"Critical Mass"results from "What is a 10"Survey

avatar for JacksonEsskay
“Critical Mass” results from “What is a 10” Survey

1. Do you think the 1-10 scale has any validity?

A plurality (43.2%) believe the scale has validity only for the lower end. Ugly, it seems, is universal. One-third, however, believe that TUSCLers are sufficiently in tune with what it takes to please a man that the scale is valid. The reminder think that the scale is subjective and not reliable as a result.

2. Do you have a personal 1-10 scale? That is, do you have a fixed idea of what differentiates a "4" from an "8", etc., for you personally?

Only 14.8% have a clearly defined scale, while most of us (51.1%) tend be somewhat flexible (i.e. we may be more inclined to rate up a dancer is we are particularly horny that night) and 29.5% “ballpark” our ratings.

3. In your mind is the 1-10 Scale about

No surprises in the 100% rating for “Physical Beauty” (duh), but other factors come into play for some of us including Age (23.0%), Personality (58.6%), Dance Skills (stage) (17.2%), Dance Skills (lap) (28.7%) and "Extras" Willingness (9.2%).

4. If a dancer smokes, this can down grade her score for 39.1% of us, while 60.9% say it does not matter.

5. Other attributes that are a plus / a minus / no effect are:

Race: White 44.2% / 0.0% / 55.8%
Race: Black 4.7% / 29.1% / 66.3%
Race: Asian 18.6% / 14.0% / 67.4%
Ethnicity: Latina 25.6% / 5.8% / 68.6%
Ethnicity: Scandinavian 27.9% / 2.3% / 69.8%
Long Hair 57.0% / 0.0% / 43.0%
Short Hair 5.9% / 30.6% / 63.5%
Blonde 22.4% / 5.9% / 71.8%
Brunette 30.2% / 2.3% / 67.4%
Redhead 17.4% / 9.3% / 73.3%
Dyed (wild colors) 3.5% / 67.4% / 29.1%
Eyes (generally) 63.5% / 0.0% / 36.5%
Eyes (specific color) 18.8% / 2.4% / 78.8%
Smile 91.8% / 0.0% / 8.2%
Tall 32.9% / 8.2% / 58.8%
Short 11.8% / 12.9% / 75.3%
Leggy 56.5% / 3.5% / 40.0%
Slim 66.7% / 6.0% / 27.4%
Athletic 55.3% / 4.7% / 40.0%
Curvy 51.2% / 17.9% / 31.0%
BBW 2.4% / 79.5% / 18.1%
Breasts: Small 16.7% / 39.3% / 44.0%
Breasts: Natural 75.3% / 0.0% / 24.7%
Breasts: Enhanced 8.2% / 57.6% / 34.1%
Ass: Firm 79.8% / 0.0% / 20.2%
Ass: Cute/Petite 65.9% / 4.7% / 29.4%
Ass: Big 16.9% / 71.1% / 12.0%
Pussy: Shaved 56.6% / 3.6% / 39.8%
Pussy: Trimmed 50.0% (42) / 3.6% / 46.4%
Pussy: Natural 7.2% / 54.2% / 38.6%
Tattoos: None 67.4% / 2.3% / 30.2%
Tattoos: Small 12.9% / 11.8% / 75.3%
Tattoos: Many/Large 3.6% / 78.6% / 17.9%
Intimate Piercings 7.1% / 50.6% / 42.4%

Based on the responses to question 5, the typical TUSCLer's ideal dancer can be of any race so long as she has long hair of any natural color (well, maybe not grey) with a slight preference for brunettes, has gorgeous eyes and a great smile. She should be leggy, and can be of a slim, athletic or curvy build, but should have natural breasts, a shaved or trimmed pussy, a firm, cut ass, no tattoos (or just a few small ones) and no intimate piercings.

Question six asked you to rate the following photographs of dancers. I think that this question shows how subjective some ratings can be (three photos were rated as both 10s and 3s); however the majority of the responses for each photo fell close to the average, so there is at least a fair chance that a rating given in a review will be close to the rating the typical TUSCLer would give (or perhaps that's just wishful thinking?). The numbers following each link are the average rating/ the highest rating given / the lowest rating given.

http://cp.inkrefuge.com/images… 8.34 / 10 / 5
http://centerfoldsboston.com/v… 7.96 / 10 / 6
http://www.camelotclub.com/ima… 7.21 / 10 / 3
http://www.camelotclub.com/ima… 7.03 / 10 / 3
http://www.camelotclub.com/ima… 7.00 / 10 / 3
http://houseofeden.org/main/wp… 6.90 / 10 / 3
http://houseofeden.org/main/wp… 5.65 / 9 / 1
http://houseofeden.org/main/wp… 5.53 / 9 / 2http://www.winkerswinston.com/440_330… 4.89 / 8 / 1
http://www.clubcabaret124.net/… 4.62 / 9 / 2
http://www.winkerswinston.com/… 4.40 / 7 / 2


last comment
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
"Cute ass", not "cut ass" . . . Sorry about that.
avatar for 3LeggedMan
13 years ago
I love the stats for question 6. That one girl could receive scores of 9 and 1 is incredible. And 7 other girls had ranges of 7 points. Truly, we all have different standards of beauty. Thanks for doing this survey.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
In the initial thread I believe some commented there is no such thing as a 10. I do believe there are perfect 10's but none of these pictures.

Apparently I'm a tough grader though. I graded every one at least 2 points under the average and many of my scores were close to the low end.

This was fun.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
Conversely, the survey would indicate the least ideal would be a large black girl, with short hair, fake tits, a big butt, unshaved pussy, and lots of tats and piercings.
avatar for sharkhunter
13 years ago
Thanks for doing the survey. I thought I wasn't that far off from the average poster.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I loved this survey. I'm a people watcher. Sometimes during a layover at a busy airport like Atlanta where there is lots of foot traffic, I will play a little game. I will rate every woman passing by. And compare the scores of the ones passing from left vs the right. Lol

As far as a flexible scale...I think I have a rigid scale. For example, horniness doesn't influence my rating. But that is not to say all 9s or 10s have to similar. There might be an instance where a tall, blonde with large breasts can be a 9 and so is a petite short haired pixie with a cute face. My rating scale is rigid buy I'm flexible on the attributes.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I must be in the one percentile that couldn't figure out how to fill out the survey
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
MH: "Conversely, the survey would indicate the least ideal would be a large black girl, with short hair, fake tits, a big butt, unshaved pussy, and lots of tats and piercings."

You left out "and purple hair who does not smile at all and has soulless eyes."

Truly for me race does not matter in a detracting sense, but I will concede that a cute Asian or Latina is going to get a higher rating from me than a garden variety Caucasian or Black dancer . . . probably because the clubs I visit tend not to offer much beyond salt and pepper and variety is the spice of life.
avatar for Fenster
13 years ago
I tried to take the survey on my phone, but copying and pasting the URLs for the pictures was taking too long, so I switched to my laptop. It turns out that each time you take the survey, the order of the pictures changes. Presumably, this would be to make the answers less dependent on the presentation order, and would be accounted for in the results, i.e., the responses would be keyed to the pictures, not their placement in order.

With such scattered results, however, I can't imagine there isn't some problem with the survey. There's nobody there that could be considered a "3" by some, and a "9" by others, Unless, of course, someone gave an obvious "3" a "9" because she looks like his sister.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago
Yes the order is random when the survey is taken, but the results are reported for the linked picture regardless of where it fell in the order for a particular response. I don't think there is a problem with the survey in this regard. I think it shows that while lots of respondents though that the blonde in football jersey was hot, others probably thought she looked fake or stuck-up and down graded on that account. I think a few wags probably scored hotties low as a joke too.
avatar for londonguy
13 years ago
C'mon, own up, who gave the girl with a football a '5' ?
avatar for mjx01
13 years ago
not me. The girl with a football is a 10 in my book. I'm not surprised she had the highest average (as I though she was easily the best looking), but kind of surprised she didn't average a 9+. I also agreeded that the 2nd girl with 7.96 average was 2nd best looking.
avatar for JGoose
13 years ago
I took the survey thinking about features that I prefer in a dancer, rather than any other woman.

Case in point, I love women with long hair. However, I have found that long hair is more annoying in the booth, or in bed. So I would look for a dancer with hair that goes to around the middle of the neck.

Also, I'm a bit on the tall side, and I love tall women. However, I have found that tall dancers tend to introduce their shoulders to my chin more than shorter dancers.

So, I'm flexible with rating women's bodies.
avatar for motorhead
13 years ago
I didn't give her the 5 either. I said I was a tough grader - but not that tough.
She was the best girl but not a ten. High 7. A few nit picky things keep her from 9/10
avatar for jayhawk123
13 years ago
The blonde with the football is easily a 9....I may even go 10. Motorhead...what keeps her from a 9 or 10 in your book?
avatar for Clubber
13 years ago
I'm not certain, but the 5 may have come from me. Why, she is about as anti-exotic as one can get. She can still be lovely, just not to me, ergo just average (5).
avatar for carl95
13 years ago
"I think it shows that while lots of respondents though that the blonde in football jersey was hot, others probably thought she looked fake or stuck-up and down graded on that account."

I don't know, she just didn't vibe for me as much. It may have been due to subliminal factors from growing up in New England but the blonde in the Celtics jersey was the closest I got to given a 10 but only gave her a 9.

BTW, how is it that you posted 3 girls from House of Eden and this girl wasn't one? http://houseofeden.org/main/wp… She may not be a 10 but better than the 5 average that two of them got.
avatar for JacksonEsskay
13 years ago

I was selecting at random and trying to get a mixture of hot and not.
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