
Comments by dallas702 (page 22)

  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Un-retired: Met my ATF. Married her. Divorcing her.
    OT: State of the Union
    Obama lied, repeatedly, and Democrats cheered. Every major point Obama addressed was framed with distortion and dishonesty. To claim "recovery" with fewer Americans working than when he took the Oath of Office is just plain absurd. His claim that "most Americans" favor immigration reform is based on dishonest exaggeration of questionable polllng. Thruthfully, most Americans want the border secure and immigration laws honestly enforced. Obama even claimed his foriegn policy is intentionally successful, when anyone with a functioning brain can see that he and Fast Boat Kerry are clueless and fumbling between diplomatic disasters. If he knocked it out of the park, it was another foul ball.
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    10 years ago
    deep thoughts
    And have you noticed that dnacers seldom actually put their titties on the bar in a tittie bar?
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    10 years ago
    First timer and by myself
    @beemer, Assuming you are in Glasgow, Scotland (TUSCL is worldwide) you will likely be paying 10 Euro just to walk in. Drinks likewise can be steep, but most of the clubs will not skimp on your pour. One choice is to try Seventh Heaven, between the Baths (Bath St. and Bath Lane) at Elmbank. They should open Sunday about 8pm, but don't count on girls until about 10pm. In general the few (four, I think) Glasgow clubs offer both "table" or "couch" dances in a public or semi private area - usually for 10 to 20 euro per song, and private dances at 50 to 150 euro for time slots of 15 to 30 minutes (sometimes the dancer will ask for additional compensation). In general, Glasgow is supposed to be "no contact," but what really happens is you don't get to "handle" the girl, but she will usually make lots of contact with you. (In private, the rules may be relaxed a little by the girl, but don't count on it.) Watch your money and spend slow. Tip the bartender, tip your waitress and tip the dancer on stage (1 to 5 euro, no more). Ask the bartender or waitress about dance prices and what is allowed. Do not depend on answers from dancers. Expect dancers to "want" to sit with you, but not for long unless you are buying dances from them. Most of the other punters will also be there by themselves, so going alone will not be a problem. Be observant, keep your money secure, but do not be overly concerned about safety. And - MOST IMPORTANT - have fun.
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    OK, how about these "weird" date ideas: Hit a flea market, buy cheap useless stuff, get all sweaty in public. Go to a museum (Plenty of A/C, corners with soft lighting, laughable displays, occasional things of real interest) Only try a strip club if she is also interested in women. Buy her dances. Go to a 60's or 70's style dance club. Make fools of yourselves trying yo do the "shuffle," or "frog," or "twist." Laugh a lot and again get sweaty in public! Picnic! A quiet place on a beach, or in the woods or even just a neighborhood park. She might think of something to do with her "flexibility" while you two are stretched out on a blanket with a little wine and cheese. I have tried all of these with surprisingly good (if varied) results. If she has been stripping for long, she probably hasn't done a lot of "mundane" dating in a long time and may really like some of these.
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    10 years ago
    Fuck Joe Biden
    OT: NFL RB Ray Rice suspension
    Pro leagues are hiring too many young thugs and paying way too much money to these young, egotistical and violent kids. It is not surprising that drugs, physical abuse, gangs and criminal behaviors are now part of the pro sports story. Not every kid with talent is a violent gangbanger with a history of robbery, rape and assault. But if a pro team wants that particular talent, they ignore the thuggery and draft the jerk. The result is becoming an epidemic of sensational stories of drugs, assaults, rapes, robberies, drunkenness even murders. I am not defending League leadership. Clearly they are not prepared to deal with the consequences. But, short of banning every player with a felony arrest, what can they do? Consistency is going to be really tough. Domestic violence is really bad news. But what response is appropriate. And what response is foolish? Do you penalize a coach for saying that drafting an admitted homosexual will cause a media distraction (even if the coach spoke only truth)? Do you suspend a player for legally betting in Vegas on games in a different league? How much do punish a football player for getting into a mud pit and throwing bikini clad women around? If an upset wife decides to get even with her cheating WR husband by calling 911 and claiming abuse - do you suspend the guy? How much proof is needed before the league takes action? Ray Rice got off too easy, but the woman DID marry him just a month after the elevator assault. Do you know whether their relationship included rough dominance play? Was she drunk, or drugged out? What was he taking at the time? This ain't an easy call. I agree that the NFL is fucking up. But I think the real problem is who the clubs sign, not what they do with the thugs after they screw up!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Date ideas
    Ask her what she wants to do.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Your club extras.
    Just a few years ago my (then) favorite club had limited privacy in the LD areas and the dancers tried very hard to avoid being "caught." There was never any groping in public areas. Extras were usually limited to HJ with occasional lip service (a quick suck), and FIV. Then, most of the more "entertaining" ladies offered their best services OTC only. During a recent visit to that same club, the young woman on her knees between my legs said, "Oh, they don't care", when I attempted to interrupt her BBBJ while another dancer and PL walked by. Times, they are a'changing! In my current favorite club the lap dance spaces are relatively private and just about everything is on the menu (depending on the dancer). I have been offered HJ, BBBJ, FS, anal, even two dancers with FS. Along with the expanded LD experience, the women are also willing to explore more at the bar or sitting at a table. I had one dancer sit on my leg at a table and explore below my belt without saying anything until she pulled out her hand and said, "I just wanted to know what K--- was bouncing on!" I also get OTC offers from some in that club who claim they want more room to work or a more relaxed playtime. Other dancers there have told me they only do ITC because they feel safer in the club.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Gallstones ?
    Michigan, What the GI doctor said, and showed me the scans taken in the hospital, was GALL stones, as in calcified lumps of hardened material a little smaller than an English pea all lined up inside my gall bladder. They can block the flow of bile (gall) into the GI tract, but mostly the are benign - unless - the are excreted from the gall bladder and picked up into the liver where they do descend into the kidney and eventually bladder. Of course, my doctor may be wrong - he's only been doing GI stuff for 25 years and he doesn't know everything!
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    10 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    OT: Gallstones ?
    Papi, my GI doc found a whole bunch of gall stones in me. He said that passing one explained my days of extreme back pain, as well as the two days of difficulty peeing and the painful, bloody rush as one of the stones made its way through my kidney, bladder and urethra. (NOT fun.) My doc said the same thing as sailmd about large stones, but that my collection were smaller and needed watching. Still insisted NO surgery! I was told surgery was not advisable unless the stones endangered some critical function. I told my doc that apparently he doesn't think peeing is a critical function - and he said that any blockage of the urethra by a trapped stone is temporary and will pass within days every time. In the two years since the diagnosis I have reduced intake of a few foods the doc said were "problematic" and cut back a little on booze. I also take a script of something that is supposed to reduce the number of stones I pass as well as the size of the stones. It has worked. I passed one stone a few months ago and it was not nearly as painful as the first one! That was the only stone to drop out of my gall bladder in two years. If you have a single large stone residing in your gall bladder I would suggest that you do not think of it as a cannonball waiting to rip your insides apart as it passes, nor should you consider it as some evil Sword of Damocles poised to shred your penis from the inside out. No really, chill dude. If it is big enough to do damage - it ain't going anywhere. If it is small enough to pass - it will pass - and that will be the end of that problem!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The New World Order - Strip Club version
    FarmerArt, I did not know that the Puritans moved from Plymouth to Alberta! Honestly, your bemoaning the dirth of extras from Alberta strippers, is belied by the success you enjoy connecting with personable young damsels in various clubs in your area!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    The New World Order - Strip Club version
    Papi, I think you nailed the progression of stripper "availability" with your reasoned and rational analysis. I also agree that "maturity" has more to do with what is available than regional location. I do not doubt the posters who assert their locale is devoid of extras. But I also believe the women are now there - in the strip clubs - for those discerning and mature gentlemen who are willing to invest the time and resources. When I was young and in shape, I did not have trouble meeting willing young women in civilian bars, clubs and elsewhere. But, strippers were less available. I didn't understand that weird reversal. But eventually I recognized that it is both a financial preconception and a personal choice made by strippers. As I added decades (and a few pounds) I discovered strippers were more available, just as civi chicks became less impressed with my approach. A very real part of the difference has been the stripper's perception that the young guy is NOT going to spend (as much) money on her as the older guy. I believe that it is also true that the stripper's experience has often taught her that she is "safer" with an older guy. So, I have known for years that as an older PL my batting average was going to go up. I am still amazed at the readily available, almost joyfully offered extras now available in clubs!!!!! ;)
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    10 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    An alternative to burn phones
    Phone? What's a phone? Why would you want to burn one of these phone things? And how did the other phone things get smart?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Keep it in my pants when I do OTC. If I were a stripper it would stand for I like big bucks and I can not lie.
    OT: United States of Squattin
    The tired, poor, huddled masses that came to the US before WWI were seeking opportunity and a fair chance at a better future. The depression and WWII slowed immigration for two decades and after the 2nd "Great" war immigrants were mostly refugees from the war torn nations - again looking for opportunity and a chance. With the LBJ "Great Society" that changed. For the first time in this nation, people who had nothing, did not have to work. For the first time in this country people got paid to NOT do anything. And for the last 50 years the number of people who took the "free ride" have grown, and grown. Unsurprisingly, people from Mexico, the Carib islands, Central America and even South America learned about the giveaways and free stuff available in America. It didn't surprise me to learn that second and third generation Welfare takers now represent over 50% of all welfare recipients. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that the next largest group self identifies as Hispanic and born outside the US. If this county gives free food, housing, clothes, cell phones and money to people who won't work AND refuses to secure our borders to prevent aliens from coming here to get all that free stuff . . we cannot be surprised when uneducated, undisciplined people from poor countries sneak in. It should also not surprise us that drug lords, sex trafficers, and every other type of evil criminal also comes through that unguarded fence to prey on us as well as those newly arrived illegal aliens. If we actually stopped the free rides, secured the border, deported aliens and arrested the drug criminals this country would be different. I am not sure many people in D.C. would like that difference. I am certain the creditors of many in D.C. would not like the difference.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    gsb, I ain't wearing no gawldarn stinking fanny pack. It's a holster, darnit! It's just disguised to look like a fanny pack. Dang son, don't you know nuttin? An yes, them are black cotton socks I'm wearing with my sandals, but only 'cause I'm trying to blend in with the youngsters. Seriously, I have seen "activity" or "jogging holsters" that do look suspiciously like the '80's fanny pack resurrected. I'm not sure they are any less nerdy than the "Sneaky Pete" holsters that look like belt holders for a tablet or large smartphone. But OTOH, if concealed is the intent, how many nerds will be suspected of carrying?
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    I guess I count "package plus highlights" as the top of my list. If she has a great face but knock knees and no ass, I'm not interested. Perfect abs and great tits but butter faced - way not interested. Perfect figure but pimples and gang tats - I'm outta' there. If she has OK to good features, no gross appearance failures, and a few really good points - I am probably in lust! "B" cup is OK if the rest of her bod is smooth and well shaped and she has a cute face. An average face and a few tats won't bother me if she can push all natural, beautiful, double D's in my face. If the whole package is OK or better and she has personality and a menu - I'm willing to spend some time and money with her!
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    rockstar666, you hit a nerve with your "bought at a gun show" comment. I an so tired of that blatant lie! Every retail sale of a firearm in the United States MUST be between a licensed gun dealer and an individual US citizen who is buying for himself and has passed a background check. EVERY retail sale INCLUDES sales at gun shows! The story that someone can easily or legally buy guns from vendors at gun shows without a background check is a LIE. The gun shows will not rent space to vendors who can't show a current FFL (Federal Firearms License). FFL holders spent a lot of time and money getting the FFL and usually they don't want to go to jail, so they obey the law. All gun sales, by every vendor at every gun show in the US are completed only after the buyer presents valid - current state issues picture ID, fills out the required federal form and passes the required background check. Some individuals (not vendors or in any way connected to the gun shows) do offer weapons for private sale outside gun shows, but I doubt your supposed Chicago shooter will want to pay $8,500 for a Colt .45 built in 1887 or $9,500 for a Springfield Armory 0.66 caliber flintlock or even the paltry $950 a seller may ask for a Springfield model 1903 bolt action WWI military rifle. Private sales, of any personal property, is legal when between any two individuals who are not otherwise prohibited from buying or selling the specific property, The Chicago gang-bangers are buying and selling stolen guns - not buying at gun shows. Some of the guns recovered from criminals in Chicago include; weapons that Holder's DOJ sent across the Mexican border in Fast and Furious, weapons stolen from an Illinois police lockup, and handguns stolen from an Iowa National Guard Armory. Sorry for the long rant, but DAMN, enough is enough with the Bloomberg lies!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    Shadowcat, Clubber nailed it! You don't know! You might be less nervous if you take the circumstances into account. Is the armed individual shopping, relaxed, reasonably dressed - or is the gun carrier wearing a hoodie, tense, constantly looking around. Situational awareness is always important and whenever you notice something isn't just right, close observation of the situation is important. If the guy in the grocery store is carrying that gun in his hand - I suggest that it is time for you to find an exit far from the gun. If you saw the gun in a belt holster, only because the wearer of that holstered gun bent over to get something off the bottom shelf, then odds are you are looking at a licensed concealed carry or an off duty cop.
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    10 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What will the neighbors think?
    Shadowcat, have any of these neighbors ever seen any of your T-shirts?
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    Shadowcat, the business owner doesn't know. The crazy that wants to shoot up the place doesn't care whether the owner allows weapons carry or not - the crazy will come in with a gun, regardless what a sign or law says. But an owner who allows concealed carry may also have a legitimate, gun toting citizen, in his place who could stop the crazy. Plus, recent crime stats indicate most crazies tend to avoid places where armed citizens or police may be able to stop them. Note that ALL the multiple shootings on national news in the past decade happened in "gun free" zones like schools and colleges. Note also that "gun free" cities like Chicago see the most gun murders.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    I have a simple response to retail businesses that do not allow weapons carry - I don't go there. Any retail business (in states that allow carry) has the absolute right to allow or disallow weapons. I respect their rights. I also believe that everyone is safer shopping in a business that allows weapons carry, so I will no disarm myself to go someplace less safe!
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Christy Mack: Before and After
    In the 90's I lived for a while near the western shore of Lake Michigan and was a "semi" regular at a topless club in WI. I met a young beauty with unblemished, dusky skin that clearly showed her Italian heritage - no piercings, no tats. Over the next few years, every time I visited she showed me some new evidence of her campaign to deface her beautiful body. By the time I quit going to that club (I moved) she had "enlarged her perfect "C" cups to hard, tight "DD"; pierced her lips, eyebrows, chin, nipples, bellybutton and clit; had an entire "sleeve" of tats on her right arm, plus a star around her naval, a growing tat on her back, both legs tatted and even butterfly tats on her earlobes. When I lived in the area, I still talked to her every visit, but I quit buying dances from her when she got the bolt-ons. I told her that it broke my heart to she her ruin her natural beauty.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    Clubber, in many states with concealed carry laws it is illegal to carry in bars or nightclubs (open or concealed) - Mississippi was one of them when I was "temporarily detained." I don't know if that has changed. In Georgia the law just changed and the bar owner can decide whether weapons carry is allowed (it was prohibited). I know about your problem with the FL statute. I asked a FL State trooper (who was hanging around a highway rest stop) about that a few years ago. His opinion was the Legislature doesn't want to address the vague language because it could become an "election issue" regardless which was a state Rep or Senator votes. He also said that, generally, no one attempts to "enforce" the statute - even in bars - unless there is another reason for an arrest - then they just add the illegal carry charge. I now carry a Ruger SR45 holstered in the small of my back. Even though it is a larger weapon it is not really noticeable and only family and a few friends know I carry. The position and the holster make it so comfortable that I don't think about it any more than I "think about" the shoes I am wearing. That's good - and bad. Like you, most of my "Uh Oh" situations have occurred because I wear a weapon as often as I wear socks.
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    TiredTraveller, I do not disagree with your point about many cops, note that in my prior post I said, "some supervisors." But I can also cite several instances where local peace officers were polite, well informed and helpful. They are just people with a terrible job! Too many cops are hyper aggressive, but there are a lot of good guys wearing a badge! I carry (wherever I can) because I recognize that crime happens away from cops and criminals generally do their dastardly deeds long before police can arrive! The fact that I (and more than 3,000,000 other civilians) carry does not please some, like power hungry cops, liberals and criminals.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    *** -concealed weapons are not legal in Mississippi - * BARS. *
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    10 years ago
    OT: Those that carry...
    Over the years, I have made a few errors in personal position while absentmindedly fulfilling my rights and responsibilities under the 2nd Amendment. I discovered that it is unwise to open carry into a US post office in Oklahoma. The local cops thought the Feds reaction was funny, the FBI - - didn't! No charges ever filed, but I wasted an entire day just by forgetting to put the S&W .357 in my car's gun safe before going in to mail a package. That was a day of "not" hunting when friends collected two beautiful mule deer. In liberal led cities like Tampa, even legal concealed carry is sometimes too much for local cops to tolerate. A patrol officer on dinner break saw the grip of my .45 auto sticking out of the back of my pants when I lifted my shirttail to get my wallet out while standing in line at a burger joint. It is both scary and irritating to have a self important cop, who believes he is the only one around who should be armed, point a gun at you and shout contradictory demands. Turns out, some patrol supervisors do know a little about the law. The manager of the burger joint made me another burger, since the first one was long cold before Quickdraw McCop was ordered to holster and retreat. I once spent two hours in a Mississippi police station because I ran into a bar to get out of a thunderstorm and a cop (who was doing the same thing) saw my weapon thru the wet shirt. The cop was not rude, he even waited until it quit raining to escort me a block down the street to the police station. But he was adamant about "rules" and concealed weapons are not legal in Mississippi. His boss was more relaxed. Interestingly, no one "disarmed" me - even while accusing me of illegal carry, the cop never asked for my weapon! On the other hand, when reporting for jury duty, using your concealed carry permit/weapons carry license as your "government issued picture ID" really can save you several wasted days. Apparently, criminal attorneys seem to think armed citizens might not be open to "society's at fault" defenses.