Update on gridget
Atlanta suburb
A sucessful story. A stripper that turned it around. Quit stripping 3+ years ago to become a paramedic. That turned to shit when she suffered an OJI when she got her hand slammed into the ambulance door. She has been on workers comp for about 9 months. 5 surgeries. None of them have reparied the damage.I talked to her this morning. Looks like the docs will release her in a couple of weeks but not likly she will be able to return to paramedcing.Hand not strong enough. She has 2 offers to work at hospital emergency rooms.Her father(76) is dying.But she is a tropper.Says that I am her best friend. The feeling is metional.
Shekitout, You know I can't spell for shit. (mutual)
Anyway wish her luck.
I do the same for TUSCL_Brother. Of course we were/are like brothers.His outlook is not so rosy. When I get the final word on him, I will pass it along.