
Standards of fucking

I'm a young guy. I find myself not wanting to fuck anyone below a 8. Even with the 8's, after I fuck her once I'm tired of her. I don't know why my standards are so fucking high. I need to lower my standards and start focusing more on personality.

Any of you have super high standards with the women you fuck?

Thoughts in general?


  • Tiredtraveler
    9 years ago
    one man's 8 is another's 4
  • MrBater2010
    9 years ago
    Wait until you have a dry spell.. tired of her.. Maybe you have some sort of Attention deficit disorder? If you are just fucking try something else. That probably were the kinky shit got started from .
  • warhawks
    9 years ago

    I have high standards.

    I lost all interest in my wife when I was married because she let her self go and she got all frumpy and obese. I wasn't attracted to her. At all. Couldn't stand the sight of her. Plus, her personality changed into a beast.

    Enter the strip club scene with hot young girls who still have tight bodies and dress sexy.
    I'll gladly pay good money to have sex with an 8 or a 9 in a club any day, or OTC in a hotel room or at my place.
    I'll put up with the drama and stripper shit if she's hot... For a while.
    And if I get fed up with her shit.....I'm on to the next hot chick that just started dancing at the club. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    9 years ago
    I still find that if a reasonably attractive girl with a good attitude agrees to fuck me, I'll probably enjoy it. Im not overly hung up on top shelf looks.

    After all, I'm no special catch.
  • JohnSmith69
    9 years ago
    It depends upon what's available.

    I have very high standards for the stroppers that I spend a bunch of money on. The reason is simple: I can be picky. There are so many 8-10 strippers out there who will play for what I'm willing to pay that I have no reason to lower my standards.

    With civilians though it's totally different. The two at work that I wanted to fuck that most of you told me not to were around a 6.5. The reason: there are not many hot civilian women that are within my reasonable dating age. So I make do.

    If I was in my 20s again Id be pickier..
  • crazyjoe
    9 years ago
    Go for personality and looks. Up your standard even more brother
  • dallas702
    9 years ago
    I am NOT a young guy (though I have not reached Shadowcat's distinguished number) and I still find 8 or better more of a turn on than a 4. But I have also discovered that looks are not the whole thing!!!! Some of the most beautiful women I have ever fucked, were also the worst lays. Please do not misunderstand, as a friend often said, "The worst fuck I ever had was Great!" But there is great, and there is even better than Great. One "Plain Jane," I took to my hotel room mostly as a charity fuck, ending up being one of the most memorable nights I have ever experienced.

    I still gravitate toward the 8s, 9s, and 10s but I now give the 6s and 7s a little time to make their play. Sometimes the vibe with a 6 is enough for me to invest a bit of time and money to find out if the Ugly Duckling might be a Swan in bed.
  • shailynn
    9 years ago
    I'm a little confused by your statement - are you talking about women in general or just strippers?

    If you're talking about strippers then I can chime in. When I was younger (30) I only fucked beautiful strippers. I had a beautiful wife at home so for some reason in my mind they had to be at least as hot as her. At that point in my life I'd agree, nothing lower than an 8 seemed accurate.

    Fast forward about 7 years and at some point I've come to the realization that I don't get to the strip club as often as I like, and even less to one that I am able to have sex inside, and at times even in an extras club I haven't been able to find an 8 to have fun with, so my options are "go home" or "lower my standards." Lower my standards is what I have done, and I'm totally okay with it. I have fucked a lot of 6's, and I don't mind mainly because in my experience the 6's are the easiest to get along with, they almost always do what ever you say you want too. I too had trouble lowering my standards but I realized, it's either do this chick, or go back to home/hotel with blue balls. JS69 is talking about spending a lot of money on a hot stripper, I am talking about spending $150 for full service on a 6 and going home happy, so we are at different ends of the spectrum.

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @crazyjoe- unfortunately a women with personality and looks is hard to find nowadays.

    @shailynn- I'm talking about women in general. But yeah it applies to strippers also.
  • Subraman
    9 years ago
    When I was in my teens and 20s, I wouldn't even like demeaning myself with an 8 unless I was drunk :) As I've gotten older, I've found that progressively and naturally, both my views of what I consider beautiful have expanded (i.e., some "flaws" like wider hips aren't flaws to me anymore), and I'm attracted to 8s and 7s if their personality is right. I remember thinking, when I was younger, "I wonder if I'll ever think younger me was crazy for passing up those girls". Well, the answer is FUCKING YES, I wish I'd fucked all those chicks!
  • motorhead
    9 years ago
    I make no apologies for my extremely high standards. Strippers are dancing at a rate of $400 an hour. I'm not cheap so I won't dance with those ten dollars a dance bottom feeders or try to negotiate a sex act for under $100

    But if I'm paying those rates i expect an 8+
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    If you're young and just looking to get your dick wet, go ahead and be picky about looks. You may want to settle for a few 7s if that's all that's available. Especially if that 7 is accommodating in bed.

    When it comes time to settle. Down a bit you can care more about personality
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    I have two sets of standards. For a professional sex worker of any capacity, it has to be my way or the highway since it's my money. So she needs looks, attitude and skills. Civi girls are completely different. I want to be attracted to their personalities. I want to enjoy their company even if there's no sex. Plus she needs to have a career or at least her own money. She needs to have traveled the world. She needs to at least have interest in my music. It's no wonder I have long periods of time between serious girlfriends!

    So if she's a little fat with floppy breasts, or very small breasted, I really don't care if she has the above attributes. I suppose my life's ambition is to find a girl with both looks and personality. Still looking...
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    I am not young, but I have never thought the way you do Ranukam, or Rockstar666 either. The issue is simply whether or not I like the girl. Some I like at first sight. These I call MHP ( Must Have Pussy ). But with others it takes more time.

    But anyway, never is it just looks and never is it about what being with her would do to my own social standing.

    It is the entire persona and about whether I think she and I will be able to get along.

  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SLG: How is what you said not like what I said? I said for sex workers I need physical attraction and a good attitude; for civis it's more nebulous; I put the compatibility above looks.

    Unless you only fuck sex workers you might actually date...we said the same thing.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    ^^^^^^ Negative!

    You could put it that I only fuck sex workers that I might actually date. But you could also say that I only date those that I feel a very strong visceral attraction to.

    But you and I are not saying the same thing at all, precisely because I do not have two separate standards. I do not divide women into two categories.

    I learned about that sort of thing when I was in elementary school, that the main sort of prejudice against women is in this sort of division. I've never gone along with it.

  • mikeya02
    9 years ago
    ^^^^You learned about women in elementary school? Where was this, an AMP or bikini bar? :)
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    No it was not an AMP or a Mexican Bar with its Bikini Show. Unfortunately I had to learn about these things later.

    But they did bring in former drug addicts to talk to us. And this is where we first heard about prostitution and I had to have it explained to me by an adult. What my classmates said was way off.

    But I learned in that era that it is an anti-women double standard which imposes all sorts of moral judgments on women and enforces the Whore - Madonna divide.

    In just practical terms, I'm not going to have sex with a girl that I don't like, I mean like in a very whole and complete way.

    So she may be a civvie. But she might be one I find wearing a cute outfit and standing on the sidewalk in TJ.


    Or maybe I find her in an AMP.

    Or maybe she will be one of the ones in these post Deja Vu San Franciso dives that Subraman reluctantly let us know about.

    No matter, because I'm not going to be wanting to engage in sex acts or to be spending money on her, unless I like her. So besides just looking at her I will be trying to talk to her and trying to get some sense of her temperament, and right way.

    Of course the pros are accustomed to instant action, and only very rarely will the civvies move this fast, but otherwise there is no difference.

    Bob Marley

  • pensionking
    9 years ago
    If I am being totally truthful, i have been willing to receive HJ or BJ from a 5, but will not give oral nor have FS with any less than a seven or eight. Not even from behind. For me, head is head. I guess that makes me a PL.
  • shadowcat
    9 years ago
    I have lower standards than the rest of you bull shitters. :) I have to because my dick will just not cooperate with wearing a condom. So I'm lucky if I can find a 7 that will go bare back.
  • rockstar666
    9 years ago
    SC, I always go bareback. Well, usually.
  • rh48hr
    9 years ago
    My standards are not so high. If she's someone I find attractive and then has a cool personality I'll run with it. I have never turned a 6 or 7 away because they weren't an 8.
  • GoVikings
    9 years ago
    i'm similar to what georgmicrodong.....standards aren't too high........as long as the girl is decently attractive, i'm cool with that

    besides, if you're ONLY going for 8's and up then you're either paying for it or your some super stud chick magnet. picking up a bunch of women who are 8's and above ain't exactly some easy task

  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    Vikings- what works for me is that I'm a young, decent looking guy, that makes good money, and has a little bit of game.
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    I just can't fuck a girl because she's a girl. There has to be some physical attraction there for me. For me it is never just getting it off or blowing a load. He'll I can do that myself. I don't need to pay anyone for that. No to me sex is 75% a spiritual connection and 25% a physical connection. I can't just fuck anybody at the drop of a hat. I need to have some type of chemistry going first. That could be a hot body and a sexy attitude making a fuss over me. That may be all it takes but it has to be something.
  • ilbbaicnl
    9 years ago
    The only "fixable" problem is if you don't get with certain chicks because you're afraid other people might rate lower on the mac-o-meter. Just like what you like, some people may stop hanging with you or being impressed with you, but you'll probably get tighter with other people and end up enjoying your social life more.

    If you can't find a chick you like sexually and as person, you're just doomed to be single. Don't get committed to a chick you only like in one of those ways, and think the other like will "develop". Very very bad bet.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    I call bullshit.

    Some cute 6 or 7 makes it clear she wants to come over and fuck, you're not gonna turn it away cause she's not hot enough.

    Or your 8 is more of a 5.
  • Diva1975
    9 years ago
    Lol Mikey. Ranukam, find a girl you're compatible with on a cerebral level, is not physically repulsive/obese, and fuck her by candlelight. Assuming it's free of course
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Lol ^^^
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Rancoon you are so full of yourself its not even that funny no mo
  • ATACdawg
    9 years ago
    "I have very high standards for the stroppers ..."

    JS, are you telling us that you pay strippers to sharpen your tool? ;-D
  • jackslash
    9 years ago
    My standards? Can she fog a mirror?
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    I sir have no standards
  • Dougster
    9 years ago
    Yeah, I'm a little lost why this would something to complain about?
  • Clackport
    9 years ago
    @Doug- It's because most girls out there aren't in the 8-10 range. There have been quite a few 6's and 7's that were down to fuck, but I declined. Like Subraman I might regret turning down when I'm older.

    Not to say I've never fucked a 6 or 7. I've fucked a couple 6's and a few 7's in my day.

    @Jester- you and me's ideas of hotness is different. I'm too lazy to go find the topic, but a year or so ago you posted a thread with a girl you thought was a 10. I thought she was a 7, and most people agreed with me.
  • alldaylong
    9 years ago
    7+ no questions needed. 5 to 7 would need to show something more
  • just_the_nuts
    9 years ago
    Rancoon giveing loser faggot answers
  • ime
    9 years ago
    leave rancoon alone he can be whoever he wants on the interweb
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    This 1 to 10 scale, I understand it, but I only use it when I'm trying to communicate something and there is no other way. I don't really go along with it.

    I can remember situations like siting in a college dormitory's cafeteria with a group of guys checking out the girls and getting all doe eyed over some of them.

    As I saw it, they were mostly looking for social hierarchy. It was not just what the girls looked like, it was how they were perceived as ranking in a one dimensional social hierarchy. They were actually looking more favorably at girls who wore expensive but not sexy designer label clothing, and who generally showed characteristics associated with expensive residential communities.

    So this 1 to 10 scale is not just looks and it is certainly not about how horny the girl makes you feel. It is more about social hierarchy.

    So while these guys were going on and on, I'd be quietly looking at some other girl who I really did feel intensely attracted to. She may not be a 9 or a 10, but usually she would be attractive. Usually she would be dressed in some sort of a provocative or at least unusual way. There would also be things about her which indicated some degree of resistance to conformity.

    Same goes with pros, Strip Clubs, AMPs, and when I've been in places where they have conspicuous street hookers.

    What would ensue between the girl and I would be between the two of us, not about social status and hierarchy.

    Now I will suppose that in a P4P venue, most girls would be green light once I showed them the money, but I would still not really want to engage with any girl or to be giving her money, unless she was also one I would want to go for in a civilian situation.

    And then if I was going to partake with her P4P, I would consider it improper for me to ever look down on her or treat her in a way which shows less respect than I would show to a civvie.


    TJ Zona

    Super Heavy
  • DoctorPhil
    9 years ago
    @san_jose_guy “… I'd be quietly looking at some other girl who I really did feel intensely attracted to. She may not be a 9 or a 10, but usually she would be attractive. Usually she would be dressed in some sort of a provocative or at least unusual way. There would also be things about her which indicated some degree of resistance to conformity”

    what kind of demented pervert gets the hots for the lunch lady? you are one sick bastard
  • JamesSD
    9 years ago
    I think most guys figure out the level they cam pull at. For me, when I was dating, I could reliably get dates with 6s and at least get a BJ by a second (cheap) date. I fucked my share of 7s, but usually had to invest time and sometimes money in it. I had a few 8s, all of whom I consider to have gotten lucky in one way or another, along with one 9.

    On the other hand I knew I could log on to the internet or go a party and almost always find a 5 who would fuck me free, NSA.

    Every guy makes a quality vs quantity decision. He may not always be consistent. Beer goggles are a classic example. Personality can tip the scales a little too.

    Things get a little complicated when a guy weighs the difference between a free civvy 6 vs a P4P 9.
  • jester214
    9 years ago
    ranukam, your memory is poor but that's okay.

    I'm sure you would pass on https://www.google.com/search?q=alexandr… because she's not hot enough.

    All the women you fuck are probably hot enough for Hollywood.

    I still call bullshit.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago
    "I think most guys figure out the level they cam pull at."

    This is what I'm trying to respond to. This 1 to 10 scale, mostly what it is based on is how a guy feels the girl would enhance his social status. The actual rating given to her is based on the perception of how many other guys would be chasing after her. So the guys at the lunch table getting all silly are trying to show that they are just like other guys.

    I've never gone along with this. Which girl I like is personal. I don't advertise it. No one hears about it unless I actually go after the girl. My interest in her is not to prove anything to other guys.

    It has a great deal to do with her personal characteristics.

    As I think back about girls I have gotten along with, versus those which I have not gotten along with, much has to do with how attached to social conformity the girl is.

    No different in P4P environments either.


    Magna Carta, 800 year anniversary
  • jestrite50
    9 years ago
    In quality control you have a standard board that has finished products on it to compare to so you can see if the current production meets the standard.
    With women there is no standard. One man's 6 may be another man's 10. I guess it just gets down to preference. Some like big Ole plastic titties some like smaller natural titties. One man's passion is another man's poison. . The 10 scale only exists in the realm of one man's opinion.
  • san_jose_guy
    9 years ago

    I also find that there are social types and personas. So it can never be looked at via a one dimensional scale.


    Yes Men Are Revolting
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