
Comments by DougS (page 37)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the longest time you have ever spent in a strip club?
    Short Answer - just under 13 hours. Long Answer - My habits have changed over the last few years. It seems like the less frequently I'm in clubs, the longer my stays are - I guess to make up for "lost time". Before I started OTCing, my average club visit was 2-3 hrs. Once I got the "wild hair" and started trying to take things OTC, my pattern changed. I began spending more and more time - always with the one girl that I was trying to get to know, and build a rapport with, which always resulted in marathon sessions of 5 or more hours. The closer we'd get, the more time I'd spend in the club until that point when I'd finally coax the girl into OTC. Then while that relationship lasts, I won't step foot in a club - unless for an hour or so to meet at the club before going out. I haven't set foot in a club since my ATF and I took things the OTC route. Prior to that, we were spending on avg. 9 hours together at the club.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do girls from Brazil. generally shave their pussies?
    Bookguy: I've been shaving that area for the last year or so, and agree, it does add to the sensations down there. AND, the bonus - prior to shaving, I never had a girl lick my balls and nether areas, but afterwords, several have... and to me it really adds to thrills of receiving oral attention. Back to the important topic... girls and pussy shaving. I much prefer the results from waxing. Not only is it more thorough, but you don't get the razor burn and/or razor bumps - both VERY un-hot visually. Having said that, I've never had a girl that has been waxed...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    OTC. Do you ask or wait for her to ask?
    In all of my experiences, I've been the one to breach the subject. You have to wait for the right timing, and a level of mutual comfort. I think the most important aspect is establishing two-way trust. You have to get a feel (no pun intended) for what the girl is thinking, and expecting. Typically she's being asked to go back to some guy's hotel and "do the deed." So I'll simply suggest that we go out to breakfast / dinner (depending on what shift she is working) after she gets off work. In all of my OTCing, except for one, I've used that approach, and each time have been turned down - at LEAST once. It's taken some coaxing and patience - in several cases a LOT of coaxing. The exception mentioned above was a total "sure thing" before I even mentioned OTCing... no talk of dining (unless you include of the "Y" variety), just had to say what I wanted, to which she readily agreed.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Post date and time missing
    Oh, and in addition to the complex connection I just mentioned, I forgot that once connected, I then used pcAnywhere to connnect to one of my servers and from there I got onto the 'net and logged into TUSCL... (the last part in order to circumvent internet security reporting, which would no doubt cause me some grief with TUSCL showing up on my login id account... could be ground for firing) Guess its no wonder that something would act strangely when going through all those hoops...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Post date and time missing
    I don't think it's my computer, but it COULD be related to how I was connected earlier. I've been working from home all week, and have been using a Verizon mobile card, Cisco VPN, going through a proxy server at my office, with firewall enabled... not my usual connection, but the date/time thing has been an intermittent issue all week... strange... and it's fine now, so go figure..
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Post date and time missing
    It's doing it again. When I first read this thread, I thought "big deal, there's no date/time". Experiencing it, however, I see that it IS a big deal. I customarily remember approx. what date/time it was when I last read the discussion board. Knowing that, I can go directly to the most recently posted thread that I haven't read. Without the date/time stamp, it's impossible to tell where I left off reading. Because of that, I am forced to open up each topic and look at the last few posts to see if I've read it or not. FAR from ideal, for sure. It's been like this all day... hopefully it is fixed soon!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you talk much during lap dances?
    EvilCyn: I like your answers. I think I'm a little jealous of your ATF. Have you, in the heat of the moment, ever let yourself go and have an orgasm when giving a dance? (sorry, I know that is very personal... you can ginore that if you'd like)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you talk much during lap dances?
    EvilCyn: I like the term ATF for us guys, rather than being referred to as a "regular". Somehow it feels better... it implies a little less emphasis on money and little more on emotions. Again, you said something that triggered another question. When you said that sometimes when you are with your ATF, you get lost in another corner of your world... Are you saying that you are enjoying yourself and what you are physically feeling so much that you lose track of things, or are you saying that you purposely are blocking out what is going on, and escaping into your own little world?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Questions for EvilCyn
    Interesting as usual. Which brings up another question. (seriously, EvilCyn, if you'd rather not answer questions from us PLs here, just say the word!) Kissing... more specifically the deep French variety... how commonly is that allowed (or better yet initiated) by you or girls that you know in clubs? The reason I ask is that to me, it's a pretty intimate thing and in my experiences it has been pretty rare. Also, in my thinking, it SEEMS to signify a little more closeness than just a customer/dancer relationship.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Questions for EvilCyn
    BTW, thanks for answering my previous questions. It really is nice getting a dancer's perspective. Thank You!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Questions for EvilCyn
    Another question, (well, several questions bundled together) if I may... Do you ever dance for couples? Girls? Do you enjoy dancing for them? Do you allow more freedom with the females than you allow withyour maile customers?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Most exotic gift a stripper ever gave you?
    I've never had a stripper give me a store bought gift, so I guess themost exotic gift that I have received from a stripper, would be HERSELF. It's always fun unwrapping and then playing with gifts like that!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite lie to your SO when you are going out to a strip club.
    Favorite lie? I don't have a favorite lie. In fact each of my alibis need to be somewhate elaborate - but still believable - because when I visit clubs (or OTC), I have to account for being gone MANY hours, and usually overnight. My alibi also has to cover missing work in most cases. In order to be believable, I can't reuse the alibi - at least not very often. You single guys out there don't know how easy you have it. Does the need for creating alibis make me ball-less, as one poster stated and several others implied? Who cares! I know that I don't want to completely mess up my home life, and I KNOW that I don't want to stop clubbing/OTCing. So, I'm happy, the wife's happy... and my ATF is happy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    TimboATL: If only it were as simple as marriage vs. hobby.... try doing both!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    Chandler: Even when visiting THE club, with it three hours away, and with my lack of alibis, I'd usually only get down there once a month, on avg.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    Chandler: Sorry for not being more clear... Since I've been doing OTCs with Miss ATF, I haven't been in any clubs. In fact, the last club visit was mid Oct. Also, with ATF three hours away, I'm not making it down nearly as often as I'd like.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Monthly strip club spending
    For me, it's a combination of club visits and OTC expenses (hotel, travel - gas $$ ouch!, dining plus some money for Miss ATF to offset her missing time from work and travel expenses). All said and done, it probably works out to about $1,000 a month, on average.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Do you talk much during lap dances?
    Yeah, I typically talk with dancers during the dance sessions, but as I've mentioned, the sessions are usually "marathon" length, and not just a handful of dances at a time. There is a definite ebb and tide of sexual tensions during our dance sessions. As the situation gets more intense, we get down to business and things get quiet except for the "mmmm"s and sighs. During the ebb the conversation returns. It's a delicate line that my ATF and I cross back and forth, almost seeming to read the others mind when it's time to heat things back up or to back off and recover a little. The process makes for a long and enojoyable session.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP bargaining
    As Chandler pointed out, you DO have to be careful about making sure you get your full time in the VIP for which you are paying. In my fave club, I've witnessed plenty of customers being taken advantage of by the girls. A lot of them will leave their customer in the VIP room, while they go off and take their turn on the stage, visit with other girls (and customers). Hell, I've even seen girls giving couch dances while their client is sitting there in the VIP room. There's NO excuse for that kind of behavior. My ATF was always conscious of me and would arrange with the DJ so that she was taken out of the stage rotation, and I'd pre-pay the house mom so that I don't have THAT interruption. Miss ATF would also keep her potty breaks to a minimum, but after hours of drinking and dancing, once in a while she HAS to go. OTC is much nicer in these respects. No more having control and to monitor interruptions.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    TUSCL North Chapter Meeting
    My alibi is now set. Unless weather messes me up, I will be attending the "meeting" if anyone else is going to be there. Anyone able to make it?
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    VIP bargaining
    I second what everyone else has said here. When I'm in the club, I'm usually in the VIP for HOURS. With my ATF, before we took our time together to OTCing, we typically spent 7-8 hours straight in the VIP (at $50/30 min, not including tips), and even after all that time, I'd be surprised that the time was over already. 'Course the announcement from the DJ that all customers needed to leave, combined with the lights coming on was a pretty good indication that my time truly was up.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Bringing Significant Others to Strip Clubs
    Two quick points that I'd like to make... First, there is no way in hell that I'd be able to drag my wife into a strip club. I'm fairly sure that even bringing it up would stir things up around the house for weeks, enough so that I'd never even bring it up in the first place. Second, I wouldn't want my wife to see what actually doesn (and can) go on in strip clubs. She knows of less than a handful of visits that I've made over all of these years, and both times it hasn't been received real well. I claim that nothing really goes on, and I never got a dance, nor touched any dancer, and never would want to 'cause I have all that I need at home. If she found out what REALLY goes on, there's not a chance that I would ever get into a club with her knowledge again, and all of my prior visits would be opened back up for closer discussion. I DO wish that my wife would be up for it, though. I have heard - and can imagine - the dances are pretty steamy with couples. I have a friend that's done so, and his account was pretty impressive. The important thing, so I've been told from dancers, as well as friends that have experienced this, is the choice of dancer. Ideally, she's into girls. If so, and if your SO is attractive, I think fireworks are almost guaranteed. If the dancer is NOT into girls, it could be disappointing. I've talked to my ATF about this, and she's definitely not into girls, but she has given girls and couples dances. She said she doesn't care to do that because she doesn't want to touch her breasts (though the female-customer can touch hers, of course), and she will not play with the "cootchie", so there isn't much else she can do. As everyone else has been saying, you should be able to get a good idea if the dancer is into it, based upon her reaction to the stage tipping.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do girls from Brazil. generally shave their pussies?
    Not sure... never met a Brazilian woman. Personally, all women should be at least neatly trimmed, preferably completely shaved (or waxed). I find that a big bush down there isn't exactly a turn-on. And I'm especially not inclined to dine down there, when I have to hold back the jungle.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    A Dumb Question
    I disagree with the initial premise in the question posed. Not all men are driven by a desire for breasts. I'm not a breast man, and the thought of touching a girls breast isn't that much of a turn on. Admittedly, I like to touch them, especially if she enjoys me touching them, but they aren't the end-all. I also realize that I'm in the minority on this.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Uninhabited Island Fantasy
    IGU: Slightly off-topic.. Well, we all know how kinky Britney can be... maybe not a bad choice. You all know my hair fetish, and how I normally wouldn't look twice at a girl with short hair - not to mention BALD! I saw a video a while back that would probably give me second thoughts when it comes to Britney and her bald head. The video had a hot blonde and a beautiful girl with extremely sexy eyes, killer body... but she had a shaved head. She proceded to let three guys do her in every way imaginable, while the blonde just helped out with her licks and caresses and helping to insert guys' members into the bald girl. When it came time, all the guys shot their load on the bald girl's head, after which the blonde rubbed it in on the bald girl's head and face, then licked her clean. I think I need to dig that video up and take another look at it... very steamy!