Comments by Hugh_G_Rection
discussion comment
5 years ago
I'd be dubious of any sex ad site with .com .org .biz .edu etc. due to FOSTA/SESTA.
Seems to me most of the sites that get away with it now have a European connection ( .eu .nl etc etc) and probably will for the foreseeable future until America gets over this "all sex work is trafficking" mentality .
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
Of course, American citizens aren't being allowed in the EU at this time due largely in part to the growth of Covid-19 in the US (unless you are currently there at this time).
Guess we have to sit this party out.
discussion comment
5 years ago
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
England (notice I did NOT say the United Kingdom) will soon be going it alone, perhaps with Wales, the Island of Mann, the CHannel islands stuck to it. The Brexit Crisis will force Ulster to become part of the Irish Republic because of the End of the Customs Union, and I think there is strong momentum for Scotland (which was highly for REMAIN in the plebacite) to say "Bugger Off" to London for Union with the EU, Good show if they do. I hope should that happen that they nationalize Trump's golf courses for the damage done to the dune ecosystem that was totally against the agreement made to preserve the dunes when he assumed the title to that land--- and they can keep building their windmills as well !!!
The not-so-United-Kingdom?? Stick a fork in it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
American People > CONSTITUTION > Sovereign Nation > Flag
Lets not put the Cart before the horse, the Flag is an empty symbol unless it represents the Constitution of our nation, and the Constitution put US in the drivers seat . Yes, I believe in respect for the flag but it was the Constitution I swore an oath to uphold, and I loathe 'leaders' who won't uphold it.
discussion comment
5 years ago
I may be white and a Naval vet, but the flag to me is a just a (replaceable) piece of cloth unless you honor the constitution it represents. We seem to have forgotten the Main course for the fancy box it is wrapped in.
Flags be replaced. Storefronts and merchandise can be replaced. Quarterly profits can be made next quarter. Governments can certainly be replaced.... but a HUMAN LIFE is over in a short moment. LIFE Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (not necessarily a buck in a Fat Cat's wallet) are INALIENABLE.
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
The Orange faced Bully-in-Chief just called for the use of American troops against American civilians on American soil.
Wrong side of history- he won't be getting a rest for me until he is out of power and explaining himself to a tribunal.
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5 years ago
Deez Nutz
Sorry Icey, makes too much sense.. The police aren't there for the average person anyways, they are there for the 1% who owns 80% of everything
discussion comment
5 years ago
Anyone who thinks the George Floyd outrage protests were 'organized' is probably used to being part of Astroturfed events like the Tea Party or the Reopen bullshit protests. That other George (Soros) is NOT writing anyone a check!!!!
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
(skibum609): Why is it that every pussy votes Democrat?
They are sick of being grabbed by him ?? (rimshot)
discussion comment
5 years ago
CJKent (Banned)
“The more a person needs to be right, the less certain he is...”
Blue is the new Brownshirts
discussion comment
5 years ago
In the wind
Situation reminds me of Monty Python and the Holy Grail, with President Trump as Brave Sir Robin and Fox News as his ever present Troubadours:
"Brave Sir Donald ran away
Brave Brave Brave Brave Sir Donald
When protesters reared their ugly heads to the bunkers Sir Donald Bravely fled
Yes, brave Sir Donald turned about
And gallantly he chickened out.
Swiftly taking to bone-spurred feet,
He beat a very brave retreat.
Bravest of the brave, Sir Donald! "
discussion comment
5 years ago
A Polish junkie goes to the doctor and comes up with a positive HIV test.
"There's no way I could have got Aids, Doc", he said, perplexed. "Every time we shot up, my partner and I wore condoms when we shared needles!"
discussion comment
5 years ago
Oceania is and has always been at war with EastAsia and aligned with EurAsia.
At least thats what the ministry of Truth (FAKENEWS) wants us to think...
discussion comment
5 years ago
Logans Hard in NYC. Dreaming of Spinners Since, Well, Forever
YouTube Algorithm really freaks me out sometimes:
When I clicked on the DiVynyls link from Warrior's post it was preceded with an Arby's commercial proclaiming "We Got the Meats!"
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
^ What lotsoffun201 said, They want your kidneys. Especially if there was any mention of "Candy Mountain" in the letter....
discussion comment
5 years ago
Most of the present 'reopen' protests are Astroturf IMO.
The majority of Americans want to sit it out till it is safe and not have our down time have been for nothing.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Stay safe everybody
I like Cristobal's idea. Maybe Mamasan can get to work on it....
discussion comment
5 years ago
Kamala, you're FIRED!
I'll trust the WHO before I trust our brain dead excuse for a President, My Governor (Michigan) as well.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Where there's a hole, there's a way. [HIATUS]
Sperm smoothies straight from the tap would probably explain why Rick Dugan believes he has immunity.
At least that's how he's rumored to tip the bathroom trolls.
discussion comment
5 years ago
IF he is lying comatose (or dead) there is an obvious historical parallel to the conditions around the death of Joseph Stalin of the Soviet Union and the power struggle that went down as a result.
I highly recommend the 2018 film "The Death of Stalin", a dark comedy relating to the power struggle which occurred between Molotov, Beria and Khrushchev, While not an absolute look at what is going down in Pyongyang I imagine it gives you a glimpse into the makeup of the lieutenants in a totalitarian state and what happens when the all powerful leader bites the dust without a heir.
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5 years ago
Certainly not banking my retirement on the torch being passed in Pyongyang yet.
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5 years ago
I'm looking in the crystal ball at future strip club reviews....
Oh, there's one where the OP said he had SIX girls dancing in July- Rosie Palm and her five sisters!!!!
discussion comment
5 years ago
Definitely Bang (as opposed to Marry or Kill)
discussion comment
5 years ago
Anywhere there are Titties.
May 1- I thought that was a Marxist- Anarchist holiday, not a Capitalist one.
discussion comment
5 years ago
Depraved Deacon of Degeneracy
Not advocating this heathen practice, but Aleister Crowley was all about the consumption of Semen and Menstrual Blood in his rituals. He claimed they were the "White elixer" and the "Red elixer" by which Sex Majick took place.
As for me, I'll pass, thank you.