Meeting family members of strippers. Have you?

avatar for shadowcat
Leave out sisters that are also strippers. I have known several. Including 2 current. With my previous ATF, I had seen her with her husband, I had seen her with her mother and daughter but never was intoduced to them. My most recent favorite dancer, mentioned in my erotic adventures, has intoduced me to her younger brother. She is 30. He is 24. Although he was friendly, I thought that he was leaching off of his sister. I also felt that he was a bigger loser than his sister. She has to give him money to play with at strip clubs.


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avatar for casualguy
18 years ago
I don't think I have. Most of the dancers that I visited at their homes a long time ago either lived alone or with other dancers or friends. I've met sisters working in a club and been told by many dancers of the other dancer they are rooming with. I do remember one girl had a number of friends but I didn't ask who everyone was. I didn't seem to care too much at the time. I was just there to pick her and another girl up and then we were going to the beach. I guess most of the dancers I've met outside of their work have preferred to be alone with me. I have met a dancers cat. She told me her cat didn't like a lot of people but of course it wanted to rub against me. I think all cats do somehow sensing I'm allergic to them.
avatar for TimboAtl
18 years ago
Does a mother / daughter working at the same club count? Ironically, the mother looked better than the daughter. Daughter was a 4 and mom was a 6. I think they both lived in houses that had wheels attached. It was in one of those clubs next to the freeway, you know one of the clubs that has 30 billboards advertising it.
avatar for DandyDan
18 years ago
Other than spouses, never. Meeting spouses is always a bad thing, not only because it ruins the fantasy of the dancer's availability, but they also suspect you are doing something to their wives.
avatar for DougS
18 years ago
My only claim to meeting the family was with my Prev ATF. Two of her sisters danced at the club that she did, at the time. I wasn't there to get to know her sisters, though, so my prev ATF and I only sat with one of her sistes a few times... once when I'd taken my pATF out to dinner. After eating, we brought back a steak for her sister and sat with her while she ate and we all watched one of the ALCS games between the Bosox and Yanks.

Thee girls dancing from one family... what's that say? Well, good stock, for one thing... and my pATF said her mother is even hotter than any of the daughters (I would've liked to have met her).
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