
No sex in the champagne room ... really?

Ok, I'm not an idiot. I know that in most cases a LD is just a LD and the cost is per song. But there are those places where many a reviewer talks about "extras." Reserve all judgment, please, but these extras are of interest to me and I'd like to know more of the etiquette. If one were to negotiate a price, is that a price per song, as with a LD or is it total for the "extra?" Since extras are a bit pricier than a LD i would hate to come up short at the end of the dance - take that as you will.


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    In most incidences "extras" occur in a VIP or Champagne room where time is sold, not dances. There is a room charge, then the price you negotiate with the dancer.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    In some cases I have negotiated up front for extras. In other cases the extra was not asked for but happily accepted. This calls for a tip.
  • Stonesource
    15 years ago
    The place I have in mind doesn't have a champagne room per se, more like a couple of closets in the back. There probably isn't a VIP room charge.

    Shadowcat, in your experience was the negotiated price the final tally for the room or the extra? I guess I'll find out soon enough and will let y'all know.
    15 years ago
    Stone, you're doing the right thing by using this site to shorten the learning curve.

    Probably my first true experience with a champagne room was at Silk in Milwaukee. For the low price of $300 for the half hour it was me, and a dancer, alone (except for the video surveilance) in an upscale room with a fresh bottle. Not being a champagne drinker, I think I had two sips. Though the petite brunette went all out on the grind and the champagne seemed to be a hit with her, basically it didn't do much for me... and I got stuck with the bill! I should've taken the bottle home. From then on I've learned to reject champagne rooms. I think most will agree a regular or "VIP" dance area is basically the same thing (in terms of level of activity by the dancer), yet comes with a much smaller price tag.

    It was an expensive lesson for me. Though it didn't stop several of the gals from offering last time I was at Silk (imagine that! Their sense of hospitality...) A champagne room at Silk is so far removed from being worth the price, I can't think of anything comparable to convey the point. I guess just take $300 to Detroit and see how far that goes..................................................... ;-)
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Stone, to be more than the negotiated price would bring in the ROB factor. I have not had a problem but am sure some customers have.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    Different clubs operate differently. But most girls don't offer extras until they have you back in the VIP champagne room or lap dance room. You almost need to discuss it on a club by club basis because of how clubs operate differently.
  • Cravey
    15 years ago
    First, you have to find a girl willing to provide extras. Not all do and I've found that after 2 dances, it's a fair question if posed like "please don't take offense and I know everyone is different, but do you offer anything beyond dances?". If the answer is yes, then you're free to negotiate. The girl will usually be upfront because at that point, both of you are trying to close the deal.

    But to your question, extras in my world are basically "the act", whatever it is that you've negotiated on. I have one special lady who knows that I'll give $300 for a BJ. That "extra" will take place over about 3 songs.

    Good luck and happy hunting.
  • mrlover2010
    15 years ago
    The last time I was at Penthouse in Detroit, Mich I got a nice HJ while I fingered her; I didn't even ask for any extras, I think I was lucky picking the right girl, I did tip her to reward her. I personally don't want to pay $300 extra in the VIP room because to me it's kind of pricey (I know it's actually average in general) and the VIP room is small and not comfortable enough. But that's just me. I heard some clubs have VIP room with a table or medium size couch inside; now that's a different story ! You just gotta ask the girls, I normally ask her "Tell me about the VIPS and dances" or one time I asked her " I didn't see the dance menu, what's on the menu ?!" Have fun man, and post a report to let us know how you like wherever you're going !
  • Player11
    15 years ago
    Where I am VIP (Houston Area extras friendly club), entry into ViP (upstairs) or CR (downstairs behind stage) is $125 for non members. I am LT VIP so no entry charge. A recent review of the club by an out of towner said he paid the $125 fee and got pussy for $125. These rooms offer good privacy and darkness. Most of the girls give extras be it BJ, HJ, or FS. I have negotiated these before going to CR or taken two dances and then made an offer if I wanted to continue. POP has been $100 to $200 and the quality of the experience varies with the girl. Some gals may give HJ foreplay then sex or a BJ before sex. Just depends on the gal. The one I have been seeing mostly otc gave me HJ foreplay then sex in CR the first time we met. POP with her (she's married and 28) has been $150 - $200 otc and $100 - $150 itc. With recent LE raids on the club, itc is looking less attractive for me although having her completely naked doing me cowboy on one of the divans is an awesome experience.

    A ploy of a lot of ROB's I have read on sites like SW, is to get you to pay some huge upfront extras fee for a set time with it vague as to what you will be really receiving. Don't fall for this SS. From my perspective taking a stripper to VIP is for one thing - to get pussy or some other extra. I will not pay big bucks to just enter a VIP room. If the gal really wants to make some money she can meet me at motel.

    At another Houston area near me the upstairs VIP is an open area and has a flat $25 entry fee. This is more sane but their VIP area is too open. There is usually a manager sitting at a desk up there (not always) but he does not really pay attention to what is going on. Whats hilarious is he will give you an armband like in case you go back downstairs - what is this Disneyland? I even fucked a gal there one time there with him not 15 feet away (7 total sessions with her otc and itc). IDK if he was aware of what was going on or simply did not care. She told me it was ok and that she "likes to do it with people around." I had barely finished comming in her, not even had a chance to withdraw and the damn coctail waitress comes up and says "your 5 oclock has arrived early." Needless to say she was in a hurry "to go potty." Thank gosh I got off before that bitch witress interrupted things.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    1. There is sex in the champagne room. Chris Rock knows it, but he just doesn't want you to get a piece of action that would otherwise be his exclusively.

    2. It all depends on the club and the girl, the context. The night, the time of year (is a "tough on crime" election coming up?), the flow of tourists (New Orleans for Mardi Gras or Sugar Bowl = high prices; Miami for Superbowl = high prices; Vegas for Mother's Day = not higher prices).

    3. Everybody has her price. Really, literally, EVEN MARGARET THATCHER had her price for paid sex (if someone was willing to pay). So the question isn't, "Will she fuck me for money?" The question is, rather, "Can I afford to pay her to fuck me for the price at which she will agree to fuck me for money?" And, correlatively, "Do I want to try to pay for it, at that price?" And remember, the QUOTED price isn't necessarily the eventual FULL price, either.

    4. Another related question is, what quality of experience you're going to get. If it's going to be antiseptic-feeling, and impersonal, and she's going to be acting distracted or nervous about the bouncer, and you're going to get arrested immediately after cumming, then maybe the mere fact that the price is good, should not be the determinative fact. On the other hand, if she's offering a full hour of up-close cuddly comfort, including deep french kissing, and you can rely on her to fulfill the promise by acting in accord with that offer, and neither of you is really TOO drunk, and it's at a good price, it might actually be worth risking the bouncer's ire. Might. All depends on price per service and price per quality of service. And the size of the bouncer. :)

    A. Read the reviews. The clubs where it happens, will have mention of that fact in the right places in the reviews. One fair generalization is, that if one girl can rely on getting her money by giving sexual services at a given club, to the extent that people have posted positive reviews about her service, then you can probably also guess, that other girls are free to give that same level of service at that same club. Maybe not ALL girls at that club can (or WILL) do it; but if one girl can, then it's likely that SOME other girls can and will, at the same place and under similar circumstances and prices.

    B. But, realize, as well, that when one reviewer posts one positive review about one girl and he states something that makes you think he got sexual services, there may be any of several miscommunications between you and him happening. He may have made a statement that HE meant NOT to be taken as sexual services, which you mistakenly take as a direct reference to sexual services. The word "extras" is laden with potential misinterpretation here at TUSCL. Some men use it to mean, "She kissed me on my neck, and fondled the side of my hard cock through my jeans once." Other men use it only to mean, "I had sexual service and orgasm thanks to her." Or maybe the miscommunication is one in which you have inferred a level of experience in the reviewer, that the reviewer actually doesn't have. "Hey, I went to XX club and I got the MOST AMAZING level of service! I didn't expect it and the price was lower than it would be anywhere else!" he may say. If the club is on one Times Square, and the reviewer has regularly been to Tampa and Vegas, then maybe you should seek out that girl for some fun. But if the reviewer is from Kansas, and the club is MBOT in San Francisco, and it's the only club he's ever been to, then you need to be skeptical about his level of awareness of what the "norm" is, or what it should be. In using TUSCL effectively, I always click the reviewer's name and look at both (A) his "hot list" and (B) his past reviews. If the information at (A) and (B) suggest to me that he's talking in a well-informed manner, then I'll go with his recommendation. In fact, it's sometimes the case, that a NAIVE beginner strip-club patron gets MORE bang-for-the-buck than many experienced strip-club-goers do, simply because the younger girls are more comfortable with that naive guy's lack of sophistication and with his innocence. If he finds ONE girl, ONCE, at ONE club, who gives him a half-song handjob, then it's likely you won't be able to replicate his experience at that club, not even if you find the same girl. She was breaking the rules, not demonstrating the norm.

    In other words, 5.A. and 5.B. say, YMMV regardless of the reviews. Sorry, but them's the breaks. Life wouldn't be worth living if you could look it all up on the internet. :)

    6. Never ever ever succumb to up-selling. If she won't be clear and explicit about price-per-service before you hand over a lot of cash, then don't ever hand over cash. If you give up (for example) $300 to the house with the girl's clear and exlicit statement that this is "all" that you will pay, but then you get into the private room and she changes her lie to, "But you also have to tip me. That was just for the house. I only do cuddly at that price. If you want sex too, then that will be another $100." THEN LEAVE. Because once you give her that extra $100, she'll then state, "Oh, by 'sex' I meant, I get naked. If you also want me to make YOU naked, and get you off, then that's another $200." And the upsell will continue. At the first sign of upsell, depart. Otherwise she knows she can continue to with-hold service rather than give it up.

    7. Generally, your likelihood of return visits, is very important. "Hi, I'm only in town for a few days and I want you to fuck me in the VIP room" means, she can up-sell, over-charge, or generally mistreat you with poor service per price. To the contrary, "Hi, I've lived her a long time, but I've been out of town on a job / in Saudi Arabia / serving in Afghanistan / etc. / for about a year. Now I'm back and I need to find me a regular place to hang out and get my jollies. I hope you're the right kind of girl, because I'm respectful and generous and a return customer," is the type of statement (or implication) that will get you excellent prices and service. Of course, you gotta back it up. Don't come back for a second session all sloppy-drunk, puke on the girls, beat them up, and be gropey-rude.

    On 6. and 7., you're also doing the REST of the monger community a favor, by not succumbing to the rip-offs, or to over-pricing or up-selling. The more you keep the price down, the more bargaining power we, as a group of men, have over the sexual-service providers, in the inevitable free-market negotiations that will take place. It's perhaps the free-est market of them all, because the commodity is readily available (every woman has a pussy) and also, demand is generally easily extinguished (very few men HAVE TO pay for pussy, they ((we!)) CAN go home and whack it, if nothing amenable comes up). This means, the girl as well as the guy must, both, accommodate the other. And I haven't even mentioned advertising (false or true) and its influence on the market.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    My advice would be to become a regular at the club where you want extras and socialize with some of the other regular customers. Eventually you'll hear about what dancers will give you extras and what dancers are nothing but teases. Customers are very willing to share what dancers are a waste of your time but they might hold off from telling you what dancers put out. Also most dancers are hesitant to give extras to a guy they just met and are more friendly with regulars.

    Also remember what Chris Rock said about tongue rings...if a girl has a tongue ring she will suck your dick!
  • how
    15 years ago
    At clubs I visit, there are no champagne rooms, but plenty of sex. Sometimes available for the price of dances, but tip as a courtesy.
  • Stonesource
    15 years ago
    What a great resource is this site. Thanks to all for the advice. It is being used wisely. A fool and his money, and all that.
  • MisterGuy
    15 years ago
    "If one were to negotiate a price, is that a price per song, as with a LD or is it total for the 'extra?'"

    What I've almost always run into is that the price is for the extra in question (negotiate for this BEFORE you partake in any fun) & then you have so many songs to complete the act or there may be an extra charge per song. You really don't need to go into a champagne room or a VIP area to get an extra...it's all about finding somewhere that's away from prying eyes, wherever that may be. Good luck...

    "I have one special lady who knows that I'll give $300 for a BJ."

    WOW, that's at least 3 times what you should be paying...wow...
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