
Dangers of OTC

When you think about it, OTC-ing can be fairly dangerous. There are a lot of potential hazards that you might not even think about.

Sure you have the possibilities of catching some communicable malady, but other not so obvious perils.

Some of the worries I've had are;
BF or SO showing up and making trouble

BF or SO finding out and contacting my family


Something happening to the dancer after she leaves my hotel, but since I was last seen with her, I'm a suspect in the disappearance

Possible sting operation

Theft (in fact once in Houston, I had a VERY excellent time with a certain Amanda, and the next morning, when I couldn't find my Visa card, I freaked and canceled the card. Of course I found it when I remembered that I'd hidden it the night before so that it wouldn't get stolen (DOH!).

Any others that I missed? Any bad experiences?


  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    FONDL is correct. As far as escorts go there is no reason to buy a pig in a poke. There are many review boards that will help you separate the good from the bad.
    Time limits vary but independent ladies are generally not as restriting time-wise as agency gals. I have a great lady in Philly who I see when I'm working in the area. She comes to my hotel room, we go out for dinner or drinks, then go back to the room for the main event. She almost always stays the night. She charges me for two hours. Are all escorts this generous with their time? No, but a little research goes a long way. The "one and done" ladies are out there, you gotta watch out for them...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    OTC can become a danger if you're so horny you agree to get into risky situations of which you would otherwise know better. Similarly, a dancer who agrees to OTC because she is too desperate for the money can be dangerous to get involved with. She may be emotionally conflicted about her decision, and could turn on you later in any of a number of ugly ways.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    The chance that a time limit will be an issue is the main reason I never do paid OTC or paid sex "to completion" of any kind anywhere. Any hint that she's trying to rush me is enough to kill the mood for me, and there really isn't anything fun about it.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    BookGuy: Though definitely a potential hidden danger, I've never experienced the dreaded upsell during OTCing. The ONLY time that has ever happened to me was with an escort (in Atlanta, if I remember correctly). Out of the half-dozen-ish escort experiences I've had, only one has tried the upsell approach.

    Very annoying! Another issue with escorts is the time limit. Supposedly, you pay x amount for an hour, right? In MY mind, that means you are paying x amount for 60 min of play, including as many times as you want (or can) do the deed. NOT! It's pretty much x amount for the time it takes for her to make you blow your nut, and in most cases they really work at getting to that destination as quickly as possible. What fun is that? (well, pretty damned fun, but not what I'm looking for)
    18 years ago
    All of the above concerns are reasons to go the escort route with someone who has received good reviews.
  • Yoda
    18 years ago
    Well, you can get hit by a bus on the way to the hotel too...

    I don't really perceive danger as much as potential aggravation.
    I still do the occasional OTC with a dancer but I'm much more likely to call one my favorite escorts when I have an itch that needs scratching. No BS, no being stood-up, no negotiation and we both know exactly what is going to happen.
  • DandyDan
    18 years ago
    I would think the possibility of ending up with their drug stash is a real problem one could face. I remember one of my experiences was with a lady who was smoking pot and I didn't want to end up with her pot. Working in the pharmaceutical distribution business, I always worry whether they think I am into the illegal pharmaceutical distribution business.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    Do you think that there are greater dangers of STD's from strippers than from any other woman you might end up with (unless she just walked out of a convent)? I remember as a young lawyer practicing in a major metropolitan area, there were a lot of "dinner whores" and other young women who fucked around A LOT, and probably ended up fucking as many men as would a dancer who did the occasional, but not frequent, OTCs. OF course, those girls were lawyers, bond traders, etc., so it didn't draw the looks that normal
  • Book Guy
    18 years ago
    Dangers of OTC: the upsell. "No, the $200 was for me to come here. It's another $100 for me to take it all off and get down to business. {Later} No, the extra $100 was for me to get naked. It's another $250 for me to make you relaxed and get you excited and then enjoy one another. {Later} No, the extra $250 was for the really nice massage you just got. Didn't we just enjoy one another? It's another $500 for me to touch your willie and make it do its thing. {Later} ..."
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    The only one I've run into has been the crazy, obessed ex.

    The main things I try to avoid are being stood up or led on a wild goose chase. More aggravations and wastes of time than real dangers. I'm also apprehensive over whether a sour OTC experience will spoil a good ITC thing I have going. That has happened a few times.
  • chitownlawyer
    18 years ago
    I have had the concerns that DougS mentioned. None of them have ever come to fruition. I still laugh out loud when I think of the delicate pas de deux my OTC and I engaged in at the beginning of our first hotel meeting, in an effort to determine that the other was not a cop. For me, the downsides of OTC have been along the lines listed by Chandler. They are largely the result of trying to coordinate moderately complicated logistics with a member of a group of people who are collectively impulsive, disorganized, and moody (obviously, there are exceptions to this rule). Most of the problems mentioned by DougS can be avoided by discretion and caution, and by keeping the upper hand in arrangements. For example, if you are concerned about getting the shit beaten out of you by a boyfriend, meet in a public place, then adjourn together to a hotel that is unidentified to the OTC girl until the last minute. With respect to to entrapment, the key is to let the dancer take the lead on proposing arrangements. I know that some will say that a passive approach will never lead to a bed. However, I would repond that it is not entirely passive--you can lead the conversation by inf erence. Second, I doubt that very few dancers are "seduced" into OTC.. I suspect that they come to an OTC meeting with every intention of what will happen.

    Personal to Chandler: Is your e-mail down? I keep getting messages bounced back.
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Chitown: Not sure what the problem could have been. I received a message from you today. I'll send you a reply.
  • ArtCollege
    18 years ago
    About 10 years ago, a banker in my town was murdered. Wife was away, he invited a stripper to his home, she showed up, then let her boyfriend in, who robbed the guy and killed him.

    A couple of years ago, a lawyer used a phone sex line and set up a meeting in person. Same thing; girls BF showed up to rob the guy, and customer ended up dead.

    If I were going to go for OTC, it would be with a stripper I knew reasonably well. One who had held the same job for a year or more, and seemed to have a long-term view of life.

    As for LE, if I've seen her dance naked on the stage, it's a good guess that SHE's not LE.
  • DougS
    18 years ago
    I thought of another danger that I failed to mention earlier. It's not a concern with my current OTC friend, but my previous ATF and OTC partner used to smoke weed. She'd usually smoke a bit just before we started playing. She also did some Xanax, which is pretty common in the clubs - actually both are, from what I hear.

    Anyhow, if I were to have been pulled over with her in my car, it could've been a problem. Especially if she stashed it under the seat or something. She never smoked it in the car, but in the hotel. I used to stuff a towel in front of the door so there'd be less chance of the smell going out into the hall.

    What if your OTC friend ODed, while in your presence?! Reminds me of this video...
  • chandler
    18 years ago
    Thanks for the video link, Doug. That's going to help a lot of people. Kind of disturbing, but I like how it ends on a positive note.
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