Customer threat

avatar for Imamutt
Another customer was apparently bothered by the fact that I was getting along well with a dancer he had his eye on. When she left me to go on stage, he came over and very casually gave me specific details about how he intended to harm me in a lethal manner. I calmly suggested he get busy trying and he walked away. Blind drunk threats being what they are, I didn't think much of it but positioned myself for fight or flight just in case. Was this the right course of action or should I have talked to management or even the law?


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avatar for rockstar666
8 years ago
Never happened to me, but I'd call a bouncer straight away if it did. They take a dim view of customers threatening other customers over a dancer.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
Well said, rockstar666.
avatar for Jascoi
8 years ago
wonder if he is the dancer's boyfriend?
avatar for etsutwigg222
8 years ago
I agree with letting a bouncer know that way they can keep a eye on him. Also, sets up a request for someone to watch as you head to your ride later. This is one reason why when I club at night that I always have my two friends come along and wait in the car for me, Smith & Wesson!!!
avatar for jackslash
8 years ago
I had a customer tell me to "get out of my face." I said something like, "Sir, I'm not in your face." The man did not make any specific threats, but I told the manager about it. The manager did nothing.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
'62, not her boyfriend or a regular. He was otherwise obnoxious to the staff. He drew enough attention to himself without me pointing him out and was eventually told to leave
avatar for Subraman
8 years ago
I'd tell the manager, absolutely positively. And, because there are always stories in the news about guys who come back or lie in wait outside, I'd be extra extra cautious when I left
avatar for K
8 years ago
Tell the bouncer.
it is often the guy that throws the second punch that gets caught. he might be threatening others that can't defend themselves. and no matter how good you are, if he takes you by surprise, has a weapon , friends or just gets lucky with his first punch you are the one that suffers. I don't know if this matters but if he did come after you later, you could have the police speak tot he bouncer and you would have more credibility that he started the fight.
avatar for shailynn
8 years ago
This guy messing with imamutt is retarded! Imamutt has described himself as being a rather big and burly guy, someone who sounds like a guy not to pick a fight with.

Some people just do not have any sense.
avatar for AnonymousJim
8 years ago
Agreed on the tell a bouncer part, but do so calmly and maybe with a tip of a dollar or two and also say you're planning on leaving.

A. This is part safety. More than likely, this other guy's all talk. But if he gets up to follow you out, then the bouncers will keep him from doing so and will be attuned to the fact you are fearing for your safety. They'll know what you said he threatened, and if he means it and starts pursuing you, they'll include that in any statement they make when they call the authorities, not to mention he might not be smart enough to not say it again after the bouncers get hold of him.

B. It's also to let the club know: Hey, I want to be a good customer and I'm not just messing with you guys, but this is freaking me out. Hopefully they'll give you some free passes on your way out then talk with the guy after you leave.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
All good advice as usual. Shakily not, thanks for the vote of confidence, but I saw a little guy take down a guy bigger than me with a single roundhouse kick that struck a blow in the blink of an eye. Sometimes a big guy gets singled out by some jackass trying to make a fool out of him or to impress someone. I won't throw the first punch and my reach will usually keep me from taking one. After about the third swing I might get annoyed enough to go on the offensive. Very rarely has come to that.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
Autocorrect, shakily not? Shailynn!
avatar for Dolfan
8 years ago
I'd say egging him on was the last thing I'd do. I may ignore it to his face and calmly mention it to a bouncer, that's probably the most likely scenario. If I was threatened, I'd either be scared and look for backup or be angry and attack.

The reason I'd mention it is like others said, you never know who else he's going to threaten or attack. The kind of guy who's gonna make threats to strip club customers is probably the same kind of guy who attacks strippers in the parking lot or sucker punches dudes at the urinal or something. He deserves a few extra eyes on him and I'm not gonna ruin my night worrying about some douche.
avatar for crsm27
8 years ago
I agree with what others have stated about telling a bouncers..... All good points about how if things did escalate you have at "witness" to say he was harassing you first. Plus incase you get a bottle aside the head from behind as you leave. Happened to me once in a bar in college.... good thing the bouncers saw this... bad thing for the guy...was the bouncers were either football players or military reserves that all liked me...HAHA.... And to preface... I am not a small man either.

But the one thing also about telling the bouncer is for the dancers safety as well. If this guy is that possessive over her he might do something stupid as well.

avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
Mutt - A better choice would have been to get up - say meet you in the parking lot fuckhead and start walking. When he didn't move just look at him and laugh.
avatar for Dominic77
8 years ago
I like skibum's direct approach.
avatar for Imamutt
8 years ago
Agreed. Best response, skibum!
avatar for twentyfive
8 years ago
One of two things I would do, depending on the situation, either I'd not wait for him to make a move and clock him right there on the spot,that is how to react if you feel threatened don't wait, or even give him a chance to do you, or if I didn't feel immediate danger I would get security and let them deal with him, what I would not do is give him the opportunity to make the first move once he threatened me. If he actually got in my face like you described my immediate reaction would be to make sure he was not in any condition to make good on a threat. That's my reaction.
avatar for JimGassagain
8 years ago
You did the right thing as you even followed up in your story you were in fight of flight mode, and with him being drunk I'm sure you could have handled him either course of action.

I've been in clubs in similar situations and let them get a little physical with me just so the bouncers come over and even had to throw one guy out. If they get too problematic they would have started trouble with someone else at the club if for the fact that I was the chosen benefactor of being in this guys presence. Backing down from his challenge only learned a drunk from feeling invincible and unaccountable. Good job to the OP!
avatar for skibum609
8 years ago
The problem with waiting for the bouncer to throw them out, is that eventually you have to leave as well and t hey might be waiting.......
avatar for ime
8 years ago
guy sounds like a pussy making hollow threats just like san_jose_guy
avatar for dallas702
8 years ago
The one time another customer threatened me, I ignored the threat and offered to buy the drunk a beer. He acted confused and walked off. Less than a half an hour later there was a disturbance near the door, with cops involved.

I later was told by a bouncer that the guy had previously tried to knife someone in the club, had been arrested, and banned from the club. He didn't say how the violent guy got back in, but it probably was not difficult. The drunk threatened to kill the bouncers when the police came to get him, then fought with the police.

I was lucky the crazy dude didn't just start pounding on me. My suggestion is, apologize - act humble - find a bouncer - and if they do not call the cops - leave. You are there for fun - fights tend to limit the fun.
avatar for 4got2wipe
8 years ago
dallas702 has an ace point. Why would somebody want to escalate a confrontation when I'm just trying to have fun?

That said, if a guy is psycho about a particular girl it might be a good idea to let the bouncer know. I'd also keep my eyes open going to the car.
avatar for pensionking
8 years ago
Simple -- don't be macho stooopid -- most of us are not equipped to handle crazy fuckers -- and crazy fuckers are out there. No pussy is worth injury or worse.

Tell a bouncer you have been threatened. Demand action or call the law. Demand an escort to your car.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
Guys who will get belligerent like that with a stranger are usually people who have nothing to lose.

I would find another strip club, at least for a while.

And as far as that girl, if she has some real connection to him, I would seriously consider disconnecting from her, because around her you will always be experiencing such troubles. Most strippers are fine. But there are some who encourage problematic people. And then anything you tell such a girl will go to that guy, like your home address and phone number. She will say that he tortured them out of her. I have experienced this kind of stuff. You don't want to know such women.

Otherwise, just see her outside right away and stop going to that club.

I would play it safe as you are probably dealing with someone who has nothing to lose.


Axis 64 Midi Controller…
avatar for Corvus
8 years ago
Can't really add anything new to the comments above. Wonder what he would have said if you told him that particular dancer was your wife! That probably would have confused the fuck out of him!
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
"Hey, what are you doing talking to my wife?"

"Which one is your wife?"

"The one I saw you giving money to."

avatar for jester214
8 years ago
Would probably depend on who made the threat, I can usually gauge pretty well who wants to threaten and who wants to act.

I'd be most concerned about someone waiting in the parking lot with a gun.
avatar for sharkhunter
8 years ago
I've never encountered this situation. I have been mistaken for a bouncer by other customers though. I'd want the guy thrown out of the club and if he wasn't, I would keep my eye on the guy and tell other dancers or anyone interested in a drunk guy making threats. I think I could succeed in getting the guy thrown out. If he wasn't shown the door, I might leave after telling a few of the dancers so that they can be on guard too and just to let them know, the bouncers don't have their back because if they let a guy who is threatening people stay in the club, he could threaten anyone.
avatar for JohnSmith69
8 years ago
Ordinarily I'd handle something like this myself. That's why I carry a gun. But I don't take a gun to strip clubs, and I'm usually high. So under those circumstances I would talk to a bouncer and let him handle it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
8 years ago
^^^^^^ JS69, going into situations that he shouldn't, because he knows he has a gun. But the gun does not make him safe. It just encourages him to act stupid.


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