avatar for David9999
as i've just indicated in message sent to you moments ago, I want you merely to send a regular email to the email address you just found on the DC bar site via your search - and I will immediately respond back using the same email address

Please do not under any circumstances post my actual name or other identifying information as listed on the DC bar site.

The reason I'm using a crosscheck is to precisely avoid indentifying information


last comment
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Who gives a fuck?
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
And to think, I actually agree with ludicrouslydifferentfeebleimitationman.
avatar for deogol
17 years ago
You don't have anything to prove here, man. Let it go. It's just a board. People on here can't do shit to you that you don't let them do.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
David, I am beginning to think you are one seriously fucked up dude. Founder already replied in the thread "Note to Founder" that he doesn't normally read the discussion board. If you wish to contact him, he requested that you send him an e-mail.

But since you titled this " *Important* note to founder ", I guess it was OK for you to ignore his previous request.

I have to agree with the others that you are somehow desperately crying out for attention. You claim you want anonymity, but yet you post regularly on a public forum. You posted a second request to founder when he told you to personally e-mail him.

David, we really don't care who are. Really we don't. Believe me. we DO NOT CARE WHO YOU ARE. Stop this childish behavior, please.
avatar for Dudester
17 years ago
1) David9999 says he's a lawyer.

2) A lawyer would have no problem posting his own name on a forum like this-especially a corporate lawyer. A firm with corporate lawyers would want their personnel to have a good working relationship with dancers in order to entertain clients. Pretty much the same for defense lawyers or self emplyed lawyers.

Why would a lawyer seek anominity here, and post no reviews?

1) He's more than a lawyer, he's an assistant D.A.

2) He's using a county or fed issued laptop.

3) If he gets caught using the laptop for this website, he can say:"See, I didn't post any reviews, I don't go to clubs, honest."

4) If he went to a club, got high mileage, and posted that here, and got caught, his butt would be in a sling.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

OOPS! Not to be too paranoid, but founder could be LEO and once David9999 further confirmed his identity out comes the government bracelets and say good bye to David9999's former life of high living.

A big shot government prosecutor gotten taken down by a moral stripclub and moral dancer here in Miami--I think it was the Pussycat. He's a top law dog and yet he goes off the deep end when a dancer refuses to perform sex acts for pay---Paid the dancer something like $1,500. Say good bye to the six figure plus government income as well as fun of destroying other citizens' lives (he probably gets to keep his fat government pension). Almost makes me feel sorry for the holier than thou dumbass government prosecutor.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"he's an assistant D.A."

Hmmmm...that sounds familiar, but I can't tell you why... ;)
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
If this is the case, numb nuts buy a home PC. Most of us can't access this or many other sites for security reasons. Including email. Companies are very wary of hackers and viruses.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I like the entry in the topic line. "IMPORTANT NOTE TO FOUNDER"

This must be the most important note the founder has ever received. In fact I’ll go as far as to say this may be the single most important message on the entire internet, no wait, on the entire fucking planet.

How do I know this? Well, I submit that it was written by a six foot six, well built, masculine alpha male who happens to be a high powered attorney. How could it be anything other than true?
Did I mention he beds three to seven high quality women <In the 9.7+ range> every single night?

David9999 is THE MAN! Don’t fuck with him.
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
I had a very good reason to post that message the way I did, so why not read that particular post?
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