Weird Club Names

avatar for JacksonEsskay
I mentioned in one of my "Ten Things" articles that I liked the fact that SCs often have creative names, so you get a smile even before you get inside. OTOH, some club names are just plain weird . . . for example "BandAid's" in Phoenix. Let's start with the fact that if I was legal counsel to Johnson & Johnson's, I'd have filed a trademark degradation suit against them years ago, but apart from that I just don't get the name . . .

I always had a problem with "Spearmint Rhino" too. Wikipedia says that "the company was simply aiming for a noticeable, memorable and catchy name."


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avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
There is a club in Detroit named "Chix on Dix".

Clever name - but not what you think. It's address is 403 S. Dix Street
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Perhaps the Club was referring to putting some "BandAid's" whatever is stressing you. LOL
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
A recent review tonight caught my attention. There is a club in Thailand called "The Classroom".

Let me say, I don't often get serious here. I view this forum as light hearted fun. But to name a club The Classroom in a country well known for underage human sex trafficking is not at all funny.

I think we are all aware of the sex tours to Thailand that cater to pedophiles. And to name a club The Classroom is despicable. Call me a prude. I'll get off if my soapbox now

avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I've mentioned here before, a bit south of Miami, was the "Organ Grinder".
avatar for Ermita_Nights
13 years ago
I believe that club is actually owned by Johnson & Johnson. Or was it Masters & Johnson?
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
Shooter's Alley, Atlanta GA had a shooting on Nov 22 2010.
avatar for Rod84
13 years ago
I always like "Go Go Rama" in Laurence Harbor, NJ. Its name reminds me of the era of "Mad Men." But don't expect girls in go-go boots and psychedelic miniskirts; this place it totally nude and all about the lapdances. And they are, to employ an overly used present day word, awesome.
avatar for Club_Goer_Seattle
13 years ago
I like the name, "Booby Trap," for a strip club. I see it has two Florida, and one Ontario, Canada locations, at least. I wonder how well their clubs trap boobies? (I consider myself well-skilled in trapping boobies.)
avatar for hakanlube
13 years ago
My favorite is "Fuzzy Holes" in Tennessee.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
I had forgotten about Fuzzy Holes! I've actually been there.
avatar for DandyDan
13 years ago
My favorite name for a strip club is the Bear Chest Lounge in Beloit, Wisconsin. It was my first strip club visit outside Illinois, my previous state of residence. I also have a fondness for the High Heel Saloon in Somonauk, Illinois, or at least the name. The worst club name I can think of that I went to is the Bigfoot Lounge in Rockford, Illinois.
avatar for shadowcat
13 years ago
I just noticed this one in todays reviews.

Dr. Don's Famous Door
146 W Michigan Ave, Jackson, Michigan 49201
avatar for Ghosty
13 years ago
In Mass: DB's Golden Banana. Sounds like a gay club but it's not.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
There was a ghetto club in Landing,Mi that was named the very un-original Cheetahs. After a number of fights, shootings, and various health code violations it was closed. When it reopened it was called Mens Rea which is Latin for "guilty mind".

But their sign had a silhouette of a woman with spread legs that resembled the letter "A" so the name on the signed appeared to be Mens Area which really sounded gay. There was so much confusion on the correct name of the club, after several months it changed it's name again to the not very original Centerfolds.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
There was a ghetto club in Landing,Mi that was named the very un-original Cheetahs. After a number of fights, shootings, and various health code violations it was closed. When it reopened it was called Mens Rea which is Latin for "guilty mind".

But their sign had a silhouette of a woman with spread legs that resembled the letter "A" so the name on the signed appeared to be Mens Area which really sounded gay. There was so much confusion on the correct name of the club, after several months it changed it's name again to the not very original Centerfolds.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Oops damn double post. And town should be Lansing
avatar for zef8mich
13 years ago
King of Diamonds on Eight Mile in Detroit used to be called the Booby Trap until recently. Before it was named the Booby Trap a previous owner lost both his legs when his car was booby trapped outside the club. Quite a coincidence that it would be named the Booby trap after that.

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
Best name for a strip club: Fucked Up
avatar for mikeya02
13 years ago
Well, its only a movie name, but the "Titty Twister" in From Dusk Til Dawn was classic.
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
So was Salma's dance!!!
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
add Badda Bing to the movie tv list
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Jumbo's Clown Room in Hollywood . . .really? Who want's to go to a SC named JUMBO'S? Forget about "Clown Room" as well
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