
Comments by tusclfix

  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Why webcamming is stupid (as is porn)
    One thing about webcamming is: 1. You get girls from all over the world (unlike going to a local club) 2. You can technically talk to them (unlike just porn) 3. They’re not all the same pornstar look (unlike just porn) I think it fills a specific niche just like ITC, OTC, Amp, etc. fill different niches.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I’m haunted
    More like casual encounters. But I think everyone is right, I need to reassess my hangouts as the whole thing is starting to weight on me now that I’m thinking about it
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I’m haunted
    Also, yeah I can’t tell sometimes. Like over a period of months while I was there, I used to (just) talk to Betsy all the time at Center in Columbus and I even told her one time “I feel like you’re the most level here”. Then the very next week I heard she had OD’d (but survived I think). And everyone else said yeah she was a huge addict but I had no idea.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    I’m haunted
    OD’ing as in passed away. That said, yes I’m guilty of hanging out at mostly Dives. Not so much that I’m looking for some addict. Just that I don’t feel at home paying for $8 beers nor hanging out at a place that would be more welcoming to a guy in a suit. Akron clubs (OGD, LA), Columbus (Dreamers and Jim - both closed now), Detroit clubs, Hartford clubs, Chicago Harvey clubs, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, etc. I guess the first two would already pint the picture. Maybe I should be doing something different.
  • discussion comment
    5 years ago
    Florida Panhandle
    Wait, what’s strict about Detroit?
  • discussion comment
    6 years ago
    Is Jen from Akron Ohio still around?
    I should have expected sarcasm
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I was a little confused getting a massage yesterday
    I assure you folks this was real and not a fantasy (check my older posts, I don't post anything of such), we will see what happens next week and I'll post an update. I won't be pushing for more but curious if this is a consistent thing with this particular masseuse.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Latest New Tech. Options In Cars- Actual User Experiences
    The only problem with the Mercedes keyless is if it detects the FOB outside nearby (but not in the car) it will unlock the door. So no hiding the key under a wheel well or something will you're at the beach. First few times I thought the locks were broke and it wouldn't lock because of that function lol.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    I was a little confused getting a massage yesterday
    Yeah, thanks for the comments. I'm not going to suggest anything remotely close to crossing the line at my legit place, cause I actually need my back fixed, lol. But I was just wondering if this was normal. I guess boobs are just there, because they're there and blowing in the ear is a relaxation thing?
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Cigarette Smoking
    I would say 90% of the bars or clubs I go to are now non smoking. Though I'd say a majority of dancers there are still smokers themselves given their smoke breaks. The 10% or so of places that do allow smoking, are all full of smokers. I quit coffee and smoking at the same time in 2001, it was a rough patch for abit.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Of escorts having boyfriends outside of their work
    I this case, the escort WAS telling her boyfriend that she was banging people in her job but wanted him to be monogamous, which he didn't like but accepted. Now, whether he would really be monogamous or not, wasn't so much a curiosity to me. But rather, how does the girl justify her position while imposing a different standard on her boyfriend? I feel like it should be either: 1. She keeps escorting and she and the dude are more like good friends with benefits 2. She keeps escorting and she and the dude have an open relationship 3. She stops escorting and they both go monogamous (now whether they are faithful to that is another thing but at least that understanding is 'equal') But it's a new world, maybe I'm stuck in the old.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Any place that interests me.
    OT: Latest New Tech. Options In Cars- Actual User Experiences
    Mercedes Benz - Distronic. Almost impossible to ram or sideswipe as it has dopper radar on all sides, and if it calculates impact, it will automatically apply brakes and it can apply left and right independently, as well as directly control the steering, to keep you in lane. It can bring the car to a complete stop to prevent you from hitting something in front of you. It can also calculate if there is an object (like a deer) on an intercept from the side and will similarly apply brakes. If it senses that you've fallen asleep, or are going off lane it will shake you, and if you don't respond it will keep you in lane, then stop the car. It's still no Tesla but it's pretty impressive.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Way off topic Click List
    I've used this. Yes, you'd want to check fresh produce or meat yourself but if I'm getting say cereal, box of mashed potatoes, paper towels, trash bags, bag of dog food, pack of water, canned stuff, milk, microwave stuff, prepackaged cheese, etc. - it's awful convenient to just drive up and have them load everything into my truck 10 mins.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Dancers that do drugs ?
    I had a dancer that I knew pass away doing drugs - may she rest in peace. I don't want to make it a bigger deal than it is but it did affect me somewhat. I think about it more than I should, or maybe not enough, I don't know - that's part of the problem. So nowadays, if I know they're doing hard drugs (not like just weed), I stay away.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    LDK Encouraged
    I think there's also the case of "sometimes it happens" and of all things, we shouldn't disparage anyone for it. But what others are probably saying is, if you can, aim higher. Er,... Just not literally.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    How important is stage-dancing for you ?
    Yeah I dunno, I like stage dances because they are "free" and I like looking at the menu. But at some point I like to order though.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    To spend or not to spend
    My rule is only spend CASH and never use the club ATM. I show up with a certain amount of cash but if I'm having a particularly good time, I may leave, get more cash, then show back up. But I'm not going to start using a CC nor get cash from the club ATM.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Changed lapdance expectations
    I travel a whole lot and have learned to temper my expectations according to the locale. Else it would just be a disappointment. For example, if I were in Chicago, my options would be: 1. Don't go to the club 2. Go to the club and be disappointed 3. Go to the club knowing that I'm going to get no mileage but still make a good time of it watching Really, it's when I pay a certain $$$ and I don't get the equivalent value then it's disappointing. If I hardly pay anything, I can still have a good time with the right expectations.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Best US strip club city
    I kind of like Akron for the seedier scene.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Questions about strippers and drugs
    Thanks Shail, James. I had been giving that ATF a little more cash to "help her out". Even that little insight helps me refactor my perspective / expectations. Yeah, I know I'm naive in this specific regard. I shouldn't do it or shouldn't care or something...
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    North Carolina
    Of Chicks & Trucks & Stuff
    I live out in the country so there are many girls / women driving trucks. Statistics dictate and reality proves that there are a bunch of them that are hot. Most of them that are, that I've talked to want convertibles though, go figure.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Try explaining this to your wife.
    Doesn't make sense. Who gets a testicular transplant? Why didn't they just harvest everything, if for money? Sound like a personal vendetta more like.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I don't understand the concept of a mistress
    No, I understand the 'slug' situation, lol. Here's the thing, there was this documentary on tv where this real guy did indeed live a separate life with a mistress. He had set her up in her own home, he had provided her with a driver (minder), a lavish allowance, etc. I guess if it were me, I would have spent that money differently. Or stayed with the wife. Or married the mistress. It's hard for me to understand all that money and trouble to live a double life. But I guess to each his own.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Giving Dancers Messages ?
    Slightly off topic: A friend of mine is a pilot. One of his female flight attendants gets sick on a trip. She tells the flight crew she will skip dinner with the crew and go to bed early. My friend leaves a message at the hotel desk along the lines of "Sorry you are ill, hope you feel better soon". Some time later she texted him back "Thanks for the massage". But my friend didn't see that text before his wife did. Boy was he in hot water. As Vincent said in Pulp Fiction....
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Sometimes I am reminded that I am a PL too
    Thanks for the comments. This wasn't so much a question as it is me just expressing my disappointment. I certainly am not going to try to 'fix' her even though I feel that way. I am just not sure if I am going to talk to her as much. And yes, I need to get some reviews done (sorry).