
The Perfect OTC Date

Sunday, January 17, 2010 3:36 PM
<font size="2"> <p>This is to those who haven't done an OTC date, or to those who have considered it, but haven't yet pulled the trigger. Due to the economic times, OTC has become easier. However, OTC should be for those who really enjoy spending time together, as it's a matter of trust, both for you, and for her. So, setting the perfect date should involve research and planning.</p> <p><u><b>Research:</b></u></p> <p>The Club. Read up on the club at TUSCL. Are there ROB's there? Is the place just a brothel in disguise? Is the club in a decent neighborhood? You will want to pick a club not in a ghetto area, and in close proximity to a decent hotel. Check out the hotel and find a room where you'll be able to see the approach to your room. Your date is the only one you want to let in your room.</p> <p><u><b>Your Date:</b></u></p> <p>Most gals won't go OTC with you unless you've spent money on her two or three times. However, what's more important than her banging bod, or her ability to grind, is her personality. An OTC date should go two hours. When you see her in the club, &quot;interview&quot; her. Does she have her own transportation. If not, she probably has a boyfriend that she's supporting. Does she have a boyfriend? You really want to listen to her response. It's a possibility that her boyfriend is her pimp, and, quite literally, her partner in crime. Get to really know your date before you decide to ask her to spend time with her OTC. If she's new in your life, I'd say, at least three club visits where you talked to her at least an hour each time.</p> <p><u><b>Prepping For The Date</b></u></p> <p>If your date passes muster, and you have the hotel picked, prep the hotel room. You want to put your date at ease. Besides the (cash) money you're going to give her, get some items to &quot;set the mood&quot;. You can get a vase from Walmart for a buck. You can also get two flowers for under four bucks. You can also get a decent stuffed toy for under ten bucks. After you have these items, you need the most important part-the music. Bring a portable CD player to the hotel room. Some hotels have them, but relying on the hotel could leave you wanting. Next, pick the right music. Best OTC date I had, the music was Rimsky Korsikoff's <b>Scheherazade</b>. Of course, I'd also recommend <b>Barry White </b>and <b>Luther Vandross</b>. Last but not least, your hygiene. You want her fresh for you, so, you should be fresh for her. Shower, but also avoid layering on cologne, or after shave. You don't want to overwhelm her.</p> <p><u><b>The Date</b></u></p> <p>When the knock comes at the door, make sure she's the only one there. In your prep, you should've picked a room where you can watch the approach to your room. Once she's in the room, make sure you double lock the door and stay between her and the door at all times. DO NOT pay for the date in advance. Pay her once you complete the act. Make sure she's naked long before you are. If she walks in the room and wants you to undress before she does, it's a hustle. If she asks, throw her out of the room <b><i>immediately</i></b>. If she accepts the flowers and toy graciously, she might want to change into a costume first, or undress. This is when you cue up the music. Then, let nature take it's course. Of course, it should go without saying that if at some point she wants to tie you up, or uses the word &quot;handcuffs&quot;, this should be a red flag. Hopefully, everything goes well.</p> <p><u><b>After The Date</b></u></p> <p>Walk her out to her car. Doing so tells her you're a gentleman, and that you want another date with her. In following dates, make sure that you set the date and time, don't let her do it. If she asks for money in advance, or wants a &quot;donation&quot; to pay bills, a bondsman, or lawyer, end the relationship immediately. NEVER let her know your address, and NEVER take her home.</p> <p><u><b>Overview</b></u></p> <p>Every girl and every club is different. I'm submitting a list of ideas here that should enhance your experience. This list is by no means comprehensive. You might be one of those guys who just wants a quick BJ, but OTC is actually very much like a conventional date. As easy as extras are in a lot of clubs, OTC should be for a fuck where you can take your time. A quick BJ or HJ can be found in clubs, spend your time and money carefully.</p> </font>


  • rickdugan
    14 years ago
    I might not&nbsp;agree with the need for mood setters or&nbsp;multiple visits or interviews,&nbsp;but overall this is a good article.&nbsp;&nbsp;I could not agree more about the security measures and the caution needed in the first moments of the visit.&nbsp; Many thanks!&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    &nbsp;&quot;<span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: arial, 'Lucida Grande', 'Bitstream Vera Sans', verdana, sans-serif; font-size: small; color: rgb(34, 34, 34); ">If she walks in the room and wants you to undress before she does, it's a hustle. If she asks, throw her out of the room&nbsp;<b><i>immediately&quot;<br /> <br /> </i></b>Just wondering if you could explain this point a little more for me. &nbsp;if she wanted me to undress first I would not think much of it and I do not think I would make a drastic action like throwing her out of the room immediately.&nbsp;<br /> <br /> Thanks a lot for writing this article. &nbsp;It is very useful.<b><i><br type="_moz" /> </i></b></span>
  • Dudester
    14 years ago
    If she has you undress first, she'll take your pants and head for the door, knowing you won't pursue with your ding ding out. I've seen it happen-but not to me. &nbsp;
  • looker123
    14 years ago
    I would think that if the whole mood thing is needed then this is a little more than a purely paid encounter. That being the case the whole who takes their pants off first is not relevent. If its just sex for money skip all the fancy stuff, or just get a real escort and dont worry so much. If its more make it a date and take the girl out and show her a good time. <br /> <br /> As far as meeting girls from the clubs OTC I have spent enough time with them inside the club to have a pretty good idea if we are going to get along before we do the OTC date. If you are looking for quick and out a dancer is the worst way to go, they have all the street smarts of an escort but lack the commitment.
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Yes watch those pants even if the sex is over.&nbsp; Your most vulnerable when your laying in bed and she gets up.&nbsp; Before you know whats happening she will reach in your pants take all your money, wallet, etc. and run.&nbsp; She may have an accomplice waiting outside to pick her up.&nbsp; If&nbsp;she wants to stop and get cigs while your taking her to motel, she could be phoning an accomplice.&nbsp; Hell I&nbsp;have had them want to stop off like this somewhere and spend a long time in the convienence store and then see them hitting on the guy at the counter.&nbsp; <br /> <br /> Keep your pants in sight and close.&nbsp; Don't let her reach in your pants and above all never let her take your car keys to get something she supposedly left in your car.
  • paulrevere
    14 years ago
    Good article.&nbsp; Yes - things are more accessible now.&nbsp; I've had a safe in my room and used it for my wallet and valuables.&nbsp; For the women I enjoyed most, I just gave them a card with some money in it and they never even bothered to open it until&nbsp;they went home&nbsp;because we had established a lot of mutual trust.&nbsp; They are no better or worse than guys - some guys are complete idiots that they have to watch out for.<br /> <br /> One visit can be enough, but it does have to be the right person.&nbsp; A couple of visits and some good dances and conversation are musts.&nbsp; Don't ever go out with someone you wouldn't want to date if you hadn't met them in a club.&nbsp; Ever.&nbsp; Don't see someone who is hot and immediately try to get them OTC - you won't unless you are one of the greatest Casanovas on earth - and if you're that, you don't need to be in a club in the first place.
  • samottomas
    14 years ago
    Nice article. I'm curious what range of charges one could expect to pay for a 2hr OTC?
  • Player11
    14 years ago
    Want to add this is a great article.&nbsp; One observation about them and I think your article picked this up:&nbsp; Everyone of them I have seen otc who did not have a car either had a drug problem or Bum BF they were supporting or both.&nbsp; This is always bad news.&nbsp; I have found the gal who has her own car is much more reliable, less drama, and a better performer in bed.&nbsp; Another thing if you have to get them somewhere, you probably will be drafted into taking them back home to the same place which gave you bad vibes when you picked her up.&nbsp; Sometimes they will want you to take them to stop off with a friend to chat for a few before taking them home.&nbsp; Don't - this is a drug run and if the cops stop you and find drugs on her guess who's going to jail too - you.&nbsp; So best thing is do gals who have their own car and can reliably meet you at the motel in a timely manner.
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