
I’m haunted

Thursday, April 11, 2019 10:20 AM
I started counting the other day and at least a third of my club hookups have since OD’ed. A good double digits. I’m slightly conflicted as to how I should feel about that. Indifferent, sad, angry. I’d probably be worried about being haunted if I weren’t haunted already.


  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    Sad. Just sad.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    When I run into a stripper who is on drugs, internally I feel the need to try and convert their thinking. However, my real world experience tells me that the only person who could change them is THEMSELVES. Thus, I take the stance that I have no skin in that game of life.
  • Uprightcitizen
    5 years ago
    Girls feeding their drug habit through stripping is common. The only advice I would have is avoid the ones on the hard stuff. Heroin, meth, etc. are drugs that will claim many addicts. If you are not selective you better get used to it.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    That's really sad. As long as you personally were good to her though you can take comfort that it had nothing to do with you. Some people are just destined to go down certain paths it seems.
  • Countryman5434
    5 years ago
    Very common in ky. Heroine is a huge problem especially in louisville.
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    I had a girl tell me that her “friend” died of an OD on heroin while at a party. She said that her “friends” did not know what to do, so they put her (the victim) into a trash dumpster. I shook my head and simply stated that “friends don’t put friends into trash dumpsters... get yourself some REAL FRIENDS!”
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Seeing someone go downhill with drug use is one of the worst things ever,With dancers, its hard to sometimes tell what came first, dancing or the habit....But addiction makes a person a slave...and you're best bet is to be selfish and walk away. You won't make a difference no matter how much you want to. The most you can do is harm reduction. Make sure they do the minimum. That's about it realistically.
  • George123789
    5 years ago
    CC99 your counsel was right.
  • gawker
    5 years ago
    I’ve had a great deal of contact with strippers who are addicted to heroin and crack. I only know one who has died, but I do know Narcan is kept at my favorite club. Sadly a lot of my experience is as an enabler. When my ATF lived with me she sat down to watch TV one night. After 30 minutes she was non-communicative so I called 911, payed her on the floor, administered 1 dose of Narcan and paramedics arrived. She had come to and was disoriented. As they were doing her vital signs she lost consciousness again and got a 2nd dose of Narcan. I followed the ambulance to the ER and over the next 5 hours she got 6 more doses of Narcan. Apparently the Narcan wears off but the drugs are in the system and can kill even after multiple administrations. On the way out the door at 4:30 am, the doctor told me that she had tested positive for heroin, fentynal, cocaine, benzodiazapam and gabapentin. I’m happy to say that following that incident and 3 consecutive stays in detox, she’s been drug free for 10 months ( one short relapse). She did it herself with the support of family and friends.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    They become addicted. They go to rehab. They stay clean for a few months. They use again. They die.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    I'm sorry that so many of these women have passed on. This is a serious question and not meant to be confrontational... To what degree do you think this high mortality rate is a function of the sort of stripper you're attracted to?
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ===> "To what degree do you think this high mortality rate is a function of the sort of stripper you're attracted to?" I was thinking the same thing myself tbh. Like CMI, I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I also club in an area where heroin is a real problem and my club hookups are not dropping like flies. In fact, I've taken countless girls OTC over the last several years and I am not aware of a single one who has OD'd. Of course I don't really keep up with anywhere close to all of them, so maybe it has happened, but it's certainly not a significant number. Maybe you should find different types of girls. I don't like them too skinny or showing signs of obvious opioid use, so my target population might be different than yours. Idk.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    overdosing doesn't mean dying
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ Read his initial post more carefully, including the comments about haunting, and it is pretty clear that he's talking about OD deaths.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    I know he is but I'm just saying.... But yeah the number he cites is pretty high. Over 11 years, I've known like 4 strippers who ODd....
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Wouldn’t surprise me if it’s him unintentionally seeking these types, I haven’t had the misfortune to have a fave OD I’ve heard of a few over the years, but I always steer clear of any girl that uses any drug stronger than marijuana, and the girls that drink to excess, most of the drama is usually associated with a few out of control folks.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    coz they always tell you what they do and you can always tell lmfao
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    ^ You start to know what to look for after a while. Besides the obvious nodding off and slurred speech, regular users of opioids tend to break out and/or have general signs of facial road wear . Rapid weight loss can also be a tip off, especially combined with some other issue. For the meth heads, the teeth are a telltale sign. For girls doing coke, general fidgeting and rubbing of the nose or gums, sometimes combined with random face zits. It's sad that I've gotten to know these signs so well, but unfortunately it's a necessity for those of us who club in areas where drug use is a serious issue. There is one club I know in this area that takes active steps to keep these girls out, but most wouldn't be able to fill out their rosters if they did that. But Icey is 100% right that we cannot always tell, especially when they are in the early stages of their addictions. I've shared a few stories over the years about getting sucked into issues with them OTC despite my best efforts to avoid girls with these habits.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Oh I know there are signs. But girls can hide it pretty well working in a club. Given the relatively small amount of time you spend with a girl in the club, compared to her life in general, its not that easy to see right away. By the time you spend enough time with them to tell, its not an easy situation.
  • Trish_Club_Lust
    5 years ago
    Is IceyLoco an alias of nicespice?
  • tusclfix
    5 years ago
    OD’ing as in passed away. That said, yes I’m guilty of hanging out at mostly Dives. Not so much that I’m looking for some addict. Just that I don’t feel at home paying for $8 beers nor hanging out at a place that would be more welcoming to a guy in a suit. Akron clubs (OGD, LA), Columbus (Dreamers and Jim - both closed now), Detroit clubs, Hartford clubs, Chicago Harvey clubs, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Arkansas, Texas, etc. I guess the first two would already pint the picture. Maybe I should be doing something different.
  • rickdugan
    5 years ago
    Icey, some can hide it and some can't. Also, even the ones who can hide it initially can only pull it off for so long before it becomes evident. As far as the situation not being easy, says who? We're talking about strippers, not LTRs. When I realize that I've been duped, I'm done with her, especially if she is on opioids.
  • tusclfix
    5 years ago
    Also, yeah I can’t tell sometimes. Like over a period of months while I was there, I used to (just) talk to Betsy all the time at Center in Columbus and I even told her one time “I feel like you’re the most level here”. Then the very next week I heard she had OD’d (but survived I think). And everyone else said yeah she was a huge addict but I had no idea.
  • rogertex
    5 years ago
    One in three? That's a large percentage. Epidemic. I see heavy drug users - like one in hundred. Mostly daytime and evening clubbing only.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    tusclfix... It's up to you, man. Personally, I wouldn't be okay with being around that level of dysfunction and tragic mortality just because I'm horny. For me, it wouldn't be worth it. But again, that's me. So, whether you go to different clubs, or not go to clubs at all, is your call. I think it's good, though, that you're human enough to wrestle with what it means to you. There's guys out there who wouldn't even think about it. Good luck.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Dating a recreational drug user is bad enough over time. I can't picture an ongoing sexual relationship of any kind with a full blown addict. And especially with P4P, you'd have better luck with a street walker in that case.
  • tusclfix
    5 years ago
    More like casual encounters. But I think everyone is right, I need to reassess my hangouts as the whole thing is starting to weight on me now that I’m thinking about it
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
    I had a friend (with benefits) that passed away at the age of 52 from alcohol. primarily vodka. she would kill a 1.75 bottle every fucking day given the opportunity. 105 pounds. her pussy was nice. Because she did kagle exercises all the time.
  • IceyLoco
    5 years ago
    Its basically watching someone slowly die.
  • s88
    5 years ago
    Like HIV, but you cant get the bug. Just make sure you dont get high from her "white make up" DFKing her. Drugs are a disease, like cancer, you see someone slowly rot & die. PLs giving new dancers drugs to get the OTC/hooked/dependent is a pretty standard trick for extras and meets. Too bad the fuckers here are PLs and not real dealers. Eventually your dancer will find a real dealer than use your paid for stash.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Don't know about any PLs giving dancers drugs to get them hooked AFAIK there's only one person here advocting that and that's the wanna be pimp and real troll Iceberg Slim, A/K/A Phat Head.
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