OT: Trump seemingly following thru even if Republicans don't agree

avatar for Papi_Chulo
Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Trump abandons Trans-Pacific Partnership

WASHINGTON — President Trump formally abandoned the Trans-Pacific Partnership on Monday, pulling away from Asia and scrapping his predecessor’s most significant trade deal on his first full weekday in office, administration officials said.

Mr. Trump sharply criticized the partnership agreement during last year’s campaign, calling it a bad deal for American workers. Although the deal had not been approved by Congress, the decision to withdraw the American signature at the start of Mr. Trump’s administration is a signal that he plans to follow through on promises to take a more aggressive stance against foreign competitors.

In other action on a busy opening day, Mr. Trump ordered a hiring freeze in the federal workforce, exempting the military. And he reinstituted limits on nongovernmental organizations that operate overseas and receive American taxpayer money from performing abortions. Republican presidents typically impose those restrictions soon after taking office, and Democratic presidents typically lift them when they take over.

The president’s withdrawal from the Asian-Pacific trade pact amounted to a drastic reversal of decades of economic policy in which presidents of both parties have lowered trade barriers and expanded ties around the world. Although candidates have often criticized trade deals on the campaign trail, those who made it to the White House, including former President Barack Obama, ended up extending their reach.

“We’ve been talking about this for a long time,” Mr. Trump said as he signed a document formalizing his decision. The withdrawal from the trade pact, he added, is a “great thing for the American worker.”
Aides signaled that Mr. Trump may also move quickly on renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement. He is scheduling meetings with the leaders of Canada and Mexico, the two main partners in that pact, first negotiated by the elder President George Bush and pushed through Congress by President Bill Clinton. Nafta has been a major driver of American trade for nearly two decades, but it has long been divisive, with critics blaming it for lost jobs and lower wages.

Mr. Trump outlined his views in his Inaugural Address on Friday, when he promised an “America First” approach to the world. “We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs,” he said. “Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength.”

He said that his policy would be to “buy American and hire American.”

The Obama administration arduously negotiated the Pacific trade pact over eight years. Under legislation passed by Congress, the accord could not be amended once completed, nor could it be joined without congressional approval. Mr. Obama never submitted the partnership for approval, understanding that a defeat in Congress would be worse than leaving the deal in hibernation.

In discarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or T.P.P., Mr. Trump tacked away from his Republican allies in Congress who have long supported such trade agreements. Speaker Paul D. Ryan worked closely with Mr. Obama to pass legislation granting the president so-called fast-track authority to negotiate the trade agreement over the objections of many Democrats. But amid opposition, Congress never approved the deal itself.

The agreement brought together the United States and 11 other nations along the Pacific Rim, including Canada, Mexico, Japan, Vietnam, Malaysia and Australia, creating a free-trade zone for about 40 percent of the world’s economy. It was intended to lower tariffs while setting rules for resolving trade disputes, setting patents and protecting intellectual property.

Mr. Obama and his Republican allies argued that the pact would open growing foreign markets to American businesses. But Democrats, ultimately including Hillary Clinton, even though she had helped push negotiations forward as secretary of state, said it would benefit wealthy corporations at the expense of workers and the environment.

Mr. Trump sided with them, and he beat Mrs. Clinton in crucial Midwestern industrial states like Michigan and Wisconsin that had traditionally gone Democratic but have been hurt by changes in manufacturing over recent decades.

The president’s action on the deal came the same day he met with business leaders in the morning and was set to speak with union leaders in the afternoon. He will also meet with congressional leaders of both parties and hold a separate meeting with Mr. Ryan.



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avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
I think Trump may be one of those rare presidential candidates who gets into office and does exactly what he said he would do during the campaign. That's why some people are so excited about his time in office and others are shitting in their drawers at the prospect.
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
I look at Trump as a dangerous, ignorant, buffoon. Of course he is better than every progressive and democrat.
avatar for dallas702
8 years ago
Trump is rightfully classified as very dangerous by the Democrats, Socialists (if there is any difference) and the so called progressives. And the main reason is, he may actually follow thru and accomplish many of the things he said he would do. The international liberal socialists who have worked for decades to reinvent the US as a part of the global social commune, a "world without borders," are dejected and afraid that Trump's election is a major setback and rejection of their plan (kind of - but not exactly - like BREXIT).

The US Democrat Party leadership (especially Hilary, and her principle backer Soros) and many of the Republican insiders, are also upset because Trump is not adhering to "professional politician" formula, wherein they appoint each other to insider jobs. Worse, even Trump's Cabinet appointees who are currently in elected office are all from the "Tea Party" wing and NOT establishment good ol'e boys (even Sessions has never been "on the inside"). Trump's appointments, and his actions to date, indicate he will really try to, "get it done."

Whether Trump is conservative, or populist, or a fool, or even a buffoon, is really irrelevant when he puts conservative, capable people in key positions, supports them, and pushes for the the things he promised.
avatar for sclvr5005
8 years ago
We are all doomed with that incompetent and unqualified boob at the helm. And his joke of an administration, along with the regressive and backwards thinking neanderthal Republicans running Congress have all but insured not only a civil uprising (which is very welcomed at this point), but a ton of international anger and distrust as well.
avatar for EdwardKang
8 years ago
I am taking a wait and see approach. Our leaders have betrayed the American worker. China has taken advantage of the weak leadership that we have had. We may end up with some much more equitable trade agreements. Our current President, like him or hate him, is bargaining from a position of strength. In dealing with foreign governments who are not our friends and are in competition with us, one has to posture and make those governments uncomfortable and fearful of the consequences in order to obtain equitable trade. Trump may be smarter than you think...or some of you may be right and he may be an idiot. I am going to wait and see. My take is, as always, for the next four years we don't have a choice but to watch and do what we can to protect ourselves from the decisions made in Washington.
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
I don't know guys seems to me all our new president is concentrating on is size, his inaugural crowd, his hands, I tell you it's gonna be huuuggge.
avatar for RandomMember
8 years ago
"China has taken advantage of the weak leadership that we have had"
Although China was not part of TPP. Getting rid of TPP actually benefits China.

This is a weird case where Trump is aligned with people on the left (like Sanders) and in opposition to some in his own party (like McCain)
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
In a way it's good he's not aligned or indebted to any special interests (at least seemingly so)
avatar for EdwardKang
8 years ago
Random, IMO I agree with you, if there are no series of replacement bilateral trade agreements with several of the countries in the TPP. The problem with agreements such as TPP is it dilutes our country''s ability to take advantage of the strengths and weaknesses inherit in our trading relationships with each of these countries. In these large trade agreements it seems to me, it becomes a situation of the larger economy negotiating with a block of smaller economies. If it comes to a trade war everyone loses. The situation is they currently have more to lose than we do so I just hope the President knows how far to push without going too far with it. Then maybe we can have a biggly improvement in our trade deficit that might be classified as huuuuuge...maybe almost as big as his hands. If not, he may be needing to ask Marco if he can borrow some water in a debate 4 years from now...
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
I think he'll do alot of what he talked about. Including building that wall and infrastructure. Can't see him deporting millions though. Or releasing his tax returns.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
If the Dems manage to take over part/all of congress in the mid-terms you'd think they would block his ass on almost everything (unless he's as good a negotiator as he says he is)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
He better not lose those mid-terms!
avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
8 years ago
Trump and the super rich white confirm what Louis CK said about being white in America and are afraid of his prediction about their future...
"I don’t wanna go in the future and find out what happens to white people because we’re gonna pay hard for this shit, you gotta know that. We’re not gonna just fall from number 1 to two. They are gonna hold us down and f&ck us in the @ss forever. And we totally deserve it. But for now – WEEEE! Now if you – if your white and you don’t admit that it’s great, you’re an @sshole. It is great. And I’m a man. How many advantages could one person have. I’m a white man. You – you can’t even hurt my feelings. What can you really call a white man that really digs deep: “Hey Cracker.” “Oh ruined my day.” Boy, shouldn’t called me a cracker, bringing me back, owning land and people, what a drag."
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
The fact that Trump is making progressive pussies act like the little bitches they are is worth it. SCL - bring on your violence: we cannot fucking wait.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
skihomo609: "The fact that Trump is making progressive pussies act like the little bitches they are is worth it. "

I'd say 95% of my friends on Facebook are liberals and this is true. Has been amusing to see how upsetting Trump is to them.
avatar for Lone_Wolf
8 years ago
This country is in some type of denial about what we have done in electing Trump. Its just too scary for all of us (both supporters and non-supporters) to see the truth. He is a WWF type persona. Trump is the type of person that actually believes as fact what the Enquirer reports. I just wonder if there will be a moment of awakening when we all realize just what a nut case he is and how dangerous this is. Alternate facts? Oh shit!
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Excellent point, JohnSmith69. If President Trump is one of the rare politicians to do what he promised during his campaign, then, bravo! I'm glad to see some hope and change. Good job, Mr. President!
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Looks like the market's voted yesterday they think he is going to do the things he said. Saw a tweet from Bloomberg that he may announce The Wall today.
avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Trump said it was a bad deal (during the campaign) because of China...yet China isn't part of the deal. With the US gone, they now will be. I wish Trump did his homework...
avatar for rickdugan
8 years ago
How weak and melodramatic the liberal wing has become. It has been so long since we have had a President with a backbone that the mere sight of it has them in a tizzy. Reagan was the last President who had any real personality and the more melodramatic types were whining back then too. And like Reagan, Trump is surrounding himself with knowledgeable people, so I suspect that all of this melodrama is wasted.

If Trump accomplishes half of what Reagan did then he will end up being remembered fondly in history, but we shall see. From my perspective, he's starting off well.
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
@RickyBoy: Trump may be taking a play out of Reagan's book by building the nuclear arsenal. Spend those Ruskies into the ground.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Yes, Trump is an ignorant buffoon.

We need to steer this country way to the left, left of Clinton, Sanders, or Jill Stein, if we want to have any kind of a future. Can't try to run a country and economy which shuts so many out.

avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
SJG - I think we are overdue for a Civil War or something. I think if we had massive destruction of wealth (like Great Depression, WWI, and WWII) it would bring the ends of the spectrum closer together also it would help to re-align expectations. The Great Generation just had different expectations after living through the 1930s. Also the massive concentration of wealth is starting to cause problems. Or maybe it is the break down of the family. I don't know. It used to seem like Capitalism used to work for more people that it does today. I don't understand.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
I agree with you. The two pole in our country are getting further and further apart, and the economic situation, thanks to Dougster and his fellow parasites, keeps on getting worse. There needs to be a big big shakeout. I still hope it can be non-violent, but things need to change.

avatar for gammanu95
8 years ago
Hillary was even less qualified and proven more incompetent than Trump. She's failed at everything she's ever done. Trump was easily the better choice.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
To me Hillary's "experience" was mostly resume stuffing - I can't recall anything significant she did as senator nor secretary of state - IMO she had those positions b/c she was Bill Clinton's wife
avatar for Estafador
8 years ago
So what does this mean then? Any American companies that have factories overseas must bring it back to America or not at all? And what's going to happen to trade such as buying foreign products? Like an iPhone or a foreign car or the like?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
8 years ago
^ stay tune - time will tell - but it seems too many people in the US are afraid of what other nations will do - hell - we are the biggest and most powerful economy in the world; other countries should be worried about us not us worry about them (In the context of not being afraid of negotiating toughly)
avatar for Dougster
8 years ago
Pretty good first week as far as executive orders go. Now can he translate it into actual legislation?
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Executive orders apply, even without legislation. Most of the executive orders are just for show. Spending bills have to start in the house, like for his wall.


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