Comments by stripclubspy (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Illegal Immigrant Murderer Lived in U.S. Off Federal Subsidies
    Go to Fox News website if you want to whine about illegal immigration. Or maybe you can call Rush.
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    15 years ago
    Illegal Immigrant Murderer Lived in U.S. Off Federal Subsidies
    So what? This post does not belong on this site.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget
    Cat, that isn't what you said. In a previous post you said "I asked her to move in."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on gridget
    I thought you asked her to move in. What happened with that?
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Update on TUSCL_Brother
    Speaking of child porn, what is up with Dudester's photos? Are you telling me that girl is not underage? And that the poses are not sexually suggestive? And that his comments like "yes, take it off" don't cast a sexual nature on his appreciation of this girl's beauty? I would appreciate it if he would take down these photos. Do you all understand that possibly every photo you have ever seen on this site (or any other) is probably still on your hard drive? A few years ago, I accidentally deleted some family photos. After buying some software that is supposed to help you recover such files (waste of time) I went to OnTrack, the Cadillac of lost data recovery. They connect to your computer remotely and recover any type files you want. Well, they recovered thousands and thousands of images, the vast majority of which I never "downloaded" or saved. I'm talking every ad, every photo of a celeb that appears on yahoo's home page, etc. I would have thought that "temporary" stuff like that would be writing over itself over time, but apparently if your hard drive is big enough and has enough empty space on it there is no guarantee. There were photos recovered that were years old - I could tell because they were related to some news story. It was pretty scary. So, to everyone out there... kindly do not post any photos on this site that could get all of us in trouble!
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Spell check....
    shadowcat, as far as I'm concerned, you can (mis)spell anyway you want.
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Spell check....
    Shadowcat, you are a dirty old man writing on a strip club review site, and you're worried what people will think of your spelling??? Besides, using a spell checker is cheating... kind of like a mail-order diploma.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walmart mulling decision to open up Super Strip Clubs?
    BTW, Vegeta1on1, are u sure there's a car in that photo? I still haven't found it.
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    15 years ago
    Clear heels?
    I used to think that typical stripper platforms were ridiculous, but last night I saw an aging dancer wearing what had to be called "sensible shoes" - maybe a 1 inch heel on a flat-bottomed shoe - and that was TRULY ridiculous. At the old Leggs Lounge there was a very attractive, well-proportioned dancer who wore classic black high-heeled pumps. She looked really good, but somehow out of place as well. Guess I'm starting to appreciate stripper platforms more than I thought. You really have to hand it to the girls who can dance athletically with grace while wearing them.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    They're picking on my girl!
    One night at Bogarts three dancers beat up a new dancer in the dressing room, while several others blocked the door to keep the bouncers/managers out. Harsh as it is, it is the law of the jungle. There is a certain culture in every club, and new dancers sometimes either don't know it or choose to flaunt it. Often, for example, a dancer is not supposed to approach a customer when another dancer is already sitting with him. This can get dicey when the sitting dancer gets up to go to the dressing room, or has to go up on stage. I have seen dancers yelling and even throwing things at their supposed regular as another dancer leads them to the VIP while they're up on stage. On the other hand, a dancer can join a customer/dancer duo if the customer is the dancer's "regular" and the assumption is that the sitting dancer will be asked to move on. Of course, these are just the polite subtleties! I've had dancers tell me to watch out for so-and-so, she is a back-passage whore who sucks cock after doing anal, etc. When word of that gets around tempers are likely to flare.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    North Carolina
    old limits
    Her (stroking my crotch as she sits down next to me, the first time I've ever seen her): "How you doin tonight?" Me: "Good, and you?" Her: "Horny. So, what kind of dance do you like?" Me: "The kind where I fuck you until you scream, and then you suck my cock until I explode in your mouth." Her: "Where you been all my life. Let's go." Yeah, I'd say it's getting easier.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    Rob Alert
    Player, tell your "friend" I'm sorry that happened. When you see your doctor, do you say your "friend" has ED and asked you to pick up some V?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    the idea that being aroused in a strip club would be embarrassing seems pretty silly to me. More embarrassing not be be aroused.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Best/Worst tip from a fellow club goer, staff member, dancer, etc.?
    You hijacked my hijacking
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Talking with other customers
    Sorry if I'm hijacking the thread, but I think the subject of dancer "tips" from PLs, waitresses, bartenders, bouncers and other dancers is interesting. I used to go into a particular club looking for a particular dancer. Before paying the cover I would ask the bouncer if she was working. He would tell the truth, but if the answer was "no" he would always add "but so-and-so is working tonight and she gives a really good LD." I would always wonder, is she tipping him for that? Does he get a cut? Once I was sitting with a dancer and a waitress came up to me and said, "why haven't you taken her upstairs yet? Playing hard to get?" Later, when the dancer had to go up on stage, the waitress stopped by and said "don't let any of these bitches steal you away while she's up there!" In this case I don't think any money was changing hands, they were just friends. I've also had waitresses come up to me and say "you know the girl you were just talking to? Bad news. Not very nice." If a dancer approaches me often I'll say I'm waiting for someone (usually it's true). If they ask who, I'll tell them... and then often I get an evaluation... "Wow, you must like girls with big fake boobs..."; "you must not like the cute girls..."; "I think she's hot, sometimes we get it on..."; or "oh" (rolls eyes).
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Searching for good clubs to work with for East European Girls
    I don't know how things work in europe, but in the USA most dancers are not employees of the club and receive no assistance or services like housing. No club owner (unless the place is just trafficing women for outright prostitution is going to contact you and say "send me 10 beautiful girls, I'll give you a finder's fee." They'll just say "send them over for an audition. If we like them, they can pay us money to dance here." Good luck! BTW, the website is confusing and seems poorly laid out IMHO.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Walk this way
    Why do you call the walk to the VIP the "walk of shame"??? I always thought that referred to the return trip to your table with an obvious big wet spot on your pants... Anyway, I like a dancer who confidently walks ahead, swaying her hips, knowing that you are following behind enjoying the view. One of the things I like about Bogart's in Detroit is the club layout. The bar bends around at the left end, creating a small area where maybe 3-4 people can sit behind the bar and see the entire room looking forward, including the approach to the raised VIP which is only a few feet away. If that area is full there are tables along the wall just under the VIP area. Anyway, you can watch the dancers working the room, and when they make a sale, you can watch them head upstairs with their customers. The bar and tables are quite close together, so walking side by side is not an option. I think you can learn a lot about the dancers by watching the way they take a guy to the VIP: 1. The really confident and professional ones will stride ahead, making eye contact and smiling at the men they pass, as if to say "honey, this could be you I'm gonna be doin' in a minute. Eat your heart out. But I'll be back soon." You can tell they're comfortable with what they do, maybe even enjoy it a lot - or at least know their jobs well enough to understand what they're selling. 2. Then there are the ones who seem shy or embarrassed - like they don't want to make eye contact on the way... like it is a "walk of shame" for them. I always think how stupid they are, missing the opportunity to advertise themselves along the way. 3. Some are obviously distracted, checking their cell phones for messages - again, just stupid. 4. Some are obviously insecure, like they got the guy to agree to head back but they're not sure he'll walk past the other women without stopping. Some regulars will pause along the way to speak with or embrace other dancers, making the first dancer very nervous. I'm always amused when I see a dancer grab the guy's hand and haul him along.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Racist SC's
    Philip... dude... Ann Arbor is progressive by any measure... where is it better... Boston? New York? D.C.? L.A.? Chicago? Give me a break. If you think Ann Arbor is racist it's more a reflection of the crowd you hang with. Of course there are racists everywhere, but that is not the general culture in Ann Arbor. That said, the metro Detroit area is the most segregated city in the USA. Lots of reasons for that, starting with the little incendiary event in 1967. As a white man, I do not feel particularly welcome in Detroit. At the same time, I think young black men in particular have a lot of legitimate reasons to be mad at "the Man". The clubs I visit in the Detroit area have black dancers and black customers, but definitely in the minority. Is there racism? I'm sure. I had one dancer tell me she was a little racist, but she said it was based on the percentage of bad experiences she had in the vip with black men. She pointed out a few in the room... "see that guy, the one all the girls are ignoring? His finger wants to go where it shouldn't, and it doesn't matter how many times you tell him not to." I don't think that is racist at all; the racism comes in if you then generalize that to all black men. There was a black dancer at Leggs who I later saw at Bogarts after the Leggs fire. She told me she had trouble getting dances from any of the white guys. That was pretty shocking, because she had an incredible powerful athletic body - her body was actually a work of art. I would have taker her upstairs myself right then and there except I was waiting on my fav. Never saw her again after that. There was also a daytime manager at H8N who was fired for pulling a bunch of stunts... one of which was charging the black dancers a much higher tip-out than the white dancers in an effort to drive them out. But hey, he did get fired (although maybe not for that specifically). In general, I'd say in the Detroit clubs I visit it is not unusual to see black men in the vip with white dancers, or white men with black dancers. I don't think there is any institutional racism. Everyone seems to get in the door, unless they are obviously quarrelsome. Once inside, the choices people make may be motivated by racism or just "preference". Probably some of both.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    What is a pasty/pastie?
    Pasties are NOT required in Ohio, only parts of Ohio (apparently). In Toledo it's completely nude w/alcohol. There is one club in Detroit area I know of that has to use pasties - John's Hot Spot, and it's due to a local ordinance. Club provides the pasties at a $5 charge to the girls. Different shapes are available, from hands (funny) to skull and crossbones, hearts, etc. Often they come off "by accident" in the VIP, and have to be reapplied. BTW, REAL pasties are available all over in Michigan's upper peninsula, due to the influx of Cornish miners in the 19th century to mine copper.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    from ATF to ROB in 15 minutes
    I mean it, Dougster, quit sending me the posts begging for gay sex.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Have you ever wondered ...?
    Dougster, quit PM'ing me begging for gay sex. I'm going to post your messages if u don't stop.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Regulars vs guys night out
    guys, don't even bother. Just hit "ignore".
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Babes in Paradise Mystery
    LOL. "Do you not get out much stripclubspy?" Pretty funny, coming from a guy who picked the name "brewerfan"... talk about not getting out much or not having a life... honestly.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Babes in Paradise Mystery
    Quiet, Dougster, or I will tell everyone about the PMs you send me begging for gay sex. Talk about barking up the wrong tree.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Babes in Paradise Mystery
    Because I'm trying to appeal to you, Dougster.