
Comments by gridget

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget is back...
    Hey Stripshopper..nice try but only thing you did was talk about your profession or old profession..heh can't remember but you never danced with me if you did you would have remembered it..so your "vanilla" girl was not me..try again :)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I have to agre with judyjudy...pecks are ok but french kiss...yeah maybe not the right place
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Looking in the Eyes
    Wow...whst happened on this thread...had to read a bunch of bs not even related...i like to make eye contact makes for a more sensual dance
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Stockings in this case guys i believe may mean..knee highs, thigh highs, ect...depending on what outfit i wear makes a difference as to whether i wear them or not...shadow you have seen these on me many times with little skirts...in the club..lol
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Shark study
    speechless lol...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Age of a Dancer
    oh wow...you guys were really hard on this lady...shame on you...i have been in and out of the club for years now, there are many different types of ladies that have come and gone and all of them make money...different guys like different gals...if those are her boobs...wow you would make a killing lol..
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sister acts...
    lol shadowcat...yeah my sister is probably never coming back to south carolina...she is messed up half way across the world...however more than willing to do a 3some with you and another chick...you know anything for you:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Great friends
    lol..you guys are great ..thank you for all of the compliments...you know i love you...oh and shadow i am going to kill you...lol..just kidding...thanks for thinking about my finger...lol..i hope they will be able to reconstruct it:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    gridget. Who is she?
    Lol..Thanks guys..look forward to seeing you all:) Magicrat you have my curiousity level up as I am not sure who you are:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cock blockers
    Lol Shadowcat...I do not mind spending my time with you. In fact, I come in on the days you are there to see you. To clear up some of the replies here. I do not stop him from getting dances from other girls in fact I encourage it. I have no problem sharing as I know he has been dancing with quite a few of us for years and his newest addition is a very nice lady. As for the wonderful guy talking about drama. I am a very drama free person. I will not argue or fight, I will however stand up for something I believe in. I hope your comment was meant in an unknowing way and not a bad way. I would never force anyone to spend time with me, the moment someone said they wanted to move on I would get up and go away out of respect for them and myself. I think with me and Shadowcat we have a good understanding. Shadowcat stop worrying it's like How said unless you see a problem I have no problem. See you on the 15th:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    I wouldn't miss it for the world guys:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    Hey fellas...I am so looking forward to meeting you guys after reading all of your wonderful posts. I am really looking forward to seeing TUSCL- Bro again...it has been to long. I know the purple thong is MIA but hope you will bring a new one...lol..guys drive careful as I don't want to see any of you in the back of my ambulance before the big day..lol.See ya soon guys:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I pray I don't turn into this
    I agree with Shadowcat on this one...it is done all the time. I generally just continue on...his willy...his business.lol
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Viagra replacement?
    I HATE THOSE CREEPY CRAWLY THINGS....good choice pop..i would prefer a man to stick with viagra also
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL convention...
    Hi to everyone:) I am so glad to see that this event is coming together so nicely. I would like to thank you guys so much for putting this together and choosing PP to come play. I would like to invite all of you to come out and play and have a good time. I will be attending both days and would love to meet each one of you in person that I don't know. As for those of you that I already know..My #1 guy Shadowcat and my other wonderful friends....it will be a pleasure as always to see you guys again.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OFFTOPIC: If you could fight any celebrity-who would it be?
    I don't even think any of these people are worth the fine or the jail time. Most actors/actresses are pompus assholes. They are very overpaid...hmmm..if we spent half of the money they make taking care of things we need like health care think of where we might be...but no we would rather idolize everyday people just like us and pay them enough to have 6 houses and a car for everyday of the month...don't get me wrong I know there are some actors/actresses that do not fall in the "I'm queen B don't even think of talking to me in real life" catagory but alot do. I am of course just venting my opinion, just think we could spend our money in better ways.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Amazing coincidence
    Oh wow..what a way to find out..lol.Hope he got a dance from herlmao.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    I missed you and I am very proud of you for taking the road to recovery. I will be next to you 2 out of 3 days on your trip pushing water and coke in your face..lmao...xoxoxo
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancer texting while giving a lap dance?
    I agree 100 percent. As a part-time dancer I would say that this behavior is completely inappropriate. I would never dream of using my cell while giving a dance...very rude and inconsiderate on her part. I apologize on behalf of this rude incident that happened to you...we are not all like that.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Fund For Burned Dancer's Children
    You guys on this site are awesome. This is a tragedy and my heart goes out to this dancer and her family. I have to agree with Dudester this is a good cause, she probably has no back up plan for survival following an unexpected tragedy like this. I went into the club last week and worked for a family of three children who's mother died and the 21 year old took on his 15 and 17 year old siblings to raise who needed help getting started. I will now go in this week when I am able to work for this cause. Thanks to those of you taking up an interest and helping this family.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Interested in Employment
    HI Amanda...I am a dancer...well part time now but was full time for many years in a good club. You are very pretty and will be able to make alot of money as long as you treat the guys well, initially they will hit you up on looks but after that it's about your dance style and your personality...that's what brings them back to you for repeat business. I made alot of money in this business...took care of my kids as a single divorced mother and put myself through school and now I do it when I feel like it for fun or if Shadowcat comes in town(I would come in for you too TUSCL Bro). I agree with some of what you were told on here, for instance never loan your stuff out because you won't see it again, be nice to your customers some of them will become some of the best friends you will ever have..they will stand by you no matter what and help you if you are in need. I also suggest being careful who you friend as far as girls in the club...some of these ladies are really nice and some are really devious...watch out for them. You and only you can decide what you are willing to do and put up with in your dances...some girls will do everything and then some like me will only go so far and I still make the money...you do not have to do full service. You will also get encountered for something called "OTC" this would be meeting outside of the club...this again is your choice and once again I don't do it and I still make money, so make decisions for yourself, since you will be new people will try to pull shit on you and tell you well all the other girls do it be strong and do only what you want...if all the other girls were doing it he would probably stick with them...just make sure you can live with the decisions you make. I also have to say try not to fall into the have to drink or do drugs to be here and handle what I do thing...if you can't do it sober then it's not for you. You should be able to have fun doing this job, after all where else can you go make lots of money and play with guys all day. I hope this helped you some and I hope you make lots of money and meet lots of cool guys. If you have any questions you can message me and I will be happy to answer them:) Good Luck.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    I have to say as a dancer that yes some girls are manipulative for sure. I also know that there are some of us who do not lie to customers or treat customers bad rather you spend 2oo dollars or rather you buy a 2 for 1. I try to treat all of my customers with respect because I understand that not everyone who comes into a club can afford to spend alot of money. I think that the girls who lie as in your case ruin themselves, what they don't realize is people remember them and they don't talk to them again usually. i am sorry that you had a bad experience but keep looking and you will find the one who will treat you like you are someone and not just a dollar sign.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers have violent boyfriends?
    Hmmmm...this is a subject that can have so many views. I being a women have to say that sometimes, especially when you are young you think that you are so in love and this is the one that when a guy hits you then quickly comes back and apologizes and tells you it will never happen again these young girls tend to hope that they are telling the truth even if they have been through it a hundred times. I think another thing is some women who are hit on are threatened and feel that if they leave there will be no safe place and that these guys will find them and kill them. There are also the women who the guys threaten and say if you leave I will tell lies and have your children taken away and you will never see them again. Then of course you have the girl who's self esteem is so low thanks to the guy who told her the whole time they were together that she was ugly, stupid, fat a whore,and that no one would ever want someone like her as he man handled her, a person can only hear so much of this before they start believing it. These are only a few scenerios and there are many more. I find that the most common are fear for life and bad self esteem. Oh and Clubber I sure hope you were trying to make a joke...although you should know that it is in bad taste, I find nothing funny about abuse of any kind what so ever. All abuse is wrong rather it be physical, mental or sexual toward male or female. I also think it was a little rude to make a joke after someone told a personal story from their life...I apologize for him Dudester and I appreciate you sharing your story with us andI hope everything works out for you.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you have a myspace page?
    i agree with Evilcyn...it is a great communication tool..I also like TUSCL-Bro keep up with my daughter on it. I do not think it is solely for young people, I am a bit older and still have one.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Lapping & Talking...(at the same time)
    "OTC" is when you and a girl meet outside of the club for sex and can't answer the other question for you. I have to say I agree for the most part conversation sucks for both parties, takes away from the excitement and fun somewhat.