Dancer ass-kissing "toadies"
I was only vaguely familar with the term "toadie" until I saw it a few weeks back being used by a blue side poster (of the pink site) referring to that well known New England based cranky dancer-ass-kissing FAT FUCK whose mission in life (aside from whoring and hanging out with brazilian dancers)has now become to shut down any comments or discussions ON EVERY BOARD on the internet, free or otherwise, that might remotely disgree or vary from the precious opinions of his dancer friends.
The word "toadie" is absolutely accurate: definition of TOADIE
1. The name of a legendary frog worshipping faggot.
2. a side kick, a tag-a-long, one who is sent to do the dirty work.
The word "toadie" is absolutely accurate: definition of TOADIE
1. The name of a legendary frog worshipping faggot.
2. a side kick, a tag-a-long, one who is sent to do the dirty work.
TOADIES PATTERN: rarely engage the substantive topic and instead attempt to shutdown any discussion, debate, thread or presentation -that disagrees with Toadies dancer-centric suck-up ass-kissing view of the world. Whereever possible disrupt the thread, and change the topic from the substance of the thread to an ARGUMENT ABOUT THE VERY RIGHT TO ARGUE
BEGIN RANDOM TOADIE X QUOTES - all from one thread: "Lounge re: women" (blue side of pink site)
"It's an interesting topic Shot but since you have already proclaimed yourself the authority on what men are thinking and pretty much called any blue guy who doesn't agree with you a liar I have no interest in participating.
Well OK, thanks not only for the explanation but for defining what is petty and what is meaningful.
So, in your world, we are all supposed to accept other's assumptions and accusations without question? Sorry, it just doesn't work that way for me.
I still don't agree with you of course and, unfortunately, as far as the actual topic goes we are back to square one. Since you have already decided that whatever response I give is a lie either to myself, you, the board, or all of the above I am not interested in participating. But, for what it's worth, I have no more of a handle on how "most men" operate than you do. I just don't insist on saying that I do.
I'm still trying to find where I posted that I felt I was being called a liar or where I felt I anyone was jealous of me for anything. Maybe you could help X find it and point it out to me. All I am doing is refusing to admit that you are some sort of authority on the topic at hand. Persecution complexes have never been an issue for me.
You are right about one thing. I espouse only my own views and my own experiences here or any where else. If I do solicit opinions I don't do it with the pre-qualifier that I am an expert on the topic and anyone who doesn't agree with me is either lying or smoking something.
So you are out of comebacks now? I've already told you Shot that I wasn't interested in contributing for the reasons outlined above. If you had just let my first post be you wouldn't have had to read any of the follow ups and you could get on with your thread. Maybe this time you will....