
Comments by imnumnutz (page 12)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    They May Legalize Prostitution in Las Vegas
    waste of time, ain't gonna happen.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Reasons to stay away...
    Because 99% of the dancers simply don't turn me on. I don't find them to be even mildly attractive here in OH. Now om Vegas, I can usually find a few that are a cut above the grocery market check out clerks that mascarade as strippers here in th emidwest.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    one of the best times I ever experienced was in Tampa for the Superbowl in '91. The girls that came to town to work the clubs were super-it was like Vegas during a big convention. I did not want it to end. Just for grins, I looked at hotel prices for this year's superbowl a couple days ago, and reasonable rates were still available in Bradenton, about 45 mins. away.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Columbus, OH strip club closings
    i personally think it's part of the general downturn on rte 161, dublin-granville rd. the clubs are not the only thing closing. no more Outback, no more Lonestar, no more Hooters, no more Smokybones. All of them now sit vacant. Oh how times have changed here. 30 years ago, the Wall St Journal wrote a story about this corridor, calling it "America's test market..."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold. My angel is a ...
    jeeze, they're STRIPPERS, not your "home room angels" so why would anybody even raise an eyebrow? They do drugs, drink too much, have loser boyfriends, constantly need money, SO OFF COURSE THEY'D CONSIDER, AND IN MORE CASES THAN SOME MIGHT EXPECT, ACTUALLY DO PORN.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    At what point would you NOT pay for the Kitty?
    That's really a question you and Mr. Johnson must answer. If you both are really interested (Johnson is really good at sending signals), then its worth any price. But by the looks of your post, you are only mildly interested, and if that's the case, then Ms. Dancer probably isn't worth spending a dime on...one of those leaving you thinking the next day, "What the fuck was I thinking?"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How many dancers do you think actually read this site?
    clubs with more than 75 dancers, maybe one or two. clubs with less than 75 dancers, 0 to 1. Been going to the big clubs in Vegas for about 18 years, and during that time heard just 1 dancer say anything about this or similar websites, and she only knew about it because a customer had brought it up.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Mileage in Vegas?
    it's like any other city: It depends on the girl. Over the years I've received dances that have ranged from no mileage at all to very heavy mileage. I usually let the dancer take the lead--it's really amazing how far some will go when they do not feel like they're being pressured. One more thing: Some clubs are in the Las Vegas city limits (Olympic Garden comes to mind) and others are not. Once every couple of years, there is an effort to "crack down" on the clubs in the city, meaning very little fun of any kind! It usually lasts a couple of months, then things begin lightening up. While I usually visit the clubs outside the city limits, I have not heard anything about any crackdowns recently.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A Great Holiday Present for Your ATF
    took my ATF to Victoria's Secret instead of Spencer's and let her pick out a gift. She got humped afterwards, but not by some mechanical dog...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    your age and number of years "clubbing"
    57/25 Confine myself for the most part to clubs in Vegas, which I visit 3-4 times a year.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Who to believe?
    whenever i read a review that says something like, "girls all superhot, nothing but 8-10s...", I stop rite there. There is no club in the world that has nothing but 8 to 10s. In fact, in more than 20 years of clubbing, I think i've seen maybe 2 10s, and certainly no more than a couple dozen 9s. Even the best clubs, like the Vegas Rhino, feature girls that are generally 7-8s with maybe a handful of girls that are hotter, if you hit the club on a really special nite.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    She's Got the Look
    smile and sophistication. also, i luv the thrill of the chase. I want the one who guys are standing in line to get a dance from. for me, the more unapproachable, the more desirable.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Just Asking
    I vote #5. none of that other stuff really matters to me. I want the place with the prettiest dancers (nude or otherwise) with the best attitudes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How bad is your memory when it comes to strippers?
    its not just names, its looks...I go to Vegas about once ever 4-6 months. It's kinda weird when I see a dancer for the second time, she often does not look as great as I though she did during initial visit.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Economy: here's your chance to say, "I told you so"
    I have a buddy who likes to talk about "really smart people" here in Central Ohio...as in, three years ago, some "really smart people are gonna start an airline..." It was Skybus, which they indeed did start and then lost a substantial amount of money when it went bankrupt 8 months ago. Warren Buffett and Sheldon Adelson, both multibillionaires and "really smart people," have lost billions in this downturn. So even the "really smart guys" were unprepared. one really smart guy who did anticipate major difficulties is a brit money manager, jeremy granthem. Many people don't recognize the name because he does few interviews, virtually none on tv (he did one recently for a PBS show, tho). Google his name and you can see what he's said over the last few years. Today he is saying stocks are attractive, but not a screaming buy, for someone with a five year horizon...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dude, I got kicked out of my favorite stripclub tonight...
    if it's the first time you've been kicked out, and you're telling us EVERYTHING that happened TRUTHFULLY, I'd feel safe in going back in a couple of weeks, particularly if you've been a good customer in the past.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Feature Dancers
    As I have mentioned before, PlayboyPmate/PentPet Linn Thomas was out on the feature circuit for several years earlier this decade. She was THE most personable, approachable girl of her type that I ever encountered. Had a great stage presence, did private dances, could talk about any subject you wished, and was not afraid to laugh at herself. Just a perfect sweetheart. Most Pets/Playmates don't feature dance. I have never heard of most of the features that come to Ohio clubs. If only Shay Jordan would consider it...
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Early Morning Visit, Talk, and Leftovers . . .
    "stripper shit" has many definitions, this is a new one.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    If a dancer has a lot of tatoos, is she more likely to give extras or be a slut?
    she's more likely not to get any of my time or money.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers that do not look like strippers
    kinda sorta understand what you are saying, although maybe it's easier to comprehend if we say girls who do not look like TYPICAL strippers. Once a girl, no matter how she looks, becomes a stripper, then by definition she looks like stripper. Girls who look like Jennefer A in any of her incarnations aren't all that hard to find in clubs. I never thought she was particularly hot.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What if your favorite stripper is a one way lesbian?
    i'd have one question for her: Can I watch?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is the local economy improving or getting worse in your area?
    its ok in c-bus, but house prices are in the toilet. Nothing is selling.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Now that VA is a blue state...
    forget it. DC is as blue as they come. No lap dancing allowed though. Shame. All the lobbyists would shell out thousands...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Clubs with extras
    i don't see the problem here. if you go through the reviews of any individual club, you will see at least a little discussion of whether there are extras, whether takeout is available, etc. Keep it to those terms and I would think you're OK. More likely that any interest from LE would arise in the local bars, clubs, etc with people running their mouths after a few drinks. The only caution I would consider on this site is not getting specific. Don't mention specific actions such as HJ, BJ, etc. as was done in the opening post of this thread.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What the fuck time is it?
    Time for you to figure out how your computer clocks work like the rest of us already have...