
Have you ever routinely been bored to death at certain strip clubs and decided t

Monday, November 22, 2010 6:19 AM
I have. One club that used to be nude in the main club but now is only nude in the side room after they bring a dancer over is the most boring club in between dancers. Considering I saw only 3 dancers there in about 1.75 hours, that is extremely boring. Other clubs on certain weekends in between pay periods are less busy and not as interesting. So I've decided it's more fun to just stay home. I take it many other people in my area have decided to do the same thing on certain weekends. Do you get bored at strip clubs?


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    Yes I get bored at strip clubs but I do not stay around waiting for it to get better I just leave and go somewhere else. Columbus has two areas Northwest and Northeast side of towns that contain nearly all of the strip clubs. Some strip clubs are right next door to each other (Vanity and Cols Gold) while others are just 2 minute drive away (Club X and Doll House)
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Like ss1, I have been bored and just finished my beer and left. The ONLY way I would stay were if I saw a dancer that I wised to "investigate" further.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    Clubber has, as usual, the right idea. Tycoons, Cheetahs and Coliseum on Eight Mile Road in Detroit have sometimes been dull and lifeless. I guess all SCs have those spells. Don't wait on things to liven up. Just move on, unless there is a dancer you see worth waiting for. But don't take more than five minutes waiting on any dancer in a dead club.
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I move on as well when it is boring. I am fortunate to live in an area with an abundance of clubs, so I can usually find one somewhere to fit the bill so, to answer the question, I can find another one rather than stay home. Now I recently traveled to Richmond, VA, where the clubs were damned bad. After a couple of nights, my hotel room was the better option, so I understand the question and would hate to live somewhere like that.
  • shadowcat
    14 years ago
    Last Tuesday magicrat and I hung out at the Columbia Platinum Plus from 1PM til 1AM. After 12 hours we did get bored watching the same dancers. But it was either that or go back to our hotel rooms and watch TV. We thought about going to another club. Even one that was brand new but we knew that we were at the best club to be found in the area. It's a dirty job but some body has to do it.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Yes, I have gotten bored. I leave if nothing's going on.
  • MarkShadow06
    14 years ago
    im confused, what are you all waiting around to happen??? what do you mean "if nothings going on" ?? it's called flagging down a dancer, not sitting around waiting for the grass 2 grow or a fight to break out.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    rick, I agree. It is nice to live in an area where clubs are abundant. Having visited other areas where there might be just a couple of clubs, well options are very limited.
  • gk
    14 years ago
    MarkShadow, sometimes there's an absence of energy in a club that makes a visit on off day somewhat like a sports team that has a bad game. The players complete the game but every spectator and analyst knows that they have played better games. It's the same with strip clubs and that's why sometimes it can get boring. Now maybe that's not what Sharkhunter had in mind with his question, but that's my take on it. Sometimes I read my mood wrong go more for escape after a busy day at work and other times I might go more for fun. There's a big difference with the latter being the best reason to go and the former sometimes resulting in poor outcomes (in those cases probably self-driven). If it's boring and it doesn't look like anything will change, I exchange a few pleasantries with the bartender, finishs my drink and leave. Maybe the club down the road will be better or the next visit to this club might be better. Sometimes I try to make something happen like you suggest, but there are two parts to that equation, and if I make the effort but the whole dancer crew is in a funk, I just leave.
  • Digitech
    14 years ago
    12 hours at a club? Wow. Hmm, I think the longest I have been at one is about 3 hours, maybe a little longer. It is easy to lose track of time when you have a favorite I think -- She talks to you for a while, goes on stage, you do some LDs, talk some more, let her visit other customers, she comes back and does more LDs, etc.
  • Cravey
    14 years ago
    You can often gauge the liveliness of a club in the first 10 minutes. I'll walk in, get a beer at the bar and just watch things for a few minutes. Sometimes there's just not a buzz. Sometimes I'll walk up to a dancer and ask how the day is going. If she rolls her eyes and says "it's dead", you're usually in for a rough visit. Under these circumstances, don't waste your time because it probably won't get much better. Enjoy your beer, maybe stroll through the club to see if there are any unnoticed nuggets of beauty waiting to be had. But if things just aren't clicking, I'll cut my losses after 20 minutes and go elsewhere. So it be said - so it be done.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    " If she rolls her eyes and says 'it's dead', you're usually in for a rough visit." On the other hand, I've had responses like that presage some of the *best* visits. I guess it depends on how you look at it.
  • Cravey
    14 years ago
    On the other hand, I've had responses like that presage some of the *best* visits. I guess it depends on how you look at it. Rare but yes, possible. There will be an occasional situation where the girls realize that the day hold little value and in the time honored tradition of supply vs demand, will jump to the "extras" list as a means of getting any business at all.
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    In the early 1980's, "The Roaring Twenties" was a very tiny strip joint (500 square feet ?) in downtown San Diego. The new owner (a longtime dancer) was dancing nude on a tiny three by three stage. An old drunk near the door said "Take it all off honey". She protested "I'm already nude." The problem was a lack of eroticism, she wasn't interesting, and neither were the other five dancers who worked the place (not all at the same time).
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    Yes, but after a while you start to learn an areas tendencies. I know not to go near holidays at any club, other than Halloween. The good dancers are usually missing, except New Years when the larger clubs are usually packed, but the smaller clubs are usually good to go to.<p> Going the night of the local college's home football game, Ohio State in my case, is not a good idea at large clubs either. Smaller clubs again are usually good to visit.<p> Sometimes a tendency doesn't work out. For instance I know that around Halloween strip clubs in Columbus are usually overcrowded with the young crowds, and lap dances can be hard to get, so I visit Fantasyland in Bucyrus.<p> However my last visit there was only one dancer working, thankfully she was one of the hot ones who gives good dances, and there was only two other customers there, so I got my dances and got out. If there were more customers I would have left for another club.<p> Now a dead club is not always a bad thing. My favorite club is usually dead Saturday nights, but thankfully my most of my favorites work then, which means I usually can get all my dances done quickly, but a few times my favorites are tied up. Only once in the last 4 years have I had to leave that club because of how badly tied up my favorites were.
  • steve229
    14 years ago
    " If she rolls her eyes and says 'it's dead', you're usually in for a rough visit." I remember a dancer saying, "it's dead tonight, there's no one here." Of course, I was sitting right next to her, making me wonder, "What am I? Chopped liver?"
  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    gmd, I love the "it's dead" comment. That usually means a lot of money hungry girls and few wallets to fed the beast. Many an OTC night have been born in clubs with few guys and many needy women ;)
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Cravat: In my experience, neither particularly rare nor occasional. Mondays and Tuesdays, and some Thursdays have proven especially fruitful. YMMV, of course, but like Rick, I like the dead nights. And since I'm one of those lame ass PLs who appreciates verbal intercourse almost as much as the slippery friction kind, slow nights can offer that, too.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    "Cravey" not cravat. Stupid iPhone spell checker. :)
  • dw.buck
    14 years ago
    i have been to a few dead clubs and most of the time it is the local laws. other times the dancers arent into it wishing people throw money. but i have been in one club in San antonio that was dead - completely dead at 9pm and didnt liven up till midnite. only one dancer from 8-930p once more came and started dancing it livened up for me atleast as alot of the dancers gave me attention as i was not a regular. ending up being a great night and multiple connections for future visits to the SA
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    One boring dancer on stage walking back and forth, not even bothering to small. Less than 5 guys in the place. DJ begging for applause. Other dancers sitting in a cluster or hiding in the dressing room. Bartender taking forever to bring a beer. Friday night at Tycoons in Detroit.
  • SuperDude
    14 years ago
    ..bothering to smile...
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    If you end up watching a football game you're not really interested in, you know it's bad. Sometimes when you just spent $10 cover to get in and you don't know when the next girl will get on stage, you wait. Sometimes longer than you thought. I had avoided the nude club for a while since 2 out of 3 visits have been really slow. I don't have any other decent nude choices though. You would think with all the money I see guys throwing up on stage when a girl comes to the nude side, it would be busy, but no. I'm probably thinking about better times when they always had a girl dancing on stage and the main club was nude. Then there are guys on the topless only main club side tipping girls so I guess that is what they are promoting. I'll stay away from the entire club since they obviously don't care too much about the nude side anymore. I can find a lot more entertainment elsewhere.
  • sharkhunter
    14 years ago
    Other clubs can be boring if it's dead when it usually is not. That's not always bad because one dancer or a group of dancers can make it interesting for you. I have been in a club like that at times and had several dancers sitting around next to me. It can be even more fun when you sit near a stage and every dancer is trying to get your attention and they are all hot. It gets more expensive tipping every dancer but one dollar tips are a lot less expensive than dances. If nobody is dancing on stage though, it gets boring.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    sh, You bring up a good point. Say you enter a club, pay the $5-30 cover and it is dead. You decide to leave. Would you ask for the cover back? I would, but I wouldn't make a big deal about it, just ask and see their reaction. At clubs I visit regularly, I never pay anyway, but at others, I do.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Depends on the cover. If it was $5, probably not, but if it was on the $20 or $30 end, yeah, I probably would, maybe even with a comment about "Hey, this isn't worth it tonight. Give me my cover back, and I'll try back some other time." If they care about repeat business, they might go for it. If they don't, they'd probably tell me to fuck off. I'd definitely review *that* little tidbit here, though. :) I've never been in a club with a cover that high, and if I was, I would definitely expect it to be at *least* not lame.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    gmd, It was in Austin, XTC club as I recall. When one is on expenses, one tends to forget about costs. Wasn't worth the $30, but a decent club.
  • georgmicrodong
    14 years ago
    Clubber: Even if I was still in business travel mode, and thank the gods I'm not, there's no way I could have gotten away with expensing that kind of thing. Everybody I've ever worked for wanted receipts for every little thing.
  • DougS
    14 years ago
    I typically don't get out that often to hit clubs, and when I do, it's not like I can just "go home" if it's a slow night; the closest club that I visit (HH) is a 1.5 hour drive. Fortunately, it is extremely rare that I experience a visit that I would term "boring." On my last sexpedition, however, "it" happened. I had spent the whole afternoon with my current fav, followed-up with a few hours spent OTC with her (just dinner). We parted ways a little after 9pm. I headed back to HH, expecting to have another great night. Talk about slim pickin's, geesh. Part of the problem was I was spoiled by my curr fav - after her, not many girls look good (in my opinion). Looking at the girls that I'm seeing on the floor, I'm not seeing ANY that are of interest. (that NEVER happens at HH) I'd purposely not told my #2 that I was going to be In Da House that night 'cause there were a few girls that I wanted to spend more time with. Of course my luck showed through and none of thosed girls were present. The thought crossed my mind that I could hop in the Doug mobile and be at BBF in an hour, but by that time, it'd be about 11pm before I got there... I should'a done it - but didn't. Instead, I watched a little of the Bulls game on pool table side of the club. Like was said earlier, what good is it to go back to the hotel? Even if I wasn't in to any of them, half-naked women is better than a hotel room by myself! I got a wild hair and decided to pack up and see what was shaking at Big Daddy's (probably the 2nd best club in Kokomo, but usually lame as hell). Sure enough.. when I arrived at BDs, it was more than lame... I sat there and saw fugly after fugly, until I'd had enough. Back to the Doug mobile, and for lack of a better idea, HH. Sitting another hour at HH, it just wasn't happening. It was actually getting depressing observing the whole scene as an outsider. What to do...what to do. It hit me about that time that during our dinner, my curr fav had mentioned another Kokomo club that I'd heard of but never visited. She'd said it was "right next to the restaurant" that we ate at. I headed for the restaurant, then drove around until I found Big Daddy's 2 (Ultimate Place 2B). This was worse than Big Daddy's. A heavy girl immediately came over to the chair that I'd taken and started dancing in front of me. ALMOST cute face, but she didn't do it for me. After about 2 min of dancing in front of me, she sat on my lap and started stroking me, while she asked if I wanted to get "naughty". I had no doubt that mileage would be off-the-charts, but I couldn't get past her looks - even though I was tempted for a minute. I apologized and said I was tired, tucked a five in her g-string (I know... I'm too nice), and headed for the door. That was when I finally called it a night and went back to the hotel... alone. Thankfully, it is rare to have a night like that.
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