
Comments by deogol (page 118)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Would strippers like pirates as in the old days?
    Just go to a renaissance festival and your answer will be clearly answered. Especially the places that have overnight camping.
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    16 years ago
    Bernie Mac dies at 50
    Oh damn - that sucks ass! I am a fan of his - including his "reality" show "Bernie Mac." What a shame. I thought he was really funny.
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    16 years ago
    First Amendment Protects: Strippers? Photographers? Anyone? Or?
    "The experience was positive in the sense that relative wasn't his normal flag waving self after the confrontation. No more yapping about how he fought to protect people's freedoms. Of course, he was more depressed and that is an excellent reason to deny reality. Maybe why the U.S. population is the BIG DRUGGIE of the world?" Holy shit. That is actually pretty insightful for tuscl!
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    16 years ago
    The News Isn't All Bad...
    jablake, Miami IS following SF lead. Murders, crime, illegal immigration, poor wages, etc.
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    16 years ago
    The News Isn't All Bad...
    SF has been ignoring laws for years. Immigration, dope smoking, and now prostitution. They just don't bother enforcing it. One of the reasons that city is becoming so unlivable.
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    16 years ago
    Saving strippers
    I won't speak for the OP, but often ppl is short for people. Saving a stripper is stupid and way out of the league of any customer without psychology training - if that is even proper. If anyone needs saving in strip clubs it is usually the socially maladjusted/shy/unrealistic customer... the kind referred to as a PL. You want to be a knight in shining armor - go work at a soup kitchen or a food pantry or what have you. Girls who are stripping because they are druggies - are druggies first, strippers second. Girls who are stripping because they have no food on the table - write to state and federal legislators about the cost of education around these fucking parts these days. Girls who are stripping because they are flat out bitches to everyone around them - whats to save? Girls who made a stupid decision about a boy and now have a screaming little kid to take care of - are you going to do that? Girls who like to be the center of attention and don't have a problem of being naked - this is a sickness that needs to be cured? Girls who see relationships with men as being about money and what they can provide for anyhow - that's why there is a 50% divorce rate in the states and it ain't nothing different other than being more "out there" in the obvious. You are one self righteous mother fucker Leo100 thinking you are the be all and end all of decisions and morality.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    favorite movie with strippers
    Fucking "Independence Day!"
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    You don't have anything to prove here, man. Let it go. It's just a board. People on here can't do shit to you that you don't let them do.
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    16 years ago
    what do u guys think?
    I agree with chandler. Perhaps your view of her is more in alignment with reality than the fantasy cooked up in your head.
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    16 years ago
    Dancer Drug Use are U Responsible?
    One is not responsible for fixing her, but one does not need to help her either. As for the "blame the customer" girl, I get paid lots of money to do what I do. I make a choice of not spending it on drugs and I certainly wouldn't blame the people who gave me money (aka opportunity) to change things in my life. Junkies always find a way to afford the drugs.
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    16 years ago
    WTF's up with the dance prices?
    $600/Hr. Sounds great. Except the reality is, it's $10/minute for three minutes. That huge "pay rate" is what a lot of dancer's keep telling themselves and any reporter willing to listen.
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    16 years ago
    To avoid long links and extra wide screens and scrolling use tinyurl.com
    Link castration.
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    16 years ago
    Supreme Court rules in favor of gun ownership rights
    "It depends on the federal circuit that you are talking about. In the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, they are plenty busy...over-busy really..." and all really liberal areas. Perhaps liberalism causes crime. Or what shouldn't be a crime is labeled so more quickly in a liberal area.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another accidental meeting with a stripper OTC
    Why worry? It's called fucking AIDS, man. Or hepatitis. Or tuberculosis. There is a lot of crazy shit surrounding needle based drug abuse. The 60's and 70's are over man.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers that use club spies
    That would be called stripperweb.com - and you may have your illusions shattered by how much they hate their customers.
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    16 years ago
    Dancers that use club spies
    a) You wish your ATF was stalking you. b) Someone needs to put their foot down about who's a customer and who's a dancer.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What is the minimum wage for a stripper?
    There is not a lot of money being made in clubs these days. More and more girls working the floor so the money spread thinner. High end players are getting the shit cracked out of them with the stock market and the over priced house (and car) they usually like to buy. Low end can't afford the gas to get to the club. Wall Street threw thousands of investment banker types out on their ass this week. There is going to be a lotta empty seats and a lot of bitchy divas out there for a while.
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    16 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Lack of Computer Customer Service
    Have you even BEEN to a strip club? Customer service is not exactly the thing to find there. From being a pathetic loser laughed at in the dressing room to being a cheap bastard for not buying a dance to being a pervert merely being in a club - to the hurmph and under-the-breath cussing to being told NO - the stripper's customer service sucks. Then you have the bathroom monkey demanding a dollar for ripping off a piece of hand towel for you... to the goons who stand around waiting to kick someone's ass or simply tell you where and how to sit to kicking you out of a table to make room for their friends.... I ask again - have you ever been in a strip club before?
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Strippers and politics
    Dancers don't vote. They won't even write a letter to city hall to complain about new regulations much less show up there in person to complain. Dancers are their own worst political enemies.
  • discussion comment
    20 years ago
    Your RETIREMENT is being TARGETED by Hispanic Immigrants Rights Groups
    Stuff like this is serious, so I think it can be on a discussion board. Hit the clubs chat for stripper related stuff. Besides, it is a nice break from "She ripped me off and is a bitch" to "I am in love but the bitch used me" posts. I don't agree with the premise of the original poster, but I do think that Mexico is using illegal immigration as an export business. They come around here, earn some American dollars and then send it back home. In essence, where we generally think of countries getting our dollars via product sales - illegal immigration is taking that route. Second, I don't think people realize the expense illegal immigration imposes on people. Housing, hospitals, schools - they all suffer from overload of millions and millions and millions of people who should not be here, don't contribute much to the economy, and we all end up dealing with the busy waiting rooms and extra property taxes. Has anyone ever explored how many prisoner's are illegals? 29% according to one study. You are paying the 30,000 a year it takes to house those people. Illegal immigration has some effects on our country that no one is willing to admit.
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    13 years ago
    The Fair Maiden
    And yes, I like "Grimm" and "Once Upon A Time" TV series. So refreshing from bullshit that has been showing up for years.
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    13 years ago
    The Fair Maiden
    Strip Club Answer: Implies a Knight in Shining Armor. The stupidest position for a PL to take in these matters. Philosophical: Happens to her. If it is to happen because of her, she needs to make some action in order to effect others.
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    13 years ago
    One Foot on the banana peel and the other...
    People who are pro these things rarely vote. That is the truth of it. Those who are neutral on it, they never hear the message and go with what the media has told them. The rest are church oriented or liberals (aka "women's rights") that work against it.
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    13 years ago
    How not to be a Pathetic Loser
    Rlionheart: +1
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    13 years ago
    Dating a Dancer and Trusting Her. Is it Possible?
    The only time to date a dancer is when she is done dancing.