In general when I get a lap dance, I don't look at the dancer directly in the eyes. My eyes are always focused on her body rather than her face. I actually feel a little weird just making eye contact during the dance. What do you guys do?
Eye contact ups the ante. Out of the thousands of things that could be going through your mind or hers, when the eyes meet and linger it's hard not to be right there in the moment. Some people on either side of the dance don't ever get comfortable with that.
There has to be a lot of eye contact for me to enjoy a lap dance. I wouldn't even consider a dance with a girl who seems to avoid it. Looking into her eyes while you take nasty liberties with each other's bodies makes the thrill.
I guess it could feel weird if you want physical intimacy without emotional intimacy. I would find that boring.
I've found dancers are often surprised by lots of eye contact and actually enjoy it. It completes the fantasy for you and helps them to provide it IMHO.
That chandler is sure one weird fuck. Again we see him admitting to using strip clubs to play out his power/control issues. I guess it's not surprising a failed writer would not have as much power as he had hoped in the world.
You can't beat the eye contact. The girls that know how to look in the eye, smile and seem interested while playing with you, are the ones that make the experience enjoyable and make more money. The disinterested robodancers seem to me to be the ones that always complain about how slow it is, not realizing it is their fault.
Is it me, or is Dougster an antisocial psychopath?
Isn't tittyfan the one who said there was all this money to be made shorting treasuires, just as treasuries bottomed? Yeah, you're a real insightful one there, tx!
Poor Dougster, in his haste to call everyone idiot as he sees himself as some all important know it all, he often chooses to overlook facts and pick only thoses that suit his narrowmindeness. My call to short treasuries was a profitable 3 day trade. In the long term, shorting treasuries will continue to be profitable. My call was in response to your comment to buy the dollar. The dollar is weaker now than when you made your call. I guess this makes you an idiot too,
tx: "The dollar is weaker now than when you made your call."
Looke like tx is resorting to pure lies. Let's look at the dollar index (DXY):
June 9/2009: DXY = 79.84 June 26/2009: DXY = 79.88
So are you telling me that 79.88 < 79.84 ? Did you take math in the same special ed class that MisterGay did, tx? You both seem super dumb. I wonder which one of you got the lower grade?
The USD is, in reality, very slightly stronger now than it was then. But it's just by a hair, so I'd call it even. Certain there has wasn't the big fall you were calling for. Meanwhile treasuries are way up:
June 9/2009: TLT 89.6 June 26/2009: TLT 94.6
tx: "My call to short treasuries was a profitable 3 day trade."
More lies.
On June 12, 2009: TLT 89.97.
So now you are saying 89.97 < 89.6?
If you look at the charts, it looks, in the vast majority of time since June 9, and at the end point, in particular, the USD is now marginally stronger and treasuries are way up.
Thus someone who listened to tx is way down, and someone who listened to me is way up.
I guess tx can console himself, somewhat, however, by noting that his call to short treasuries was actually just the day before they bottomed.
So anyone listening to tx better be really careful. When the herd is finally speaking loud enough, and he makes a call, you'll know the trade is so crowded that you are just a day or two away from the bottom. Thus if tx says short, go long, and vice versa.
Let's summarize:
USD call: Dougster clearly right that there would be little further downside, tx clearly wrong as he called for a collapse
Treasury call: Dougster clearly right, tx absolutely wrong (tx says to short just the day before the bottom)
Final score:
Dougster 2 tx 0
But hey, maybe in the long term tx will be right after all. :-)
Sorry Dougster, I do not trade on closing prices. I bought the TBT short bond ETF 6/9 at 56.43, and sold it 3 days later at 56.98 for a profit. Had I sold a day earlier the high was 59.65, which is an even greater profit.
Your .04 on the DXY does not even cover commissions.
The long term trend for bonds is down. The only way the dollar will strengthen is with higher interest rates/lower bond prices. But the greater money will be made on shorting bonds.
You need to learn to keep better score. I keep score with my dollar investments and am winning and have been for 20+ years.
And by the way, I do look at the charts and they tell me that the dollar is going down and bonds are peaking again. I am not right in all my trades but I am damn sure I am right more than you. I have a pleasant disposition and you always appear angry. In my expereience the angry people are the LOSERS in trading.
Your claim was that the USD was weaker. You thought you could just say that and no one would call you on your BS. However, I did, and the hard numbers should you were just pulling shit out of your ass. Got any more lies to tell? I'm calling you down on any BS!
As for treasuries:
Simple question: If person A had followed your advice to short treasuries on June 10, and person B had followed my advice to go long which one of them would be up more money right now?
Congratulations on your 1% score on TBT! (wow! amazing! *lol*)
Given the risk of shorting near the bottom 1% is not much of gain, but it is good to see that you realized you were wrong about treasuries continuing to fall and "covered". (You do realize, however, that by covering you admitted I was right and we were near a bottom, right?)
I went long TMF myself at $35.50. Still holding that one ($41.72), but just for a bit more.
I expect a good earnings season, so imagine there will be a slight dip in treasuries as the money moves to equities but certainly treasuries won't fall all the way back to put where you said to short (and recall your call was long term). After earnings season treasuries should be a good buy once again.
So let's revisit the score:
Dougster's gain (TMF): 41.72/35.5= 18% tx's gain (TBT): 56.98/56.43= 1%
Since 18% >> 1%, it looks to me like.... IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
But let's examine your knowledge of markets, to see if I just "got lucky" that time:
tx: "The only way the dollar will strengthen is with higher interest rates/lower bond prices. But the greater money will be made on shorting bonds. "
Since the start of the crisis there has been a strong tendency for the USD and treasuries to rise in tandem whenever there are a "flight to safety" or deflationary concerns. Thus if we get another market correction, you can be pretty damn sure the dollar will strengthen again, even as interest rates drop.
The major reason we saw the dollar falling lately was due to hysteria about coming hyperinflation (I'm surprised that there are idiot in the world like you who actually bought into that one).
In reality, hyper inflation is nowhere on the map, so I have lots plenty of confidence the USD will rise, and has very little more room to fall from here. I sure like the reward versus risk on that one.
Your whole approach to who makes money is rather whacky to me? You think it's "disposition" that determines whether you make money or not? Did your self help tapes tell you that one? Good luck with it, though.. Just think positive thoughts. Don't let the fact that my knowledge of markets is 10x greater than yours trouble you, you just think happy thoughts and I'm sure the money will be magically attract to you!
Finally, you can pull your "internet tough guy investor" act all you like since there is no way verifiable way to compare or respective results and you know it, and hide behind that fact.
What I am confident of is given my much greater intelligence, judgment and knowledge of the markets, that my returns have been much greater than yours. Probably with considerably less risk to (witness your "short near the bottom" calls).
So far, the only thing we can verify are our two opposing calls. I was right on treasuries and the USD, you were wrong on both. I have no fear of continuing to prove you wrong going forward if you are up to the challenge. Knowledge and judgement is going to beat your "happy thoughts" crapola anytime!
Back to eyes! Guess Who, Blood Sweat & Tears, India Aire and others have sung about "These Eyes". I gotta have them. Be they mysterious, sultry, mischievous or just fun loving. I gotta have them.
When I am tipping a dancer on stage, I am not looking at her body. I am looking at her face. Is she smiling? Are "those eyes" looking into mine? I gotta have them. When getting a private dance I can tell by her eyes if she is saying YES. I gotta have them!
Talk about pulling shit out of your ass. No where in the previous thread did you suggest buying Treasuries/TMF, how nice of you to take credit in hindsight. Your only comment was to buy dollars and that did not work.
My covering my position does not make you right. I am a short term trader within what I perceive as a long term trend, I make 5-10 trades per week. I am a trader and your are a disgruntled jerk angry at the world.
I find it comical that everyone with an opinion different from yours is an idiot, and you think your knowledge is 10x greater than mine. You are a legend in your own mind.
Maybe your anger comes from no one else thinking you are as smart as you think you are.
Your comment that the dollar was falling lately due to hyperinflation worries. Wake up idiot, the doller has been weak for years, the hyperinflation worry is just media hype.
Regarding the dollar and treasuries, only a fool would assume as you do that they will move in tandem in the future as they did in the past. Financial interrelationships change constantly.
I have probably forgotten more market knowledge than you have known. Keep being an angry poster, I find it humorous. Maybe you just need to visit a SC. By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year.
tx: "China is only buying short term treasuries because of the risk of going long term. "
Dougster: "Non-sense. There is a 10y treasury auction tomorrow and a 30y auction on Thursday. Let's see if the Chinese really do not participate as you are claiming. I think they will be buying more since the dollar is low and bound to go up now. We'll let the real world results settle this one."
The implications are pretty clear: Chinese buying more treasuries = rising prices = buy more treasuries yourself.
As I said in that thread, I would let the real world results of the auctions settle it, and they came in loud and clear: huge demand for treasuries particularly from foreign central banks.
The real world itself has spoken: Dougster was right, and IDIOT TX LOST AGAIN!
tx: "I am a trader "
Good God! I hope it isn't your day job! With your lack of knowledge and poor judgement you'll burn through all of your money in no time, and worse yet, anyone who trusts their money to invest for them. (Good lord, I do hope that is no one!)
tx: "I am a short term trader "
How are those 1% gains over three days by shorting near the bottom working out for you? Think you might like to brush up on your risk versus reward and market timing a bit. :-)
tx: "Wake up idiot, the doller has been weak for years, the hyperinflation worry is just media hype. "
For years? Dude the stock market was strong for years, so by your reasoning it's going back those heights?
I know that logic isn't your strong suit, but if you try really hard, I'm sure even you can get that one....
tx: "Regarding the dollar and treasuries, only a fool would assume as you do that they will move in tandem in the future as they did in the past. Financial interrelationships change constantly. "
You last point is true. Unforuntately, it contradicts your previous quote, but leaving that aside at least you got it right here.
Has the tandem broken lately? The last two Monday's the market has fallen on concerns about Iran. We saw the classic flight to safety: high bond prices, higher USD, lower equities. That's pretty strong evidence, IMO, that if there is market correction in the future the relationship will continue to hold.
Your whole premise the FCBs were ditching the dollar has been proven to be wrong. But your ego is so massively inflated you can't admit it... Especially since you know that if you did, it would mean that I would get to say....
As I say, we can't verify what each others trades were, or what our results have been over the past years, all we can go by is who is right when we make calls going forward.
So far I am 2-0. Nor am I one to run from defending my title. I'm willing to continue to continue to demonstrate how little you know about the markets relative to me going forward. We'll continue to make calls, and keep score, and I will continue to win and I will continue to get to say...
tx: "By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year. "
Logic is not your strong suit is it? Let's see I think it is is a little broken here. 3 reviews = 3 visits? Is there some rule I have to write a review each time I visit? Hmmmm.... Didn't think so!
But to get to your bigger point, you are strip club addict and I'm not:
Maybe if you spent a little more time learning the basics of the market instead of hanging out in strip clubs, you would at least know a little and lose less, and not make so many idiotic statements. You might also be happier, because then I won't be able to say as frequently....
To use your previous analysis of trades, If you took my position on the open 6/10 you would of had a profit for 3 days. Your dollar trade would have bought the dollar at 80.255 which was the opening price for the day. So as I said before, your position is still a loser.
And yes day trading is my full time job, I trade as an investment corp with a Federal ID, and I do well.
You again selectively ignored the fact that you are taking credit for a bond trade that you did not recommend. Your score of 2 is really a big fat ZERO.
You ridicule a 1% profit over 3 days, that exceeds 50% annualized. You are still just an angry jerk. Your position is still a loser.
Now lets revisit 6/9. Our discussion at the time included discussions where my position was that there is a growing reluctance for the foreign purchase of US $, the 6/10 auction went bad and my position was good. You even acknowledged in your post on 6/10 that I was correct.
You lose one point, you attack and bring up another without acknowledging you have been wrong. But then you can't be wrong, you're 10x smarter than everyone else.
I am a happy person because I am a winner, and my trades are net winners. You exhibit the traits of a loser. Winners are happy people because they win, losers are angry because they always lose, and you are an angry person who constantly attacks everyone who disagrees with you. Maybe if you were to win one in a while your disposition would improve.
You just keep believing that you are smarter than everyone else and that the markets always do what you think they should, because us winners need losers like you for the other side of our trades. And keep hoping that dollar will get stronger, one day you may learn that you do not trade the market you want, you trade the market you have, and that past relationships change.
One of the things that has made me a successful trader is that I know everyday what the market will do before it opens, and I trade it accordingly.
Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. You are narrow minded and a boor. So you just go ahead and have another angry day, after all, that is what losers do.
I think eye contact is extremely important when doing a LD. I do limit the amount of eye contact that i give in a LD due to the fact that this is how I remain in control of the situation.
1) Treasuries are way up since your "short treasuries the day before they bottom call".
2) You said China was about to stop buying long term treasuries, I said they were about to increase buying. Auctions results (3 out of 4) have proven me right.
3) My % gain on the TMF trade was 18 times your percentage gain on the TBT trade.
4) This morning DXY traded above the 6/10 open. As I said it's about even since June 10, but there have been plenty of chances to sell higher than that open. The majority of the time it's been higher. Your claim that the dollar had much more ways to fall just did not pan out, whereas my claim that we were near bottom is playing out.
5) The market does not give a shit about your disposition. Your idea that your "happy thoughts" are going to move the market is pure non-sense, and probably why you are, and always will continue to be, a big loser in the markets.
6) The only verifiable forward calls we have are:
- tx on June 9 says its a good time to short treasuries... one day before the bottom... treasuries way up since then: IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
- tx on June 9 says the USD will continue to fall... not borne out... IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
"One of the things that has made me a successful trader is that I know everyday what the market will do before it opens, and I trade it accordingly. "
If you know what the markets are going to do everday before they open, then why did you hold your TBT over the 30y auction, knowing that it was going to go well? Seems the 30y you took off guard (as your comments in that thread confirm) even though you know "every day" what the market will do. Like to exaggerate a bit do you? :-)
Not telling them what to do, just asking for a little courtesy if the argument lasts for more than a few replies. This looked like a hot thread a day or so ago before I clicked on it and saw pages of economic debate. I didn't see your thread, and I really don't think it needs a thread, just a little self restraint once things get personal.
Well, I am still dancing and still having a blast with it. What I mean by limiting the eye contact is when I am in control of it it allows me to be the one in charge as opposed to the customer. If I see that it is creating to much intimacy I will simply cut it off and change my approach. I too must protect myself not to get to involved with any one customer.
tx thinks you can move the markets via "happy thoughts"; that the world is about to switch to an oil based currency; that China is about to stop buying long term US treasuries; that the USD is on the verge of collpase and I'm the one posting BS... ok!
Txtittyfan, the person you have been addressing has been trolling here under various names since before I started posting years ago. The reason this board has an ignore function is that Founder added it so that we could make the troll invisible. The only time many of us know he's still around is when somebody takes the bait and responds to his insults like you have done.
I don't have anything against looking at a stripper's body, too. It doesn't have to be an either/or thing. I like looking into her eyes right after checking out her body. No need for dirty talk at that moment.
"Is it me, or is Dougster an antisocial psychopath?"
He's just a troll...ignore him & he will go away...just like always. He plagued the board for a while last year, then he & his counterpart Bobbyl (Bobby-boy) left for a number of months over the winter...who knows or even cares why...
"You are a legend in your own mind."
You can say that again, but don't...just starve the troll...
"Maybe you just need to visit a SC. By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year"
...and even *that* is debatable, but don'
"it is difficult to refrain from replying to his bullshit."
No, it really isn't. Learn from the rest of us...starve the trolls, they have nothing worthwhile to contribute here, ever!
last commentEye contact ups the ante. Out of the thousands of things that could be going through your mind or hers, when the eyes meet and linger it's hard not to be right there in the moment. Some people on either side of the dance don't ever get comfortable with that.
I guess it could feel weird if you want physical intimacy without emotional intimacy. I would find that boring.
Is it me, or is Dougster an antisocial psychopath?
Looke like tx is resorting to pure lies. Let's look at the dollar index (DXY):
June 9/2009: DXY = 79.84
June 26/2009: DXY = 79.88
So are you telling me that 79.88 < 79.84 ? Did you take math in the same special ed class that MisterGay did, tx? You both seem super dumb. I wonder which one of you got the lower grade?
The USD is, in reality, very slightly stronger now than it was then. But it's just by a hair, so I'd call it even. Certain there has wasn't the big fall you were calling for. Meanwhile treasuries are way up:
June 9/2009: TLT 89.6
June 26/2009: TLT 94.6
tx: "My call to short treasuries was a profitable 3 day trade."
More lies.
On June 12, 2009: TLT 89.97.
So now you are saying 89.97 < 89.6?
If you look at the charts, it looks, in the vast majority of time since June 9, and at the end point, in particular, the USD is now marginally stronger and treasuries are way up.
Thus someone who listened to tx is way down, and someone who listened to me is way up.
I guess tx can console himself, somewhat, however, by noting that his call to short treasuries was actually just the day before they bottomed.
So anyone listening to tx better be really careful. When the herd is finally speaking loud enough, and he makes a call, you'll know the trade is so crowded that you are just a day or two away from the bottom. Thus if tx says short, go long, and vice versa.
Let's summarize:
USD call: Dougster clearly right that there would be little further downside, tx clearly wrong as he called for a collapse
Treasury call: Dougster clearly right, tx absolutely wrong (tx says to short just the day before the bottom)
Final score:
Dougster 2
tx 0
But hey, maybe in the long term tx will be right after all. :-)
In the meantime, however, it looks like....
Your .04 on the DXY does not even cover commissions.
The long term trend for bonds is down. The only way the dollar will strengthen is with higher interest rates/lower bond prices. But the greater money will be made on shorting bonds.
You need to learn to keep better score. I keep score with my dollar investments and am winning and have been for 20+ years.
And by the way, I do look at the charts and they tell me that the dollar is going down and bonds are peaking again. I am not right in all my trades but I am damn sure I am right more than you. I have a pleasant disposition and you always appear angry. In my expereience the angry people are the LOSERS in trading.
Your claim was that the USD was weaker. You thought you could just say that and no one would call you on your BS. However, I did, and the hard numbers should you were just pulling shit out of your ass. Got any more lies to tell? I'm calling you down on any BS!
As for treasuries:
Simple question: If person A had followed your advice to short treasuries on June 10, and person B had followed my advice to go long which one of them would be up more money right now?
Congratulations on your 1% score on TBT! (wow! amazing! *lol*)
Given the risk of shorting near the bottom 1% is not much of gain, but it is good to see that you realized you were wrong about treasuries continuing to fall and "covered". (You do realize, however, that by covering you admitted I was right and we were near a bottom, right?)
I went long TMF myself at $35.50. Still holding that one ($41.72), but just for a bit more.
I expect a good earnings season, so imagine there will be a slight dip in treasuries as the money moves to equities but certainly treasuries won't fall all the way back to put where you said to short (and recall your call was long term). After earnings season treasuries should be a good buy once again.
So let's revisit the score:
Dougster's gain (TMF): 41.72/35.5= 18%
tx's gain (TBT): 56.98/56.43= 1%
Since 18% >> 1%, it looks to me like.... IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
But let's examine your knowledge of markets, to see if I just "got lucky" that time:
tx: "The only way the dollar will strengthen is with higher interest rates/lower bond prices. But the greater money will be made on shorting bonds. "
Since the start of the crisis there has been a strong tendency for the USD and treasuries to rise in tandem whenever there are a "flight to safety" or deflationary concerns. Thus if we get another market correction, you can be pretty damn sure the dollar will strengthen again, even as interest rates drop.
The major reason we saw the dollar falling lately was due to hysteria about coming hyperinflation (I'm surprised that there are idiot in the world like you who actually bought into that one).
In reality, hyper inflation is nowhere on the map, so I have lots plenty of confidence the USD will rise, and has very little more room to fall from here. I sure like the reward versus risk on that one.
Your whole approach to who makes money is rather whacky to me? You think it's "disposition" that determines whether you make money or not? Did your self help tapes tell you that one? Good luck with it, though.. Just think positive thoughts. Don't let the fact that my knowledge of markets is 10x greater than yours trouble you, you just think happy thoughts and I'm sure the money will be magically attract to you!
Finally, you can pull your "internet tough guy investor" act all you like since there is no way verifiable way to compare or respective results and you know it, and hide behind that fact.
What I am confident of is given my much greater intelligence, judgment and knowledge of the markets, that my returns have been much greater than yours. Probably with considerably less risk to (witness your "short near the bottom" calls).
So far, the only thing we can verify are our two opposing calls. I was right on treasuries and the USD, you were wrong on both. I have no fear of continuing to prove you wrong going forward if you are up to the challenge. Knowledge and judgement is going to beat your "happy thoughts" crapola anytime!
When I am tipping a dancer on stage, I am not looking at her body. I am looking at her face. Is she smiling? Are "those eyes" looking into mine? I gotta have them. When getting a private dance I can tell by her eyes if she is saying YES. I gotta have them!
Talk about pulling shit out of your ass. No where in the previous thread did you suggest buying Treasuries/TMF, how nice of you to take credit in hindsight. Your only comment was to buy dollars and that did not work.
My covering my position does not make you right. I am a short term trader within what I perceive as a long term trend, I make 5-10 trades per week. I am a trader and your are a disgruntled jerk angry at the world.
I find it comical that everyone with an opinion different from yours is an idiot, and you think your knowledge is 10x greater than mine. You are a legend in your own mind.
Maybe your anger comes from no one else thinking you are as smart as you think you are.
Your comment that the dollar was falling lately due to hyperinflation worries. Wake up idiot, the doller has been weak for years, the hyperinflation worry is just media hype.
Regarding the dollar and treasuries, only a fool would assume as you do that they will move in tandem in the future as they did in the past. Financial interrelationships change constantly.
I have probably forgotten more market knowledge than you have known. Keep being an angry poster, I find it humorous. Maybe you just need to visit a SC. By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year.
tx: "China is only buying short term treasuries because of the risk of going long term. "
Dougster: "Non-sense. There is a 10y treasury auction tomorrow and a 30y auction on Thursday. Let's see if the Chinese really do not participate as you are claiming. I think they will be buying more since the dollar is low and bound to go up now. We'll let the real world results settle this one."
The implications are pretty clear: Chinese buying more treasuries = rising prices = buy more treasuries yourself.
As I said in that thread, I would let the real world results of the auctions settle it, and they came in loud and clear: huge demand for treasuries particularly from foreign central banks.
The real world itself has spoken: Dougster was right, and IDIOT TX LOST AGAIN!
tx: "I am a trader "
Good God! I hope it isn't your day job! With your lack of knowledge and poor judgement you'll burn through all of your money in no time, and worse yet, anyone who trusts their money to invest for them. (Good lord, I do hope that is no one!)
tx: "I am a short term trader "
How are those 1% gains over three days by shorting near the bottom working out for you? Think you might like to brush up on your risk versus reward and market timing a bit. :-)
tx: "Wake up idiot, the doller has been weak for years, the hyperinflation worry is just media hype. "
For years? Dude the stock market was strong for years, so by your reasoning it's going back those heights?
I know that logic isn't your strong suit, but if you try really hard, I'm sure even you can get that one....
tx: "Regarding the dollar and treasuries, only a fool would assume as you do that they will move in tandem in the future as they did in the past. Financial interrelationships change constantly. "
You last point is true. Unforuntately, it contradicts your previous quote, but leaving that aside at least you got it right here.
Has the tandem broken lately? The last two Monday's the market has fallen on concerns about Iran. We saw the classic flight to safety: high bond prices, higher USD, lower equities. That's pretty strong evidence, IMO, that if there is market correction in the future the relationship will continue to hold.
Your whole premise the FCBs were ditching the dollar has been proven to be wrong. But your ego is so massively inflated you can't admit it... Especially since you know that if you did, it would mean that I would get to say....
As I say, we can't verify what each others trades were, or what our results have been over the past years, all we can go by is who is right when we make calls going forward.
So far I am 2-0. Nor am I one to run from defending my title. I'm willing to continue to continue to demonstrate how little you know about the markets relative to me going forward. We'll continue to make calls, and keep score, and I will continue to win and I will continue to get to say...
tx: "By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year. "
Logic is not your strong suit is it? Let's see I think it is is a little broken here. 3 reviews = 3 visits? Is there some rule I have to write a review each time I visit? Hmmmm.... Didn't think so!
But to get to your bigger point, you are strip club addict and I'm not:
Maybe if you spent a little more time learning the basics of the market instead of hanging out in strip clubs, you would at least know a little and lose less, and not make so many idiotic statements. You might also be happier, because then I won't be able to say as frequently....
You are really becoming a boor.
To use your previous analysis of trades, If you took my position on the open 6/10 you would of had a profit for 3 days. Your dollar trade would have bought the dollar at 80.255 which was the opening price for the day. So as I said before, your position is still a loser.
And yes day trading is my full time job, I trade as an investment corp with a Federal ID, and I do well.
You again selectively ignored the fact that you are taking credit for a bond trade that you did not recommend. Your score of 2 is really a big fat ZERO.
You ridicule a 1% profit over 3 days, that exceeds 50% annualized. You are still just an angry jerk. Your position is still a loser.
Now lets revisit 6/9. Our discussion at the time included discussions where my position was that there is a growing reluctance for the foreign purchase of US $, the 6/10 auction went bad and my position was good. You even acknowledged in your post on 6/10 that I was correct.
You lose one point, you attack and bring up another without acknowledging you have been wrong. But then you can't be wrong, you're 10x smarter than everyone else.
I am a happy person because I am a winner, and my trades are net winners. You exhibit the traits of a loser. Winners are happy people because they win, losers are angry because they always lose, and you are an angry person who constantly attacks everyone who disagrees with you. Maybe if you were to win one in a while your disposition would improve.
You just keep believing that you are smarter than everyone else and that the markets always do what you think they should, because us winners need losers like you for the other side of our trades.
And keep hoping that dollar will get stronger, one day you may learn that you do not trade the market you want, you trade the market you have, and that past relationships change.
One of the things that has made me a successful trader is that I know everyday what the market will do before it opens, and I trade it accordingly.
Discussing anything with you is a waste of time. You are narrow minded
and a boor. So you just go ahead and have another angry day, after all, that is what losers do.
1) Treasuries are way up since your "short treasuries the day before they bottom call".
2) You said China was about to stop buying long term treasuries, I said they were about to increase buying. Auctions results (3 out of 4) have proven me right.
3) My % gain on the TMF trade was 18 times your percentage gain on the TBT trade.
4) This morning DXY traded above the 6/10 open. As I said it's about even since June 10, but there have been plenty of chances to sell higher than that open. The majority of the time it's been higher. Your claim that the dollar had much more ways to fall just did not pan out, whereas my claim that we were near bottom is playing out.
5) The market does not give a shit about your disposition. Your idea that your "happy thoughts" are going to move the market is pure non-sense, and probably why you are, and always will continue to be, a big loser in the markets.
6) The only verifiable forward calls we have are:
- tx on June 9 says its a good time to short treasuries... one day before the bottom... treasuries way up since then: IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
- tx on June 9 says the USD will continue to fall... not borne out... IDIOT TX LOSES AGAIN!
"One of the things that has made me a successful trader is that I know everyday what the market will do before it opens, and I trade it accordingly. "
If you know what the markets are going to do everday before they open, then why did you hold your TBT over the 30y auction, knowing that it was going to go well? Seems the 30y you took off guard (as your comments in that thread confirm) even though you know "every day" what the market will do. Like to exaggerate a bit do you? :-)
He's just a troll...ignore him & he will go away...just like always. He plagued the board for a while last year, then he & his counterpart Bobbyl (Bobby-boy) left for a number of months over the winter...who knows or even cares why...
"You are a legend in your own mind."
You can say that again, but don't...just starve the troll...
"Maybe you just need to visit a SC. By your reviews you have only gone 3 times in a little under a year"
...and even *that* is debatable, but don'
"it is difficult to refrain from replying to his bullshit."
No, it really isn't. Learn from the rest of us...starve the trolls, they have nothing worthwhile to contribute here, ever!
Hey, tx are you sure you should call yourself a "day trader" being friends with MisterGay, you'll now be suspected of being a "gay trader".