I think the locations which have the "best" strip clubs are simply the most LIBERTARIAN. Texas and Floria, both traditionally economically conservative but libertarian; and San Francisco and Toronto, both traditionally tending toward the socialist but (again) libertarian about "social values". Each location has rather licentious, even crazy, rules and regulations about pussy in public. Compare with Boston, and Massachusetts in general, both of which nearly always vote Democrat -- which supposedly used to be the "open minded" party about family values and women's lib -- but also has a very restrictive policy toward strip clubs.
Even Houston has started to crack down. Puritanism, and the decline of the REAL Libertarian ideals of the American Revolution, are on their way in.
But it's rather hard to claim that the USA wasn't, also, founded by a buncha Puritans. One of the two poles of our foudation happens to be asserting itself rather strongly in the last few decades. I'd be happy to see a rise in the other pole for a while.
last commentThe new mayor of Richmond is a minister. Clubs will close.
forget it. DC is as blue as they come. No lap dancing allowed though. Shame. All the lobbyists would shell out thousands...
Red states tend to have better clubs: TX, FL (usually red, now about 50-50)
Forget it. My ATF was raised in VA. She started stripping in WV and then moved to SC. Damn I miss her but life goes on.
I think the locations which have the "best" strip clubs are simply the most LIBERTARIAN. Texas and Floria, both traditionally economically conservative but libertarian; and San Francisco and Toronto, both traditionally tending toward the socialist but (again) libertarian about "social values". Each location has rather licentious, even crazy, rules and regulations about pussy in public. Compare with Boston, and Massachusetts in general, both of which nearly always vote Democrat -- which supposedly used to be the "open minded" party about family values and women's lib -- but also has a very restrictive policy toward strip clubs.
Even Houston has started to crack down. Puritanism, and the decline of the REAL Libertarian ideals of the American Revolution, are on their way in.
But it's rather hard to claim that the USA wasn't, also, founded by a buncha Puritans. One of the two poles of our foudation happens to be asserting itself rather strongly in the last few decades. I'd be happy to see a rise in the other pole for a while.
Har har. Get it? Pole? Rise? Har har.
VA Sucks big donkey balls in this area.