
Cigarette Smoking

Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
Papi Chulo's recent thread on dancers that do drugs got me thinking about cigarette smoking. Dancers who smoke have a more direct negative impact on me than dancers that use other drugs.

I'm pretty isolated when it comes to smoking. None of my family smokes. No one in my work group smokes. I don't go to "regular" bars. All restaurant I go to are non-smoking. Most strip clubs I now go to either don't allow smoking or have a separate "cigar bar".

So, I don't really know what the smoking habits of current dancers are. I do know from the time I started clubbing in the early 1980's up until the mid 2000's it seems like almost every dancer smoked.

If you look at CDC smoking stats, The trend line is still declining. As of 2014 only about 17% of the population smokes and by 2020, the goal is 12%

For some reason, during the 90's smoking really spiked up among high school students. It's come back down. Smoking among young people has now fallen below adults.

Some of those kids that smoked in the 90's could be around 30 now and are stripping


  • tusclfix
    8 years ago
    I would say 90% of the bars or clubs I go to are now non smoking. Though I'd say a majority of dancers there are still smokers themselves given their smoke breaks.

    The 10% or so of places that do allow smoking, are all full of smokers.

    I quit coffee and smoking at the same time in 2001, it was a rough patch for abit.
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    Motorhead, most of those kids are closer to 40 than 30 now, I know, I'm one of them. You're right, it seemed like everyone smoked in high school during that time. Since I usually go after strippers in the 30 to 40 range, I'd say at least half of them smoke cigarettes.

    Technically I live in the south so there are still a lot of smokers in my town. I have 3 close friends that smoke when they drink, which is crazy since 2 of them are avid cross-trainers which makes no sense to me (smoking and cross-training?).

    It's been probably about 7 or 8 years since smoking was banned in all bars in my area but there's a loophole, so if you have a patio or deck you can still smoke on there. I can't tell you how insane it drives me when I smell a rouge cigarette, especially when I am in traffic in my car.

    When I walk into a casino (about the only place I can think of where you can openly smoke, other than a strip club) it seems to not bother me as much as there is usually a strong filtering system doing its work.
  • rickdugan
    8 years ago
    Most dancers still smoke. I see it more now because my local clubs still allow smoking, but even in clubs where smoking is not allowed a lot of them take smoke breaks or otherwise have hints of it. It comes with the turf. I'll just add that most dancers who I have met who have told me that they were nonsmokers also ended up being uptight in other ways too. I have never thought through the correlation between smoking habits and willingness to put other things in their mouths, but I bet it is pretty high.
  • rh48hr
    8 years ago
    My last atf was a smoker. She would smoke regularly at her house. But somehow she managed to not reek of smoke and her home did not either. My clothes would not have a horrible smoke smell either. I still had to wash them but it was not as bad as I've smelled at other times around smokers.

    I've had some dancers who would smell terribly of smoke and I would have to stop the dances because of it.
  • NinaBambina
    8 years ago
    I hate cigarettes. My club is non-smoking but has a designated room in the very back where everyone now goes to smoke cigs... customers, dancers, etc. I will occasionally go into the room with a customer who wants to smoke, but if there's too many people in their (ie too much cig smoke in the air), I feel sick.
  • Subraman
    8 years ago
    With one odd exception, cigarette use inversely tracks years of education, so you'd expect strippers would have a higher rate of smokers than what their often-white-collar customers are used to. That said, I'm surprised how rare it is that I run into strippers who smell of cigarette smoke. Don't know if they're better at covering up the smell, or I've just been lucky at picking strippers who don't smoke (or don't smoke while they're working), or whatever.
  • vincemichaels
    8 years ago
    I hate cigarette smoke, I'm glad like shailynn said that most bars here in Michigan, no smoking is the law, except on those outside decks.
  • Beaver_Hunter
    8 years ago
    Michigan's smoking ban includes all food and beverage service areas including outside areas.
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    8 years ago
    ^^^^ The Hamilton clubs probably will never comply with this aspect of Michigan law. Damn I love the Cricket for their separated smoking room.
  • K
    8 years ago
    Smoking is prohibited in NJ public businesses. Some of the clubs have most dancers ducking outside to smoke while at least one I know has almost no smokers. Management will not allow them to go outside while working. Smokers can't handle the 10 to 12 hours without a smoke so don't stay.
    i try to avoid dancers that smoke because I personally hate the smell and taste or cigarettes which I think is odd. I love a good cigar.
  • maho
    8 years ago
    As a non-smoker, I don't mind smokers....but the smell of smoke on a girl is a turnoff.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    motorhead says "Dancers who smoke have a more direct negative impact on me than dancers that use other drugs."

    exactly. same applies for me. I couldn't care less about dancers doing drugs because it's unlikely to negatively affect your experience with them in the club

    I hate cig smoke too. Can't stand it. I agree with Rick that most dancers do smoke. This is very apparent if you go to a club that allows smoking on a weeknight. Most dancers will be smoking cigs

    Nothing is worse than a beautiful woman/dancer who reeks of a cig. Hate that shit. Luckily, I haven't experienced many strippers who reek of a cig
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Cigarette smoking is completely gross.

    Dances have had a higher rate than the general population. And they still seem to.

    But in California, with 25 years of effort, the general rate has come down now, to about 9%, second lowest after Utah and followed by Idaho.

    And the dancer rate is also now much lower than it had been.

    Getting clean indoor air protections extended into bars, work places, and multi-unit residences has made a huge difference.

    And then there are ongoing efforts to control retailers and require them to be licensed, and these are making a huge difference too.

  • shadowcat
    8 years ago
    If you can't handle cigarette smoke you had better stay out of Follies. Cigars are worse. Weed is not as bad. :)
  • JohnSmith69
    8 years ago
    I'd say about half of my regular strippers over the years have smoked. The most common time that they smoke a cig is just after smoking weed. They claim that it enhances the effect of Mary Jane. I hate cigarette smoke, but I tolerate it from gorgeous young women who give me intimate sexual adventures.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    shadow.....with Follies I make an exception because of how great of a club it is.

    Most places I'd never put up with all that smoke
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago
    Turn off. As long as I don't smell it on her, then okay.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    I've disliked cigarettes & the way they smell, since I was a kid (my mom was a smoker & I hatrd it).

    In FL it seems most areas allow smoking in SCs & bars, certainly the case down here in Miami - IME white girls seem to be the heaviest smokers with Latinas & ebonies generally much less - Inner Room in Cocoa Beach the cig smell often hits you like a wave as soon as you walk in the place although it did not feel too bad at all on my last visit a couple of weeks ago (could have been b/c the club was not too full or maybe they have improved the filtration system, I assume it's the former) - Baby Dolls Dallas in the early 2000s was in a smaller building & back then smoking was allowed & man did those whitegirls smoke.

    I can't believe there are places that still allow indoor smoking & can't wait till it's banned everywhere (it stinks like hell & it's unhealthy) - Starbucks is supposed to be smoke-free even in the outdoor area yet people still light up all the time even if they know they are not supposed to & it pisses me off).

    It appears that SCs lead dancers to smoke - some of them pick up the habit when they become strippers & have many that have told me they only smoke when they are in the club (I assuke part of it is anxiousness about making $$$ or just ghe overall environment) - I've also had people tell me they particularly like to emoke when they drink.
  • Mistah_Fetti_Morbuxxx
    8 years ago
    I hate it too. Almost every adult in my family smoked including my parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles. My parents and everyone else smoked inside the home and I was forced to be around it. It's disgusting and there is no benefit to it in my opinion. Believe it or not, I actually tolerate the smell of weed much better than cigarettes.

    It's not a deal breaker for me in the club but I'd rather not have a dancer that smokes around me. Unfortunately, smoking is legal in every single club and bar in Georgia in both rural and city areas so it is something that I will have to deal with.
  • GoVikings
    8 years ago
    Mistah says "Believe it or not, I actually tolerate the smell of weed much better than cigarettes."

    Me too.

    Weed smokes doesn't bother me nearly as much as cig smoke does
  • shailynn
    8 years ago
    I have to add there's this one dancer in Detroit that smokes a lot, and also always talks about smoking weed all the time. Somehow, I can hang out and watch her smoke 3 cigarettes, then we go back to VIP and she kisses me, and I do not taste or smell any smoke on her what-so-ever. I don't know how she does it.
  • Papi_Chulo
    8 years ago
    Weed smoke feels a bit less intoxicating than cig-smoke; but I rather do w/o either.
  • larryfisherman
    8 years ago
    Cigarette smoking is a big turnoff. I was getting a dance from a hottie, and I had to cut her off after one song because the smell was too much.
  • Dominic77
    8 years ago

    Sometimes they sneak mint gum, chew it quickly and discreetly, and that cleans her mouth. Or maybe she's not holding the smoke in her mouth. Or, I don't know. My CF was that way and it was magical. I never quite knew how she did it either.


    I grew up around a mom, other family, and friends or mom's friends who all smoked cigarettes (or cigars in the case of a friend's dad), and I grew to hate the smell, too. Oddly, I can tolerate the smell of weed, pipe, or crack cocaine smoke, lol. Just kidding on the crack ... except it DOES smell better than cigs, really. But personally no smoke is best. :)
  • san_jose_guy
    8 years ago
    Fortunately the situation is slowly improving. Now in California it's unlawful to smoke in an automobile if there is a minor present. This does make a difference.

    Little by little as protections are applied, people learn that they don't have to go along with second hand smoke, just to appear 'normal'.

    Sometimes now smoking is used to deciding child custody cases. So probably we can look forwards to outside intervention when child custody is not in question.

    Little by little, the herd instinct and the effects of hard and soft advertising from the tobacco companies can be undone.

    I also feel that we need to look more at adolescence, and how people need ways to reject the 'child status' which they are being given, and how this is actually good, and why it should not need to involve smoking. Lots of adults condemn smoking, but they are still usually doing it in ways which indirectly encourage it. This needs to be looked at and I have raised this with non-profits and local government.


    Acid Jazz
  • stripfighter
    8 years ago
    Most smoke. As long as its not overwhelming I tolerate it.
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