
Florida Panhandle

Wednesday, April 10, 2019 11:33 PM
So, I'm 'tworking' at a club in Pensacola tonight and tomorrow night and I kind of hate it. I never thought I'd run into a cabaret ordinance that was more strict that Detroit's. That's all. I just wanted to bitch about it. Carry on. :)


  • doctorevil
    5 years ago
    Yeah, Pensacola clubs are pretty lame, and as I recall want ridiculous shy high prices for dances. Must make it pretty hard to sell dances. I don’t understand how these places don’t understand they are shooting themselves in the foot. If I go to place with dances at $25 or less I almost always get several, and maybe a lot more depending on the dancer. $40 or more I almost never get any. The only place I can think of that’s worse is Nashville. They actually have a 3 foot wide pit around the stage to mKe sure you can’t get within touching distance.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    A little twork while on spring break? True that Pensacola and that whole gulf coast is awful for clubbing and probably work too. You gonna be back in The D in mid-May? Spring golf trip.
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    The Florida panhandle is terrible for strip clubs but I've never heard it compared to Detroit. If Detroit has a strict cabaret ordinance, it isn't actually enforced in the clubs.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I live in Pensacola, There are five clubs in Pensacola. One time or another I have been to all five. One on the West side of town is too near the Navy Base and is full of young sailors on liberty being obnoxious. I have seen one or two really nice looking dancers there, but it’s been years since I have been there. One close to downtown is the most up-scale has the prettiest hottest girls, but has the most rules. Three clubs are clumped close together in the NE part of town. One of these is my favorite club. One, the few times I have been there I felt I was just being hustled. I know you are being hustled in most clubs, but these girls didn’t even act like they were interested in more then Money. The third one the rules are pretty lax, but it is a pretty sketchy place and you are afraid to get too close to the dancers. My favorite club in Pensacola, I almost always go in mid-afternoon. The staff and girls greet me like they are happy to see me. The bartender knows the kind of Whisky I enjoy, the shift manager and I talk about the latest single malt they have and the dance rules are relaxed enough for me. I always enjoy myself when I go.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ FishHawk It would be nice if you named each club to go along with your local knowledge I’m in South Florida I have no clue as to which club is which.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    @twentyfive, good point. Sammy’s is the upscale one downtown, Looker’s is near the Navy Base. Babe’s is the one with the hustle, Arety’s Angels is the sketchy one. Eden Cabaret is my favorite local club. It’s sorta like the bar in the show Cheer’s but with boots.
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Boobs, not boots. though there is often kinky boots.
  • DrStab
    5 years ago
    Nice to hear from you again. I always enjoy your insightful posts. Would like to meet you sometime if/when you get back to Detroit.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Thanks for that FH it makes a big difference and improves the value of your insight
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    I was trying to protect the innocent, but in retrospect there are no innocents.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    I like a girl in boots..........just boots. [view link]
  • tusclfix
    5 years ago
    Wait, what’s strict about Detroit?
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    She means Detroit city proper.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I'm not on spring break. I'm here for a week to work and try to secure an apartment because I'm planning to move here in late May. I worked at Eden last night and it was awful. I did find out that dance prices are so high because the girls set their own dance prices. The manager told me that I could do $25 dances if I wanted to. He said he didn't care what I sold my dances for so long as I still paid $5 out of every dance to the DJ. The club legally can't tell us, as independent contractors, what we sell services (dances) for... Those were basically his words. What pissed me off the most was the bouncer interrupting a dance I was giving because I was allowing the guy to fondle my boobs. He yelled at the guy and told him that he had to take his hands off of me. Of course, that customer did not want another dance and left. That is definitely something you would never ever see in Detroit and it pissed me the fuck off that they watch that closely. Also, straddling a customer in a dance is not allowed. The dancer is supposed to keep one foot on the floor at all times. The ordinance was posted in the locker room and I took photos of it. Apparently, a building that was never a strip club in the past cannot be converted into a strip club. This why there are only five clubs here. Also, they do not have a vice squad, but uniform officers and under covers frequent the clubs often. If a dancer is caught breaking the law, she is not ticketed like in Detroit. instead, Pensacola Police will arrest the dancer and the manager on the spot if the dancer is caught breaking the law. FUCK THAT. I'm going to write a full review on Eden when I get home next week.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    @FishHawk where the hell can I find a decent apartment around here that isn't in "the ghetto" west side. I am having the worst luck finding an apartment. I'm also not returning to Eden tonight. Unfortunately, I can't try out any of the other clubs here because of the local cabaret license. The license states the club you're working at on it and dancers can't just switch clubs without getting a new license. It is so stupid and inconvenient because I really want to try out Babe's. From what I've read about that club, more of a party environment. My home club is Legends in Detroit and that place is a constant party, so I'm used to that type of environment.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @Waffle sorry that happened to you there are better parts of Florida, unfortunately that area is just like anyplace in the Bible Belt unless you have a specific reason to be in the panhandle you’d find many areas much more welcoming.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I'm curious to know if Fort Walton Beach clubs are as strict as Pensacola clubs. I don't understand how any dancers in Pensacola can make a living with bouncers stopping there fucking dances because a guys hands roam. It's so fucking stupid. I did find out, after that customer left, that all of the girls and the bouncer himself thought that customer was an undercover. The paranoia here of undercover police is so annoying, but I get it. Nobody wants to be arrested because they were sitting on a customer.
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    *their dances
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Of all places in FL, why Pensacola?
  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    I have ties here from my childhood and visited a lot when I was younger. I love the city and I'm drawn to the ocean. But I'm reconsidering and perhaps looking to expand out to Panama City.
  • pistola
    5 years ago
    Ah. Makes sense esp to get out of those Detroit winters. Daytona area, Jax, Tampa, Cocoa all have decent club scene with super affordable rents. But if you have childhood ties all good. Good luck!
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^Look at Ocala as well it’s a reasonable drive and the area is building up nicely with reasonable home and condo prices, and it gets you closer to the space coast and Tampa areas where you’ll find a few good clubs to work in.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @FishHawk a place where you get screamed at for fondling boobs is your favorite club?? Damn man, I feel sorry for you and your options. And I thought I had it rough. I love when dancers are just as pissed off as the PL for boobs not being able to be groped. I know in the dancers case it's because she knows the money is about to stop flowing from the PL right after the dance in progress. That same exact thing happened to me in Vegas last year and you bet your ass that was the last dance. The dancer was also pissed, I heard her say 'stupid bouncer fucked off my money'. Damn right he did.
  • jackslash
    5 years ago
    Waffle, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving Detroit. You must have good reasons for moving to the panhandle, but it's not the best area of Florida. Could you move to Tampa instead?
  • FishHawk
    5 years ago
    Waffle, I am sorry you find the Eden a bad place to work. I enjoy it. The dance prices are high but I guess I am used to it. I only come during the afternoons and have not had any problems fondling a few boobs or sucking on a nipple or two. As far as apartments there are a ton of them out by the university. Don’t know anything about rates. Babe’s maybe more your kind of place. Everyone has their own style.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    Yep, concur with Jack, I lived in Florida for a couple years and it only took one summer to convince me never to come back on a permanent basis. Nice place to visit..... but, if I had to live in Florida it would be Tampa Bay. Crazy club rules in that area; similar to the way they are written elsewhere but it sounds like they are actually enforced. Good Luck Waffle; Legends won't be the same without you.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    One other thought being the Dancing Mermaid that you are.... you could live near the home of Florida's Mermaids: [view link] Actually quite a few clubs near there that allow much more interaction with Bare Assets being my favorite. Read Doctor Evil's set of excellent reviews of Pasco county clubs. [view link]
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