<p> So I am an above average attractive guy who has been enjoying strip clubs ever since I could legally attend them.<br /> <br /> Over the years I have complied a fail proof way at pulling a dancer out of a club and taking her home without ever spending any money at all. The problem with that is, it becomes so easy, that whenever in the need for tail, its easy to find a local club regardless of city and try my luck.<br /> <br /> For almost the past ten years, I have been dating nothing but dancers. Every girlfriend i have had has danced or sold shots at a club, but more often than not danced.<br /> <br /> Is it impossible to trust them? No, it is not impossible, but what I have come to realize is this...<br /> <br /> If you go into a club and take a girl home, once you close the deal on going home with her you need to buy a private dance. The reason is simple...<br /> <br /> There is no shortage of prostitute type of girls in a lot of strip clubs, girls that will stretch the rules for some quick cash incentives. Is your new found dancer one of those girls? you wont ever know how she conducts herself in the private rooms if you dont buy one, and if you take her home prior to doing so you will never know, because you've already crossed the line of being a sexxual partner.<br /> <br /> If you go on and take the girl home without ever getting a dance, and you guys end up being more than a one night stand, in the back of your mind everytime she packs her bag for work, you will wonder how many balls will she be grinding on... or when she comes home with fists full of cash you will wonder if she did anything special to get the extra bread that night.<br /> <br /> Truth, is, its hard to fall in love with a dancer when she goes out everynight grinding on another dude for money. You have to detach yourself and ignore the fact that its going on - but sometimes that is easier said than done.<br /> <br /> My advice to any aspiring stripper bangers is do what I have outlined here.<br /> <br /> - First close the deal to get her home, before spending anything on her. You dont want her to see dollar signs on your head and you want to make sure intentions are genuine. So dont cross the customer barrier until you guys kick it off and get a commitment to see eachother out of the club.<br /> <br /> - once committed, that pass it off as a friendly gesture by saying something like "well, youve spent so much time with me and not made any money, lets go grab a private real quick before we get out of here. I feel bad" and pay her.<br /> <br /> at this point you can assess he naughtiness or lack there of and will have a better understanding of what kind of dancer she is and what your getting yourself into.<br /> <br /> If you dont do this, and you are wired like me, you may grow some insecurites down the line in your relationship because you will have no clue of really how she works it when on the clock..<br /> <br /> Hope this helps some of you out there!<br /> </p>
lol yeah this was done before but imma say this.. just dont do it.. i got into a serious relationship once and wont do it again.. and to be honest she didnt work at a club that you can do extras at so that wasnt my issue it was alot of other things.. if u want good sex and a smokingg hot chick yeah deal with a stripper if u want a real relationship and you want the white pickett fence with 2 1/2 kids.. just go somewhere else.. not saying strippers arent worthy of love and they are all whores but for i rather not deal with it
Good article. I agree with the $$ and extras part. Early in the conversation I bring it up, it's part of the job and something to talk about. From there I can see if our limits match.
is it possible to trust a dancer? sure, it's also possible that the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, and the check is in the mail.
straight up, in this day and age where most everyone is a player it's hard to completely trust any young lady. changing the equation by trying to trust a dancer drops the odds even lower.
just forget the trust and take it for what it really is, a temporary good time with a sexual female.
Listen. Dancers love sex and they love to have men sexually desire them. Otherwise why are they dancers? Your girl may come home from the club and screw your brains out. But as long as she is a dancer, she is doing other guys in the club too.
Had a favorite once. Her boyfriend would bring her to the club to make money. She swore she loved this guy the whole time I was having sex with her.
I don't think the boyfriend gave a fuck about this girl as long as she came home. And you can't either while they are a dancer. Otherwise you are going to be very disappointed.
Interesting article. But I would rather go to her place. I don't want her knowing where I live. I think it's strictly business when a dancer goes out with you. That OTC action can get as expensive as being in a club and getting drained of all your cash!!
I have a tale of two strippers. One, I met in a strip club, and she offered to give a a blowjob in the couch dance area. The next thing I know. she slips aside her g-string and grabs a rubber, and away we go to completion. I thought she was nice, but I wasn't super attracted to her. After we finished, she asks me to friend her on Facebook, which I didn't. A few days later, she invites me over to her house to have dinner with her and her husband. Her husband did not have a clue that she was fucking at the club! She kept stressing that she is an honest person. FUCKED UP STRIPPER LOGIC! The other stripper, I actually screwed up and starting having feelings for her. Her life was such a cesspool of drama, that it would make my head spin! She had issues with trusting men, ex hubby drama, money drama, and she claims to have fallen in love with me. I asked her out on several occasions, only to have the dates cancelled at the 11th hour. I eventually got tired of this shit, and stopped going to the club. She tells me that she doesn't do extras, but this site has told me otherwise in the reviews, and I'll be the first to admit that I can't handle it. FUCKED UP STRIPPER LOGIC! The only way I have been able to get over her, was to stop going to the club. The moral to this story is that they all have fucked up lives, yet they will lie, and twist the truth to their advantage, so they will believe their own lies. Guys, don't go OTC with a stripper ever, unless you want a cyclone of bullshit and headaches, or you have your head screwed on straight and don't develop feelings....I should have known better, but I thought I was the exception to the rule, I wasn't.
If you post a thread like this, you are inevitably going to get negative feedback and sob stories about how all strippers are this and all strippers are that. Why even bother? If anyone out there is truly wondering whether to trust ANYONE, have enough trust in yourself and your own judgement to make a decision and go with your gut instinct.
Sure, there are some strippers you can trust. Last year I was seeing a dancer outside the club, but SHE was married (not me), put me on better footing and I spent almost no money on her (a movie, dinner, a couple of casino trips that never cost much), she just was unhappy at home and needed a diversion.
Her issue was could she trust me, which gave me a good position. She was nice, fun, good conversation, but hardly anything more than that.
Just keep it light and when they start to want you to pay for crap, or else they are "unavailable" you know you are not getting screwed the right way.
You know how a stripper can't predict how much she'll make in a night? That's about how well you can predict how a dancer behaves.
Some have low self-esteem, some have way too much -- some have fucked-up abusive backgrounds, some were just fat and ignored in school -- some spend all thier money on ink and blow and work whenever they feel like it, some hustle four-five nights a week, religiously, and doe on thier child(ren). And as any of you older than I should know, it takes a long time to really know anyone. We're men. We fuck first, love later. The OPs points are good, early on test her honesty, but always know the temptation is out there and deal with it.
There is one flaw with your thesis: the first sentence. "So I am an above average attractive guy".
Maybe works for you but not for the rest of us* who were shortchanged in the looks department. No dancer is going to bang an old, bald guy with a big belly, a small penis, and no hair....ummmm, until I take out my wallet.
(and by defintion, that would be the majority of us since we're either average or below average)
It's interesting this article was posted the same day as mine, as the two stories sort of go together. Yes, you can trust a dancer. Like others have said in the comments, you have to trust your own instincts to determine who you decide to take into your life. We all have our problems, dancers and customers included.
I would say, though, your point about jealousy is very important. You can believe you are not a jealous person, but given the line of work we're talking about, it's very difficult to not think about what she's doing at work, even if she's a good girl.
Sure it's possible. (lot's of things are possible: putting a man on the moon, winning the lottery) but are the odds in your favore or against you? IMO that depends on the club and dancer.
We could also ask the reverse question: is it possible for a dancer to see you as anything other than a customer once you've been a customer? Again, probablly depends on the dancer IMO.
Well Im not too sure if can trust a dancer at this point.Well I met this gorgeous blonde in Houston a few years back at my hotel.Didn't tip her or anything,We did the deed the same night.The 2nd night,I went to her job,bought a cple of drinks,stayed for like 30 min and handed her $500 dollars then left.She was living in Vegas and I was leaving in Miami,well I guess aft a few months,we got serious.Didn't want her to dance,so I was paying for everything,2011 BMW 750,a Louis purse every month,driving my lamborghini ..She got so used to it that she became lazy so I moved back to Miami and she went back to work.She introduced me to the family,the whole 9 yards.So I guess she got mad not being able to get the regular thgs.Nxt thug I know she went to NewYork met this Latino baseball star player from the mariners,at the club....he's been flying her to her few games n took her shopping.So I got mad...She told me they didn't do anything bla bla bla.The funny part is I make more than his little 4 mill salary a month.So at the end of the day,dancers are cool but they are looking for a way to get out of the game.So in my experience,I personally won't date a stripper.....
It's hard to trust a stripper. And it's not just because she IS a stripper but it's WHY she's a stripper. They are usually attractive, some are very hot. They are comfortable enough to show their goodies off, and they enjoy (physically and mentally) getting men sexually excited. Now this doesn't mean they are untrustworthy, but it's definitely playing with fire. I'm not super attractive, but I've gotten lucky with alot of those "spur of the moment" situations with dancers. Even full service on many occasions.
Point is that if you put a candy bar in front of 100 people on a diet, about 80 of them will at least take a bite, and some will eat the whole bar and ask for more.
Bad analogy aside, a stripper by definition is put in compromising situations several times every day she works. When it come to dating one seriously, you have to be conscious of that because even the good ones can be tempted to stray. Better to just enjoy the fact that you are a luck SOB for even dating one, and consider stepping up the stakes when she decides to hang up her heels.
NO WAY. The one I have been fucking three yr is in her third marriage. She no longer dances but was an extras girl at the club. Anybodys guess how many guys shes fucked the ten years she danced there. She describes her husband on her FB page as her soul mate. I have been seeing her longer than any of her marriages. She also has an ad on SeekingArrangement.com put up there before me. I know she is regularly active on the site as it tells you their last logon. To the OP - you will never own that pussy, there will always be some guy (most likely a number of guys) like me fucking her. But then, your probably smart enough to realize that and having a hot girl to fuck involves some tradeoffs......
Okay so I don't know if I literally am the ONLY stripper out there who DOESN'T cheat, but I have NEVER went home with any customers and have never even allowed touching in any of my dances in VIP or regular couch dances. My thing is, if she SERIOUSLY loves you, she's not going to cheat on you regardless of how much money is put in front of her face.
last commentsure, it's also possible that the earth is flat, the moon is made of green cheese, and the check is in the mail.
straight up, in this day and age where most everyone is a player it's hard to completely trust any young lady. changing the equation by trying to trust a dancer drops the odds even lower.
just forget the trust and take it for what it really is, a temporary good time with a sexual female.
Listen. Dancers love sex and they love to have men sexually desire them. Otherwise why are they dancers? Your girl may come home from the club and screw your brains out. But as long as she is a dancer, she is doing other guys in the club too.
Had a favorite once. Her boyfriend would bring her to the club to make money. She swore she loved this guy the whole time I was having sex with her.
I don't think the boyfriend gave a fuck about this girl as long as she came home. And you can't either while they are a dancer. Otherwise you are going to be very disappointed.
The other stripper, I actually screwed up and starting having feelings for her. Her life was such a cesspool of drama, that it would make my head spin! She had issues with trusting men, ex hubby drama, money drama, and she claims to have fallen in love with me. I asked her out on several occasions, only to have the dates cancelled at the 11th hour. I eventually got tired of this shit, and stopped going to the club. She tells me that she doesn't do extras, but this site has told me otherwise in the reviews, and I'll be the first to admit that I can't handle it. FUCKED UP STRIPPER LOGIC! The only way I have been able to get over her, was to stop going to the club.
The moral to this story is that they all have fucked up lives, yet they will lie, and twist the truth to their advantage, so they will believe their own lies. Guys, don't go OTC with a stripper ever, unless you want a cyclone of bullshit and headaches, or you have your head screwed on straight and don't develop feelings....I should have known better, but I thought I was the exception to the rule, I wasn't.
In my experience, yes, you CAN trust a stripper. SHOULD you trust a stripper, no.
Her issue was could she trust me, which gave me a good position. She was nice, fun, good conversation, but hardly anything more than that.
Just keep it light and when they start to want you to pay for crap, or else they are "unavailable" you know you are not getting screwed the right way.
Some have low self-esteem, some have way too much -- some have fucked-up abusive backgrounds, some were just fat and ignored in school -- some spend all thier money on ink and blow and work whenever they feel like it, some hustle four-five nights a week, religiously, and doe on thier child(ren). And as any of you older than I should know, it takes a long time to really know anyone. We're men. We fuck first, love later. The OPs points are good, early on test her honesty, but always know the temptation is out there and deal with it.
Maybe works for you but not for the rest of us* who were shortchanged in the looks department. No dancer is going to bang an old, bald guy with a big belly, a small penis, and no hair....ummmm, until I take out my wallet.
(and by defintion, that would be the majority of us since we're either average or below average)
I would say, though, your point about jealousy is very important. You can believe you are not a jealous person, but given the line of work we're talking about, it's very difficult to not think about what she's doing at work, even if she's a good girl.
Point is that if you put a candy bar in front of 100 people on a diet, about 80 of them will at least take a bite, and some will eat the whole bar and ask for more.
Bad analogy aside, a stripper by definition is put in compromising situations several times every day she works. When it come to dating one seriously, you have to be conscious of that because even the good ones can be tempted to stray. Better to just enjoy the fact that you are a luck SOB for even dating one, and consider stepping up the stakes when she decides to hang up her heels.