I am a big Strip Club fan, even more than that I am a naked chick fan. So any club that makes it easy for me to be around exposed to girls that are exposed are my favorite clubs. It is not about the lights, the music, the drinking it is about the naked girls. I am all about that!!<br /> So in Missouri I was visiting some clubs and found the girls were all scared that come Friday they wouldn't have jobs. Why? Because Missouri has decided to make a law that the girls can't get naked and can't touch the patrons. Ok so that effectively turns all the clubs in KC and ST Louis into bikini bars! Can a Bikini Bar stay open? Time will only tell, what the huge oversight is this... KC and STL have sister cities in Kansas City Kansas and Saint Louis Illinois, called the 'east Saint Louis'. The drive between the two cities is 10 min either way. So all the money that could be spent in MO by Missourians are now going to be spent by Missourians in Illinois and Kansas. The poor dancers and patrons in the middle of the state will just have to travel to get outside of Missouri, 3 hours either direction.<br /> If churches don't want nudity then don't go and make your laws that protect the children etc. <br /> Make laws that will also protect the dancers from being exploited as well, hey they need our help too! Girls can make great money from the time they are of legal age to the time that the patrons don't support them. I hope the girls have made provisions to take care of themselves in the long run. I admit I am ignorant on that aspect.<br /> Make laws that enable patrons to see and do what they want to do but outlawing it because of a few church groups is ridiculous.<br /> When I go to these places I don't see churches near by that are in the least impacted. If a patrons' home life is impacted by his attending these clubs then really there is no 'law' that is going to save him. Clubs make me happy and allow me to decompress for awhile. It is cheaper than therapy and just as effective.<br /> OK now about the clubs--- Clubs have got to make it easier for a girl to make a buck!! I hate going to clubs that make you get up to tip a girl on stage. I makes you into a spectacle and after a long day at work I don't want to be a spectacle. Chairs should be at the stage so guys can throw dollars without standing up etc, etc, guilty clubs you know who you are.<br /> Girls should be paid when they are working not having to pay to get on stage, that is BS!! Club security, are they there for the girls or for the establishment? They should be there to enable business for the girls to get protected and paid or patrons to get service, not the gestapo to stand with their hand out auditing every girl that steps on the stage. If I were a hot chick I would rather just hire my own security guard for the night from the establishment.<br /> Girls should not have to pay to come to work, they should be paid to come! This is also a ridiculous notion. I know the wait staff and security have to be paid some way but isn't that what a coverage and drinks are about? A girl should NEVER have to go home owing the club hoping she can make up the difference on the weekend. She should also Never have to work for a couple of hours just to break even. Maybe a percentage per hour worked or dollar earned should be paid for security but to work 4 hours before breaking even is ridiculous.<br /> When a waitress asks me if I want to buy the girl with me a drink I want to box her. If I want a drink I will order one. If she wants a drink she can buy one with the tips I will be providing her. I don't want to split my tips up with the wait staff and the girls I come to visit. I also want to tip the girl I am with as much as I can, so unless I ask for a drink don't offer.<br /> After all it is not about going to see the clubs it is about going to see the girls.<br /> Thanks for reading.<br type="_moz" />
I don't get all the "morals laws". Since these regulations come from both sides of the aisle, it's past time for there to be a "Libertarian Coalition". Find some candidates who are like stealth Supreme Court candidates-by the time you figure their game, it's too late. <br /> <br /> If you have candidates running on the "I'll free up the strip clubs", they'll lose. Some strip clubs are chains (read-corporations). If the corporations wisely invest, they'll win. We are still a capitalist country.
I guess you have to select font and size or something before you can write text here.<br /> <br /> Anyway, good article, I do believe you're telling the choir here though, others who regularly attend strip clubs.<br /> <br /> Just a suggestion, tone down the first 3 sentences, just saying with enthusiasm that you are a strip club fan and enjoy seeing girls in their natural beauty that God gave them instead of all covered up instead of saying you just enjoy seeing them naked. Thinking about the audience here. Then submit the article or something similar you write up to an editorial in a local paper that will accept it. You might get negative reviews but at least you'll be communicating your opinion to a much large local audience in Missouri. I think too many people keep quiet and politicians keep passing laws to calm the noisy complainers. If you don't get a lot of negative opinions on the article, you have a lot of support or no one read it. With enough people like you, the law might be changed back the way all of us would prefer, less restrictive.<br /> <br /> I always thought Missouri was called the Show Me State. I guess not anymore.<br /> <br type="_moz" />
last comment<br />
If you have candidates running on the "I'll free up the strip clubs", they'll lose. Some strip clubs are chains (read-corporations). If the corporations wisely invest, they'll win. We are still a capitalist country.
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Anyway, good article, I do believe you're telling the choir here though, others who regularly attend strip clubs.<br />
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Just a suggestion, tone down the first 3 sentences, just saying with enthusiasm that you are a strip club fan and enjoy seeing girls in their natural beauty that God gave them instead of all covered up instead of saying you just enjoy seeing them naked. Thinking about the audience here. Then submit the article or something similar you write up to an editorial in a local paper that will accept it. You might get negative reviews but at least you'll be communicating your opinion to a much large local audience in Missouri. I think too many people keep quiet and politicians keep passing laws to calm the noisy complainers. If you don't get a lot of negative opinions on the article, you have a lot of support or no one read it. With enough people like you, the law might be changed back the way all of us would prefer, less restrictive.<br />
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I always thought Missouri was called the Show Me State. I guess not anymore.<br />
<br type="_moz" />
I agree with 100% of what you wrote.<br />
<br type="_moz" />