
Comments by Dudester (page 92)

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    14 years ago
    Strip club rant
    I don't get all the &quot;morals laws&quot;. Since these regulations come from both sides of the aisle, it's past time for there to be a &quot;Libertarian Coalition&quot;. Find some candidates who are like stealth Supreme Court candidates-by the time you figure their game, it's too late. <br /> <br /> If you have candidates running on the &quot;I'll free up the strip clubs&quot;, they'll lose. Some strip clubs are chains (read-corporations). If the corporations wisely invest, they'll win. We are still a capitalist country.
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    14 years ago
    Socially Responsible Strip Club Operation
    inno, all I can say is wow !!<br /> <br /> Where do I begin, except that what you don't know is amazing. I guess, in LA dancers have to tip everyone, but then, the year I lived in LA, and the four years I was stationed in LA, I learned that people in California fuck each other over for nickels. I actually stayed away from cub scouts that year in LA because the den master wanted me to pay him to come over to his house for den meetings. Then, there's pay toilets everywhere, enforced paid parking, etc. etc. <br /> <br /> As for Peter and the Wolf, google the symphony and book by the Brothers Grimm.<br /> <br /> The busboys and cooks don't have to peek. In a Strip Club, there are naked women everywhere, in case you didn't notice. They're on stage, giving guys lappers on the main floor, and walking around wearing only a grin to attract customers. <br /> <br /> In case you haven't studied up on addicts, addicts don't stick to just one substance. Often, when cops do blood pulls from DWI crashes, they find a myriad of substances in drunk drivers. Just because a stripper does pot, or cocaine, or even opium, in a club where they serve alcohol, the stripper <u><b>will also drink.</b></u> Yes, most clubs will fire a stripper they find with coke,or pot (or whatever), but the thing is, a number of strippers are addicts. A strip club that serves alcohol isn't a place to put an addict, or recovering addict. <br /> <br /> As for harassment claims, I live in the south. Juries here regard strippers poorly, even strippers that have been obviously attacked. It's a sad world where a victim can't get justice, but in the few cases I've seen out here, strippers fare poorly, at best. I've even seen a jury call for an investigation of a stripper in a rape case where DNA proved she was attacked. <br /> <br /> Referral services ? Let me ask you, do you know any employers that tell their employees that they should quit where they are and consider something else ?<br /> <br /> Pie in the sky doesn't cover it with you. Can I offer you some good advice ? Please travel outside of California, but not for just a few days. Spend some time in Chicago, then bean town, then philly, then Florida, and finally Texas. Spend some time with people. Find out how the world really works. You sound like nephew in San Diego. The school system failed him too. He thinks 24 hours a week is full time employment&nbsp;and that the family should pay for his cable bill and child support that his new wife has to pay because she walked out on her two kids. &nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Socially Responsible Strip Club Operation
    You have some good ideas, and some pie in the sky ideas. <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: 10pt">Dancers should not be required to tip security.</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt"> I frequent St. James, which has an armed guard on duty from 11 a.m. to 7 a.m. the next morning (they close at 2, but he place was burned down once). Anyway, tip out covers everything from locker fee to security. Tip out increasesas per time of day-for instance if you come in at 9 p.m. or later, the tip out is 90 bucks, so you really got to shake your ass. If you come in at opening, tip out is 35 and you can leave anytime after 4 p.m. <br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: 10pt">Security should be adequate</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt">.This goes without saying. There should be at least one armed guard and cameras on vital areas (i.e., front door, parking lot, lobby, main floor).<br /> <br /> <b>panic buttons</b>-unworkable. It will create a Peter and the Wolf situation.<br /> <br /> <b>private dance areas are private</b>-nice dream, but managers/bouncers are required by the fuzz to monitor dancers. Male employees get an eyeful everyday anyway-from cooks to busboys to bouncers.<br /> <br /> <b>sexual harassment</b>-thing is, unless a dancer is smart enough to somehow record a conversation, a jury won't buy a harassment claim.<br /> <br /> <b>Full time employees</b>-My degree is in Constitutional Law, with a specialty in criminal law. Civil law is another animal, but this seems to work against what makes a club worth going to. <br /> <br /> <b>job counseling referral services</b>- It would be nice if every job had this. Purely pie in the sky.<br /> <br /> <b>drug dealing</b>-A number of strippers are addicts, and they work&nbsp;in a place whose primary source of income is to sell&nbsp;a controlled addictive substance (alcohol).&nbsp;How do you fix that ?<br /> <br /> <b><span style="font-size: 10pt">Compensation rules</span></b><span style="font-size: 10pt">-are made to strippers when they start with a club.<br /> <br /> Many of your ideas are pie in the sky and make me think that you are either twelve years old, or you are&nbsp;an adult who&nbsp;thinks like a 12 year old.</span><br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> </span></span>
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    14 years ago
    An Unexpected Pleasure (Article)
    She sounds like my first ATF. In our first meeting, we were in a small room at the club and to give you a picture, the room is the size of a medium closet. There's a small chair and about two feet off the floor, a little platform that could be a mini stage. There are mirrors on the walls.<br /> <br /> Anyway, Kat had alternated between the stage and my chair. Trying to change up her dance routine, she stood in my chair, placed her pussy about an inch from my face and moved her thong aside to show me her bald wonder. I was cupping her butt and I pulled her into me and began to lick her. <br /> <br /> She froze, then began to shake. Placing her hand on top of my head, she began breathing deeply and gripping&nbsp;my scalp in a way that told me she was enjoying my technique. Suddenly, she jumped off of the chair. Landing on the&nbsp;floor, she bent over. Half laughing, she asked where I learned to do that. I told her, but then noticed she was distracted by a manager lurking outside. She plopped down in my lap and was looking over my shoulder. After about a minute, she said &quot;He's gone.&quot;<br /> <br /> She got up on the mini stage and spread her legs. Smiling, she beckoned me&nbsp;in with a finger.&nbsp; I dove in for some more pussy licking. &nbsp;I don't know how long we were doing that, when she pushed my head away because the manager was back. Once he was gone, we resumed positions. Just a little bit in, her second orgasm hit and she asked me to stop. <br /> <br /> She was still leaning back and breathing hard. She looked between my legs and we seem to share a thought. I unzipped and took out Mr. Happy. I inserted and she adjusted to make us both comfortable. After about a minute she asked &quot;You're clean, right ?&quot; I assured her and continued. <br /> <br /> Justy a little later, the manager was back and she had us in the chair, and she reinserted, and we were slowly humping with the manager right outside. When he left, she suggested going back to the stage, but I was close and we finished in the chair.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> After we caught our breath, I asked her what I owed her. &quot;I lost track&quot; she replied, &quot;I guess eleven songs.&quot;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> When she escorted me to the door, she concluded our visit with a long kiss.<br /> <br /> On my next visit, as she undressed, she was sliding off her thong (it's a topless place) she said &quot;You ruined my last thong. Besides, Christine is in charge today, so we can do whatever we want.&quot;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I noticed that when we finished,a little over two hours had elapsed. This time, like all the times that followed, she only asked 220. I really miss her.
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    14 years ago
    Tacoma, WA
    Hygiene...why is this so tough for some guys?
    At St. James, I've seen the &quot;landscapers&quot; come in after their shift. They wear long sleeve shirts,cotton pants, boots, and they've been in the sun all day,&nbsp;mowing lawns and revving those two stroke engine leaf blowers. They have their 60&nbsp;or 80 bucks n their pocket. They ae&nbsp;willing to blow it, and I've seen girls of all types&nbsp;go after these guys.&nbsp;I guess they're so grateful to be around someone who isn't a grumpy mamasita that theyblow a whole day's pay.
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    14 years ago
    Asian Travel Guide
    Also-goofed on the website-it's globetrekkertv.com&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    The Grossest Stripper Story EVER!
    There are some sick people out there.
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    14 years ago
    The Stinkiest Crotch
    I haven't laughed so hard since I read baddjack's review of a truck stop strip club with meth girl, tweaker, and ratso. Funny funny shit.
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    14 years ago
    Grading Strippers - Scorecard 101
    I like SC's scale too.
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    14 years ago
    Grading Strippers - Scorecard 101
    Think of the stripper/customer scenario as like a movie or concert. How did it open ? Therefore, <b>looks</b> and <b>personality </b>tie in at the same time. So, if she's a looker and her approach to you isn't like a rampaging&nbsp;elephant in a china shop, I'll let her stay. At this point, it becomes a <u><b>personality</b></u> thing. Can she hold a conversation with me ? Can she feign interest in me well enough for me to let her stay ?<br /> <br /> Now, we move on to the <b>lap dance</b>. If her approach is childish and reckless, she's only getting one dance out of me, if I don't stop her first. If her dance is slow and sensual, things will proceed. If she's actually enjoying our lapper and compliments me on how I&nbsp;suck her nipples, or offers me the Y and she really likes that, we're moving on to VIP and/or OTC. So,<br /> <br /> Looks:<br /> Personality:<br /> Lapdance:&nbsp;
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Balance of Power between Strippers and Customers
    Twenty-thirty years ago, strip club bucks was hard for me to come by. Twenty-thirty years ago, you got little bang for your buck, except just to look. I'm glad the way things are now. Actually, I think seduction is at a different level now. For instance-20-30 years ago, it was &quot;I'll let you look&quot;. Recently, at St. James, I complimented a dancer on her costume. Her reply &quot;Want to take it off of me ?&quot;<br /> <br /> Biggest turn on for me is undressing a female. The anwer was an astounding HELL YEAH !!
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Dallas Trip Report
    Good trip report. Well done.
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    14 years ago
    Carib Escort - Royal Dominican Vacation ! Eastern European and DR girls in Dominican Republic. Sex travel to
    If memory serves, I read about this on this site earlier his year. With that said, these gals would be beyond my budget, but probably within shadowcat's.<br /> <br /> However, I wouldn't want to take a trip with a woman unless she was a long term ATF.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Why do I do this?
    The feminists have tried to block the truth of this reality. Every man needs a wife, whom he respects, and a mistress that fulfills the needs that a wife won't fill. Until the 1960's, every American city had a bordello that operated in the open. The reason they existed is because of a reality confirmed recently by scientists-it works like this:<br /> <br /> A woman only has so much affection. If she has kids, she's &quot;affectioned out&quot; by the time hubby gets home from work. She's not interested in cuddling because she's been doing that with the kids. Hubby is shit out of luck, unless he's got some harmless fun on the side. It shouldn't affect his family life, unless the mistress/club becomes an addiction (takes over his life). <br /> <br /> Europe remains in reality about this, the US is in denial.<br /> <br /> In my own case, my mom got a boyfriend when I was seven (dad left the year before). Mom froze us out in favor of her boyfriend. <br /> <br /> So, Rick, see the girls, just don't spend too much time with them. Balance the club and your family and it actually leads to a better home life (if there is a balance).
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    14 years ago
    Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
    Safety First
    Well done George.<br /> <br /> Most females and a number of men walk around in a state of &quot;condition green&quot;. Myself, I stay in yellow, bordering on red. Some behaviors, although needing to be taught, have to become a matter of instinct. Eleven years in the military, most of it as a sniper, has made me wary. My brother found my behaviors borderline amusing, but he's never faced &quot;danger zones&quot;. Females I'm with don't know what to make of it. Considering they have the most to lose, it's a wonder that they don't learn to be more wary and suspicious.
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    14 years ago
    What is so illegal about prostitution???
    <p>&quot;Where did you find those stats?&quot;<br /> <br /> Ever watch cops? Everytime a cop does a pat down, they're asking &quot;Do you have any needles on you? Anything I can stick myself with?&quot; And it's not just the shit in their pockets-in the early 90's, when I was a cop, a heroin junkie bit me. I had to get HIV tests for the next five years. Cops fight nearly every shift. In a fight, you have a significant probability of exchanging bodily fluids.</p> <p>As for EMT's, locally, they're required to get gamma globulin shots (hurts like hell), bi annually. Go to EMT life.com and read the stories there. &nbsp;</p>
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    14 years ago
    The evolution of a stripper / customer relationship!!!
    <p>Last year, when I started my relationship with OTC Gal, I needed her emotionally, and she only needed me financially. As the months went on, there was an evolution. I was becoming emotionally distant and she was moving in the emotion area, but I wasn't sure to what extent. When she had an accomplice at my bank add her to my checking account, I figured out that I was just a&nbsp;scam to her. When I moved to protect my assets (I have more than one account), the accomplice told her. She blew up at me,&nbsp;and within a month, things were completely over.</p> <p>The last couple of months of the relationship, she wanted to get out of stripping.&nbsp;I gave her several great leads, but she wanted, real bad, to work at a particular call center, to the point that she regularly dismissed my leads. Just last week, I found out why she wanted to get in that call center. &nbsp;It turns out that people at that call center have access to other people's bank accounts, credit cards, and other vital information. She just wanted to move on to a new scam.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Let me close with a thought. Two months before things ended, she expressed an idea of us sharing a two bedroom apartment. Now, why, would a woman you are physically intimate with, want her own bedroom ? (I know the answer, I'm just sayin....)</p>
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    14 years ago
    What is so illegal about prostitution???
    If you have one of the following jobs, you have a 50/50 chance, every shift, of coming home with a bood borne pathogen: EMT, Cop, Dishwasher, Prostitute, and Sewage plant worker. I don't know why the prostitute is singled out, unless it has to do with morals. It seems silly hat you can have an honest, but very dangerius job, but if your job involves sex, there's something wrong with you. <br /> <br /> Imcluding a list, there's also a list of jobs with a very dangerous environment-Firefighter, refinery worker, factory worker, and drill platform worker. So, it's honorable to risk your life and health, but not to have sex. I'd really like to debate the Supreme Court on this. <br /> <br /> Within the past fortnight, while at a upscale joint, an attractive blonde stops, mid lapper, and tells me that she'll give me a HJ or BBBJCIM, but she won't let me suck her nipples or eat her out. I guess she rationalizes to herself that:<br /> &nbsp;<br /> A) She's not a prostitute<br /> B) Oral sex isn't sex (the Clinton defense).<br /> <br /> So, what do all of these have in common ? In a &quot;honorable job&quot;, you have OSHA, EEOC, and/or a union to run to protect you, but since no state, including Nevada, won't list prostitute as a real profession, or offer employment protections, it's all about power. Since Nevada is the only place to get legal, compensated, sex, the market is controlled. If prostitution was legal nationwide (licensed, regulated, and taxed the price of pussy would be less than two hundred bucks. That would cause:<br /> <br /> A) State coffers to run over<br /> B) Wives and girlfriends to&nbsp;be a lot less moody<br /> C) Americans to be more like Europeans (sexually satisfied, a lot less violent, and therefore apathetic that&nbsp;they're being taxed&nbsp;to death)&nbsp;&nbsp;
  • article comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Clubs and the Movies
    <u><b>The following list is by no means comprehensive.</b></u>
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    15 years ago
    Bachelor Party Planning Checklist
    Good job !!
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    15 years ago
    What Women Want
    1) Hmmm...... not sure how this applies to the SC experience.<br /> <br /> 2) Sometimes, when I do my one minute spiel about being an astronaut (NOT !!) I get bored and ask the dancer about herself. I notice that most get uncomfortable talking about themselves, so, I've adopted the philosophy of that great American, Al Bundy:<br /> <br /> <p>at the nudie bar<br /> where you can look at a thigh<br /> and blacken an eye<br /> at the nudie bar<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>at the nudie bar<br /> where they show you their butt<br /> and their trap stays shut<br /> at the nudie bar<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>at the nudie bar<br /> where you can't touch a breast<br /> but you can cave in a chest,<br /> at the nudie bar<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>at the nudie bar<br /> where the girlies dance<br /> in their underpants<br /> at the nudie bar<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p>at the nudie bar<br /> Where the music stinks,<br /> and they water the drinks.<br /> The nudie bar<br /> <br /> &nbsp;</p>
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    15 years ago
    The Perfect OTC Date
    If she has you undress first, she'll take your pants and head for the door, knowing you won't pursue with your ding ding out. I've seen it happen-but not to me. &nbsp;
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    15 years ago
    My "Top List": Part 1 -- Literature
    It's rare for me to talk to a stripper for more than five minutes. I find them utterly lacking in education. Even the college girls seem to have gone to a high school where literature is an optional subject, left to be looked at after cultural relativism, modern communism, socialist theory, and celeb studies.<br /> <br /> I did talk to a stripper once, who was vaguely familiar with the Bard, but it was because she had seen Twelth Night. She was completely unfamiliar with any other play he had&nbsp;done. I&nbsp;changed subjects after seeing the deer in the headlights&nbsp;look.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> I'm an English minor and I know that kind of thing is rare today. Most people I talk to have trouble speaking&nbsp;in complete sentences, and actually, my writing has&nbsp;suffered for it. &nbsp;
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    15 years ago
    Etiquette a dancers advice and perspective
    <p>I'm guessing this came from stripperweb.com<br /> <br /> 1) If a dancer approaches me at my table, she should know that I showered and put on clean clothes before coming to the club. I also engaged in dental hygiene. If she comes over, pussy stinking like week old garbage, she should know I'm going to be offended.<br /> <br /> 2) If I agree to a private dance, that dance should start at the very beginning of a song. Dance means rubbing against my body. Taking two minutes to remove your costume is rude. I'm paying for a dance, not an undressing session.<br /> <br /> 3) If a dancer asks for my cellphone number, it should be a mutual agreement leading to an OTC date. If I want an OTC experience, the dancer should be at my beck and call (not vice versa). I'm paying and the customer is always right.<br /> <br /> 4) If a dancer wants to know my real job, she's actually asking something very intimate. A club is a fantasy experience. Since the dancer is most likely dancing under an alias, I can be fighter pilot Joe if I want. If she really needs to know my profession, she should be ready to provide real information about her life-convictions, loser boyfriends, outstanding warrants, etc. <br /> <br /> 5) If I pass on a dancer, it's spiteful and unprofessional&nbsp;for her to cock block me. If you smoke, have bolt ons, are dressed like a dungeon master, are over 30, look like a man, or your pussy smells like week old garbage, I'll most likely pass on you. Part of a dancer's job is marketing. I prefer a young 20ish with a pleasant personality and manners. If you need grooming tips, see me and I'll help, but don't poison other dancers because I said &quot;No Thanks&quot;.</p> <p>About 23. I'm paying 20 bucks every 3.5 minutes (that's 300.00 an hour) for a private session with a naked woman. I expect to grope her, suck her nipples, and play with her clit. I will ask if she likes to fuck outside the club. If you don't like this, you should consider another profession.</p>
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    15 years ago
    oral sex
    As a master of DATY, I salute you!! Thanks for the article judy