One Foot on the banana peel and the other...

avatar for Rlionheart
I was reading Shadowcat&#39;s experience with a strict manager nad the &quot;foot on the floor rule&quot; and got to thinking about Santayana&#39;s saying: Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.<br />
What two industries flourished in the 1920s and early 30s (while not outrunning demand and escalating to a bubble economy): Organized Crime and Drug store chains. Prohibition denied people something they really liked and so they went about finding ways to get their shot(s). We all know about Al Capone, Lucky Luciano and Joe Masseria but did you all know that some drug store chains expanded wildly, because the law looked at booze as having a medicinal purpose. If you could get your doctor to prescribe booze for &quot;What ails you&quot; you could have that presription filled at the drug store.<br />
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The point is that when you try to ban a product/service that has been around for a long time (forever) you simply create more risky, less savory ways of getting the &quot;goods&quot; or you see the work of a great lobbyist in creating loopholes a la the drugstore example.<br />
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The war on drugs is a failure - we have open warfare on our southern border, the regulation of gambling has been generally botched, and lots of women and guys are humiliated and fined etc, etc for doing what comes naturally. Take the sex trade: were all forms of non-violent practices legalized, you could bankrupt the pimps, provide for better health care for sex workers, generally upgrade the standards of most operations simply by normalizing it and placing a small tax on it to offset the cost of the job related health care. Drugs, the price should come down and the quality could be better maintained. Go to a state that has quasi legalized marijuana - the revenues are rolling in, there is much less violence associated with procurement.<br />
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So instead of a foot on the floor SC owners and others in the trade, let&#39;s use our brains to develop a cross industry (mutual) organization to lobby for legislative changes that would move our society out of the 19th Century Blue Laws and into a time of more beneficial regulatory practice! And if by chance, I am simply not aware of the organization, why haven&#39;t I heard anything about it. I have heard about the sex worker unions in Europe so it&#39;s not like I&#39;m not listening.</p>


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avatar for deogol
13 years ago
People who are pro these things rarely vote. That is the truth of it. Those who are neutral on it, they never hear the message and go with what the media has told them. The rest are church oriented or liberals (aka "women's rights") that work against it.
avatar for fillyfan
13 years ago
Lionheart I couldn't agree with you more. Some voice is being given to you point of view. Smerconish, a popular radio talk show host has come out in favor of the legalization of prostitution and Marijuana. I know there are many reasons for this but let me add a theory. Let's face it. Our society is stll very much a paternalistic, male dominated world. Where women really have power is in the bedroom. That's not to say they can't be powerful in the boardroom too but right now the boardroom (private and public sectors) are still the primary domain of men. There are some men who are threatened by the sexuality of women and know that women, if permitted, could hold all the cards. Most guys easily fall prey to a beautiful sexual woman in all sorts of ways; not the least of which is the strip club. Money ultimately is power and denied the ability to legally
Make money in the oldest fashion known, keeps women down. The world might be a better place for everyone if women were given more positions of authority. Perhaps they wouldn't have to act so masculine and us guys could enjoy their femininity more. The women that really turn me on in strip clubs are very feminine, yet confident. They recognize their god- given gifts and talent and know how to use it. They may have other talents as well that don't have to be exclusive of their feminine, sexual talents.

avatar for Dudester
13 years ago
I agree with deogol and add that the vast majority of people want someone else to fight for them. They call the radio talk show host to complain about things. Micheal Berry, a radio talk show host in Houston has been telling people to fight city hall-on their own-fight their HOA, fight Obama by voting, etc. etc.
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