
Losing respect for a stripper

Avatar for Clackport

I'm nor looking or wanting extras (BBBJ, FS, HJ, DATY...etc) when I go to a strip club, I know I'm probably in the minority as far as TUSCL members go. If I build up a good rapport and have great conversations with a dancer, I lose a lot of respect for her I find out she does extras. You might as well just call her a prostitute. On my scale of whores it goes: Prostitutes, pornstars, then strippers. That stripper that does extras automatically turns into a prostitute to me. In these situations, this is where I'll agree with African Love Pimp, those strippers are skank ass hoes.

I actually have a lot of respect for a lot of the strippers I meet. A lot of them are stripping to pay for school, or stripping to support their child. They are making money legally. If they find out they are doing extras, most of that respect goes out the window. Does anyone else feel like that or is it just me?


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Avatar for deogol

Yea, just you. If women sleep around before marriage, are they just as disgusting? Why are some acts legal in some states, and worthy of a prostitution charge in others? Is a fully nude lap dance really prostitution? Or are you working from not a legal definition of prostitution but your own?

Avatar for erik270

Just you. Why do you need to judge how a stripper makes her living, up to and including having a ranking system? If you are not buying, don't worry so much about what she is selling and enjoy what you came to enjoy. Everybody will be better off.

Avatar for Alucard

It may be just you.

If a Dancer can make a decent living by just doing "Clean" stuff in a Club, then more POWER to her IMHO. Keep it up.

I WON'T resort to referring to those Dancers that decide to engage in Sex either ITC &/or OTC by African Love Pimp's VERY disrespectful description as skank ass hoes. It is the Dancer's personal decision. I do not look down on Dancer's for selling Sex & I hope they don't look down on me for buying the Sex they offer. (I ALWAYS treat Dancers with Respect & Politeness) We both get something out of the relationship we want!

Avatar for Clackport

I'm not saying I wouldn't be tempted if a hot girl offered me extras, I'm just saying she is now a prostitute, and I have more respect for strippers than prostitutes, just my opinion.

Avatar for Alucard

"I'm not saying I wouldn't be tempted if a hot girl offered me extras, I'm just saying she is now a prostitute, and I have more respect for strippers than prostitutes, just my opinion"

And what does it MAKE you in your opinion, should you possibly give in to temptation?

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio


I understand what you are saying. But even dancers who do extras aren't really prostitutes.

Think about this, prostitutes get paid to have sex, no sex & they don't get paid. Porn stars get paid to have sex, no sex & they dont get paid.

But for dancers, sex is optional. Lots of dancers choose not to give sex to their clients. Other dancers only have sex with their regulars.

You cant compare apples to oranges. The stripclub dancer is a special category all her own. For those that have a significant other, do you give her money? Do you have sex with her? If you answered yes, then she is also a whore by your definition.

Every woman I ever had sex with, I supported to some degree.

(And I loved and respected them all)

Avatar for Stiletto25

I agree with Alucard. Pablo makes a great point

Avatar for mjx01

Supporting their bastard children = yes.

Paying for school = maybe but not as much as you hope.

What two consenting adults do, is none of nanny state's or anyone else's business. You should still have respect for her as a person even if you don't agree with such actions.

However, I will add one caviot to this. My comment above does assume saftey precautions (i.e. latex) are used consistently. If she doesn't have enough self respect to 'play safely' when working then that's an understandable issue.

Avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio


There are some members of this forum who view most, if not all dancers as whores.

I do not fall into that category.

Take the high road and respect these girls as people who are in many respects, just like you.

Avatar for JacksonEsskay

I don't lose respect for a dancer who offers extras . . . but I agree that from a strictly legal standpoint, if she does so, she is guilty of the crime of prostitution in most cases (not all states statutes are the same -- some states limit prostitution to acts of coitus and sodomy, for example). However, here's something you may not know . . . the customer is ALSO also guilty of prostitution. As defined by statute, prostitution refers to the transaction and both parties (the seller and the buyer) are guilty of the offense. Thus, in a legal sense, both are "prostitutes."

Avatar for CTQWERTY

Ranukam is in Oregon, or just visits Oregon clubs. That's a world away from Detroit. I don't think he'll be losing much respect for his local gals.

Does Aurora still work at The Acropolis? A true 10. And yeah, I had one air dance with her.

Avatar for Alucard


I don't lose respect for a dancer who offers extras . . . but I agree that from a strictly legal standpoint, if she does so, she is guilty of the crime of prostitution in most cases (not all states statutes are the same -- some states limit prostitution to acts of coitus and sodomy, for example). However, here's something you may not know . . . the customer is ALSO also guilty of prostitution. As defined by statute, prostitution refers to the transaction and both parties (the seller and the buyer) are guilty of the offense. Thus, in a legal sense, both are "prostitutes." "

Have you NEVER stepped over ANY Legal line into the nonlegal NO matter how small or Large in your entire Life, even if there were NO witnesses? IF you've been 200% LEGAL your whole life, then more power to you & your a BETTER person than most people!

Avatar for Clackport

Pablo and Alucard makes some good points.

CTQWERTY- I've only been to Acrop once or twice. I don't remember a Aurora, but yeah Acrop is a air dance club for sure.

Avatar for Blue42TX

I'm staying out of this discussion and go watch some porn. =)

Avatar for farmerart

Here is a further extension to pabloantonio's opinion. In Canada, prostitution is NOT a crime. Now where would you stand on this question, ranukam?

In Canada, purchasing sex from a dancer is no different than purchasing legal advice, medical expertise, interior design ideas, etc. In my country it is no more immoral to purchase sex from a stripper than it is to purchase a legal opinion from a female lawyer. Nor is it immoral to sell those services.

IMO, ranukam, you are riddled with moral confusions and strippers are the ones with moral surety on their side.

Avatar for LeeH

From another guy "not looking or wanting extras": It's just you.

Avatar for is5841487

I wouldn't say that it's just you because I used to think like that as well. I definitely respect some of the strippers/dancers that I got to know personally when compared to the whores in internet pornography. However, that distinction between being a prostitute and being a stripper is very minimal. Technically, if you are selling your body then you are a prostitute. You don't have to have sex with anyone to be called a prostitute. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean that you should lose respect for them.

Avatar for jackslash

I respect strippers who don't do extras. I love strippers who do extras.

Avatar for rickdugan

Ranu, I tend to leave my judgmental shit at home when I go to clubs. Who are you to judge how these girls earn a living? Many of these girls have kids and times have been tough in a lot of clubs, so some of them girls have resorted to doing things that I'm sure they never intended to do when they started in this business. Who the fuck are you to say what is right or wrong when a girl is doing what she thinks that she must to feed, clothe and house her children.

I actually have a great deal of respect for a woman who does what she must to pay her bills and take care of her children. Providing "extra" services cannot be easy for many of them, but they make the hard choices in order to do the right thing for those that matter to them.

Avatar for Alucard

"I actually have a great deal of respect for a woman who does what she must to pay her bills and take care of her children. Providing "extra" services cannot be easy for many of them, but they make the hard choices in order to do the right thing for those that matter to them"

Well said. I certainly agree.

Avatar for DandyDan

I don't really seek out extras, but in some situations, it happens and if we want to go through with it, that's our prerogative.

Avatar for steve229

"I lose a lot of respect for her {if} I find out she does extras."

How are you finding out?

Avatar for georgmicrodong

Prostitution itself, i.e. the act of selling/buying sex for money, is no different, morally, from what a professional sports player does, i.e. selling their body for entertainment. The only difference is which body parts are used. Yet participants in one are stained with the taint of sin, and the others are held up as role models for our children.

Most of the evils many people associate with prostitution, e.g. drugs, crime, abuse, are consequences of the criminalization of prostitution, and not reasons to criminalize it.

Your inability to render any respect for someone who is at least attempting to be self-sufficient using available resources says more about you than it does her.

Avatar for Rlionheart

Your first point was that dancers who do extras are whores. What extras?

Are HJs on the list? What about "Henry Handshakes"? How about over the clothes stick shifting? Seems like there's a continuum there that could start with HHs proceed to HJs, BJs, and go to BBJs and FS. Where does it start. And if they are whores for providing the service, what is the customer? Gotta be a John.

If I am paying for an attractive woman's service I must be a john but what if I am paying her to be beautiful and attract men so I can show off my new model car at the auto show. Her services are based on her attractiveness and on the male reaction to that attractiveness, I'm paying her so...........????

The point is that there is much to be considered before painting someone with any pejorative label. I don't disparage your limits on your own behavior, just your doctrinaire application of those limits in judging other human beings. And remember, you're making your judgement based on what your saw and/or heard while at a stripclub - not the library or the church social.

Like some preacher said a few millenia back: Let he among ye without sin cast the first stone.

Avatar for steve_ny

This is interesting because most of the reaction is not to judge, but everyone has a natural reaction to things. So, I agree, I don't judge how people live and what they choose to do but I have on occasion had a natural negative feeling towards a girl in the club. In FL few years back, one girl was telling me she needed to pay bills and her mother was sick and it was probably bs. But another really young girl later told me about how she was paying $1000 for this electo magnetic cellulite procedure and going to Thailand and Hawaii and buying Louis Vutton bags and I have to admit I didn't really judge her but it affected me in a way that made me not want to give her my money. I would feel better if I thought she was sending it back home to her family. My natural reaction was to look at her and think, why? why would you do this for a $2000 bag? But I disagree with classifying all as skank ass hoes..

Avatar for bang69

I agree with Pablo

Avatar for JuiceBox69

Ya its just you and I agree with all my ho mies ! Lol !

Avatar for bobvz

What's the fuss about? I always offer extras to the dancers!!!

Avatar for Dolfan

A number of good points, interesting topic...

I'm curious, do you have less respect for promiscuous women who aren't paid for it? What about women who are paid in an indirect manner; for example being taken to dinner, movie, and drinks? What about the men in those situations?

The whole "selling your body" thing never made much sense to me. I did physical work when I was young, was I selling my body? I clearly demanded higher wages because I was bigger, faster, and stronger than everyone else. When I was a bit older I used my body to pay for an education (football scholarship), was that selling my body? I also did some modeling, was that selling my body? I've never struggled with the morality of doing those things. I don't see much difference in what I've done and what strippers do. Am I just a whore in denial?

To answer the question: I'm in not a consumer of extra's, but I have no less respect for women who are paid for sex than I do for women who are paid to answer phones - or men who do either for that matter. It really doesn't make a difference to me what you do. One of my favorite strippers is an extra's girl, I don't partake but she's made it clear the offer stands. Another is pretty uptight and low mileage. I don't respect one more or less than the other.

Avatar for gatorfan

They are legal lying thieving whores

Avatar for Dougster

They are all whores. Who can respect them to begin with?

Avatar for sharkhunter

Is there anyone here who would not have sex with a very attractive member of the opposite sex for $5 million dollars? If not, then we can agree we are all prostitutes and simply arguing about prices and semantics.

Avatar for mikeya02

I like how Dougie said if you cum during a lap dance the girl is a whore. And if you dont shes not. What a dumbfuck. You love cheap whores, Dougie, why belittle them?

Avatar for thesamurai

Damn Ranukam, reading through some of these comments, it seems like you stirred up a bit of a hornets nest. Its always fun to have guys who pay for sex tell you you're a douchebag.

Avatar for darrenb01984

At one of the clubs i go to, there is a dancer, last time i was in, sitting on the main floor, she sits next to me, untucks my shirt unbuckles my belt and starts putting her hand into my pants. Thankfully one of my favorites shows up and runs her off. The ones who are that obvious are not good, the others i have no issues with.

Avatar for georgmicrodong

@thesamurai: With the possible exception of the "wham, bam, thank you ma'am, one night stand" guys, every guy pays for sex, whether he knows it or not. Not always in cash, but payment is made. :)

@darrenb01984: "The ones who are that obvious are not good".

Hmm, IME, some of the ones who are "that obvious" are not only good, but outstanding. No coquettish games or no beating around the bush; she knows what she's willing to do, and is willing to get to it.

Avatar for AliLandryFan

One earlier commenter said it best:

I respect a stripper who doesnt do extras. I LOVE a stripper who does!

I have been with many of both types. I am a lonely old man who does look for extras. Generally i find one girl , establish a regular "relationship" and its a win win for both parties. It helps keep me sane over protracted periods of loneliness. She is my therapist of sorts. and my girlfriend of sorts. I dont care what anyone else thinks of that.

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