
Comments by gridget (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The skinny, anorexic look: when will it end?
    Wow...interesting subject guys....i am curious as to what exactly you call anorexic, as Shadowcat said I am 5'5 and about 112 pounds and I do not consider myself "anorexic" looking. I do not obsess over weight as some of you have posted small girls do...I have just been small my whole life as may be the case with some of these other girls. I also do not use drugs as some of you have assumed about small girls. I work everyday at a regular job and come to the club to see my friends like Shadowcat and have a good time. I also find that different guys like different things...that is the good thing about clubs, so my point is if you don't like the "anorexic" girls then don't tip them or look at them..it is your choice but some guys like little girls. Oh and Shadowcat your #2 dancer as you call her does have a wonderful personality and she is pretty...she is the total package:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's birthday.
    Lol...we wouldn't want to do that now...but back at ya:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    shadowcat's birthday.
    Thank you TUSCL_Bro..but not an angel..lol..just wanted my good friend to have a good birthday:) Oh and for sure not always about the money..Shadowcat is my friend and I enjoy his company...even if we decided to never dance together again I would come visit him monthly when I could.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Clubs that have mixed reviews... Are the good ones real???
    I am newly back to this site and as you all have figured out I am sure, I am a dancer at one of the clubs. I did a review on this club and will do more as time goes on but they will always be real. I see no point in posting things that are not true since alot of you as, Shadowcat mentioned have been or will come to the club. I am sure that there are fake reviews on here and you can spot some of them a mile away by just what is said in them. I have to agree that there is no way to be certain which reviews are real and which are fake, this is just one of those times that you have to take chances if you intend on visiting a club...no better way to find out then visiting the club yourself:) ...and lol Shadowcat:)
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Do ALL strippers, 100%, have a price?
    Awww...you guys are too sweet..and Shadowcat keep posting just like you do, no need to bite the tongue...part of what brings me back to this site is seeing what kind of fun stuff you and Tuscl Bro are going to post. I love your free spirited posts as always!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    All night!
    Another good question...true story...about 5 or 6 years ago my ex husband's best friend met a stripper and they started dating. We did things with them as couples, seemed like a really nice girl, hung out with her in the club when she would come in early, even let her in my house with the guy to stay overnight alot...2 months later she winds up in jail for murder...she took a customer..someone who she spent time with on a regular basis to a hotel for an otc encounter had people follow them ..knock on the door and they all jumped this guy and killed for what money he had on him.This kind of thing happens more than people know about so be careful and make sure you can trust these girls:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do ALL strippers, 100%, have a price?
    Wow..interesting subject...I would have to say no..i would not sleep with men for any amount of money...the line has to be drawn somewhere. I would only sleep with a guy if it was something I wanted to do for fun...which I don't make a habbit of doing most of the time..lol. BTW, you guys should really think about these girls in the club doing fs on a regular basis or for that matter bj's on a regular basis ..how many guys were before you that day??? Not looking down on you..you know i love you especially mr. cat(lol) just giving a word of caution, wouldn't want to see anyone get sick:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers do you think actually read this site?
    I agree that not alot of dancers probably come to this site...I am not sure if that is due to lack of knowledge of the site or the fact that alot of them don't care what is said on here.I would like to point out to mmdv26 that I don't know what kind of girls you are hanging with at your club but most of the ones I know have shit. I have a house, a car, put myself through 2 rounds of school and starting a 3rd in may, I do have a computer and the internet, as well as lights and water, I also have 2 kids that I take care of by myself and they hurt for nothing..so perhaps you should find girls to hang out with that are not only fun but also have goals:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Coming out of the closet!
    LMAO...I love you guys:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Lady who visits clubs...
    I have to say I agree with an earlier responder who has trouble believing you are female..I do to, either way though I will come back at you as a dancer...I have danced for many people over the years men and women...you however male or female are a piece of work. You have this attitude about you that says I'm queen bitch and you strippers will bow to me(and i pick this up just out of your writing, so i can only imagine what the vibes the girls were picking up off you in the club)well guess what sweetie...that's our world and we can spot people like you a mile away. Did you ever stop to think that we are their to have fun too? We don't want to get caught up with someone like you who is going to freak out if we look at your man wrong or rub your boobs. Hello...you are in a strip club this is what we do...like it or not!!I try to make sure that all of my friends of the club have fun male or female and if you can't handle it...which I don't think you can, then you should stay home.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Does giveitayank Have ADC?
    Hey Bobbyl...I think you need meds..grow the fuck up
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flame wars or strip clubs? Where have the strippers gone?
    Lol...I figured it wouldn't take you long to figure it out. Ialso hope this is not the end of it...I missed you too:)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Flame wars or strip clubs? Where have the strippers gone?
    I have to say that running in to old friends when you come back to a club is one of the best things about coming back. I had such a good time with my old friend. I was really nervous when I first saw him because I left so abruptly with no explanation...but I had no choice. I have found that sometimes life deals you a bad hand and you have to do whatever it takes to fix it. I found that my friend and you know who you are turned out to be a true friend, although he didn't understand why I had left so quickly with no word after we talked he was forgiving and just as nice as always. I know you are reading this so I want to say that I am truly sorry that it had to be that way for awhile...but I am so glad that I got to see you and catch up.