience is the same as has been said here many times. If there are many many girls on shift, the dancer can usually buy her way out of the stage rotation. Particularly at Treasures in houston where the girls make a fortune working the room and the stage is more of an inconvenience interrupting their money making.
My personal/limited experiences with girls that don't go on stage have been:
1) Older dancers that don't like been looked at on stage b/c they may feel a bit subconcious and they like/fell-more-comfortable-with the "getting to know" conversational aspect
2) Dancers that are so fine that they can either easily pay their way of not getting on stage b/c they make so much $$$ per night or they just get away with it b/c they are so so fine that maybe management lets them get away w/o doing stage b/c they bring in a lot of heavy spending regulars?
last commentI've seen girls with the uncanny ability of getting busy just before they'd otherwise come up in the rotation. Other times, I've seen girls be/get with their high roller's for the bulk of the night to avoid. Many times I've been asked to (and did) pay off the DJ to skip the particular girl that I'm with in the rotation. I've occasionally seen the dancer themselves pay off the DJ or beg the DJ to keep them off the stage....
Personally, if my ATF, Fav or girl I happen to be with DOES do the stage while I'm on the meter - I dig it....I'll make my way up to perv row and lay a 20 or two on the rail and enjoy the show....
Most dancers know they could get one or two LD's if they weren't on stage, a much better payout.
Besides, if I am with a great dancer, I WANT to keep her off the stage. Yes, I'm greedy.
Stage isn't always where the money is. If its a really busy day or I'm in the middle of a dance when my turn comes up in the rotation, it breaks the flow. So I just try to stay off.
So, you state, "So I just try to stay off." Sweet thing, if you need ANY help at all, I would be more than happy to help you get off and stay that way! :)
1) Older dancers that don't like been looked at on stage b/c they may feel a bit subconcious and they like/fell-more-comfortable-with the "getting to know" conversational aspect
2) Dancers that are so fine that they can either easily pay their way of not getting on stage b/c they make so much $$$ per night or they just get away with it b/c they are so so fine that maybe management lets them get away w/o doing stage b/c they bring in a lot of heavy spending regulars?