
Comments by deogol (page 117)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How can i become a stripper
    Becoming a stripper is easy. * Drink on the job. * Pee by the bar. * Find a musician boyfriend who is on the verge of "making it big!" * Supplement your boyfriend time with club regular stupid enough to take you on "shopping dates." * Find one girl each night to absolutely hate. * Practice ripping on and making fun of the men you count on for money in the dressing room. I am sure others can provide additional tips.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    In sort of a dillemma, advice needed.
    If you cannot deal with hurt feelings, you should not be in a strip club. That goes for both sides of the table. The circumstances of the thing lead to nothing else.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Raid Advisory
    In that Porky's movie wasn't the whore house way out in the swamp? Duh. Pimps get "dummer" and "dummer" every year.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Customers are going through a recession too. Even the ones who know how to spell. Like any business - when the customers get sparse, the deals should get better.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    Bobbyl, Why are you telling this guy there is nothing to lose? He is going to waste a fuck load of money on someone for something that is very unlikely to happen... and even if he thinks it is happening it is probably a scam or she is a flat out taker. He could be putting that money, time, and energy into something that makes him more attractive to a girl with her shit together.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Need some tips with this stripper....Help (Want to be friends)
    Brand new PLs are cute like puppies and kittens.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Opening a club
    First, get a lawyer. The lawyer should identify and report all the ordinances related to lighting, security, stage dimensions, licenses, zoning laws, and required nudity laws in a nice report for you. The report should be sectioned so you have something to share with the dancers, the construction crew, and the management. Next, find the place to put the club in. This is going to count on if you can buy it. If you cannot buy it, you will need to lease space. The landlord may not be keen on such a thing so prepare to look long and hard. The monthly rent (usually per sq ft) will be your first vital for cash flow accounting. Remember to check the section of the lawyers report for zoning laws, fences and exterior lights, and other bullshit. Also check the report for number of people for fire laws as well cubic feet of air moved per minute for ventilation of that many people. You will probably need a realtor for this. Also understand often the renter pays for all upgrades and such - right down to mowing the grass and repairs. Details for the lease agreement. Look up used audio equipment because you can get it practically half-price at many professional stores or the internet. All you need are four speakers, a couple of cd players, an ipod mount, a six channel mixing board and a couple of 200w apps. Quite often you can hang this stuff yourself. Keep it off the floors so they won't puke on the speakers. Put the dj booth off to the side and in an enclosure so they can talk to dancers. (http://www.google.com/search?q=used+audio+equipment+prices&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a) Usually at the same internet places, you can buy "cans" with floods and some gel coloring. A couple simple dimmer packages (these are not the wall kind) and a dimmer control board will be needed. Nothing fancy needed but you will probably need an electrician as most dimmers go directly into the fuse box. (http://www.stagelightingusa.com/?gclid=CMWq1IbYgpYCFQNaFQodpXNOEQ) If you need to construct the stage, then you pull out the lawyer report to identify the required height and dimensions. Make sure there is a tip rail. :) You will need stools along side the stage for best effect. Next some tables and stools there too. All can be bought from costco or some place like that. (Make sure you have your sales tax license to get whole sale cost. :) Don't forget toilet paper, soap, mops, etc. You will need a dressing room. Get decent sized lockers. (http://www.lockersupply.com/One-Tier-C66530.html) - you will probably need as many as dancers. Get a couple of box lockers too for holding shit (contraband like pocket knives, etc.) behind the counter. More chairs for the dancers and a mirror with overhead lighting on the mirror for makeup and such. No need to get fancy with the counter. Look at your wife's bathroom counter for the crap on it. Then double it per stripper. A a deal with the local drink distributor. Once again refer to the lawyers report about what you can sell (alcohol) and at what level of nudity. Find an accountant. If you are not familiar with handling tickets, cash, and the like they can clue you in on the processes so no one can rip you off. They will also show you how to count your money. How to plan spending so you aren't out of money at the end of the month. Hire some dudes for security. Explain to them it's best to talk a problem out before throwing someone out. Hire a couple of police officers to help out with training - negotiation, man handling, and what you can and cannot do legally (weapons.) Let other police officers know you are open to training for your security team quarterly for pay. Find a couple DJs. Remember to remind the DJ who is really the boss at the club now and then. More late when it comes to money. (I should write a book - this is the third time someone has asked about this. I don't know why anyone would want to though.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Women club owners
    Strippers open their own club. Right. They can't even get the gumption up to vote against ordinances that effect their work now much less the effort of opening up a strip club.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Large Banner $5 Dances @ Secrets . . .
    Yet.... Plenty of other services are starting to drop prices...
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She giggled while I was DATY.
    It's fun to think up the responses.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    I guess I would be a smarter club owner cuz if I got no bottom-ho's making me money I would fill up the club with more ho's looking for someone to put some money in my pocket. Who gives a fuck how many customers are there. And if they are all paying me a flat fee - who needs customers? :)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    Clubber, You said: Many get nothing for the dancer being there, but a percentage of what the dancer makes. I say: Ah what? They are STILL getting something from the dancer dude! Whether it is a percentage or a flat fee.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    A letter to Dear esteemed Congressmen:
    That's a nice explanation jablake, but it still doesn't cover a bunch of scammers getting paid millions of OUR dollars taken from us from every paycheck and ounce of interest. Nor what not for putting people out of home into the street and basically ruining their lives with lies and swarmy deals. However, I will say people ARE getting somewhat what we deserve by continuously electing incompetent and corrupt Congress Critters.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Price gouging at the local gas stations
    "That's why clubs have a much smaller number of dancers when there are a smaller number of customers. Goes right to the club and dancers bottom line." You realize that dancers pay the clubs to work there don't you? So it's in the clubs interest to have a zillion dancers there even if there are few customers. Just another revenue stream for them. (I acknowledge you may have been jessin with someone and know this.)
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    She giggled while I was DATY.
    I busted a wad in her cunt an hour before work. Hope you liked it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Never Thought an OTC Would Lead to This
    You still distrust her ass.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Public Auction:
    What a complete ass!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Volume Levels in Clubs
    The owners don't give a shit if you don't buy a lap dance - they strippers pay a stage fee anyhow. The strippers don't have shit to say about it because they are contractors and don't "work for the club." To complain - you always have to go to management. The strippers are caught in the middle.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Maybe it's time to dump my #1 favorite
    Don't get emotionally involved.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Dancers with kids
    I actually know dancers and what I have observed is that their mothers are batty as hell - not that daddy put his finger in their butt. It isn't daddy putting it into their heads men should pay for relationships with them. People all around the nation are putting themselves into deep debt and bankruptcy to buy shit for their kids when they should spend more time with them. This is not a stripper only thing.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Archie Bunker Like Flag Wavers Butt Raped Young parody!
    Just how much useful information is there about strip clubs? Basically as far as I know it goes like this: Ya parks ya car and hand over some money. Ya walks through the door and hand over some money. Ya go to the bathroom and ya hands some money to the towel monkey. Ya gets a drink and ya hands some more money for watered down soda or over priced beer. Then ya hands over more money to the "waitress" who ignores ya more than the dancers. Ya hands ya money to a chick (aka dancer) who takes her cloths off for ya. Maybe. In the right joint. Then yas leave hoping not to hand over the rest of ya money to a goon waiting in the parking lot. Not much mystery to strip clubbin. What kind of information are ya looking for?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Archie Bunker Like Flag Wavers Butt Raped Young parody!
    This place makes me chuckle.