
Jay Leno

Thursday, November 27, 2008 3:52 PM
I was watching Jay Leno last night, Thanksgiving Eve,and Jay said the night before Thanksgiving was traditionally the busiest night in the whole year for strip clubs. Made some joke about it. Does that seem true ? I never noticed it.


  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I always thought it was on of the deader nights like Valentines and Mother's Day.
  • bluelens
    16 years ago
    Always a dead night at SCs, jokes and reality often differ
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    The afternoon before is generally very busy, I don't know if I would agree about the night before.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I always avoid strip clubs on special occasions. Even strippers have commitments with family and friends.
  • yndy
    16 years ago
    Up until last year things were MUCH busier around here. the last 2 years, just a bit busier (for a wednesday nite). Last nite, a lot of dancers were talking about their Thanksgiving preparations and plans. Quite endearing.
  • arbeeguy
    16 years ago
    I wondered about that comment too. Makes no sense to me, and I couldn't figure out why he said it. Not that "Thanksgiving Eve" is any kind of a special evening, like Christmas Eve and New Years Eve are. More like Valentine's Day Eve or Independence Day Eve. Nevertheless, I did spend some time in a strip club last night, and it seemed slower than usual.
  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Was in my fave SC tonight (Thanksgiving). I went because they were offering a free buffet. For the first couple of hours, there was only two waitress/dancers and one waitress working. My ATF showed up (she's a waitress/dancer). For two hours we just talked and ate. Finally, a dancer showed up. After that, the d.j. talked a hot waitress into going up on stage. My ATF and I headed to a back room for some mutual pleasure. It was a slow night.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    I was in my fave rathole last night from 4pm-7pm and it was PACKED. It sure surprised me, considering that it is rarely busy there now-a-days. What surprised me even more was that guys were actually buying dances. Most of the time the few people that are in there are nursing their beers and avoiding tipping or buying dances. Go figure.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    I did go to the Atlanta Cheetah, 3 years ago on Halloween night. Considered by many people to be the best that Atlanta has to [view link] could not tell the customers from the employees except when the dancers were on stage. 75% of the people were in costume. And damned expensive ones. I got the feeling that the customers were trying to impress the rest of us about how cool they were. Customers were rarely tipping on stage and even less were buying table dances. I overheard the male bar tender chew out 3 Japanese businessmen for not tipping him enough.I left after a hour and will never be back. All of the 40+ Atlanta area clubs suck but if you really want to go pick a smaller club. Read my reviews, trogangregs, and those by TimboATL.
  • SuperDude
    16 years ago
    American family life has become more complicated as people try to re-create the world when Mom stayed at home. Now, everyone is working and trying to make it, but the demands can be awesome. And the modern wife will not prepare Thanksgiving for the family without a lot of help and support from the husband/boyfriend. It means someone has to keep up with the kids while someone else does last minute shopping and meal preparation. Out of town relatives, visiting teenagers or college students, drop-in company, office and client parties, cleaning the house or negotiating a time and place to watch sports can make things busier than we can handle. Dancers, usually single mothers, may feel pulled to try to create a holiday atmosphere for children like the one they remember or wish they had had. Some guys can't get away from all of this and SC attendance is down. A few guys can break away and party in the afternoon before all of the hoopla really begins. It's unpredictable. I've seen clubs close for the last two weeks of the year because they know that guys can't break free of family commitments and go clubbing.
  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I don't know for absolute certainty, but one of my favorites, at her club, says the absolute worst nights are the nights before holidays, since those nights have more dancers than customers. The trouble is, everyone is traveling or preparing for the holiday. Thanksgiving, because its always on Thursday, may be the worst in that aspect. The 4th of July does sometimes come on a weekend, in comparison.
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