
Trump Fucking Russians

OMG... TrumpTower conversations were recorded because of 'routine" CIA/FBI monitoring of Russian intelligence communications...he's going to be impeached eventually for this. He thinks his buddies doing the "investigation" will save him but it won't. Mark my words on this: It's going to prove fatal....what a cluster fuck.


  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Trump does seem to be a little too admiring of Putin and that is very suspicious. But is there any evidence of ties to Russia beyond that? Any direct evidence yet?
  • etsutwigg222
    7 years ago
    Not a piece of real evidence has been leaked to date as far as I can find. All is speculation. With four sides trying to find any morsel.....Media, Dems, so called intelligence community, and Obama followers......you would think if a gun was smoking they would have found it by now!!!!
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    etsut etc.: Read the latest news..if you like Trump and aren't worried, stock up on pain killers. You're going to need them LOL. This is really, really bad....
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I wonder what FOX "News" is saying.... must be an interesting spin to say the least! LOL And top GOP officials running the "investigation"??? Even the poor white conservatives might have a problem that there's a question of accountability...but probably not. They don't even care Trump wanted to eliminate their health insurance. It's a small price to pay anyway as long as they can keep their guns.
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    rockstar666, I'm a firm believer in simplest explanation = most likely explanation.

    I have no doubt that Russia tried to manipulate the election by obtaining embarrassing emails from the DNC and releasing them in a manner that kept them in the news. I also suspect that some people, like Roger Stone, had some communication with the hackers. I suspect there was no coordination. I think it was a bunch of amateurs blundering around on the US side.

    There are many reasons that Putin/Russia would want Trump over Clinton even if Putin doesn't have anything "on" Trump. In fact, I doubt he has any leverage over Trump. But I also suspect that Putin hates Clinton as much as some TUSCL posters and felt that doing things to weaken Clinton politically would help Russia. I suspect he and other Russian analysts thought Clinton would win, so hurting her before the election would make sense.

    And if Trump did win then Trump's inexperience would lead to the chaos we've been seeing. Which is still in Putin/Russia's interest.

    So supporting Trump was win/win for Russian. And this is pretty non-brilliant. :(

  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago
    On the other hand, we found out about 50 years after the fact that the Nixon campaign actually tried to interfere with the Vietnam peace talks.

    Who knows whether his campaign actually had an effect. But even the fact that he tried makes him a traitor. He tried (and possibly succeeded) at prolonging a war that had become a meat grinder for both sides. And that goes way beyond non-brilliant.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I remember Archie Bunker calling Mike a "commie pinko" because in the 1970's it was a popular myth among conservatives that liberals were sympathetic to the USSR's political philosophies.

    Today we see the conservatives not all that upset that Trump is in bed with Russia. And the corruption in Trump's administration on this and other "investigations" makes Nixon look like a saint. Luckily, it's all going to hit the wall. I doubt Trump will still be president by Dec. 2018.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Same as always follow the money !
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Hard evidence, suckstar37. We need hard evidence. Any TUSCL loon can come up with a conspiracy. And apparently both the nutcases on both the left and right here doing it 24/7.

  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    If astute readers actually, "follow the money" in this Trump/Russia narrative - that is, track who is funding the sources cited by the MSM - the result is not very exciting. George Soros, an elitist, globalist multi billionaire, has established a number of "foundations," "think tanks," and "investigative research" organizations (like MediaMatters). The Trump, "Russia connection" was first established with the release of "opposition research" done by a former "British spy." The "British spy" was originally hired by Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, but when Graham dropped out of the Race, Hillary Clinton surrogates (paid for by Soros) bought the "researcher" and issued new instructions to "find" evidence of a Russian connection that will take time to disprove.

    There are Soros fingerprints all over the current undermining of the Trump presidency. Soros is even funding the organization staffed by most of the people from the 2012 Obama campaign, who are now working to oppose Trump initiatives as the, "Resistance." It is not a deeply hidden conspiracy theory that few could possibly find. It is a conspiracy - by Soros and a number of elite liberal globalists - to control the eventual direction of national governments and develop a one world, borderless economy. Soros is aware that his machinations are visible to anyone who bothers to look, and he doesn't care. As long as the MSM is overtly biased, and slants the news against anything libertarian, conservative or Republican, Soros' groups can work with the results.

    So, "Follow the money" works - but won't stop the process because too many people are intentionally uninformed.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I am far from uninformed either intentionally or stupidly but remember there are conspiracy theorists on both sides and most of them are whack jobs. Let's see how this plays out, is that fair enough @Dallas.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    We already know the Russians were responsible for the DNC email hack. They were VERY concerned about a Clinton presidency. Funny how the FBI also said there was a 'new investigation' on Clinton's emails 10 days before the election, only to say 'never mind' 3 days before.

    The FBI and Russia seems to determine who gets elected these days...I was always told it was the corrupt liberal media that decided elections...but since I read that in the media I suppose I shouldn't believe it...?
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Hilary lost because she didn't understand the electoral college and believed CNN's rah-rah's for her too much.
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    @25, that works for me too. But, so far, the evidence is very slim.

    The "We already know the Russians were responsible for the DNC email hack" evidence is limited to statements made by political appointees at US intelligence agencies. No other source has asserted that any definitive proof exists.
    We DO know that Russians were NOT responsible for the Podesta email hack. At least WikiLeaks is not alone in declaring that the Podesta emails came from a source with no known connection to the Russians.

    We also know that all of the verifiable data listed in the "British spy" Trump report has been proven false. Information, to date unverifiable, like "Trump and the Russian whores," may not be proven false but is a little extreme even for the Tabloids.

    The MSM proudly reported (first at NYTimes) on January 19, 2017 that surveillance of the Trump campaign did reveal conversations between a Trump appointee and the Russian Ambassador to the US. In the NYT "expose'" it was clearly reported that a federal investigation had been ongoing and electronic (and other) communications were monitored. The Times hinted at additional surveillance information. When Trump tweeted complaints about being "wiretapped," all of the MSM used words like "unfounded," "dishonest," and "wrong." The MSM insisted Trump was paranoid. And most readers/viewers seem satisfied that Trump lied about being "wiretapped" and the NYT report didn't happen. That fits my definition of intentionally uninformed.
  • Mate27
    7 years ago
    Dougster: "Any TUSCL loon can come up with a conspiracy".

    You think???? Duh.....what a waste of time, liberal fags.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    The problem @Dallas no matter where the evidence goes there are diehards that will never accept any conclusions other than the the conclusions that they want, I give you the birther lie as my point, no matter what stupid shit is posted to say that is true, it is so irrelevant as to be nonsense. I also am tired of dealing with the Trump, Russia crap, I say let them investigate whatever they need to, but lets get the political parties out of the investigations, and lets get on with the business of running a country before another catastrophe happens.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    They support Trump because they want the tax cuts and deregulation...the rest isn't important to them. Certainly not the country and we citizens who aren't the top 1%.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Dick Chaney just blasted the Russians for interference in the election...
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    "In some quarters, that would be considered an act of war," Cheney said in a speech Monday at a conference in New Delhi.

    Full article: https://www.yahoo.com/news/cheney-blasts…
  • dallas702
    7 years ago
    @666, I didn't claim that no one believed the assertion Russia hacked the DNC, nor did I claim it wasn't true. My point is: the entire argument is not (or perhaps - not yet) supported by any facts available in the public domain and many other claims by the MSM have been demonstrated to be, "less than entirely credible."

    And again - not a wacky conspiracy theory - much of the hyperbola and attacks on Trump are clearly identified as originating from entities affiliated with George Soros, an individual who does not hide his desire to topple individual national governments in favor of a global economic control system (presumably with him and his friends as the controllers - but that is just my guess). Soros has worked to undermine several European and central Asian governments as well as influence elections in eastern Europe. It is not far right, or even a conspiracy theory, Soros is real and he is involved in US politics.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Chaney believes it. As a liberal, that smoke has some fire. Agree we need more details however...
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Funny how Chaney accuses the Russians of "trying to undermine NATO" while Trump has the same agenda...comments?
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    But that puppet says Trump is lying...so who is the puppeteer?
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    The best thing about Trump being impeached is that Pence is an actual conservative; will do a better job; appear like a genius/saint after Trump; be a calming and mature influence on those who freak out about the Donald; and end up serving eight years. Progressives will be remembered as the Yugo of politics by that time. Nato? There is no Nato. It is us and Britain, with window dressing. Its been this way since the first World War.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    Thus endeth political chat, in a flurry of left wing idiocy. Tonight is strip clubbing while doing my fantasy draft. Gonna be a long season.....
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    TFdot: Pence is also a puppet...I submit there is NO puppeteer...and that's the danger our nation now faces.
  • jester214
    7 years ago
    I'm not convinced there is any real "smoking gun" which would probably need to exist to impeach him. Even if he's impeached you need a super-majority of the Senate to convict him. At this point I think impeachment is a liberal wet dream.

    I still see a possibility of him getting bored with it and simply resigning or not running for a second term.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Not a liberal wet dream as we have Pence, but at least he's a normal conservative politician. Eliminating Trump will not fix our problems...but at least he knows how to play the game. Trump is clueless. Weren't the conservatives saying Obama had no experience 8 years ago? Hmmm...you reap what you sow.
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    This whole thing about Trump being impeached is useless if that's what you are counting on there will be a long and winding road to be traveled before it ever comes to fruition. Better to concentrate on the the 2018 midterm or the 2020 presidential rather than waste all of the time and effort with nothing to show for it.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    I agree with 25 that congressional elections will guide our near term path...we'll see what happens.
  • skibum609
    7 years ago
    I am sure Pence is upset that an inane dolt on a website for deviants has a low opinion of him. It is my understanding that the Democrats actually have more seats at risk in 2018 than the republicans do, although the typical anti-incumbent trend in midterms does indicate they will pick up seats. The question is how many. If anyone is surprised that Trump has been en embarrassment, then they simply haven't paid attention to anything the past 25 years. Anyone recall Paul Tsongas?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    I'm sure that an insane dolt on a website for deviants who posts the most insane conspiracy theories and lies about being a lawyer is extremely upset that except for the most deviant of all the deviants no one agrees with his insane political theories. Take your meds skidum and get of the lawn, the normal deviants are tired of you shitting out of your typewriter.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Well, Pence will want to gut social programs and rights to LGBT people maybe more than Trump, but that's the price we pay for voting for Trump... I do believe he won't start a war out of spite like I'm afraid Trump will....so much as I disagree with Pence's politics, for the sake of the country he will be a welcome change.
  • nemesisk7
    7 years ago
  • 4got2wipe
    7 years ago

    I know we're all posting on a website for deviants but which of us are "inane dolts" and which are "insane dolts"? Neither sounds aces but it looks like those are the two options.

    And what is "dwqwqd"?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^all are deviants but dolts is anybody that agrees with skidum )
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    Newest item out there is Flynn asking for immunity before testifying for the senate intelligence committee .
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Yeah!!! This house of cards is a house of cards. I wonder what the literate conservative think...? Sure;y they can't be happy about this...?
  • twentyfive
    7 years ago
    ^^^Sure they do, but it ain't the retard that Rocky is having a bromance with though.
  • rockstar666
    7 years ago
    Son, "What's 'science'?
    Father, "I don't know son; we're Republicans".

    Young dinosaur to his mother, "Mother, does god exist?"
    Mother dinosaur: "Not yet".
  • Dougster
    7 years ago
    Potentially market moving. I would be cautious this weekend.
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