
Comments by Dudester (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Cops Charged with Misusing Drug Funds
    This is what happens when a person in charge suddenly thinks their area of charge is a personal little fiefdom. Presently, a Houston Constable is under investigation. He made his deputies "pay to work" by contributing to his "charity". Problem is, those funds can't be accounted for. This on the heels of another Constable who started his prison term last year. He also thought of his department as a fiefdom and his female deputies as concubines. The recent former Sheriff made inmates work on his ranch, for free. A County Commissioner resigned (in lieu of federal charges) after it was found that he accepted 2.5 million in gifts from a contractor that he steered work to.
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    13 years ago
    Kill The Dollar Bill? I don't know.
    1) As a numismatic, I insist it be an interesting coin,and not another tip of the hat to political correctness (Sacajawea, Susan B. Anthony). I am so tired of limp wristed, latte sipping, effeminates setting the stage. Instead of a person, put symbols on the coin, buffalo, eagle, Capitol building, White House, or make it really interesting by having rotating symbols, like the Golden Gate bridge, Mt. Rushmore, etc. 2) It would be interesting if strip clubs had a near monopoly on issuing two dollar bills.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Detroit stripper bus shut down.
    The Booty Lounge bus is flying a Tea Party flag. Well, so much for Tea Partiers being racists, losers, and the such.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Damn. I hope the dancers are still eating tube steak.
    On the west coast, there are a number of cults that use attractive young women to draw in converts, or to raise money. I won't bore you, but I have a funny story involving one of those gals, an airport, and a streak of SS a mile wide and a mile deep.
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    13 years ago
    Off Topic: The End of Internet Anonymity
    GMD, I'm also a Libertarian. Loss of internet privacy involves a legal theory known as "implied consent". Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin would have all kinds of problems with implied consent. Implied consent is not yet tested by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Fourth Amendment (Amendment IV) to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. It was adopted as a response to the abuse of the writ of assistance, which is a type of general search warrant, in the American Revolution. Search and arrest should be limited in scope according to specific information supplied to the issuing court, usually by a law enforcement officer, who has sworn by it. What this means, is that unless you are committing a crime, or about to commit a crime, you have a reasonable expectation of privacy. Suppose you like to surf the net for porn involving very petite women, does this make you a rapist ? Should the fact that you surfed the net for petite women be the basis of a prosecution against you ? And yet, one guy was arrested and prosecuted because he had a DVD of porn actress Lupe Fuentes. Does Lupe look very young ? Yep, but it should have been embarassing for prosecution that they disregarded the age of consent disclaimer on the DVD-because Lupe herself showed up to testify for the defendant. Was his name dragged through the mud ? You bet. Was his right to privacy guarded ? NOPE. This is a strip club website. If a stripper and/or her accomplice falsely accuse you of rape, your membership here could be used against you. If you get popped during an OTC jaunt, because a vice cop knows your date is a frequent provider, again, your membership here would be included in your prosecution. Think about it.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    What Is Happening To Me?
    art, you're a macho guy-lots of testostarone in your veins. You might be experiencing a momentary lag in your level of that vital hormone.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Off Topic: The End of Internet Anonymity
    My college major is Constitutional Law. With that said, the fourth amendment grants us a resonable expectation of privacy. Technology has moved faster than the laws, and those who oppose higher taxes (most of us) only want rapists and murderers locked-feeling that everything else is manageable. Fact is, until we start truly punishing white collar thieves (identity theft, theft by internet) with indentured servitude, we're going to continue to be victims time and again, and again, and again. However, since peopleare only interested in watching the NFL and America's Next Top Model, and flat out not giving a shit about anything else, nothing will get done. As a cop, I don't know how many times I've heard "Can't you do something ?" No, I can't do anything until the public actually gets serious about crime and punishment. Do you want to deter thieves ? Make them suffer, and really suffer. Want to keep a hacker from fucking with your identity ? Punish him to be in chains, outside in the weather, for the next twenty years, doing the jobs that illegal immigrants are doing now.
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    13 years ago
    Booty Slap
    It's a ghetto thing. The white girls doing it are imitating blacks. Black guys do it to black girls because black guys like that junk in the trunk that most white guys pass on. Black girls do it front of white customers because they think they're selling "I have a great ass".
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My ex- is a stripper, therefore strip clubs have been ruined for me. Discuss.
    ATF 3, and I became emotionally involved. I knew, in the course of a day, at least half a dozen men had their lips on her nipples. I also knew that she was fastidious about cleaning herself. I preferred sessions after her shifts because she was extremely horny, and ready to go. On those nights, we would extend the sessions. So, snuff me out-best way to deal with it is have some mind altering sex with an extremely attractive stripper. Soon, you'll forget what's her name.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "Oh boy! Stripper's gonna wipe her ass across my face!"
    Someone at work left a really nice leather jacket in lost n found. After 1.5 years, I asked Security if I could have it-"Sure". Fast forward six months. I was at a SC in a remote area of the club. The club didn't have a VIP section, but the stripper knew a dark and private corner. We went and did our thing. We returned and found another couple in our previously unoccupied area. That stripper, not mine, was hanging the jacket on her customer's chair. Angrily, I walked over and held my hand out. "This is your jacket ?" she asked. "Yes" She then started apologizing profusely, telling me that her customer was extremely drunk, and that he told her that the jacket was his. I growled and left-making sure that I never leave that jacket alone again.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Here goes Larry again
    Thanks for pointing that out GMD. The dems have had some casualties to wienie wagging this year, and here-Barney Frank blows a special kiss to one of his lovers (WARNING-Hilarious). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKaXpc57uGM
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Harsh Realities Of The Canadian Frontier
    Tip of the hat to those pilots-as brave as the World War 2 pilots-who lived and worked in extreme conditions-case in point: The PBY "Black Cat" pilots, who basically lived in the jungle, flying between bouts of malaria in large planes that topped out at 100 m.p.h.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Sex and Nudity at Sporting Events
    Take it from someone who spent the better part of a decade working at a Marriott: Cutie spotting guy in network garb, making connection between truck in lot and guy in uniform Her: You're with the network ? Him: Yep Cutie + friend join guy in his hotel room. (They get a lot of tail).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Alleged Mafia members charged with collecting $2 million from Providence strip c
    These SC's could have bought miles of goodwill by letting the FBI do undercover work on this, and save themselves serious $$$$.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    .....and on can only assume that somewhere else, a different crime with an actua
    “She immediately leaned over and put it into her mouth.” At this point, amazingly, Smith spotted an opossum crossing the road and slammed on the brakes, “causing the female to slide out of her seat and mildly into the dashboard.” The report does not make clear whether she still had Smith’s sheathed fake penis in her mouth at the time. ROFLMAO !!!
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Shootings even happen in farmerart's neighborhood.
    deogol-100% right on.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Off-Topic: U.S. Indicies about to Take a Dump?
    The markets will remain volatile until there's a regime change in DC.
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    13 years ago
    Have you ever been fooled?
    Back in the 90's, when I worked at a hotel, we brought in extra security because the restaurant next door was throwing a HUGE bash. I was walking with my partner when we spotted three gals having car trouble. I was familiar with that kind of car and I ended up under the hood. As I worked on the car, one of the gals was rubbing up against me. Suddenly, my partner grabs me and throws me ten feet. "What the hell was THAT about ?" I asked. "Those are dudes" he explained. I didn't complete the repair.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Samhain Outfits?
    some ideas http://modernvespa.com/pix/uploads/thor__189.jpg http://dolls-n-daggers.com/Dolls/dollpics/tylerbrunpics/tylerbrunfullaurora.jpg http://www.terrynorm.ic24.net/photo%20gwyneth%20jones.jpg http://community.mania.com/ver1.0/Content/images/store/4/3/44cac3fb-9b52-4931-831c-668186d6d811.Large.jpg http://i.annihil.us/u/prod/marvel/i/mg/d/60/4d88ce2f7e97a/portrait_xlarge.jpg
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    13 years ago
    Samhain Outfits?
    Thor type outfit, with silver skull cap (removeable) breast plate, flowing red cape, and little else (the female Thor is Brundhilda).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip clubs and the handicapped - was I treated differantly because of disabilit
    Clubs stopped training girls on customer service in 1990. 99% of strippers wouldn't know where to begin with someone in a wheelchair. I find your situation similar to Jack Nicholson's character in "As Good As It Gets". Just my .02 cents, but I would advise using just one club and train a girl on what you like. Women blab to each other, so invariably, one will say "The other night I had a customer in a wheelchair and I....."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To
    nudist magazine actually, but adults were only in one picture.
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    13 years ago
    Weirdest Thing You Ever Masurbated To
    Ages 6-7, I lived in a railroad hotel. Ages 7-11, lived about one hundred yards from said hotel (in a house). Very young, I had access to all kinds of pornography-it was the 1970's and there was ALL kinds of pornography then. Let us just say, that as a kid, I found a magazine where the kids were my age. I only had it about a year when someone found and stole my stash )included some really old Playboys.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Whats the best compliment you've given a dancer?
    "Some men grow flowers to look upon beauty everyday. Me, I just melt at seeing you."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    Strippers/dancers going from dancing to porn
    Most, if not all porn actresses, escort on the side. The ones who make the most $$$$ are the ones who look like they are 10-14 years of age (even though they are of legal age). They escort with movie stars more discrete than Charlie Sheen, or movie studio execs.