
Comments by now_starring

  • discussion comment
    8 months ago
    On strippers and polygamy
    I do like things to be personal to an extent. It makes conversations easier. However I only ever see myself as the "club bf". Even if we hang out outside the club I separate "Amy" from "Sapphire(her club persona)". Does "hang out" mean OTC to help her pay bills? No. It just means hangout. OTC's are business transactions, even if we both enjoy it. The strippers I've gotten to know on a personal level always had a separation of business from non-business interactions, at least with me, and there never any SS to get over outside the club. SS was only in the club but I saw it as part of her job. Some guys may get confused if a stripper is a very friendly or charismatic person. I made a promise to myself that I'd step away from a stripper if I started to entertain thoughts of a relationship, or wanting to save anyone. I've seen enough stories from others that I want no part of that experience.
  • discussion comment
    3 years ago
    not the real drew carey, but I play him at strip clubs...
    P4P in small towns… tips and techniques?
    www.usasexguide.nl theeroticreview.com Skipthegames.com You'll normally better off just going to a bigger city that's close to the small town depending on how far you're willing to drive. As for skip the games there are scammers, and using usasexguide and/or the erotic review to verify the people you want to see is a good idea. If you're new to this I'd be careful with skip the games. There's quality, but there's also a few providers that talk a good game until you meet them. Also be prepared to walk away if their appearance online is too far removed from their actual appearance. What's "too far"? Well, that's for you to decide. :) PS: Avoid anyone asking for deposits. I'm not saying they're all scammers, but 99% of them are.
  • review comment
    3 years ago
    North Carolina
    Two clubs, three former Semper Fi strippers
    This dive used to be THAT type of dive, but once the latest owners took over, that came to a stop. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it went from almost every dancer allowing something to almost none of them allowing anything.
  • discussion comment
    4 years ago
    Probably in the VIP
    VIP Mid Pandemic?
    I wish I was within driving distance of an open strip club. I'd definitely be getting lap dances. If I had a family that depended on me I'd be more cautious, but I don't so I live my life like I want to without too much worry.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    The mustache makes the man
    What makes an ideal dancer for you? (Unicorn Dancer)
    We'd need good chemistry. So I'd have to like her personality. She'd have to be attractive(to me), give great dances and there'd have to be extras for her to get unicorn status. I almost had this once, however the young lady got married. We had our "in club personas", and our real life personas for when we met outside the club, which was rare. There was never any confusion despite some of our real life events being discussed in the club. The balance was perfect. I just never got to have sex with her. That would have made her a unicorn. I almost did, but thinking back that may have caused some confusion so I guess it's good that I didn't.
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    He's kinda an ass...
    When a Dancer is honest what do you do??
    Most dancers I've met have been honest with me when it comes to money. I've left my phone, and they held it for me so nobody else would take it. They might lie about their personal life when it comes to things such as age, or pretend to be interested in a topic I like, but I don't care about that. No, I don't tip for it because I am expecting for them to not rip me off. When it gets to the point where I am expecting to get ripped off, I'm moving on.
  • discussion comment
    7 years ago
    North Carolina
    Not a noob, but a noob question
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Gifts to Strippers
    I brought one a shirt, and I got medicine for sinuses for another before. In both cases it was less than $15. One of them met me for coffee, and the other gave me the money back for the medicine. If we were cuddling I would seriously ask myself what am I doing there. Am I really just being nice, or am I hoping to fuck? Trying to be nice and "gift" your way into some pussy is too time consuming and expensive. You(not anyspecific person) might be cuddling for months and never get any farther than that. If I am just being nice all the cuddling and other pseudo-bf/gf stuff would stop, if it somehow started..
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Favorite Stripper vs. Favorite Celebrity.
    My favorite stripper because the only other way I can do it is to be her actual bf or if I lie and pretend to actually like her. Now I am wondering if the only reason she is my favorite is because we haven't fucked yet.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Stripper seems to really like me or is it just buissness?
    If she has not met you outside the club, and chilled with you for free as in "you do not have to spend any money" there is no way she likes you. I just see it as I am their "boyfriend" until I stop paying for dances or run out of money. Then it is back to reality. PS: Even if they meet you outside the club I wouldn't be convinced, but that is just me.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    What's the meaning of your TUSCL username?
    For some reason "now starring" seems like a good way to introduce a stripper so I went with that plus I didn't want to use the same name I had on another site similar to this, so I can write my reviews anonymously.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Need help bros (married guys chime in)
    Some people are not built for relationships, and some people just are a bad fit. If you have to lie to her then let her go. That way you can do what you want or find someone who will let you do what you want. Women already like drama. Giving them a reason to be dramatic is not going to end well.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Update on Dudester
    I am sorry to hear that. I wish him well in his recovery.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever called a stripper's bluff?
    Darn it. I wish I could edit comments. I was thought I had fixed that last post before I pressed enter.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Have you ever called a stripper's bluff?
    I just shake my head and nod. I am there for the dances, not the truth.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Why does one need to be a V.I.P. member to flag a review?
    @Shadowcat: You can actually read one full review per 24 hours as non-VIP. @George:I have contributed, and the reason I ask is not for selfish reasons, but that the review I was going to flag was not a review. A former employee felt they were slandered, and posted a rebuttal to that. I understand the need to defend yourself, but it could have been done here, and not in the club review section. PS:I should be out again in a few weeks. Once I am on VIP status again I will flag the reveiw in question. I was mostly just curious. Happy clubbing fellas.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Friends with benefits?
    Neutral locations like hotels are great first "meeting" areas.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Is this function working
    Where is the option to "sort by last post"?
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Pippa Middleton
    No arse to be found*. I think the media is once again trying to make a story where there is none. *There is at least on website devoted to the nonexistent issue. She is not bad looking though, just over rated IMHO.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Who gives the best dances - and why?
    I tend to like women with an exotic appearance or accent, which can happen with any race. A woman with a foreign accent is always a turn on. I don't know why.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    The clubs I visit get hotlisted. I normally visit the club even if it gets a bad review though. I also hotlist clubs I intend to visit one day, just to make sure my reasons for visiting have not left. Some clubs just seem to have more interesting stories than others.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    tipping the bouncers does it work ?
    I forgot to comment on the DJ. Most of them play what you ask them to play anyway, even if they don't play it immediately. I have never had to wait more than two songs. As for the info I have never known how to ask for it, but other dancers seem more than happy to give that info up. Sometimes it is done as a favor, and sometimes as a slight against the "whore", which only makes me want to see if their words are true. :)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    tipping the bouncers does it work ?
    The girls always handle the tipping if it is needed, and if I felt like I had to be the tipper then I would tip through the girls so I can feign ignorance if I ever need to. I would never be associated with a pay off of any kind, one of the few times I would consider voluntarily using a middle man.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    To get you back in the club
    The only that works for me is if I get to be next. Other guys getting off does nothing for me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Trying to add escorts to my fun.
    There are sites like date-check.com that do the verifying for her, and the escort just checks the site to see if you are legit. Some will also accept statements from other escorts as a reference. There are also some that don't check at at all. The more professional ones do check though. I have heard enough stories of the destroyed information not being destroyed that I would prefer date check. You may have to start off with the ones that don't check, and mention such sites to them so they can be used as references.