What is so illegal about prostitution???

avatar for alkaholik
&nbsp;To put it in the immortal words of George Carlin:<br />
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<div><span class="Apple-style-span" style="font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', times; font-size: 15px; font-weight: bold; ">I don&rsquo;t understand why prostitution is illegal. Selling is legal, fucking is legal. So why isn&rsquo;t it legal to sell fucking?</span><br />
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I know I am preaching to the choir on this matter, but I get so frustrated talking to the average joe about prostitution, and hearing the same story about how it corrupts society, how it spreads diseases, how it demeans women, and how it will bring the downfall of America and our way of life.&nbsp;<br />
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These things are usually said by people who listen intently to blowhards like Bill O'Rielly (sued for sexually harrassing a co-worker, and leaving sexually graphic messages on her answering machine), or to the religious &quot;family values&quot; conservatives like George Rekers (caught going on a 10 day European jaunt with a male escort).&nbsp;<br />
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So what the heck is so illegal about prostitution. I wish someone could explain to me why it should be illegal. <br />
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I have already heard all the horror stories: 12 year old sex slaves, STDs, abusive pimps... But all these stories do is remind me of back alley abortions prior to Roe vs. Wade, or to the dangers of drinking moonshine during the glory days of prohibition...<br />
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What I mean to say is that we encourage the &quot;bad&quot; parts of the sex industry by making all of it illegal. By decrying prostitution, we lessen the evils that are associated with it - like human trafficking and pedophilia. Conversely, when you legitimize an industry, you can bring it into the light. You allow yourself to actually see what is going on, and are better able to regulate it.&nbsp;<br />
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I have lived in many different countries. I have seen the hypocrisy of religiously righteous nations like those in the Middle East. &nbsp;I spent a couple of years in the gulf countries of Bahrain and Kuwait, where they import Asians, Russians, and Africans for the sole purpose of providing pleasure (I guess Allah does not mind as long as they are laying off the Arabic girls). I have also lived in countries like Germany - where prostitution is legal, and common. I lived in a nice little suburb in Bamberg, with well kept properties, nice homes, friendly educated neighbors... and a brothel at the end of the street.&nbsp;<br />
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Our country has 1/4 of the worlds prison population... we also have the highest murder rate of any democratic nation, and we have the highest teenage pregnancy rate of ANY free nation... but thank goodness we outlawed prostitution - we don't have to worry about that stuff happening here.... (LOL)<br />
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In the news recently, Lawrence Taylor was arrested for having sex with an underage prostitute.... and I can't help to think that the real victim here is not just the girl, but also LT. If only he lived in a country which embraced our sexuality, and understood the sex industry for what it is - a much needed service.&nbsp;<br />
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Just like prohibition, alcohol didn't go away because we outlawed it. Instead, we only bloodied our knuckles bashing against a brick wall made of our own humanity, our needs, and desires. And if alcohol has been around for a long time... the sex industry has been around eons longer.&nbsp;<br />
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Come one... if the Catholic Church can't keep it in their pants - then what hope have we mere mortals??? <br />
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Why not do everyone a favor, and legalize it and regulate it. (Sure, it may take some of the thrill from us adrenaline junkies - but it will make everyone safer and happier in the long run).&nbsp;<br />
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[Steps off soap box]<br />
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last comment
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
Getting SEX in exchange for some other &quot;consideration&quot; has, I would guess, been going on since males &amp; females discovered bartering. My own feeling about why it is illegal is to prevent a bunch of children from being born without 2 parents, thus relieving the &quot;State&quot; from having to care for them. Legalize &amp; regulated &amp; TAXED might help those bankrupt State budgets a bit!
&nbsp;It is not like our species owns the monopoly on bartering for sex. There are some species of birds in which the male must build an intricate and colorful nest in order to get a female to mate with him. The male praying mantis must pay for his sex by giving up his body (starting with his head) for nourishment to the female post coitus.&nbsp;<br />
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I am not following your logic on the reason why it should be criminalized. So, if what you say is true, then our country should have absolutely zero children born to 1 or less parents since prostitution is illegal?&nbsp;<br />
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Are you saying the problem would increase? I can freely admit that I have been to Asian Massage Parlors across the world, from brothels, and visited Lingerie modeling centers, and I can tell you from experience that you will have a safer experience then picking up drunk stranger out at a club after a night of boozing.&nbsp;<br />
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Likewise, I have also had encounters at strip clubs, from girls on street corners and other various places. The one common denominator from these places was the it was rushed, I was more likely to skip precautions or taken risks I wouldn't tolerate at other places... The other common denominator was other options weren't readily available.&nbsp;<br />
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So, would pregnancy go up if it were made legal... No, I believe you would have a decrease in sex industry STDs, and unwanted pregnancies - because it could be regulated, and the workers wouldn't be to busy trying to stay out of the police lights, and more able to focus on safety.&nbsp;<br />
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Thats not to say that everything will be perfect. The car you drive has over 100 years of engineering, design, and innovation built in - so its perfect, right? There are NEVER car recalls, right... You can never erase the human factor in any industry, but you can make them safer by increasing transparency, and allowing regulation.&nbsp;<br type="_moz" />
avatar for Alucard
15 years ago
I <u><b>DID NOT </b></u>say it should be <u><b>criminalized</b></u>! My logic is my own whether anyone understands it or not.
&nbsp;You are not saying it should be criminal, but you do think it would increase unwanted pregnancies if it were legalized?
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
If you have one of the following jobs, you have a 50/50 chance, every shift, of coming home with a bood borne pathogen: EMT, Cop, Dishwasher, Prostitute, and Sewage plant worker. I don't know why the prostitute is singled out, unless it has to do with morals. It seems silly hat you can have an honest, but very dangerius job, but if your job involves sex, there's something wrong with you. <br />
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Imcluding a list, there's also a list of jobs with a very dangerous environment-Firefighter, refinery worker, factory worker, and drill platform worker. So, it's honorable to risk your life and health, but not to have sex. I'd really like to debate the Supreme Court on this. <br />
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Within the past fortnight, while at a upscale joint, an attractive blonde stops, mid lapper, and tells me that she'll give me a HJ or BBBJCIM, but she won't let me suck her nipples or eat her out. I guess she rationalizes to herself that:<br />
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A) She's not a prostitute<br />
B) Oral sex isn't sex (the Clinton defense).<br />
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So, what do all of these have in common ? In a &quot;honorable job&quot;, you have OSHA, EEOC, and/or a union to run to protect you, but since no state, including Nevada, won't list prostitute as a real profession, or offer employment protections, it's all about power. Since Nevada is the only place to get legal, compensated, sex, the market is controlled. If prostitution was legal nationwide (licensed, regulated, and taxed the price of pussy would be less than two hundred bucks. That would cause:<br />
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A) State coffers to run over<br />
B) Wives and girlfriends to&nbsp;be a lot less moody<br />
C) Americans to be more like Europeans (sexually satisfied, a lot less violent, and therefore apathetic that&nbsp;they're being taxed&nbsp;to death)&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;Dudester -<br />
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Where did you find those stats? My dad was a cop for 20 years, and to my knowledge he never contracted a blood borne pathogen. I know some EMT's too, and same story. Those jobs you listed may not be as safe as say an office worker when it comes to contracting blood born pathogens, but they are very safe all things considered for the same reason that the sex trade industry is safe - they use precautions/protection.&nbsp;<br />
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There are always going to be people that work outside or on the fringe of an industry... I can easily buy a Chinese made iPhone knockoff. It may not work as good, or be as safe as a real iPhone - but that is the way it goes when you are outside of regulated industry. And you don't make all iPhone's illegal because of those knockoff's. <br />
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Same with sex trade - there will always be crack hoes, and pimps - but it is important we make the distinction between those who are (or would be if it was regulated) and those who are not working within a regulated industry.&nbsp;<br />
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I agree wholeheartedly with your other points.&nbsp;<br />
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avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
<p>&quot;Where did you find those stats?&quot;<br />
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Ever watch cops? Everytime a cop does a pat down, they're asking &quot;Do you have any needles on you? Anything I can stick myself with?&quot; And it's not just the shit in their pockets-in the early 90's, when I was a cop, a heroin junkie bit me. I had to get HIV tests for the next five years. Cops fight nearly every shift. In a fight, you have a significant probability of exchanging bodily fluids.</p>
<p>As for EMT's, locally, they're required to get gamma globulin shots (hurts like hell), bi annually. Go to EMT life.com and read the stories there. &nbsp;</p>
avatar for sanitago
15 years ago
I get alucard's logic, if you want to dignify it with that term that is. he's thumping the Right's favorite drums of one man+one woman=family, period, end of statement. anything else, well, <b><i><u>&quot;SIN, SIN, DAMNATION, THE END OF THE AMERICAN WAY OF LIFE!!!!!</u></i></b>&quot; would be their battle cry.<br />
buncha sanctimonious asses, IMHO.<br type="_moz" />
avatar for inno123
15 years ago
All free societies fall into two categories.&nbsp; Those that have chosen to make certain forms of prostitution legal and monitored and those that have decided to have certain forms of prostitution quietly ignored even though technically illegal.&nbsp; Depending on the jurisdiction in the US it is some combination of massage parlors, call girls or strip club&nbsp;private&nbsp;rooms&nbsp;that form the quietly ignored prostitution.<br />
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I don't see the US ever getting beyond the quietly ignored stage because the moralizers have considerable political sway.&nbsp; Unfortunately that approach makes it easer to have the sex workers be exploited and harder to protect against serious abuses like human trafficing and underage prostitution and to provide health protection.&nbsp; On the other hand I can see approaches that have the government be an active participant (licensed brothels) or clearly ignoring the situation (red light districts) can undermine government's general credibility.<br />
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The best approach that I haave seen is Canada's, where the court has ruled that what an adult&nbsp;couple agrees to sexually in private, including money for sex, is none of the government's business.&nbsp; That essentailly legalized private independent call girls.&nbsp; Operating a 'bawdy house' is still illegal as is streetwalking and pimping.&nbsp; But a girl can get health services or report a crime against her or a crime which she knows of (such as underage prostitution or human trafficing) without worrying about herself being arrested.
&quot;Where did you find those stats?&quot;<br />
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<span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">LOL...he took them out of his ass, along with pretty much all of the other &quot;facts&quot; that he's spouted on these boards...ugh...</span></span><br />
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&quot;Ever watch cops?&quot;<br />
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<span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Yea, and it's a <b>TV show</b>, moron.</span></span><br />
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&quot;That essentailly legalized private independent call girls.&nbsp; Operating a 'bawdy house' is still illegal as is streetwalking and pimping.&nbsp; But a girl can get health services or report a crime against her or a crime which she knows of (such as underage prostitution or human trafficing) without worrying about herself being arrested.&quot;<br />
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<span style="font-size: larger;"><span style="font-family: Times New Roman;">Not true.&nbsp; <span>Prostitution of any kind must be done in private places in Canada.&nbsp; Solicitation in public places is illegal. </span><span>Owning a so-called &quot;Bawdy House&quot; can be punishable by up to 2 years in prison, but FS strip clubs are tolerated in at least Quebec.</span><span style="font-weight: bold;">&nbsp; </span>Anyone in Canada who &quot;lives wholly or in part on the avails of prostitution of another person&quot; can be sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.&nbsp; It is<span> virtually impossible to engage in open prostitution without committing a crime in Canada.</span><span><span>&nbsp; I know personally of dancers in Canada that used to be street walkers that were told that they too would be charged with a crime if they reported that someone else beat them up during a liaison with a client.<br />
</span></span></span></span><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><br type="_moz" />
&nbsp;It is a shame that society can tsk tsk these girls (and guys) at the same time as visiting them via the backdoor of the facility. I wish a politician would get the balls to stand up and call BS. There should be more county's in this country where prostitution is legalized then just outside city limits of Las Vegas. <br />
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As the bible puts it... let he who has not frequented a sex trade worker (whether it be via porn, SCs, massage parlors, street walkers, escorts, Craig's List gals) throw the first stone. Lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way.<br />
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avatar for inno123
15 years ago
@Misterguy.&nbsp; You misread what I said.&nbsp; When I said that a prostitute could go to the police without fear I meant the kind of prostituet that is not prohibited under the law:&nbsp;a girl operating as a private individual,&nbsp;independent call girl.
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