
The Fair Maiden

The Fair Maiden<br />
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She had a dream... Of a white chariot.... a tall tower with a fair maiden peering from the window. Hair that flows like ringlets of spun gold down from her head draping beautifully as it falls out of the window &amp; down the tower wall where she is captive. She had a longing for peace, a longing for true love, a longing to be rescued from the demons &amp; dragons that await her.<br />
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As the fair maiden waits she wonders what is to be her fate. She sits pondering over the life she has had. She wonders where everything went wrong. She wonders why the dreams always turn into nightmares.<br />
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She looks over the valley below &amp; is mesmerized by its beauty. A beautiful lush forest with every type of tree you could imagine. Here before her is a lovely lazy river teaming with life that winds around the castle &amp; tower &amp; continues deep into the forest. There are all types of flowering plants, bushes, trees, flowers, vines &amp; so much more. It&#39;s as if someone came along &amp; strategically wove the flowers throughout the forest &amp; around the castle. How beautiful this is. It&#39;s like an explosion of color. Yet it&#39;s a deception of what is truly inside this cold dark castle.<br />
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The fair maiden smiles as she is able to imagine herself dancing freely among the trees, flowers &amp; the beautiful lazy river.<br />
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As she continues to imagine, she thinks about how her long gauzy dress would flow in the breeze. As she twirls around in delight, her dress begins to take flight. Dance, dance, dance like only she can do. She dances to a symphony of birds singing, a breeze whistling through the trees, the sound of rippling water as it flows over rocks &amp; splashes against the river banks. There are many other animals, frogs &amp; bugs that join the sound of the music. All of which add their strongest most beautiful tone. How beautiful all of this is.<br />
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But all of the sudden, she is yanked away from her visions of bliss as she hears the rattling of chains which remind her of the pain in which the cold steal cuff &amp; chains cut deeply into her ankle. &quot;Oh yes&quot; she thinks to herself. &quot;I am captive to a fate unknown. Will it be the dragons &amp; demons that will be my demise or will it be....&quot;<br />
<br />
Wait... She thinks she heard a rumble, a rattling of what seems to be a chariot. She listened closely.... trying to see if she had heard this correctly. But then, as fast as it had caught her attention, the sound seemed to have disappeared. She sighed a great sigh as a tear ran down her cheek. &quot;What will I do? How long shall I sit here with no direction of which I am to be lead? How can I find my way when destiny seems to send me into the abyss? Let me close my eyes &amp; dream a sweet dream. Let me live in a world where there is only peace, serenity, love and beauty.&quot;<br />
<br />
Oh how she pleaded with God to save her from her own mind. Would she end up crazy or even become deranged because of waiting for what is unknown? Or will she become stronger, more resilient, and more imaginative because of her experiences?<br />
<br />
She is battered, weak, frustrated &amp; tired. She walks away from the window into the reality of a dark, cold, dingy room where there is nothing but a pile of hay for her to lay her head. She proceeds to lie down &amp; she finally falls asleep.<br />
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What will be the future of this fair maiden? That is the question long overdue for answer.<br />


  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    The fair Metaphor - will the future happen to or because of her?
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    She becomes a stripper. LOL.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Answer: Implies a Knight in Shining Armor. The stupidest position for a PL to take in these matters.

    Philosophical: Happens to her. If it is to happen because of her, she needs to make some action in order to effect others.
  • deogol
    13 years ago
    And yes, I like "Grimm" and "Once Upon A Time" TV series. So refreshing from bullshit that has been showing up for years.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Thank you so much Deogol, as well as the rest of you. I know this is a huge change from my other stories, but I thought it would be interesting to see how you guys would respond to them.

    I have about 5 or 6 more waiting to be approved. They are simple, some are very frantic and some are feel good stories.

    Thanks again guys, for your comments.

  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    So Chrystal, is that the way you really feel, or is it in fact, just a story?
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    I guess u could say a little reality is in there. It was written during a wild & sad time of my life. But mostly it is fiction as far as the metaphor goes.The other stories I have coming soon were written around the same time which was about a year & a half.

    Thank you for asking.

  • looneylarry
    13 years ago
    Hmm, a bit autobiographical. Need to explore what the lush valley outside means. And the maiden is captive to what? The fear is a little nebulous: dragons and demons and maybe fear of the unknown. Do you feel (or felt) that something was restraining you, holding you back from achieving fulfillment? Were the demons real ones that you could identify? No need to put you on the couch here on this forum. Just some points to think about. Not that I fantasize about being a fair maiden, but the fears of being captive and the longing for better days are universal. Best wishes.
  • Rlionheart
    13 years ago
    HI Christal
    Fiction or not, your first post on this raised the questions. So what happens? " The answer is long overdue". I look forward to the other stories but would like to know about her captors; how long she's been there; why?
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Christal (and I'll apologize right now for mispelling your name the first time), a story like that is bound to have some biographical elements creep into it, even if they're not entirely obvious to the conscious mind. I too will be interested to see the followups.
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    Christal, this is pure autobiography and dead easy to interpret. Unhappy with your life? Throw off your chains and do something about it.
  • Christal
    13 years ago
    Love the comments. And to answer the questions, yes it was a rough medifor to something I had gone though a couple of years ago.

    The chains bound her was me being trapped in a decision between to lovers as to which man I would choose to have a relationship with. I had fallen in love with both of them but didn't want to choose between them.

    The dragons and demons was my emotional turmoil over the situation. They both new about the other and were both trying to love me into marriage. I could of written a very spicy yet wonderful love story of all of the events that took place as the 3 of us went on this magical jorney together. It would be a story that most people would think was fiction. I certainly could have never written a sceen play so beautifully. It had all of the sex, drama and excitement any any great writer or reader could ever want.

    I ended up choosing one only to find myself enjoying both of them once again. Now we are all friends and enjoy an occational romp in the hay here and there with them But Wow!!!! What an exciting journey it had been.

  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    That's what you get for letting parochial assholes dictate who you can love. There's not reason to choose one over the other if you don't want to.
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