Comments by Timbuck12 (page 8)

  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    You're talking about Mardi Gras in Atlanta, right? I know they used to have a volley ball court.
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    14 years ago
    Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
    Pocket picked
    So she came into the smoking room totally nude, hugged you, and THAT'S when she picked your pocket??? My question is, if she was totally nude then where did she hide the money after she lifted it from you? That girl may be even more talented than you're giving her credit for......
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Dancer Calling You For A Booty Call?
    troop, I've had free OTC sexual relationships with a couple different strippers before. They were typical "friends/acquaitances with benefits" type arrangements, except the girls happened to be a stripper. Sounds like your scenario is the same thing. Not really sure what you're asking us in your post at the risk of sounding incredibly obvious, as long as you and the stripper are enjoying things then just roll with it. When you get tired of it, just move on.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    txtittyfan: without getting into too much a of a legal discussion here, be assured that just because a strip club (or any business for that matter) calls the dancers "independent contractors" doesn't mean that the dancers actually meet the legal definition of such.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    That kind of language isn't worth the paper it's printed on. What I'm talking about it what shadowcat described in his original post: Club employees dancer who arrangements, while working at Club, for OTC prostitition with Club customer. Dancer and BF kill employee and Dancer goes to jail. After getting out of jail, Club hires Dancer AGAIN and puts her right back into the same employ/environment to meet Club customers as what happened when she murdered previous customer. IF it happens again, Club has some liability/culpability for knowing the propensity of risk/danger to its customers of employing that dancer and putting her (and future customers) in that same environment again anyway. And with further regard to that disclaimer language: how hard to do you really think it would be to prove PP (or any other similar club) knows what goes on with extras, ITC and OTC, between its dancers and customers and simply turns a blind eye to it???
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    how: not to mention that the next victim (or victim's family if deceased) would be able to sue the beejesus out of PP for having knowledge of their employee's propensity to do this and still re-hiring her anyway. Of course, the victim/victim's family would have to get over that little hurdle of the victim participating in criminal activity (prostitution).
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    I actually had a dancer invite me to her house recently, but after reading this, hmmm, I dunno.....I've had plenty of OTC meetings with dancers in the past but I always knew them real well first. But with this dancer, I've only been with her at the club 3 times. I haven't seen any other red flags about her, and I've never been burned in past experiences with other dancers, but can't be too careful. No piece of ass is worth taking a bullet for. Thanks for sharing that story Shadowcat. It's not like we haven't all read about such things before, but there's something different about the impact when it comes from a more personal encounter.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    Wow, if that doesn't give pause to anyone considering OTC meetings then I don't know what would. Scary, scary stuff.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Business Travelers Favorite Cities
    Great avatar scatterbrain. I normally don't comment on those things, but if she's an actual dancer somewhere please tell me and I'll go wherever she is to see her!
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    One pissed off dancer.... Club Blaze, Conley, GA...
    LOL. I read this same review earlier today and couldn't decide if it was a hoax or not. Whether it is or isn't, ya gotta admit: it IS entertaining.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Stripper gave me her number?
    A key question to answer: do you normally attract/date this same "quality" (looks-wise) of girl outside the SC environment? If yes, then it's very possible she is genuinely interested, esp. given your age. If no, then she's probably working you. However, since she has repeatedly brought up hanging out OTC and not for money, you should take her up on it....but not at her house. Meet her out for a drink like you would any other girl. Strippers love to talk about how they would never date a customer, it's all business, etc, etc, but then almost every one of them will also admit to having done it at one time or another (see stripperweb). You haven't spent enough money on her for her to think you're a cash-cow, and given your age I doubt she would expect you to be one anyway. I'd go for it if I were you, but keep your senses on alert...and DEFINITELY do not become emotionally attached.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    Drive to South Carolina or VIP in Atlanta
    I've never been to Platinum Plus in SC so I will defer to those that have for its relative merits. But I am familiar enough with the Atlanta scene that I can tell you this: whatever you get at PP you can also get in VIP in Atlanta (actually, from what I read on this site about PP you can get MORE in Atlanta VIP, albeit take-out at PP would bring this back to being equal). The key in Atlanta is you have to go to VIP. Yes, Atlanta VIP is hit or miss, but once you find a couple of reliable "hits" then you're good to go....and it's not too difficult to find them. And yes, ATL VIP costs are surely higher than the back room where you get PP dances, but for PP you have to factor in major travel time, hotel costs, etc. I'd like to make the trip to PP sometime and but that involves a lot bigger time commitment than I can do right now.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    When the ATF flakes on meetings
    I've been in this almost-identical situation. At first I got pissed off b/c I thought it was disrepectful of her to just blow me off. And it was, no doubt about it. But then I just said what the hell, I'm getting it for free and I'm certainly not interested in any type of relationship with her (the latter part is the key). It's no-commitment, casual sex so just roll with whatever happens. If she calls and shows up then great. If she doesn't then don't worry about it, there are far more important things in life to dwell on. But if she keeps blowing you off I wouldn' worry about being so loyal to her at the club....get more dances from other girls. If she acts jealous just bring up her no-shows and say you thought it meant she wasn't interested anymore. That might get her back in line, and it lets you remain the one who is in control of the situation.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Anyone familar with online dating sites?
    So really hot girls on a dating site are just randomly emailing guys with no pictures on their profiles or other detailed information, and in order to view their messages (i.e., get in touch with them) you have to upgrade to paying status? I think you already know the answer to your question.....
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Obama's State of the Union: Narcissism!
    The ignorance and blind ideology of some people is truly staggering. And the funny thing is, everyone who reads this will agree but think I'm talking about the "other" side.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Girls who give full service
    I'm sure most of the dancers have some standards, but they're probably not nearly as high as you'd like to think (if you're the type that wants to believe your ATF is just doing extras with you and maybe, possibly, just a select few others). The main standard: $$$ and at least some comfort that the customer isn't vice. Probably some basic hygiene standards as well. But other than that? I wouldn't count on it......
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    hints or just stories
    Whenever I've had a dancer tell me about other customers trying to get extras or push boundaries and in the story the dancer wouldn't do it, I've always taken it to mean the exact OPPOSITE. In other words, she's telling me the story as a indirect way method of telling me she WON'T do extras. But if they're faves of yours then you should already have a good idea of what their limits are.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    $3 for what?
    Lee, I'm with you on MG going downhill lately. Last time I was in there I left after an hour without seeing a single girl I thought was worth a dance. I usually go during the day though....can't speak to the night-shift.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    $3 for what?
    Hey LeeH are you talking about Mardi Gras in Atlanta? I saw the same thing there recently. I agree...I think they were talking about the beer but I'm sure the wording was intentional. Funny sign though.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    ATL clubs assessment
    It all depends on what you're looking for in a strip club. If you want to look at 9's and 10's, and look only, then you will have a great time at Cheetah or Pink Pony. The girls there are gorgeous, but about the only contact you'll get is if one of their arms accidently brushes up against your thigh. There are plenty of good-looking girls at Oasis, and the floor dances can actually be pretty good. But if you're looking for any significant contact/extras you're going to have to go to VIP in Atlanta. Even then, VIP doesn't always equal extras, but there are definitely places in Atlanta where you can get everything you'd ever want in the VIP room. It may take some trial and error though first.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Go to a Dancer's Birthday Party?
    You should go, but with reasonable expectations. Are you expecting a hook-up or just hanging out and having a good time? If it's the latter then you're probably good to go. But if it's the former then I don't think it's realistic UNLESS you've hooked up with her outside the club (without paying her for it) before. You should be able to figure out pretty quickly if you've been invited just to pay for everyone's fun.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mami, you bi?
    Sorry 'Cat but I'm not talking about SS you get from some dancer in a club who's trying to get you into a VIP. In that situation I totally agree, you can't take anything they say at face value and they're just trying to get you all worked up. I'm talking about girls I knew very well OTC and unpaid-for, much like you always talk on here about that gridget dancer. Some I knew even before they became dancers. Now whether they're truly bi or just like to occasionally hook up with girls too (or is there even a distinction between those 2 situations?), that remains open for debate.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Mami, you bi?
    Over the past few years I'd say there have been 6 dancers that I've gotten to know very well, and frequently hung out with them OTC unpaid. Every one of them was bi. I think it's a lot more common among dancers that you think.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    The horror...the horror!
    During lapdance Dancer turns away from me, bends over to give me an upclose shot and I see a tampon string hanging out of her.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Atlanta strip club scene changing for the better?
    I definitely think you're right 'Cat. You just have to stick to the smaller clubs--i.e., pretty much everywhere BUT Cheetah and Pink Pony. The floor dances are getting more and more aggressive, and if you know what to look for I think they can be a pretty good (albeit not perfect) indicator of what can happen in VIP. I've never been to PP in Columbia so all I can go by is what I've read in the reviews. But I guarantee you that you can get everything in ATL that you get in may have to look a little harder and then be willing to go to VIP, but once you find it you can save yourself a lot of mileage time.