
Comments by dallas702 (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Trump Fucking Russians
    @25, that works for me too. But, so far, the evidence is very slim. The "We already know the Russians were responsible for the DNC email hack" evidence is limited to statements made by political appointees at US intelligence agencies. No other source has asserted that any definitive proof exists. We DO know that Russians were NOT responsible for the Podesta email hack. At least WikiLeaks is not alone in declaring that the Podesta emails came from a source with no known connection to the Russians. We also know that all of the verifiable data listed in the "British spy" Trump report has been proven false. Information, to date unverifiable, like "Trump and the Russian whores," may not be proven false but is a little extreme even for the Tabloids. The MSM proudly reported (first at NYTimes) on January 19, 2017 that surveillance of the Trump campaign did reveal conversations between a Trump appointee and the Russian Ambassador to the US. In the NYT "expose'" it was clearly reported that a federal investigation had been ongoing and electronic (and other) communications were monitored. The Times hinted at additional surveillance information. When Trump tweeted complaints about being "wiretapped," all of the MSM used words like "unfounded," "dishonest," and "wrong." The MSM insisted Trump was paranoid. And most readers/viewers seem satisfied that Trump lied about being "wiretapped" and the NYT report didn't happen. That fits my definition of intentionally uninformed.
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    8 years ago
    Trump Fucking Russians
    If astute readers actually, "follow the money" in this Trump/Russia narrative - that is, track who is funding the sources cited by the MSM - the result is not very exciting. George Soros, an elitist, globalist multi billionaire, has established a number of "foundations," "think tanks," and "investigative research" organizations (like MediaMatters). The Trump, "Russia connection" was first established with the release of "opposition research" done by a former "British spy." The "British spy" was originally hired by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, but when Graham dropped out of the Race, Hillary Clinton surrogates (paid for by Soros) bought the "researcher" and issued new instructions to "find" evidence of a Russian connection that will take time to disprove. There are Soros fingerprints all over the current undermining of the Trump presidency. Soros is even funding the organization staffed by most of the people from the 2012 Obama campaign, who are now working to oppose Trump initiatives as the, "Resistance." It is not a deeply hidden conspiracy theory that few could possibly find. It is a conspiracy - by Soros and a number of elite liberal globalists - to control the eventual direction of national governments and develop a one world, borderless economy. Soros is aware that his machinations are visible to anyone who bothers to look, and he doesn't care. As long as the MSM is overtly biased, and slants the news against anything libertarian, conservative or Republican, Soros' groups can work with the results. So, "Follow the money" works - but won't stop the process because too many people are intentionally uninformed.
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    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    Bait and switch
    I did experience the opposite of your recent misadventure - about thirty years ago. Among the professional staff I worked with in a large office was one mousey dark skinned Hispanic woman who dressed in shape hiding loose dresses, appeared to wear makeup over blemishes, wore oversized glasses, hair always in a bun, walked stiffly and would only talk business. I assumed that she was just another frumpy, ugly, female attorney working the finance field for a regular paycheck - there were a lot of women who fit that description them. I was always polite to her, always gently teasing, flirting without expectations, but never interested. On a two week business trip to Houston, I got up early on a Sunday morning and went to the hotel pool. There I encountered the stunning sight of a beautiful, big breasted, dark Hispanic young woman, with long healthy hair, almost perfect complexion, and an absolutely amazing body, walking up out of the pool. It took me several minutes - and her laughing at me - to realize that this was my frumpy co-worker. Unfortunately, we never hooked up (she had a boyfriend), but she did later explain that she realized just out of college that she could get a lot of unwanted attention and menial jobs, or dress in tents (her expression) use makeup to make her face look wider, and let her work prove that she could be a top professional.
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    8 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Dealing With Dancers That Overcount
    It happens. I don't have any "rules" on how to respond to the overcounting stripper. Sometimes, it really is just her honest mistake (as if she is telling me, "dancing for you was such an onerous task that it really seemed like that many more dances") and sometimes it is a stripper expecting to get away with ripping me off. If the dances were really good - and the difference in count not that big - then I would likely pay up without comment AND without tip! I have objected - and even encountered strippers who thought calling the bouncer over would intimidate me. In my experience it has never escalated past a bouncer or "manager" and I talking about the dispute. Only once did I pay what the stripper insisted upon - two $20 dances instead of the one bad airdance I really received - and that was because the "manager" comped my drinks for the evening AND "allowed" the dancer to get dressed and go home - immediately (by cab, she really was stoned). Usually, when I respond with a lower count, the stripper is willing to listen and either accept my number or negotiate (if extra fun was involved). I have also encountered strippers who undercounted. Sometimes because they were drunk or stoned, sometimes because they can't count! Again, I have no fixed response. But I seldom correct them. If the dancer tried hard, was fun to be around and deserved the full count, I would just give her the amount she would have received from me if she counted correctly. That has the added benefit of surprising her with a bigger tip than she expected - usually granting me additional benefits that night or on a future visit. And sometimes I just pay what she asked for!
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    8 years ago
    What do ETF approvals, Bitcoin, and strip clubs have in common?
    Faith and Credit! Those are the {argued} core supports for the US dollar. It was actually true when regionally authorized banks printed "banknotes" backed by gold. The pre - 1930s system required you to believe that the note (currency) you received was, 1.- real not counterfeit, 2. - the bank was approved by the US Treasury to print the note, 3. - The Treasury really had gold in a vault somewhere that it was able to exchange for that piece of paper, and 4. - Other people would accept the same beliefs. Then FDR dumped the system in the middle of a global depression and supported, more by his personality than, by faith in the government, the US government essentially created a third party paper note system. The $20 in your wallet is an expensive IOU that you cannot collect. The Federal Reserve Bank does not actually own anything of long term tangible value. Instead, the FRB buys and sells promissory notes (like that $20) and prints more IOUs (again, like that $20) whenever the bank board members feel like it. In reality, the currency, the Treasury certificates, and the national debt (also funneled thru the FRB) are all in the control of a few people, like Janet Yellen, who think they know better than the citizens of the United States. Maybe they do, maybe they don't. All of that prefaces my real comment on Bitcoin. Bitcoin was founded as an experiment in alternate financial transaction methods. It caught on, originally, as a novelty. It gained notoriety as a means to finance illegal transactions (buying dope over the internet was just one example. Bitcoin is still finding its' honest niche in the financial world, but appears to have reached a somewhat permanent (if still relatively small) presence in world markets. But, like FDR's Fed, Bitcoin must still depend upon "faith and credit." And that will limit who - and how much - goes into Bitcoin markets for a very long time. Simply put, the USA has some faith and credit out there - big country, owns a lot of stuff, has gold and other valuable stuff, has a big bad military (and nukes) - and still pay off, in exchanges for other paper printed by the fed. when asked to honor one of the IOUs. Bitcoin can only claim distributed transaction, confidential banking and a short history of transactions honored. Bitcoin may be a big player in future financial markets, but it gets only a few, small transactions from me (curiosity only). Until they figure out how to protect big transfers and offer something as trusted as "full faith and credit," Bitcoin will not be a major player - and it will remain on many national "destroy this" lists.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Fair or not ?
    I your face = In your face
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Fair or not ?
    IRT Papi's original post, I read that the steroid enhanced girl has won the state title. First, how could anyone in their right mind allow a competitor taking a banned (excuse me, forgot I was on TUSCL) = band = performance enhancing drug to compete?????? Second, = = the "transgender" bullshit is just creepy! I am tired of the constant, "I your face" promotion of this mental illness, but if they would stay out of my life it is not a big deal. As long as they don't try to force me to "share" their feelings, I don't care if grown men and women want to dress like the other gender - I don't care if they want to take drugs to make them seem more like the "other" gender - I don't even care if adults mutilate themselves to look like the "other" gender. But when they do it to children - that is sick. Parents of these "transgender" children should be prosecuted for child abuse!
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    8 years ago
    Cumming in pants
    The EPA may have issues with your emmissions if they soaked through your pants and contaminated the local environment. Further, the federal Justice Department might consider Man Act violation charges if the dancer traveled with you and crossed a state line at any time. prior to your cumming in your pants. (Of course all of that may change with the new administration)
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Laughable approaches
    "Did I fuck you in here yesterday? No wait, I was off yesterday, we gotta' fuck today!"
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    8 years ago
    Living well and enjoying my retirement
    Question for our market analysts
    While I don't offer, or consider, financial advice on this or any other discussion board, I do read some of the comments and occasionally throw out a little round shiny something for the swine. In this case, I would offer that the "Trump Market Rally" may not be "stalled." A quick check of the DOW30 shows it up about 130 points as I write this. With the DOW30, and most of the rest of the markets, up over 10% since the election, and still showing signs of bullish behaviors, the bounce may keep going a while.
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    8 years ago
    Taking a phone call in VIP
    A very long time ago, when "cellular channel hopping mobile telephones" were in the future, I had a BMW with a radio-telephone and a girlfriend who liked to give mobile blowjobs. One day she was busily gobbling my knob when the radio-phone rang (since only my company had the codes and contact channel - I knew it was my office) and I answered. The "Oh shit" info in the call (nobody spent big money for a radio-phone call to pass on good news) left me less than "up" for my girlfriend's ministrations - not to mention the cop car that pulled up next to me at the light! I have taken a phone call while getting a blowjob - it didn't turn out as well as your example - so I don't answer my cell in VIP!
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    8 years ago
    Watching a strip club show without even being at the strip club!
    Yawn - - - - - - - - - - -
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Can We Talk Superbowl?
    THE First Half - Ouch, the first half was tedious. I am not a Pats fan, nor do I root for ATL during the season - but it was painful watching the Falcons beat up on the Patriots for the whole first half. I almost turned it off after the third ATL touchdown. #2 was exactly on target and the birds defense looked impenetrable. Who'd a thunk it? HALFTIME - sucked, as Superbowl halftimes usually suck, not uniquely sucked, didn't stand out as sucked, just sucked - very ordinary sucked.. I kinda' half-assed watched the half, but between the explosions, the overdone stage, the drone-light-show (that I didn't know was drone until it was mentioned during post game), and all the crowds of extras dance/running around, I really didn't get it. Even making allowances for the fact I am a Boomer - not a 20 something, whatever they are called - my guess is that this half time show was bland for any age group. I understand that the 30 something, slightly overwieght, struggling to be relevant, used to be a superstar, singer was trying to make "subtle" political points and be relevant to a younger audience, but she - and any supposed message - was lost in the noise. The Second Half - - WOW, talk about two completely different games! New England, and especially Brady, looked like winners, even the drives they came up short. ATL looked good but vulnerable on offense and defense. By the 4th quarter I was leaning forward on the couch even though I was "sure" NE couldn't pull this one out - seriously, no mortal team could come back from being 25 points down in the middle of the third quarter of a Super Bowl game - right? Hell, not even Landry, Staubach and the Fearsome Foursome could manage that kind of miracle! Again - WOW. Super ending - even a Hollywood scriptwriter would get laughed at if s/he wrote that kind of ending. OTHER STUFF - The ads stunk. None of the new ads were remarkable except for the notable "globalist" hints of "inclusive." I am guessing that some would consider this "anti-Trump." I just wrote it off to ad agencies selling clients (as much as a year ago) on the idea that only half the Superbowl audience was domestic and "we're all in the same boat" messaging would sell more product. Bored! The announcers were worse than the ads. Play by play - wasn't! The four - sometimes five - talking heads were full of shit and really into themselves. FOX Sports really blew it. The NFL did another really stinky job of trying to be "goody-goody" and a worse job of overtly, and obnoxiously, patting itself on the back. The "look at all the Black football players in the Hall of Fame" thing was really kind'a dumb - 70% of current players are Black and they haven't been ignoring Black football players since the 50's. I like that Goodell was repeatedly "booed." Officials were not a factor - good. So, shailynn, is that enough Super Bowl talk?
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    8 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Sex, strippers and cops on call: How two Orthodox Jews sparked New York's worst
    I don't understand why any of this is newsworthy. A crooked NYC mayor, criminal unions, cops paid off, prostitutes, strippers, and feds fumbling around failing to figure it all out even when one of the principles rats out the whole scheme. Reads like an average day in the big city.
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    8 years ago
    Bacon props!!
    SCOTUS: Neil Gorsuch
    Judge (soon to be Justice) Gorsuch is an outstanding choice for the USSC. The parade of real changes in D.C. continues. I am still singing "Happy Days are Here Again," enjoying the media freak outs, and waiting for liberals to start stroking out. My guess is at least two liberal Justices will leave the US Supreme Court in the next three years due to medical issues. Watching what happens when their replacements are nominated will be fun. Even better, the Democrats have about 22 Senate seats up for grabs in 2018 and, I am looking forward to the Soros/Mediamatters breakdown in the media when the Republicans get a supermajority.
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    8 years ago
    [OT] Speaking of Nazis
    The liberals here don't want to hear this but what Trump ordered, this time, is precisely covered by long established law. The action, banning immigration, is something prior presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Bush43, and Obama also did by Executive direction. Some might want to argue scope, or intent, but the fact is the order is legal - see 8 US Code 1182. The woman Obama appointed as Deputy AG, by refusing to defend a legal order, placed herself far outside acceptable behavior. It was a political stunt.
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    8 years ago
    The 28 Best Nude Strip Clubs in America
    As noted by others, this list is bullshit. It accurately names the clubs as nude, but includes really bad clubs on a best list. In addition to the, "don't belong on any best list" clubs mentioned above, the Silver Slipper off I-80 out in the boonies in Illinois is NOT a "best" anything kind of club.
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    8 years ago
    Customer threat
    The one time another customer threatened me, I ignored the threat and offered to buy the drunk a beer. He acted confused and walked off. Less than a half an hour later there was a disturbance near the door, with cops involved. I later was told by a bouncer that the guy had previously tried to knife someone in the club, had been arrested, and banned from the club. He didn't say how the violent guy got back in, but it probably was not difficult. The drunk threatened to kill the bouncers when the police came to get him, then fought with the police. I was lucky the crazy dude didn't just start pounding on me. My suggestion is, apologize - act humble - find a bouncer - and if they do not call the cops - leave. You are there for fun - fights tend to limit the fun.
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    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    California Man That Killed 21 Cats May Be Sex Offender
    "He needs to be registered for something, it's our only hope" said one cat owner. Don't know about the rest of the world, but if this sick pervert is fucking cats, it will not be long until he is after human victims. To "Register" him for any reason is a stupid answer. Find out why he is killing cats and if he is crazy lock him up - if he is fucking cats, lock him up - if he just likes killing, lock him up.
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    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Sea Bass
    Damn - I should wake up before starting to type. coupe = couple Nina - I meant, "personal" = but mayhap, "personable" (sic) fits also.
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
    OT: Sea Bass
    First, sea bass is distinctively sharp with a deep flavor that doesn't disappear when cooked - in other words, it tastes like fish. Since the flavor is so sharp, many people do not like it. I am one of those who find Chilean sea bass a pitiful waste of money. Nina is not alone in the group of people who like the flavor. Political attack = Perhaps, Chilean sea bass is for liberals who just have no idea what "good" is like? = end of faux political attack. .) Gammanu, I had grouper (caught near the coast of South Florida} a coupe of nights ago. Never frozen, baked and lightly covered in a pesto sauce, it was great. Perhaps if you find smelly, hard sea bass unpleasant, then grouper may be more palatable. (Nina - that was a joke above, not a personable attack.)
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    8 years ago
    Strip club questionable attire
    There was the story, related here by someone else a few years ago, of the guy in a suit who wandered through a club handing flowers to strippers. The strangest I have seen was a group of guys in tux and tails, with matching cummerbunds and boutonnieres, in an ESL dive. They were clearly groomsmen escaped from a reception, and I don't begrudge them the club time, but their wardrobe did not match the very low end club. Were they just returning to the scene of the bachelor party?
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Trump seemingly following thru even if Republicans don't agree
    Trump is rightfully classified as very dangerous by the Democrats, Socialists (if there is any difference) and the so called progressives. And the main reason is, he may actually follow thru and accomplish many of the things he said he would do. The international liberal socialists who have worked for decades to reinvent the US as a part of the global social commune, a "world without borders," are dejected and afraid that Trump's election is a major setback and rejection of their plan (kind of - but not exactly - like BREXIT). The US Democrat Party leadership (especially Hilary, and her principle backer Soros) and many of the Republican insiders, are also upset because Trump is not adhering to "professional politician" formula, wherein they appoint each other to insider jobs. Worse, even Trump's Cabinet appointees who are currently in elected office are all from the "Tea Party" wing and NOT establishment good ol'e boys (even Sessions has never been "on the inside"). Trump's appointments, and his actions to date, indicate he will really try to, "get it done." Whether Trump is conservative, or populist, or a fool, or even a buffoon, is really irrelevant when he puts conservative, capable people in key positions, supports them, and pushes for the the things he promised.
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    8 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Stripper Freaks ?
    shailynn, I decided to collect on your $20 bet - - Failed! Two paragraphs into the post above your bet and I had to quit!
  • discussion comment
    8 years ago
    They never tell you what you need to know.
    Detroit Auto Show
    Correction Papi - - - Detroit WAS the home of the big-3 American auto makers. Chrysler/Fiat is an Italian company now. Ford moved HQ out of Detroit and closed their Detroit plants. Only GM still has offices in Detroit. Interesting fact from just a few years ago - not one officer of GM (AVP and above) lived in Detroit - I don't know if that is still true.