
Stripper Pharmacology

Sunday, December 12, 2010 10:15 PM
Chatting with a dancer, but I can tell she is just going through the motions. Then I mentioned that I had some dental surgery and was on painkillers earlier in the week. Suddenly she was VERY interested, asking what kind of painkillers, then rattling off half a dozen different names, some I had heard of (vicoden, percocet), the rest unfamiliar to me, (and all of which she apparently had at her home) and then went into a detailed discussion of the various merits and drawbacks of each. Maybe she's studying pharmacy in her spare time?


  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    well aren't you so much better and more well off then that pill addicted stripper.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    She was just hinting that she wanted some. If you can stomach that sort of thing, you could've traded on the leftovers.
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    lol this is the second stripper you have told your dental surgery story to.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    I don't like strippers who deaden their senses.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    Twenty years ago, when I was a cop, we had an Officer who.... The day after a Grateful Dead concert, we were in roll call discussing that after the concert, hundreds and hundreds of vitamin C pills were found on the concert green. Roger said "Oh yeah, that's how they increase the effect of LSD." He then went up to the chalkboard, and talking excitedly and with great exuberance, he spent twenty minutes drawing neurons and nerve synapses, until he suddenly realized that all of us were slack jawed at what he was doing. Then, meekly, he said "Of course, it's just what I heard." He then sat down. Needless to say, he had to do a couple of random piss tests.
  • harrydave
    14 years ago
    If you give a stripper a ride in your car, check it afterward for debris, like loose pills. Girls in Phoenix were always leaving stuff in my car.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Yeah steve, she probably goes like this at home. Hmmm, one from Column A. GULP! One from Column 2. GULP! One from Column 3. GULP! OH NO, CALL 911 !!
  • Cravey
    14 years ago
    I went through recent surgery and have a boatload of Vicodin and various muscle relaxers. Given the street value for Vicodin is $10 a pill (so I'm told), I'm willing to trade dances for pills. Any strippers in the Houston area are welcomed to inquire within. Just saying..
  • Cravey
    14 years ago
    Actually, I'll trade pills for dances.. Dyslexia is not my friend..
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    cravey, watch out it is more likely a undercover DEA agent will contact you than a stripper
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