
Comments by yndy (page 5)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    52- yr-old novice stripper attacked by one in her late 40s (?!)
    i'll try to post a video interview: http://www.fox8.com/wjw-stipper-attacked-0420,0,402108.story
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    16 years ago
    i'd prefer none, but a small one or two is OK. more than a few do not thrill me. i supposes there are theses and dissertations being done on tatoos and piercings now? one who i'd like for my fav, is covered w/them. bc of her other qualities, i could probably overlook them (by focusing on her VERY PRETTY face), but unfortunately, she has a issue MUCH WORSE than tats.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    On-Line Dating / Hook-up Services
    book guy: the "love and relationships" section on askmen.com message boards has hundreds, no, probably thousands, of posts on this topic. "its a numbers game" has been posted over and over and over again. my friend, who is going on 48, tells me he met someone he likes (~age 43?) via eharmony. www.plentyoffish.com is free.
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    16 years ago
    "If a dancer looks like an ex-girlfiend..." happened to me last nite. was great to be w/her, but the dance was mediocre, thus a waste of money.
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    16 years ago
    How many dancers do you think actually read this site?
    i agree with giveitayank. i've mentioned this site to many dancers and none has ever heard of it. they all seem to know and read stripclublist.com tho.
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    16 years ago
    Movies about strippers
    Excerpt from review: http://www.newsday.com/services/newspaper/printedition/wednesday/parti/ny-etledee5966905dec17,0,1238101.story ...Thanks to film-festival screenings of "The Wrestler," Rourke has become a foregone conclusion for an Oscar nomination, but keep an eye on Tomei. At 44, she may be the first serious actress to play a stripper who actually bares her body and assumes the humiliating poses required. Rourke is harrowing; Tomei is devastating. When I see this movie, I imagine the song, "I'm in love with a stripper" will be running thru my mind!
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    16 years ago
    Movies about strippers
    Marissa is my ATF actress. Was fortunate to meet/talk with her briefly in 2004. Its funny how she kept her clothes on until ~age 42. And now they keep coming off! She certainly has good genes/takes care of herself.
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    16 years ago
    Jay Leno
    Up until last year things were MUCH busier around here. the last 2 years, just a bit busier (for a wednesday nite). Last nite, a lot of dancers were talking about their Thanksgiving preparations and plans. Quite endearing.
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    16 years ago
    I asked how often a guy gets off...
    some w/me in about a decade of laps. i asked a dancer i know well (unfortunately, haven't seen her for going on a year bc of "maternity leave") about this. she said that on her last nite of work, every guy she danced for (i think she said 9 guys) "left happy" (TUSCL lingo, not her's) and she was proud of that. maybe you have to be in the frame of mind of REALLY wanting to? the one or two accidental "cream jeans" i experienced as a teenager were more than enough for me!
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    16 years ago
    "Golden" oldies
    wondergirl, i'd love to see your club and these dancers. the oldest i ever knew retired at 37 (she told me bc her boys and their friends were reaching the age that they could get into clubs and she didn't want an embarrassing surprise). she's 41 now. wish she'd do a brett favre and change her mind! i have a friend who turns 60 in november and is still very pretty. = quintessential MILF. she's hoping her son makes her a grandma soon ( = GILF!)
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    16 years ago
    Anyone seen this b4???
    article in newspaper today made me aware of it.
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    16 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    How Long & How Often To Get to ATF Status.
    I would think an "All Time Favorite" would be a "once-in-a-lifetime" person. I think CF = "Current Favorite" is really what we are talking about.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They are just tits!
    mr. munchie- sorry. i doubt if anyone would want their MOM to say: "I never knew you were so into breasts. I thought you were a leg man."!!!
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    17 years ago
    New Jersey
    Review and Post Subscription Feature?
    or even just a "NEW" at the heading when a new post is added.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    They are just tits!
    ELAINE: I never knew you were so into breasts. I thought you were a leg man. JERRY: A leg man? Why would I be a leg man? I don't need legs. I have legs. From: Seinfeld "The Implant" first aired February 25, 1993
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    17 years ago
    Tales from the dark side
    njscfan- thanx for your story. maybe they are rare, but worrying about things like this (or worse) has kept me (so far) from pursuing the OTC encounters i've been offered.
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    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    i always wear a shirt that is very long and provides much coverage below the belt. shadowcat: i wear shorts as long as possible. but xcept for rare warm days here up north, we look pretty silly w/shorts dec-march or so. p.s. the first time i ever heard the term "commando" was from kramer on seinfeld a dozen years ago. i wonder if that's where it was coined?
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    17 years ago
    OK it's your turn
    One of her favorite quotes is a Zen Buddhist saying, "When the student is ready the teacher will appear." I was ready. She appeared. Thank you, God. i enjoyed your story, especially the above quote. i used it over the last nearly three decades to describe losing my virginity.
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    17 years ago
    last summer, my favorite (now on maternity leave) said she'd try it if i brought one in. bc i had to smuggle it in, i bought a very small one. we tried it, but unfortunately, this model didn't do much of anything for her, so it was a failed, if fun, experiment. the reason this even came up was our previous failed, but immensely fun, attempt to give her an O via another method. my current fav has orgasmed several times, as have a few others a few years ago. i really love it!!! others?
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    17 years ago
    Strip-club owners glum as dancers cover up; Judge lets [Ohio] law stand for now
    thanx for posting, bones. one club owner told me that a lawyer told him that this would be tied up in courts for years. any attorneys out there?
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    17 years ago
    Novelty, risk, or waste of time?
    i saw some of the most beautiful women ever on my trip to Poland in 1988. in fact, one "anna" offered to "show me her home" for $100! not going is one of the big regrets of my life, but i was so young and naive then. we did spend the nite in the "diskotecha" (sp?) hanging out, drinking, holding hands, dancing etc., so it wasn't a total loss. ANYWAY, if you look at the "russian bride" websites, i'll bet you'll want to investigate their SCs!!!
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    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    Petitions halt new strip club rules Associated Press COLUMBUS - New state rules restricting strip clubs will not go into effect today after opponents submitted petitions for a statewide referendum overturning the law, the secretary of state's office said. The group representing strip club owners and dancers want a ballot measure to overturn a law that halts nude dancing after midnight and prohibits patrons from touching strippers. Citizens for Community Standards turned in 382,508 signatures to Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner's office Monday, said Sandy Theis, a spokeswoman for the group. The signatures still must be validated by Brunner's office. "We are very, very confident that we're going to make it on the ballot in November," Theis said. The secretary of state's office opened briefly during the Labor Day holiday to allow the group to turn in the petitions before the new restrictions took effect. The group needs at least 241,366 valid signatures from registered voters - a number that equals 6 percent of the total vote cast in the 2006 governor's race - to place the issue on the November ballot. The petitions block implementation of the law pending the outcome of the November vote, said Jeff Ortega, a spokesman for the secretary of state. Ortega said Brunner's office would work quickly to determine if the group collected enough valid signatures to put the issue on the ballot. The club owners and dancers argue the law infringes on the rights to free speech and expression. "It's time to stop legislating morality," said Jennifer Welch, a dancer from Cincinnati and member of Dancers for Democracy, a group formed to fight the new rules. Citizens for Community Values, a Cincinnati-based conservative group that pushed for the new law, argues that the restrictions will reduce crimes such as prostitution and decrease blight in neighborhoods around strip clubs. The conservative group has said that it doubts the club owners would get enough valid signatures and that Ohio voters would support the new law, which passed the Republican-controlled legislature in May. Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland allowed it to become law without his signature. If the secretary of state's office finds the group fell short, Citizens for Community Standards will have an additional 10 business days to submit more signatures, Theis said
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    17 years ago
    Ohio 3 foot law?
    according to this, petitions won't be delivered until monday: http://blog.cleveland.com/metro/2007/09/stripclub_group_could_force_a.html
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    17 years ago
    Paying more than the advertised/posted Lap Dance fee
    thanx to slickster505 for this post bc after saturday nite, i was thinking about posting a similar question myself. i've yet to review my regular and fav club, but the $10 dances are what you guys call high mileage. perhaps very high mileage. bc of that, i apply the typical waitress 15% and will go to 20-25%. based on other posts, it seems like i'm on the high side, xcept for a few. tho i appreciate their fine dances, i wish they acted like they appreciated me and my funding a bit more. for xample, one of my former favs, now 40 and retired (tho still very pretty and in shape enough to dance), would ALWAYS have a big smile and greeting upon my arrival, and hug and kiss me goodbye. many nowadays are just soo "ho hum" about it all.