What makes an ideal dancer for you? (Unicorn Dancer)

avatar for FishHawk
I have been doing a bit of thinking over the last several days on what would be the perfect dancer for me. I know that all of us customers go into a Strip Club with different goals. Therefore we have different ideas on what we look for in a dancer.

I go into a club looking for a connection. Someone who knows and understands me and seems happy to spend time with me. Age is not important but maturity is. I want someone who has lived enough and has enough depth to carry on a conversation. Someone who has a sense of humor but is not little girl giggly. Someone who is more sensual then raunchy. When she dances for me she stimulates me in such a way that my body aches in desire for her. I want someone who takes care of them selves physically and mentally and knows how to present themselves attractively other then that body type and facial beauty is not paramount. She knows and I know that my entire Strip Club budget for that visit I will spend on her between drinks, dances and tips so money is not an issue. I know this temporary girlfriend is just a fantasy but we enjoy each other’s company for that short period of time and we look forward to the next time I can come to the club.

That’s my ideal, what’s yours?


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avatar for Longislandnightmare
5 years ago
Definitely on board with everything you described but I’d lean more raunchy than sensual.
Sarcastic sense of humor always wins me over as well.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago

I think we've had several threads like this one.

I'm looking for someone I can trust for something long-term and strictly OTC, maybe 2x to 4x per month. Just don't enjoy the club atmosphere with the bouncers, blaring music, alcohol, etc.. Looking for college-age or a few years out -- say 21-24. My ideal is far more slender than the ideal on TUSCL and I'm generally not into busty girls.

What really makes for a unicorn: Someone I can trust, maybe exchanging STD panel results. No drug, alcohol, or problems with domestic abuse. Someone who has an exit-plan and realizes that dancing has a shelf-life. She reads, enjoys movies, and has some political awareness and knowledge of how the world works (that's *really* uncommon).

The low-contact downtown clubs are better for this kind of thing, but online is far easier. These days I can search all the way from Ft Collins to Colorado Springs and even after some filtering yields something like 8000 results and Denver's a great place for sugaring. There are so many students and the cost is well below places like SF and NYC. Current partner lives in Vail and comes down 2x per month.

ATF is from 2016 and haven't really met anyone since that's in the same league. Pretty and smart, she's in NYC now and doing very well in AI consulting.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Sounds to me like the OP is really looking for a GF
Sorry buddy but strip clubs arent GF supermarkets not trying to get on your case, just warning you that you really need a better perspective for this hobby
avatar for heelslvr
5 years ago
I like a stripper that gets me going, sometimes is not the hottest, but has that "je ne sais quoi," I enjoy a very sexual flirty dancer that is there for my pleasure, but enjoys it, and gets pleasure from it. I am a bit kinky, and I love a dancer that is as well. I dislike the robot-dancers....same routine through out the dance, and gone after you pay, hardly any flirting and/or conversation.

When I find that dancer, I become her regular, I may only have a couple of these a year, or maybe juggle 3 or 4 at different clubs, but definitely not common. I typically find these gems, and 80% of the time enjoy some OTC after some fun club interactions.
avatar for Jascoi
5 years ago
sexy looks and behavior.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
@25, I guess i am looking for a girlfriend, but only for that time we are both in the club together. In all my Strip Club life I have only known two dancers that come close to that ideal. I am ever hopeful I will find the next one soon. I enjoy many dancers that aren’t that ideal. Even if I had that one dancer that was that “perfect dancer”, I would enjoy other dancers if she wasn’t at the club or I was at another club. She would of course have many customers, so I can have a few dancers.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
For starters, I want her to be very attractive, but not stripper-fied. I like the girl-next-door hot look with everything real.

From there, I want her to be charming, sexy and down to earth. I also like them smart enough to hold a decent conversation, but I have zero interest in talking about politics, religion or world affairs. I also like them too academic as those types tend to be both stuck in their own heads and not really very street smart.

Equally important is that she can charm me and communicate naturally, without seeming to have to force it. This is probably why i don't get on well with baby strippers, since way too many of them just seem to try to hard when they are trying at all.
avatar for rickdugan
5 years ago
that should be "...don't like them too academic..."
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
She should be beautiful and sexy (duh). Her personality should come off as youthful energetic and not jaded.

ITC, she should be interesting, fun, provide YMMV in the back, and reliably keep appointments.

OTC, she should first of all be willing to meet OTC :) She should of course be interesting and fun OTC also; in addition, she should have an OTC pay-per-date model (same price whether it's 3 hours or overnight) rather than an escort-like by-the-hour by-the-act model.

I'm looking for a mind-blowing amount of fun and diversion, I have plenty of women in my life with whom I can talk "politics, religion, or world affairs" (as rick says), so that's not the void she's filling for me, and a total don't care. It's great if she's book-smart but fine if she's not. If we can fill the whole time easily with laughing, swapping fun stories, and flirting our way to mind-blowing sex, we're golden. I don't need to have political discussions with 21 year olds, and in fact prefer not to.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
She’s gotta be super hot, that’s really tough to be. Then be nice and not some cutthroat biitch (even harder) and reliable (impossible yeah I know but then again I ain’t never seen no damn unicorn flying around either)
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
My unicorn stripper is a fit thin dancer with natural C or D cup tits, although soft well done implants are fine, with perky nipples, that she doesn't mind a lot of attention to.

She is very good at teasing and flirting while at the table, and once in the back keeps up the flirting attitude, and adds some nice sexy talking. Her lap dancing motions are smooth, and with just the right pressure. If the club allows extras, she smoothly transitions to extras. She also is a master of the slow steady building, dragging the pleasure out through multiple songs, and knowing just when to get you over the top, all the while talking sexily to me until the end.

I have only met one dancer who met all these requirements, and thankfully she danced for about eight years. I have only met another seven over 25+ years that met most of what I described. In every case it was her body that was a bit below my ideal, and only one other was good at dirty sexy talk, and she was the least hottest of all.

None lasted as long as the best looking one, the next closest five years, the remaining ones at most a year.
avatar for now_starring
5 years ago
We'd need good chemistry. So I'd have to like her personality. She'd have to be attractive(to me), give great dances and there'd have to be extras for her to get unicorn status.

I almost had this once, however the young lady got married. We had our "in club personas", and our real life personas for when we met outside the club, which was rare. There was never any confusion despite some of our real life events being discussed in the club. The balance was perfect. I just never got to have sex with her. That would have made her a unicorn. I almost did, but thinking back that may have caused some confusion so I guess it's good that I didn't.

avatar for geunther
5 years ago
My unicorn has changed dramatically over the years.

25 to 30 years ago, I wanted the California girl stripper. It was all about appearances. Young, tall, energetic, a great set of tits, and a nice round ass that fit in my hands. I didn't need a lot of personal connection, just wanted eye candy with a bit of high mileage in the couch dances. Back then I would get wood when the wind blew. It didn't take a lot to make little Geunther happy.

Now (age 55), I am more interested in enjoying my time in the club over a longer period. I want attractive and fit, but don't need young, or tall, both are nice, but not as important to me as personality. My standards of beauty have changed over the last couple of decades. A smart woman, with a sense of where she is headed in life is always hot. I love having a woman who can discuss topics outside the normal stripper shit. I will gladly discuss almost anything, but hate when the only discussion topics are based in reality tv or other trivial crap. At my current age, little Geunther wants a bit more attention to be happy. So our unicorn has to allow or encourage more contact. I have gravitated towards the higher mileage clubs, where my current unicorns tend to thrive.

I am convinced that part of the reason for the change is the difference in lifestyle. A younger man has more interaction with the world. As I have aged, my circle of acquaintances is smaller, and I crave more interaction from my strippers. Sure hot is always great, but I want someone who can stimulate both heads. I expect my standards will change again as I age. Time will tell.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
Blonde hair. Big boobs. No morals.
avatar for Tiredtraveler
5 years ago
Detroit strip clubs
November 9, 2019
Blonde hair. Big boobs. No morals

Natural boobs>
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I keep looking at this thread, and think that I don't have an ideal stripper in mind.
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
She has a brain, and good looks besides. She's interesting to talk to, She isn't judgmental, and isn't ashamed of what she's doing. She doesn't mind catering to a fat old man with a little dick.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"She has a brain, and good looks besides. She's interesting to talk to, She isn't judgmental, and isn't ashamed of what she's doing."

I don't disagree with any of that, but that's a starter list for a stripper I don't mind sitting with me for a while at the club. If there's chemistry maybe she gets a dance. If there's really good chemistry maybe it's a VIP. My three ATFs were each very different, and the current faves are different from any of them. So yeah.
avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael
5 years ago
So, a high degree of physical attraction is a given. Also a given is being open to all the sorts of sexy fun that I like. With that in mind...

A dancer who can carry a good, relaxed conversation and not telegraph that she's after cash is great. I mean, I'm not dense. I know dancers want to be paid. But there is a social aspect as well. I'm not into dancers who have an over-the-top porn actress persona.

After that, no hard drugs, no drama, no cigarettes, no hygiene issues, and no asking for "loans" out of the blue. Also, show up on time if we schedule something.

I mean... we're talking unicorns, right?
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
Two boobs
avatar for georgmicrodong
5 years ago
@wallanon, personality is a large part of chemistry for me. If the hottest girl in the club is a dead fish, I won't be very interested, or at least not for very long.
avatar for FishHawk
5 years ago
@georg, I agree. I want someone I can enjoy hanging with.
avatar for Deejazz12
5 years ago
Whether it be fake or genuine, PASSION for what they are doing in either the regular LD area or the VIP.
It's all well and good when a Hot girl comes over, is nice and respectful, and talks a good game to get you to go for the private dance. But it sucks when it turns out you would have been better off bringing a blow up doll.
Looks help, but I have had great experiences with girls that you wouldn't call Hot, but they seemingly enjoy dancing for me ( in whatever form that might be)
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
I think the minimum for me to get to ideal dancer territory is for her to know how far I've gone with the hobby and have that be just another thing we talk about. There's only a couple of dancers I've met who know me in character as wallanon, but there's been experienced dancers I've met over the years who pick up on what I'm about. It's those times with a person who appreciates being able to drop the act for a little while and just talk shit with a stranger that keeps things interesting.
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